//------------------------------// // Chicken Fight! // Story: My Life as a Sonic OC Season 5 // by Kitsulestia //------------------------------// *During the timeframe that Danyelle was off dealing with a map mission* *Corina's POV* I taunt "What's the matter Zoey? Too chicken to tussle?" Zoey growls "Nobody calls me a chicken and gets away with it!" Sumarda asks "Wait, you and Jet wanna come back into the Challenge, Corina?" I spoke "Yeah!" Jet spoke "I’m in!" Sumarda spoke "Sweet! Welcome back!" Ben spoke "Too bad I can't compete since Danyelle's off dealing with a problem." Tempest asks "Uh, you do know that Twilight, Lillian, Flash Sentry and I dropped out too since Danyelle and you did, right?" Twilight spoke "I didn't drop out!" Sumarda asks "Uh, you wanted to do the Challenge against Lillian and Danyelle, right, Twilight?" I spoke "Remember the first challenge? Twilight, Lillian and Danyelle took part in that." Twilight spoke "She's right though." Sumarda asks "True, but Danyelle withdrawn, remember?" Twilight spoke "Those with a cutie mark can't ignore a friendship mission." Sumarda asks "Yes. But still, don’t you and Lillian wanna finish this with Danyelle?" Lillian spoke "It could take time for Danyelle to make it back. Without her and her netnavis, we don't stand a chance if Eggman attacks." Summer spoke "But me and Degator, Sumarda and Cronile’s counterparts are here, so we could help." I spoke "Not at the cyber level though..." Ben spoke "Corina's right though, last thing we need is Dr Wily getting in our way..." Ears pin back, Zoey spoke "It'd be bad if both Eggman AND Wily had teamed up...." Summer and Degator spoke "Don’t remind us!" A voice was heard from Lillian's phone. "I agree with you there, Wily's so annoying." Lillian exclaims "Wait, that sounded like… Protoman?" Protoman chuckles "Blue boy asked me for help in case he, Roll and their handler were out of town." Zoey spoke "Lucky hawk.... I don't have a NetNavi..." A voice asks "What was that, soldier?" Zoey stammers "Wait, was that Searchman?" I spoke "Now I want one!" A crow Netnavi spoke "Be careful what you wish for." “Tenguman?!” I gasped in surprise. Lillian's eyes narrow suddenly. Lillian spoke "uh Finn, I think Danyelle completely destroyed Mt Ebott..." Bella spoke "I saw it too!" Sumarda asks "No. It’s just the barrier that was on the mountain being destroyed, but should we get on with the chicken fight?" Protoman spoke "Incoming message from Roll. The entire mountain was completely destroyed by a large magic blast." Various Mobians and Equians spoke "Yeah!" Sumarda asks "Seriously, shouldn’t we get this chicken fight going?" I spoke "I agree!" Summer spoke "Alright!" Degator spoke "Here comes the countdown!" Summer spoke "3…" Degator spoke "2…" Summer and Degator spoke "1…" Pibby spoke "BEGIN!!!" I was on Jet's shoulders as I grapple with Rarity. “Ready to see which one of us goes down first, tin cloth?” I taunted, unknowingly pushed a big red button. Rarity snaps "WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY FASHION?!" Summer spoke "Uh oh! Corina just unleashed the Crazy/Shining Diamond from within Rarity!" Degator spoke "Just like when anyone insults Josuke’s hair!" The other competitors back off in fear. But then I realized something, Rarity was putting more force into our grapple, pushing me back. But then I thought of an idea. “Jet! When I let go, get ready to dodge!” Jet spoke "Alright!" Blizzardstar tapped Rarity's flank twice. Blizzardstar spoke "Rarity, calm down. You'll cause a tsunami if your emotions go wild." Rarity spoke "You’re going down, Corina!" Just as I thought, Rarity went into a blind rage. Twilight snaps "RARITY BELLE! CALM THE FLOP DOWN RIGHT NOW!!! YOUR EMOTIONS ARE CAUSING THE WATER TO GO OUT OF CONTROL!!! AND YOU'RE SCARING SNOWFIRE!!!" Rarity seemed to have snapped out of it as I let go, causing her and Blizzardstar started falling overboard, but me and Jet dodged them as she splashed into the water. Twilight sighs in relief. Blizzardstar spoke "That was scary...." Rarity spoke "I-I’m terribly sorry. It’s just that… a fashionista saved my life when I was sick as a filly and my parents tried to take me to the hospital, but they were having trouble. Insulting my fashion is insulting my hero, and I won’t forgive anyone for that." I spoke "I’m really sorry, Rarity. I was only teasing you, and I didn’t know that your fashion was that personal." Jet pinched me hard on the leg. I spoke "Yeah, I deserved that." Summer spoke "Well, I’m glad you two made up." Degator spoke "But since they fell into the water, Rarity and Blizzardstar are out!" Blizzardstar retorts "I didn't fall!" Summer and Degator spoke "Um… Look again." Blizzardstar looked down and realized that the shaking left hir on hir last foot, before she slipped, making hir and Rarity fall into the water. Blizzardstar mutters. Rarity asks "Are you alright, Blizzardstar?" Blizzardstar spoke "Just peachy Rares..." Rarity spoke "I’m terribly sorry, dear. We tried our best. But I shouldn’t have lost my temper like that." Blizzardstar spoke "Twilight snapped you back to your senses though." A yowl was heard since Danyelle was returning but she wasn't alone. Summer spoke "It’s been a few minutes and there are only two teams left! Corina and Jet against Sumarda and Cronile!" Degator spoke "And it looks like Danyelle is returning soon!" Danyelle sets a large boat down but to the surprise of the others, various monsters were on it. Danyelle sat down thus causing three goats and a brown Yoshi to slide off before reverting back to normal. I spoke "Woah, that's different..." Sumarda spoke "Eyes on your opponent, Corina. And it looks like that me and Cronile will have to go harder at you two." "Come on! Give us your best shot!" Jet and I challenged. Cronile spoke "If you say so." Sumarda and Cronile started getting bigger and fatter until they each weighed a thousand pounds. I spoke "NOT THAT THOUGH!" Vetur warns "Sumarda, what did I say about using your unbound form against someone who doesn't have one?" Sumarda spoke "Cronile and I hate winning like that, so we'll play fair." Sumarda and Cronile returned to normal as I sighed in relief. I spoke "Now Jet!" Jet spoke "Got it!" Jet and I charged into Cronile and Sumarda as I grappled with the female draconequus. But for some reason she was scared. Sumarda exclaims "What're you doing?!" I spoke "Like I'd tell you! Trip him up!" Danyelle cheers "Go Corina!" Wave and Storm cheer Jet on. Summer spoke "Oh no! Tell me she did not just do that!" Degator spoke "I’m afraid she did!" Cronile spoke "You idiots!" Sumarda spoke "Let go right now!" I grin before using cross fusion with Tenguman to have more strength. I spoke "It's over!" Sumarda spoke "No! You don’t understand! You didn’t give me ten seconds! Now my magic will be out of control!" I don’t know what Sumarda was talking about, but I started feeling strange. Jet spoke "Corina… I’m starting to feel weird." “Yeah, same here.” I agreed. Vetur snaps her fingers fast, stopping the four from gaining weight. “What just happened?” Jet and I asked in confusion. Sumarda sighs "Phew! I really gotta thank mom for that. We’re still on equal ground, but…" “But what?” I asked. Sumarda spoke "All four of us are a thousand pounds each until the second challenge is over." I groan "This is putting too much strain on Tenguman.... I can't hold the cross fusion together like this!" Tenguman spoke "No… I can hold it together… Change is like the wind… So I must become… More adaptable!" I spoke "Right! We have to work as one if we're to hold this form!" Sumarda spoke "Well, it looks like we’ll all have to give this battle everything we’ve got!" Tenguman and I spoke in unison "Right!" Cronile spoke "Now this is getting fun!" Jet spoke "Let’s finish this!" Tenguman and I spoke in unison "Of course!" Me with Tenguman and Jet, Sumarda with Cronile charged at each other, with Sumarda and I grappling, while all four of our bodies and fat ripple and jiggled as waves started forming, with the rest of the contestants having left the lake. Danyelle spoke "YOU GOT THIS CORINA!!! SHOW HER WHAT A BALLERINA CAN REALLY DO!!!" Sumarda and I roared/screeched as we kept pushing against each other, causing more waves on the water and more wobbles on our bodies. Jet kept trying to knock Chronile down. And Cronile was doing the same. Summer spoke "Wow! The ladies are really pushing each other to the limits!: Degator spoke "And the men are trying to knock each other down! It could be anyone’s game!" But then I felt something surge. Tenguman spoke "It’s time!" “Ready, Jet?” I asked. Jet spoke "You bet!" Danyelle and the others were confused. But when Sumarda pushed, I pulled, catching her and Cronile off guard, as Jet started to spin, helping me lift the Draconequi couple as we started spinning faster and faster. “Tornado Hold!” Me and Tenguman shouted as we were spinning so fast, we started flying into the air. A loud buzzer went off, scaring the canines and felines badly. Vetur spoke "I don't think so! Both teams are now disqualified!" Arcana spoke "Now hold on, Vetur, let them finish and see who the winner will be." Vetur spoke "But mom, both teams left the water at the same time though!" Arcana asks "But they’re only out if they fall into the water and don’t stick a landing, *Menacingly* right?" Discord spoke "*shudder* Grandma, you can be scary at times... More so than a pissed off Twirama..." Arcana giggles "Heehee. Thank you, Discord. And look, the finale is arriving." Still holding onto Jet, I bodyslam Sumarda into the water. Roll was in anthro cat form since she wanted to see who won. After we jumped off Sumarda, and Jet and I landed, with me still on his shoulders, Cronile fell on top of her, mashing his lips against hers as their collision set off huge splash behind us, and we didn’t even bother looking back. Danyelle spoke "And the winner of the chicken fight is Jet and Corina!" I spoke "Alright! Jet spoke "Yeah! We did i-" I cut Jet off as I grabbed her face and kissed him right on the lips, surprising my boyfriend, but he returned the kiss and he closed his eyes. But then we started moaning in love, pleasure, lust and bliss as we started hugging each other while our tongues were wrestling for dominance. Several kids had hidden their faces in embarrassment. Nyx spoke "Eww!!!" Asriel asks "Um… Are you Nyx?" Nyx spoke "Yep, I'm Nyx Hikari. One of the Crusaders." Asriel: Crusaders? Nyx spoke "Not counting myself, Twist, Iris, Lance, Rusty, Guinevere, Silverstorm and the three macaw children, the lot of us try to figure out what our talents are. My talent is protecting others, Twist's talent is candy making." Iris spoke "But we also hang out at times too as friends." Asriel asks "Maybe I could join in?" Applebloom spoke "Sure! It's been a while since we got a new member." Scootaloo spoke "And a goat monster? That’s awesome!" Danyelle spoke "Not just any goat monster, he's also a prince." That made Asriel blush a bit, but unknown to him, Nyx was also blushing from that. Danyelle growls suddenly before leaping at a bush and pinning someone down. Danyelle growls "What are you doing here Wily?" Dr. Wily stammers "W-What?! How did you know I was here?!" Roll spoke "I told her." Dr. Wily exclaims "Roll.EXE?! Then that means, you, Megaman.EXE and Trill are in that watch of hers!" Roll hisses "Exactly but Mega, Trill and I aren't the ONLY NetNavis here!" Protoman's voice was heard from Lillian's phone. "You forget that Gutsman, Iceman, Glyde and I are here too." Twilight and Twiliterasu snarl at Wily. Dr. Wily growls "Grr! This isn’t over!" A beam of light beamed down on Wily, but when it faded, he was gone along with it. Danyelle had put a tracking spell on Wily before he got away but only she could remove it. Danyelle spoke "I managed to tag that jerk with a tracking spell but only I can remove it. I know where he's hiding..." Twilight sighs "That’s good to hear." Me and Jet continued making out as the two of us, Sumarda and Cronile reverted back to normal. Megaman spoke "But Wily is dangerous. And judging by his appearance, I fear he has teamed up with Eggman...." Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark growl snarl. {It'd be trouble for all of us if that happened.}" Summer and Degator spoke "Don’t remind us!" Vetur however was wondering about something. Arcana asks "What is it, daughter?" Vetur spoke "Well, I was thinking about the participants to decide the winner of the Challenge should be only the team of Zoey and Dren, and the team of Corina and Jet, since the ladies are part of the same group." Zoey spoke "I have a better idea, we're all winners in our own way. We all have our own victories." end