My Life as a Sonic OC Season 5

by Kitsulestia

Make New Friends but Keep Discord/ Formation of another Mobian Guard/ Fight to Survive!!!

*Discord's POV*

Little did I know, my friends were going to attend the gala but I had yet to get an invite.

“Ugh… What’s taking so long?” I impatiently said.

*With the others,*

Twiliterasu asks "Bark Bark? {But why did I get invited?}"

Danyelle spoke "No idea but I know this year's gala will be a fun one."

Thanks to the modifications Rotor had put on Danyelle's 2DS, Megaman and Roll were able to explore the physical world.

Megaman spoke "This is awesome!"

Danyelle giggles "Rotor helped me with that though."

Roll was brushing the knots out of Danyelle's tailfur.

Blaze was being fitted for a fireproof dress.

Blizzardstar asks "Say Rarity, who are you going with to the gala?"

Dusk had asked Sweetie Belle to go with him to the Gala.

Rarity spoke "Of course the answer for that question would be you, Blizzardstar."

Sweetie Belle stammers "R-R-Really, Dusk?"

Dusk spoke "Y-yes..."

Danyelle spoke "My plus one would be Ben though but Mega and Roll would probably tag along with me since I rarely let my 2DS game system out of my sight."

Snowfire was looking at Rarity with a cute look in hir eyes.


Pandora pops up with a ticket in hand.

Pandora asks "Dissy, do you want to go to the gala with me?"

“Finally! Of course I’ll go with you, Panny!” I agreed without hesitation.

Pandora spoke "But you better behave or I will tell your parents."

I couldn’t help but just love the nasty side of her. “Of course, my one and only.” I swept Pandora off her feet and kissed her right on the lips.

Pandora purrs in a flirty tone.

Pandora then wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back, with both of us moaning in pure pleasure, bliss and lust, as our tongues wrestled with each other for dominance.

Yui spoke "*Ahem*"

I spoke "We should get going though."

Pandora spoke "Agreed."

*In Canterlot,*

Flowerstep was sitting at a table while eating a fish.

Roll was talking with Megaman.

Danyelle was talking with Luna about Clarity.

Danyelle spoke "I've noticed something about Crystal Clarity though."

Clarity was glaring at Celestia because the older alicorn took her slice of cake.

Ben asks "That she doesn’t take kindly to those who take her slice of cake?"

Danyelle spoke "It's more than that Ben, Clarity reminds me of Celestia in some ways.... the body color, the color of magic, the major sweet tooth...."

Ben asks "Wait… could it be that…?"

Danyelle spoke "Hey Celestia, I want to talk to you about something!"

Celestia asks "Yes?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't think I mentioned this yet but Clarity is your daughter from another world... The same one that Twiliterasu is from."

Celestia just said nothing, but her eyes became blank, telling me that she fainted on her hooves, which was hilarious!

Megaman snickers "Sunbutt's down.."

Roll giggles "Actually, it’s more like she’s out."

Megaman snickers "More like down and out meow."

Megaman immediately covered his mouth in shock.

Roll giggles "Heehee! Feline alright?"

Roll immediately covered her mouth in shock as well.

Megaman asks "Did I just say meow? And did you say feline?"

Roll spoke "Y-Yeah."

Danyelle spoke "That's a side effect Rotor added in, it lets you blend in as anthro cats whenever you're outside of my 2DS though."

Roll ends up fainting due to a sudden fever.

Megaman spoke "Roll!"

Danyelle spoke "Oh crud... she's got a fever!"

Danyelle uses her 2DS to contact Glyde.

Danyelle spoke "Glyde, can you hear my voice? We got a problem!"

Glyde spoke "On my way!"

Iceman was in Glyde's area when Danyelle called out.

Megaman picks Roll up and carried her outside.

Danyelle asks "Ready?"

Glyde spoke "I brought Iceman along since his ice breath can be used to cool Miss Roll down."

Danyelle asks "But what exactly do you think about your… new forms?"

Glyde spoke "It doesn't bother us though."

Twilight and Twiliterasu were both snarling for some reason.

Danyelle growls suddenly.

Danyelle growls "What the cuss do you WANT Blueblood?"

Blizzardstar exclaims "Wait, where’s Rarity?!"

Rarity was struggling in Blueblood's grasp.

Snowfire growls "LET MY MOM GO!! ICICLE CRASH!!!"

A block of ice conks Blueblood on the head, knocking him out cold as Rarity scrambles over to hide behind Blizzardstar.

Finn and Fizzlepop were glaring at Blueblood.

Luna spoke "Guards, take Blueblood away."

Three guards drag the unconscious Blueblood away and lock him in a dungeon cell.

Luna spoke "How Blueblood became my nephew is beyond me."

Leilani spoke "I can't seem to recall if I had siblings though."

Pandora spoke "Hope we're not too late!"

Rarity spoke "I'm okay Blizz, that pompous jerk had it coming."

Blizzardstar spoke "I’m just glad you’re okay."

Rarity hugs Blizzardstar.

Rarity spoke "You're the only one for me."

A stallion asks "Um, excuse me?"

We turned around to see Thunderlane.

Glyde was a bit wary of the dark gray Pegasus.

Rainbow spoke "Hey Thunderlane."

Thunderlane spoke "Hey, Rainbow Dash. I actually wanted to talk to Rarity and Blizzardstar about something."

Rainbow spoke "You can ask them after the gala. But something's wrong with one of Danyelle's friends... She's come down sick but it's not affecting any of us though."

Danyelle spoke "Must be a digital virus."

Roll mewls in pain.

Danyelle spoke "Finn, I'm putting you in charge of the Canterlot branch of the Mobian Guard. I have a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen."

Finn spoke "Hmph, alright. *Grin*"

Danyelle places the mark of the Mobian Guard on Finn's shoulder, indicating that she now trusts him.

Fizzlepop asks "What's the Mobian Guard?"

Tempest spoke "They're a group of five Mobians that defend others. The fiercest is the leader. there's also keenest of sight, fastest, bravest and strongest."

Finn spoke "Hmm…"

Finn went out toward an open space, before using the Roar.

Ben followed after Finn before using the Roar as well.

Finn spoke "I had a feeling I was the fiercest."

Fizzlepop spoke "I'm quite strong though, more so than the numbskull echidna."

Knuckles spoke "Hey!"

Shade spoke "She's got a point Knuckles."

Soon enough, four howls were heard but only Finn recognized them.

Finn stammers "W-What? It couldn’t be…"

Four Mobian jackals had dogpiled Finn while crying tears of joy.

Bella spoke "We were so worried about you boss..."

Ace, Liam and Archie nod.

Finn said nothing, before he started whimpering, letting tears of joy fall with a smile as he hugged his squad, his friends.

A few stray tears fall from Fizzlepop's eyes.

Zoey spoke "Saw that tough girl."

Fizzlepop spoke "Aw shut up fuzzball."

Finn spoke "I thought I lost you."

Ace spoke "Some female with wings had snapped at the emo thus saving our hides."

Finn spoke "Dany… Thanks for saving my squad. They’re my… friends… my family."

Danyelle spoke "Uh, I was human back then... You have me confused for Maria."

Finn chuckles "Heh. Forgot about that. So, thanks Maria."

Danyelle spoke "I'll tell her later."

Roll's fever had gone down.

Roll groans "Ugh... That was scary...."

Much to Finn's surprise, there was a silver wedding ring on Bella's left hand.

Finn asks "Wait… Are you?"

Ace and Bella were both blushing.

Twilight spoke "Well, this has been the most chaotic gala ever...."

“At least there wasn’t a blob here, otherwise it would’ve been more chaotic.” I noted.

Twiliterasu was barking in a panic.

Pandora was shaking in fear.

Then a chill crawled down my spine. “Oh no… Not him!”

Danyelle was snarling.

Twilight asks "What are you talking about?"

But then Sonic and all other Mobians froze stiff from fear.

Blizzardstar was hissing, as was Crosswind and Flowerstep.

But then a portal appeared, which Chameleo jumped out off.

Chameleo spoke "Please tell me that is not who I think it is. I picked up that energy signature from my home."

Danyelle hisses "He's Public Enemy #1 though... And he's extremely hard to kill.... But if he kills Korra, it's game over for the Avatar!"

But then black fog started swirling around us, and I instantly recognized how. “Oh no! This is bad! This is really bad!”

Danyelle immediately calls for Gutsman and Protoman for help.

Twilight ditches her gala dress before transforming into Blue Flame Twirama.

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "Rarity, Blizzardstar! Evacuate the kids to Sumarda's dimension!"

Blizzardstar and Rarity round up the children and got them to Sumarda's dimension before calling out for the female.

Sumarda spoke "Come on! No time to lose!"

Rarity spoke "I'll stay with the children, I'm not a fighter though."

Roll escaped back into Danyelle's 2DS for safety.

Danyelle cross fuses with Megaman after using the multitrix to transform into Twirama.

Danyelle spoke "READY!!!"

Chameleo spoke "Sonic! You’ll need this for a while!"

Chameleo pushed a button on his Multitrix before harmlessly beaming Sonic with some strange energy, instantly transforming the heroic hedgehog into his super form.

Sonic spoke "Thanks dude!"

Blaze's fur turned golden as well, as did Shadow's fur.

Maria had fled to Sumarda's dimension since she was not a fighter.

Chameleo spoke "It wasn’t exactly the Chaos or Sol Emeralds, but this Super Saiyan transformation should help you guys."

Danyelle spoke "Let's kill that mofo!"

Chameleo spoke "Hmm… Then let’s take down this predator!"

Chameleo pushed down a button on his Multitrix with the picture of an alien, before transforming into that alien, letting out a hiss with its tongue-mouth.

Danyelle started singing as she fired off flamethrowers at Sonic.EXE while the other fighters fought with their elemental powers.


Blue Flame Twirama shouts "FIRE KYUBI ROAR!!!"

Wendy shouts "SKY DRAGON ROAR!!!"

Natsu shouts "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!"

Chamalien hissed loudly as he spat a wave of acid on Sonic.EXE.

Celestia spoke "SOLAR SLAMMER!!!"

Zoey spoke "FIRE NEKO YOWL!!!!"

“Chaotic Calamity!” I shouted.

Danyelle spoke "GIGA BUSTER!!! FLAME MODE!!!"

The attack sends Sonic.EXE flying.

Danyelle takes flight before continuing the fight.

Chamalien transformed back before gaining Articuno wings and following to help Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Let's END HIM ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!"

Chameleo spoke "You got it!"

Chameleo summoned his keyblade as he went into his fusion form.

Danyelle charges up the Giga Buster one final time, aiming it at Sonic.EXE.

Chameleo pulled back his keyblade in a familiar attack-charging stance as he started off, “Key… me… ha… me…”

Danyelle shouts "FLAME SHOT GIGA BLAST!!!"

Chameleo shouts "HA!!!"

Danyelle and Chameleo simultaneously fired beams which combined into an ultra-powerful ultima beam that covered Sonic.EXE entirely inside it, reducing him to nothingness.

Danyelle spoke "It's finally over...."

Chameleo spoke "For good this time."

Danyelle spoke "It'll take years before he comes back..."

Chameleo spoke "Not this time."

Chameleo raised his keyblade into a pitch black and blood red keyhole and fired a beam at it, causing it to glow white with a click sound, showing that Sonic.EXE will never be coming back ever again.

Danyelle sighs with relief.

Danyelle spoke "Good riddance..."

The sound of cheering was heard.

Chameleo spoke "Well, we better head back."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle glides down before the cross fusion wore off.

Megaman spoke "I helped too."

Chameleo spoke "True."

Chameleo turned back to normal, but lost his wings in the process. But fortunately, he grabbed and stretched out his back membrane, gliding down to the ground.

Danyelle spoke "Cross fusion requires a lot of trust between operator and NetNavi though."

Chameleo spoke "Makes sense, just like me, Urshifu and Articuno."

Danyelle giggles "This was the most chaotic Gala in years!"
