//------------------------------// // Just a Small Town Girl // Story: Don't Stop Believing // by Mitslits //------------------------------// Just a Small Town Girl A small, cream colored pony awoke and opened her ice blue eyes. Her light blue mane and tail bounced as she hopped out of her bed. A small cloud with just the tip of a sun poking over it was revealed on her flank as she threw the covers off. "Dawn, are you comin'?" a voice with a strong country accent called out. Dawn's Glow looked towards her closed door and opened it with her unicorn magic. "Yes, ma'am!" She swiftly brushed her mane and trotted out of the door. On her way through the hall, a dark gray pony with black mane and tail nearly ran into her. "Oh, sorry, Swifty", Dawn's Glow apologized. "What's momma makin' this mornin'?" Swifty snorted. "Pancakes, as always. I'm headed out today. Could you do my chores? Thanks." With that, she trotted off. Dawn's Glow rolled her eyes and headed out the screen door, deciding to skip breakfast. She trotted into the field and hooked herself up to the plow. She began to drag it across the large field as two colts cantered out to meet her. One red, one brown, both trouble. "Hey, momma said Ah could pull plow today!" the red one whined. Dawn's Glow rolled her eyes. "Now, Ah know you're lyin', there, Harvest. Momma don't let no pony pull plow until they have their cutie mark." She tried vainly to ignore them as she kept working. "Ah've got mine!" the brown one, whose flank was bare, said proudly. "No, ya don't, Plow! Stop lyin'!" Harvest Time shouted. "Do too!" Plow's Glory retorted. "Even if Ah don't, Ah should git ta plow, 'cause it's in mah name!" He looked beseechingly at Dawn's Glow. She did not meet as his eyes. Eventually, the two wandered off and she was left to work in peace. Soon, the lunch bell rang. Dawn disengaged herself from the plow and she plodded into the kitchen for her food. "Now, Dawn, you know I don't want you workin' that plow till you've eaten somethin'" a matronly pony reprimanded. "Early Bird'll do it, once he finishes lunch." The pony looked over to where a large yellow pony sat, gulping down enough food for ten horses. His cutie mark was a bird stretching it's wings. When he heard his name mentioned he looked up. "Ah, mamma, I don't like to do the plowin'", he complained. "Dawn seems fine." "No ifs, ands, or buts about it", Mamma warned. "You'll do just what Ah tell ya, the pair of you." She glared sternly at both of them. "Dawn, 'stead of plowin' you can collect the eggs and put cows out to pasture. Ah don't know what happened to Swifty, but she ain't here, so's you can do her chores too." With everything settled, they finished their meal. Dawn sighed and headed out, levitating a basket beside her. She collected the eggs, after dropping two and narrowly avoiding stepping on three chickens. She gave her eggs to Mamma and then went out to get the cows. The cows proved troublesome, but Dawn's Glow eventually succeeded. She gazed out across the fields and wondered if she would ever be free.