Applejack One Shots

by kleec13

Apple Sleep Experiment-alternate ending

Twilight had seen many things, but a pony becoming a serial killer due to sleep deprivation was not something she had expected to happen.
“Applejack, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Twilight tried to say. “There was no potion. You worked yourself too hard and it caused a mental break. You were spouting nonsense and acting violently. Not only did you harm yourself, but you harmed several others. Turning your orchard into…”
“Into what?”
“Into a slaughtering ground. In your hysteria, you took the lives of 13 ponies and attempted to take mine and Rainbow Dash’s lives as well.”
“What in the hay are you talking about? I’d never harm another creature. And I certainly would never put the lives of my best friends at risk. And of course there was a potion! You’re the one who gave it to me in the first place!”
“Applejack… I’m sorry. I don’t know what to tell you.”
“You can start by telling me why you’re lying.”

(this is where my interpretation of the story begins.)
Truthfully, the reason Twilight was so aloof at first was because she was angry. She didn’t want to feel sympathy for somepony who killed 13 ponies. The only reason she was there was to see if her antidote had worked, and it had. There were other reasons she lied as well, but that was what was going through her mind initially. She wanted to explain all this to Applejack, but she couldn’t. Maybe Applejack would figure it out. Instead, the Princess’s wall of composure melted away seeing Applejack so distraught.
“I’m… I’m… I’m so sorry Applejack,” Twilight said, collapsing to the ground in tears. “I should have never given you that potion.” 
Applejack sighed as she got up to comfort her friend on the cell floor.
“But… why do you have to be so stubborn? You knew the spell was incomplete. Why, why, why?!” Twilight exclaimed, slapping her hoof on Applejack’s side three times while she uttered the word. The ponies got up and Applejack sat on her cot again before she spoke.
“Not only was I stubborn, I was desperate,” Applejack said. “I felt like that potion was the only way I could save the farm. Desperate people can do scary and stupid things.”
Nothing was heard but Twilight’s sobs for what seemed like hours.
“What… what was in that potion, Twi?" Applejack asked. Twilight sniffled.
"Legally, what everypony’s gonna want to even know is whether or not what happened to you was from sleep deprivation and exhaustion, other potion side effects, or both," Twilight said as she bit her lip. “I meant for the potion just to keep you awake, but I couldn’t guarantee that was the outcome."
“But… You can figure it out, right? You can study the spell and see.”
“I already did. How do you think I was able to cure you?”
Twilight could only bite her lip again in response. Applejack’s eyes widened as she quickly realized what was at stake for the alicorn. Of course Twilight had lied about the potion at first. Applejack would likely remain in this cell for quite some time. Potion or no–there was no getting away with killing 13 ponies. But as for Twilight, even if the potion just prevented sleep, she didn’t know that and gave it to Applejack anyway. That was heinous enough. However, if it in fact had other side effects, it would be another strike against the Princess of Friendship that could land her more time in a neighboring jail cell. Applejack decided to change the subject to an equally uncomfortable one. One she was dreading, but knew she needed to address before Twilight left.
“How… how is everypony? Dash. You said I tried to kill her. Is she okay?”
“She’s still in the hospital. But she should be fine.”
“And the others? How are they… feeling about all this?”
“It’s been easy for me to ignore how messy this situation is,” Twilight admitted. “I’m the Princess of Friendship… ”
“And my family?” Applejack cut off, not wanting to think that somepony that was supposed to be her friend could betray her. “My farm?”
“I found a spell to help the drought. Big Mac recovered from his heat stroke and left the hospital a few days ago. He and Granny Smith are managing fine.”
“What about Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked quietly. Twilight was again not able to respond. “Twilight!” Applejack demanded. “What happened to Apple Bloom!?!?”
“You bucked her when you were injected with the antidote,” Twilight managed to say. “She was declared brain dead yesterday.”
Applejack was overcome with a wave of emotion, but her head was too rattled to truly process the loss of her little sister. Instead, she looked Twilight straight in the eye.
“So… what happens now? Are you gonna tell everypony the truth? Or let me rot here while you try to maintain your precious reputation?”