My Life as a Sonic OC Season 5

by Kitsulestia

Journey to Caninia

*Breakfang's POV*

Danyelle had bolted out of Twilight's castle with a panicky look on her face before calling her Diamond Dog followers together. I followed her since this had concerned me.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "I was called on a friendship mission to Caninia, the Diamond Dog kingdom..."

That made me freeze a bit.

The ten Diamond Dogs tense up as well.

I spoke "No want to go back... I no want to see my parents...."

Danyelle groans "Oh man… What are we gonna do?!"

Kiba comforts me while our son and daughter were on our backs.

I spoke "I ran away the day before I was to be mated... But it was for the best, I wouldn't have met Kiba or have had two adorable children."

Kiba spoke "I lost my pack and my parents in rockslide when I was a young pup...."

Danyelle spoke "That… That just makes me more worried…"

I spoke "As much as I hate it, we can't avoid Caninia for long...."

Danyelle spoke "And since there's no train that goes there yet...."

Kiba asks "what about those gold ring shaped thingies?"

Danyelle spoke "They’re warp rings, they’ll help us get there in no time."

Kiba spoke "Okay."

“Are we gonna be alright, Kiby?” I asked.

Kiba spoke "Regardless of what your parents say, I'm staying with you and our pups."

That made me feel completely warm and fuzzy inside. “Kiba…”

Kiba spoke “Fang…”

The girl pup gags.

Then me and Kiba kissed each other right on the lips, hugging each other while our tongues wrestled for dominance as our tails were wagging crazily.

Danyelle spoke "*Ahem* We should get going."

That made us stop, blushing at that embarrassing moment we had.

*One warp ring to the outskirts of the Diamond Dog kingdom later*

Danyelle had disguised herself as a Diamond dog with magic.

Danyelle spoke "I don't want the others to attack me because of my true form."

“Okay. But you’re still the alpha of the pack, so you’ll probably need to prove it to the others.” I advised.

Danyelle asks "How?"

I whispered the information to Danyelle, and she was a bit surprised.

Danyelle kept her invisible wings still.

Danyelle spoke with confidence. "Let's go."

Danyelle led the Diamond Dog group into the kingdom when I spotted my puphood friend Rachel.

I spoke "Rachel!"

Rachel turned around and smiled. “Breakfang!”

Tail wagging, I spoke "It good to see you again!"

With tail also wagging, Rachel agreed, “You too!” As we ran towards and hugged each other.

I soon have Rachel in a headlock while giving her a noogie.

I laugh "It's been too long Rachel."

Rachel laughs "Aw, you!"

Me and my best friend began to tussle and wrestle like we used to when we were pups.

Danyelle spoke "Breakfang."

Kiba spoke "Let Fang have this moment. It’s been a long time since she’s seen her childhood friend."

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough."

One of the Diamond Dog bitches notices that the kingdom was split in two.

Danyelle spoke "Maybe we should talk with the ones in charge."

I warn "Alpha Danyelle, I should warn you... Do not call Queen Katherina "Kat". It'll piss her off."

Danyelle spoke "Right."

Kiba asks "You think it’ll turn out well?"

I spoke "The six royal sisters don't know anything about Mobians though, they've never seen one."

But then I realized something instantly! “The Mane Six!”

Danyelle spoke "They weren't called here, I was because of my Diamond Dog followers."

“No, it’s not that! I just realized that the six royal sisters are just like them!” I explained.

Danyelle gasps "Maybe it's because of the Trees of Harmony! There's one in Equestria and one here so there might be more!"

“We need to reunite the sisters! But how?” I panicked.

Danyelle spoke "Hmm.. We should listen to both sides of the story first... Then figure out what's going on in the mines..."

“Agreed.” I said.

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle spoke "Seems somedog has lead poisoning..."

“Oh… That would be Queen Jennino. She was overexposed to lead dust caused by Carbunkappas eating galena.” I explained.

Danyelle uses telepathy to call Maria to Caninia.

Popping up, Maria spoke "I got Danyelle's message, I can help."

“That was quick!” I noticed before a flash of light happened, but as it faded, it revealed a black-coated earth pony stallion with blonde spiky mane and tail.

The stallion asks "Huh? What gives? Last thing I know, I was hanging with Senpai, Applejack and some of the others at Canterlot High before… Wait, where the hell am I?"

Danyelle asks "Kanji, how did you get here??"

Kanji asks "Huh? How do you know who I am?"

Danyelle spoke "Mainly because of that mane, that jacket on your shoulders… *Snicker* and that cutie mark on your flank, which is a ball of yarn, with bones as the needles."

Maria spoke "According to Princess Twilight, Alpha-Queen Danyelle met some of your friends.... And she set Teddie's butt on fire."

Kanji scoffs "Tch… Stupid bear had it coming. Wait, what’re you snickering about?!"

Danyelle held up a mirror for Kanji to see what his cutie mark was.

Kanji exclaims "W-What?! You gotta be kidding me!"

That made me snicker a bit. “You knit?” I asked.

Kanji spoke "No! I sew! Got a problem with that?! I can make dolls and still be tough!"

Danyelle spoke "Even though I like video games, my cutie mark represents my speed as a Mobian. Though I'm the only Mobian with a cutie mark."

Kanji asks "But seriously, what’s going on here?"

I explained everything to the human turned pony.

Kanji asks "Wait… You’re saying that I’ve been turned into a pony from being teleported to a world of Equians?"

Danyelle spoke "Not just all sorts of Equians, there are also Mobians and chakats along with a few ponykats too."

At first, Kanji said nothing at that confirmation, but then he squealed with a blush. “Aaaaaaaahhh! I think I’m gonna die of sugar shock!”

Danyelle shoves a bottle of grapefruit juice into Kanji's mouth, causing him to drink the bitter juice down.

Kanji snaps "Gah! What the hell was that?! You tryin’ to kill me or somethin’?!"

Danyelle snarls "That was grapefruit juice! And no, I wasn't trying to kill you. I was trying to calm you down!"

Kanji spoke "Oh. My bad. Just don't think I can handle another Mystery Food X."

The Diamond Dogs were whimpering since they heard about it from their alpha.

Danyelle spoke "That crap is disgusting.... I think Clarity can handle it though... She's got a stronger stomach than most ponies."

Kanji spoke "I’m just surprised that Pinkie can stomach it though."

Danyelle asks "You talking about Human Pinkie?"

Kanji asks "Wait, human? You saying there’s another here?"

Danyelle spoke "Though I look like a Diamond Dog due to illusion magic, I was born human."

Kanji asks "What?"

Danyelle spoke "Think Diamond Dog but less fur, no claws, no tail and duller teeth."

Kanji didn’t seem to get it, but then it hit him like a thunderbolt. “Huh?! But why are you a Mobian?!”

Danyelle spoke "That was because of Lillian, her wish for another Mobian caused me to become what I am now. Back on my 30th birthday, I became the first Mobian with a cutie mark."

Maria spoke "I was once human too but I was very frail and sickly... It was because I had Neuro-Immune Deficiency Syndrome but not now, someone turned me into an immortal hedgehog-eagle hybrid around 50 years ago."

Kanji spoke "Oh. But that sickness… Dude, that is just messed up."

Maria spoke "It was but the last thing I recall seeing before passing out was white hooves..."

Kanji asks "Uh, as much as I wanna know who that was, are you guys here for some reason?"

Danyelle spoke "I was called here by the map in Twilight's castle to solve a problem. I called Maria here since her healing powers were needed because Jenn has lead poisoning."

Kanji spoke "Lead poisoning? That’s definitely not good."

I spoke "No it not..."

Kanji asks "Huh?"

Danyelle asks "What is it?"

I spoke "Lead is toxic to all species..."

Kanji asks "No, I can tell that. It’s just, isn’t it getting a little foggy here?"

Danyelle drops the illusion on her wings before taking flight.

Eyes shimmering, Danyelle spoke "Oh flop no... Eggman's found his way here!"

Kanji laughs "I’m sorry, Eggman?"

Maria spoke "HIs actual name is Ivo Robotnik but Alpha-Queen Danyelle along with a few others call him Eggman... Or *snicker* Baldy McNosehair..."

That made me, the rest of the pack, and Kanji laugh.

Kanji laughs "Oh-hoho man! Just wait until I tell Senpai and the others about this!"

Danyelle laughs "Sonic calls him Robuttnik."

That made Kanji roll on his back in laughter.

I howl with laughter.

Kanji chuckles "Okay! Now I know that no one in the investigation team will not laugh at that!"

Maria giggles "Yeah, it'd make for a funny story for the kids too."

After Maria had cured Jennino of lead poisoning, Danyelle was able to help the six sisters get along once again in time for them to save their kingdom from falling apart.

Danyelle's cutie mark glowed once again, indicating that the friendship mission was finished.

Danyelle spoke "Well, I guess it's time to go."

Kanji spoke "Ya know, I’m kinda pumped to meet the others at this ‘Ponyville.’"

Danyelle spoke "Two warnings, never say no to Pinkie if she throws a party for you and NEVER give Tarb sugar... The last time it happened, Whitty nearly blew a fuse..."

Kanji spoke "Normally, I’d ask why, but from how serious you sounded, I’ll take your word for it."

*One warp ring back to Ponyville later*

Danyelle had dropped the illusion completely, revealing her nekomata-gryphicorn form.

Danyelle spoke "It's good to be back home."

Kanji spoke "Whoa. So that’s what ya look like as a Mobian. You look pretty cool."

Danyelle blushes while saying "Easy there tiger, I'm a married woman with seven children."

Kanji blushed as he tried to explain. “Uh… That’s not what I’m saying. I’m just saying you’re cool, that’s all. But uh… Naoto… Um…”

Danyelle spoke "Spit it out."

Kanji stammers "I-I have a crush on Naoto!"

Danyelle spoke "Holy floppa..."

Kanji stammers "W-What?"

Danyelle spoke "You’re gay!"

Kanji asks "What?! You didn’t notice that Naoto’s a chick?"

Danyelle spoke "I never met her though."

Kanji asks "Wait, you didn’t noticed her while you were in the mirror world?"

Danyelle spoke "Nnope... Oh hi Lillian."

Lillian spoke "You’re back!"

I wondered about something before asking Danyelle, “Um… Alpha-Queen Danyelle?”

Danyelle asks "Yes Breakfang?"

“I heard about this challenge, can me and Kiba participate?” I asked before Sumarda appeared with excitement.

Danyelle spoke "Flop it.... All couples are now participating!"

Sumarda asks with a panicky tone. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Isn’t that a bit much?"

Danyelle growls "You dare talk back to an alpha-queen?"

Sumarda spoke "I’m a ruler of my own dimension."

Danyelle snarls "Queen of Changelings, Alpha of Diamond Dogs. You don't have any advisors though."


Danyelle groans "Yes Ultima Aphmau..."
