//------------------------------// // Cutie Map // Story: My Life as a Sonic OC Season 5 // by Kitsulestia //------------------------------// *Lillian's POV* Four months had passed since Danyelle had scared Adagio and Aria senseless. Pibby had her first child, a satyr girl named Sam. Although Sam was an oddball, her parents and adoptive grandmother loved her. Twilight Sparkle spoke "Let's go through this one more time." Rainbow Dash spoke "We've been over it like a million times, Twilight! We found all eight keys, defeated Tirek, and got this sweet castle! End of story!" Twilight spoke "Not to mention, Danyelle scared Adagio and Aria senseless. Those two were stubborn." Danyelle soon pops up with Sunset following. Danyelle spoke "Hey girls." “Hey Danyelle, Amethyst.” I greeted before I saw some kind of tarot card in my hand. Sunset spoke "Might as well call me Sunset now." “I know, but what’s with this card in my hand?” I wondered as I flipped it, only to see the number zero below the picture of a vagabond. Jeff's voice was heard suddenly, thus freaking the Mane Six out. Jeff laughs "What's up everyone?!" Danyelle groans "Oh flop no.... Not him again..." Twilight asks "Who, or what was that?!" Jeff laughs "What's the matter Sparkle Butt, have you forgotten who I am?" I groan "Oh great... My literal life is back and going to harass me more..." Jeff laughs "Heh, congrats on becoming an alicorn Sparkle Butt." Twilight asks "How-how did you know about that?!" Jeff laughs "I see everything Lillian sees, except the naughty stuff though." “What do you want now, Jeff?” I asked in annoyance. Jeff spoke "Well, that tarot card you’re holding is ‘The Fool,’ which is the number zero, and it represents beginnings and endless possibilities." The cutie marks of the Mane Six as well as Sunset and Danyelle were glowing suddenly. Jeff spoke "Not to mention you nine are needed on a quest on this Cutie Map." Looking at the map, Danyelle spoke "Lillian doesn't have a cutie mark. That ninth mark is Pibby..." Jeff spoke "Then make it ten, because that tarot card of the fool is floating there with your cutie marks." Sunset spoke "I only see nine marks." I looked at the tarot card in my hand again, and saw it floating towards the cutie marks. Inside Twilight's mind, Kurama was mentally slamming his head on the ground. And to the surprise of the group, the Dreamers and Dazzlings show up. Sonata spoke "Hi pink bird!" “Oh, hey, Sonata.” I greeted. Pibby asks "But why was I called?" I look at the map before saying "Uh, that's the image of my phantom ruby..." Jeff asks "Hmm… So it is, but why is the image rapidly changing between the Phantom Ruby and the Fool Tarot Card? Danyelle asks "Maybe the Fool tarot card represents you?" Jeff spoke "Hmm… Or maybe…" I growl "Shut up Jeff." Jeff spoke "Okay okay! Sheesh." Katie was suddenly on my head. Katie spoke "momma!" I couldn’t help but feel my heart melt every time I see my little girl. “Aww… Katie, you little cutie, you.” Katie spoke "hungry..." Oh, it must be feeding time for Katie. *At the nameless village* Danyelle spoke "Something's off about the ponies and Mobians here...." I spoke "Yeah...." But then a strange voice rang in my head. “What’s the matter? Are you simply going to stand by? Are you forsaking them to save yourself? A fate worse then death awaits them if you do nothing. Was your previous decision, a mistake then?” Katie bops me on the head. I looked at my daughter and all of my friends, then back at the innocent ponies and Mobians, for I knew the answer to that question. “No, it wasn’t.” Danyelle asks "You okay Lillian?" “I… I think so. But I thought I heard something.” I answered before I heard that voice again. The strange voice whispers “Very well. I had headed your resolve.” The next thing I knew, my head was in complete pain! Danyelle reacted fast as she used a healing spell on me to stop the headache. “T-Thanks, Dany.” I said in gratitude. Danyelle asks "No problem. But I knew I saw your irises turn golden for a second there. What happened?” I spoke "I d-don't know...." Danyelle spoke "Maybe you should take it easy while we’re finding out what’s going on here." Pibby spoke "That one unicorn is hiding something...." Sunset spoke "Those cutie marks all look the same...." “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that their talents were probably stolen.” I noted, only to have all of my friends stare at me. “W-Was it something I said?” Danyelle growls "Starlight Glimmer..." Sunset spoke "I think she's hurting inside... I can sense it from here... She's mad because a cutie mark took her best friend away..." Danyelle spoke "Hmm..." Danyelle teleported straight to the Crystal Empire, asking around for a stallion named Sunburst. Twilight spoke "Might as well go down and have a look..." But then that pain in my head came back! “GAH!” The voice spoke "Vow to me… I am thou, thou art I. Thou art willing to perform all sacrilegious actions for thine own justice! Call upon my name, and release thy rage!" The pain in my head made me scream in agony! the voice spoke "Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou be chained to Hell itself!" My head started to clear as I knew exactly what to do, since I had a feeling that Starlight Glimmer won’t listen to reason. Danyelle soon returned with Sunburst in tow. Sunburst spoke "This mess is my fault. I left Starlight behind when my parents sent me off to Celestia's school for gifted unicorns... But I'm going to make this right!" Katie whacks me on the head. “What was that, Katie?” I asked, before a black and red explosion came from Starlight Glimmer’s house. A scared Katie spoke "Momma is scaring me...." Starlight had teleported away fast before she had gotten killed. A now furious Starlight snaps at the other ponies and Mobians in the village. "Okay, which one of you tried to kill me?" But then I saw black goop oozing around her, making me concerned. Starlight spoke "You know what, I’ll just go all over Equestria and make sure that *Voice starting to become distorted* EVERYCREATURE IS EQUAL!" Then Starlight’s irises turned golden as a black geyser erupted below her, making her grow and turning her into a beast. Shadow Starlight spoke "That… That… That way… No creature will be special!" As Danyelle took flight while carrying him, Sunburst calls out "STARLIGHT!!!!" But Shadow Starlight didn’t hear him since she was completely controlled by her own rage. But then, I felt something on my face, it was a mask, a bird masquerade mask. Danyelle automatically transformed to Solare form, pulling Sunburst through the transformation as well. Flying on wings made of fire, Solare Sunburst dove at Starlight and pinning her down. Katie was heard crying since she was struggling to breathe. “No!” I yelled as I tried to pull the mask on me off, but when I did, it felt as if I tore my own face off as blood was on my face, around my eyes. But somehow, I smiled with my irises becoming golden, as a blue flame engulfed me. Tempest shows up via warp ring before kissing me on the lips. I couldn’t help but enjoy that. Then something emerged out of my body, chained to me. As if my own spirit was willing to fight. “Thanks, sweetie. But I need to help the others. Kukulkan!” The spirit chained to me then roared, catching Shadow Starlight’s attention, as I was in a completely new outfit. It was tight and sturdy, yet flexible and light, allowing me to move freely. Solare Danyelle spoke "EVERYONE! EVACUATE THE VILLAGE NOW!!! HEAD TO THE CAVE AND GET YOUR CUTIE MARKS BACK!!!!" Night Glider and the others head for the cave since it was also a safe place. Solare Sunburst darted about, dodging the attacks from Shadow Starlight. Solare Danyelle was firing devout beads at Shadow Starlight. I yelled, “Strike!” As Kukulkan breathed a wind blast at Shadow Starlight. Solare Sunburst shouts "STARRY EYES! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" Shadow Starlight still didn’t hear him, completely devoured by her own rage and hatred, but due to the attacks, she was starting to get tired. “Must… spread… equality…” Solare Danyelle pinches the back of Starlight's neck, putting her to sleep. Solare Sunburst spoke "This is all my fault...." But then black flesh started peeling off Shadow Starlight as she reverted back to Starlight Glimmer, before Kukulkan went back into me as blue flames flashed over me, and I returned to my normal attire. Fluttershy had thrown up since she was so squeamish. Sunburst powered down before going over to Starlight. Sunburst asks "Starry Eyes?" Starlight asks "Wh-What? Sunburst? Is that you?" Sunburst hugs Starlight while crying. Sunburst spoke "I'm sorry....." Starlight stammers "Sunburst?! Is it really…?!" Starlight hugged Sunburst back in tears. Sunburst wipes a tear from Starlight's face. Sunburst spoke "It was the nekomata-gryphicorn that told me that you had gone bonkers. It wasn't fair for you... I should have kept in touch..." Starlight Glimmer spoke "I probably shouldn’t have gone crazy like that." Sunburst spoke "I got my cutie mark before you did which caused you to go crazy...." Sunburst pulls out a small box from his cape before opening it thus causing Starlight to blush. Sunburst asks "Starry Eyes, would you marry me?" That made Starlight Glimmer start tearing up waterfalls. Starlight spoke "Sunny Smile… Of course I’ll marry you!" Danyelle yowls in excitement. And then, Sunburst and Starlight started looking at each other with half-lidded eyes as they started kissing each other on the lips, which I found really cute. Tempest was hugging me from behind. Danyelle spoke "Least she won't go crazy again." But unknown to any of us, at the Tree of Harmony, there was a blue bone, a red cup, and a yellow bottle of black ink. Twilight spoke "I guess this was resolved peacefully." “And I’m glad about that. But I feel a new strength I have. And I have a feeling I should talk to that gray-haired boy sometime soon.” I said. Twilight spoke "I saw him once but it's hard to get in touch with him and his team since I met them over in the EG world." Danyelle spoke "And he did say that he and his friends will be staying for a while." Twilight spoke "*shudder* Just as a warning Lillian, Teddie is a pervert..." “Yeah, I have a feeling that would be the case about him.” I noted. Twilight chuckles "Danyelle set his ass on fire." That made me giggle. Tempest chuckles "Guess he didn't know that Dany was part of the Mobian Guard." Danyelle spoke "Like flop I was going to tell him that." The cutie marks of the Mane Six, Pibby, Sunset and Danyelle glow once more thus indicating the mission was done. But then my mask appeared, flashing, telling me that my mission to change Starlight’s heart was done. Danyelle spoke "This is just the beginning of many more friendship missions." “Yeah. And I have a feeling that I’ll have a hand in reformation. Maybe I should reform Adagio and Aria.” I suggested. Danyelle spoke "I scared those two idiots to the point that they gave up on their evil ways." “I know, but just in case. Better safe than sorry.” I noted. Danyelle spoke "Yeah." end