//------------------------------// // Chapter 12: Reunition, An Ultra Encounter, and Back on Earth (edited) // Story: Somewhere He Belongs // by SuperSamYoshi //------------------------------// Sam was in the hospital for quite some time, his coma-like state meant that he was extremely unresponsive, not even his brainways were reacting. Luckily, the heart monitor was letting everyone know that he’s still alive, but it was incredibly hard to tell with Sam’s conditions. Even Princess Luna couldn’t do much, she could go into Sam’s dreams, but the problem was that it was a blank with nothing. One day, Twilight, and Spike visited the hospital to see how Sam’s recovery was going. Sam had been visited by Applejack with a basket of freshly picked apples, Rainbow Dash with a few comic books, Rarity with a red and blue fox plush and Pinkie Pie with a box of cupcakes. Sam just laid there unresponsive and almost dead-like. Twilight would sit next to him and tell Sam the things that had happened since he was put in the hospital. While being in his coma-like state, he had missed Twilight coronation, so he still had no idea she was now a princess. Twilight was growing concerned for Sam, she had the thought that when he woke up, he would have forgotten everything. “Twilight?” Spike’s voice broke her out of her trance, “are you ok?” “Oh Spike,” Twilight said as she wrapped Spike in a motherly embrace, “I just so worried for Sam.” “I know, Twilight,” Spike said returning it, “but don’t worry, Sam’s going to get better and wake up real soon. We all got your back Twilight.” “Thank you Spike,” Twilight said as she looked at Spike with tears falling down her face. “So please stop crying,” Spike chuckled as he whipped some away. “Hehe,” Twilight chuckled too as she whipped her eyes, “Come on, let's give Sam some space to recover.” Spike and Twilight then left the room, with Twilight pausing for a moment to look at him. She quickly turned back, kissed her forehead, and then left him in peace. The reason why Sam’s brainways weren’t active, was because it was far away in some blank, wide open space of nothingness. It also seemed really misty which didn’t make much sense to him. Sam took a step and the sound echoed everywhere. Sam took more steps and began to walk into the void of white. “Hello?” Sam called out his voice echoing around, “Is anyone out there?” He started to feel a little scared, “I’m part Ultra and I’m not afraid to use my suit. Where am I? Am I dead?” “No sweetheart, you are in between life and death,” called a gentle and familiar voice, “in limbo.” Sam spun around, his eyes widened, he knew that voice. He knew that voice far too well to be true. Within the thick mist, he saw a figure coming closer, and the sound of what sounded like hooves on the ground. When the figure came into view, Sam felt his eyes water and build up with tears. He couldn’t believe it. “M-M-Mum…?” he stuttered. “Yes sweetheart, it's me,” Diana said as she opened her arms for a hug. Sam just ran into her arms crying his eyes out. He gripped her tightly like his life depended on it. After what seemed like an eternity, of hugging, crying and comfort, Sam let go of his mother. He then took notes of her appearance. She looked human, and she wore her clothes on the day she first started to change. But she had the ears, tail, and the back hooves of a donkey, along with a bit of fur on her breasts. “Am… Am I…?” Sam asked as he started to get himself together. “No honey,” Diana assured him, “like I said, you’re in Limbo, in between life and death. But sadly, I am dead.” “So the donkey…” Sam started but his mother cut him off. “No the donkey is still alive,” she told him, “but my humanity and soul was forced out of my mind. So in some terms, I had an identity death.” “Ok I guess that makes sense,” Sam said, “but if you're dead, then how are you here?” “He helped him,” Diana replied, looking back into the mist. Suddenly Sam felt the ground shake, he looked up to see coming from the mist, a near fifty metre tall, blue, red, and silver Ultra, in a blue cape, and two blades on his head. “Holy Mother of Ultra,” Sam said as he looked up at the Ultra. The Ultra got down on one knee to make him seem less threatening by his size, which didn’t really do much. “This is Ultraman Zero,” Diana said, “he found my soul and had brought me to Limbo where I live now, where all the monsters that have been killed.” “Wait what?” Sam asked. Ultraman Zero stood up and swished his cape around clearing the mist away and Sam could now see that he was in a dimension that had destroyed buildings, and monsters everywhere. “You see Samuel, this is the place where monsters that have died, come and make their way to the monster graveyard,” the Ultra spoke. Sam looked around and saw monsters like Arstron and Lagoras, monsters that he had destroyed, “Some monsters choose to stay in this vast, endless void, as it makes them feel at peace with each other.” “Humans that have died like me, can come here via the Train of the Vary Dimension,” Diana said. “Oh,” was all Sam could say. “Sam,” Ultraman Zero spoke, Sam looked up, Zero opened his hand and an orb of light floated down to Sam and landed on his left wrist. When the light went away, Sam saw that a device similar to his colour timer was on his wrist, “this device will allow you to connect to other Ultras like me and perform their attacks.” “Wow cool,” Sam responded, “wait why did you give me this anyway?” “It’s to prefer you for the future,” Sam turned to face his mother, “Sam, you're going to face new dangers that you can’t do alone, you must make new allies, and defeat new enemies. You’re going to travel to another dimension, go back to earth and face other threats along your journey. The fate of Equestria, Earth and the multiverse rest on your shoulders.” “A bit much responsibility to have in the faith of a ten year old kid,” Sam remarked. “That’s why you must assemble a team and face the threats together,” Ultraman Zero said, “it would also take the height of your shoulders.” “Any fear I had of you is now gone because of that joke,” Sam remarked deadpanned, looking up at Zero. “Yeah I’m not as serious as my dad,” Zero said, as he summoned some special armour and blade, then he opened a portal above and flew into it. “Bye I guess,” Sam remarked. His mother chuckled. Sam then heard a train horn and both him and Diana looked to see an Odakyu 3100 series NSE train flew out through an open portal, it snaked around for a bit then came to a stop in front of Sam and Diana. Then another flew out another portal and came to a stop behind Sam. “Well, my train’s here,” Diana said, as she turned back to Sam, her donkey ears dropping, “I have to get back to heaven.” “Oh,” Sam said sadly, looking down, “I guess the train behind me would take me back to my comatose body.” Diana hugged her son, and Sam returned it, “you have a new loving family and friends. I’m not mad that you took Twilight as your adopted mother, I’m just happy that you’ve found some place better than earth. So Please do mummy a favour and keep smiling. Ok sweetheart?” “Yes, mum,” Sam said as he tried to stop crying and smile, when mother and son broke the embrace, Diana kissed Sam’s forehead, then turned to the train. Sam watched her donkey tail sway back and forth with each step, this made him snicker a bit. Just as she stepped on board the train, the door closed behind her. She turned to face Sam and she waved goodbye to him. Sam waved back, trying his best to hold back his tears. The train then started to move and flew back through the open portal. Sam then turned to get on his train. The doors closed behind him, and he took a set. The Train started to move, as it started to go through its portal, Sam looked down at the new device on his wrist. “I wonder how it works,” he questioned as everything faded into white. Sam slowly and weakly opened his eyes, to see Fluttershy reading him a book. Her eyes were focused on the book, so she didn’t see him open his eyes. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were also there, listening to Fluttershy tell the story. Even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were there. Sam turned his head to better see them. Fluttershy looked up to see how the fillies were enjoying the story, but then froze when she saw Sam’s head had turned and his eyes were opened. “Fluttershy what’s wrong?” Sweetie asked. “Yeah, you look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Sam remarked, this surprised the five fillies as they turned their heads around to face him, “you all look like you’ve seen a ghost.” One moment they all were staring at Sam, the next all five fillies were on the hospital bed hugging me tightly. “SAM, YOU’RE OK,” Diamond yelled. “Girls… Can’t… Breath…” Sam gasped for air. “Oh sorry,” Scootaloo said as she and the other girls backed off. “Sam…” Diamond Tiara said sadly, Sam put up his hand stopping her from continuing. “Don’t worry about an apology,” Sam replied, “I knew after saving your life, you would want to apologise, and yes I would love to be your friend too.” Diamond was speechless but happy that Sam forgave her, and then tackled him in another more gentler hug. “We must tell Twilight that you’re better,” Fluttershy said, but before Fluttershy opened the door. “Take your time,” Sam replied, “I'm still feeling really weak. “Probably because you haven’t eaten anything for a few weeks,” Silver Spoon said. “Have I really been out that long?” Sam asked. “Girls, can you go off and tell Twilight that Sam’s awake, and I’ll keep him company,” asked Fluttershy. “Ok,” the fillies replied as they got off Sam’s bed and dashed off to get Twilight. “So what did I miss?” Sam asked. Fluttershy chuckled and told Sam everything that he missed, while Sam had some of Pinkie’s cupcakes. While Equestria was all calm and collected, earth was complete and utter chaos. The Animal Virus was still around, and what was left of humanity, chased the human-turned-animals out of their towns and cities. And it was the same for Sam’s siblings, Scott, Kerry, and Rebecca, along with Scott’s girlfriend Emily, and Kerry’s boyfriend Jake. Once they heard that the virus had hit their little hometown, they dashed to get back and check on Sam and Diana. But they had gotten infected too. Scott had wolf fur growing on his body, Kerry had cheetah ears, Rebecca had a spider’s abdomen, Emily had a lizard’s tail and Jake had a rhino’s horn. The closer they got to Romsey, the further their changes went on, they rushed to the house. But only found a donkey in the front garden sleeping, and Sam nowhere to be seen. Surprisingly, their minds never left them, so they were themselves, but their bodies were that of a wolf, cheetah, giant spider, lizard, and rhino. Some of the remaining humans in the town found them and chased them out of their town in hopes that would limit the chances of turning animals. The five were forced to live in the forest outside the town. “I’m so worried,” Rebecca commented, as the five made their way deeper into the forest. “About the people finding us and killing us?” Jake asked. “No, about Sam,” Rebecca replied, “did he make it out alive? Did he become an animal?” “Don’t focus on that,” Scott said, as he led the five, “you’ll just drive yourself mad thinking about what could you have done. You can’t change the past.” “Bro where are we going?” Kerry asked her brother, “my legs are aching.” “You’re a cheetah, you should be used to this,” Scott replied. “We’re been animals for like a day!” Kerry snapped. “Keep your fur on,” Scott told her, “I’m just trying to find some shelter for the night.” “How about that cave,” Emily pointed out as her tongue flicked. “That’s good enough,” Scott said as the five made their way inside the cave. Of course this is the same cave that Sam went into and fell into the lagoon in fright of the bears. Luckily, the bears were out hunting. The five entered the cave and continued to walk until they reached the back with the lagoon. They all ran down to the water feeling extremely thirsty. As they drank, Scott picked up a familiar scent with his nose. “Hey, I smell something,” Scott said, “it smells familiar.” “What is it?” Emily asked. “It smells like…” Scott paused as he sniffed he sniffed a bit more, “Sam…” “What?!” they all exclaimed, they were all so surprised, Jake’s front leg slipped on the edge of the lagoon, and he fell into the water. “Jake!” cried Kerry as she jumped in to help him. “Sis!” Rebecca cried as she jumped in after her. Emily and Scott looked at each other and both jumped in too. After they all had jumped in, everything went silent, and still, the only thing that was happening was the bubbles coming to the surface of the lagoon. And just as suddenly as Jake falling in the bubbles started to slow down until they stopped all together.