//------------------------------// // Pink Part 1 // Story: The Misadventures of The Doctor and Pinkie Pie // by Bronytype //------------------------------// The dim light of the moon shone down on the town of Ponyville, coating the sleepy town in it's beautiful white glow, a pegasus pony by the name High Flyer made his way back home after a long day of delivering, his snow white coat caught the moonlight and glistened, his long, beige mane flowing behind him. A wheel adorned his flank, reflecting his unrivalled delivery time. High Flyer prided himself on his work. It was the most wonderful feeling he could imagine when he completed a delivery, it kept him on his hooves. He had met many different creatures on his travels around Equestria and, to him, they were the main reason he loved his job. Some may have considered it a tedious task, going from place to place to place, but to him each new delivery meant a new adventure, new creatures to meet and befriend. High Flyer looked up at the moon, ever since Princess Luna had returned last year, the night sky had seemed much more peaceful. Looking up at the night sky always helped to clear his mind. No matter how much you love your job there's always going to be that one customer that grates on your nerves. Some old stallion's clock was fast by an hour, it always was, and every time he'd complain, and every time he would keep High there for half an hour, lecturing him on time keeping and how important it is. “I’ll show you time keeping, you old fossil.” As High grumbled quietly to himself his gaze was drawn to something strange, a flash of light in the sky. "Cool, a shooting star maybe?" He immediately dismissed that theory as he noticed something was off. As the object rapidly grew bigger he realised what was off. It was red, not only that but it was pulsating, and left no trail as it tore through the night. His eyes widened as he realised it was heading in his direction at an incredible speed. It soured over him close to the ground, but it made no noise. Even as it landed somewhere on the outskirts of the forest, there was only a dull thud and a flash of red light as it hit, "WHAT IN TARTARUS WAS THAT", High screamed, he then realised it hit near his house, "EMERALD" He screamed. Panicked, he shot off from the ground and began to fly as fast as his wings could carry him. His mind began to race thinking of all the horrible things that could have happened. It didn't take long before he got home to find it was still standing, he breathed a sigh of relief but he was still worried sick, he burst through the door and galloped in, "EMERALD, EMER-AAGHH", he was cut off as his head hit the doorframe. "What's got you so riled up" a deep, yet distinctly feminine voice spoke up. A zebra appeared in the doorway, her long black and white mane trailing behind her in braids. A golden eye, hung around her neck on a necklace. Seeing her safe, he breathed a sigh of relief. He ran up to her and hugged her, "Oh, thank Celestia you're alright", he let her go, and went over to the window. Opening it, High stuck his head out, frantically looking around, "did you see it fall", he asked pulling his head in. "See what, High, what are you talking about?", Emerald asked concerned, she then realised what he could mean, "Oh, do you mean that red light, it came down somewhere on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest", she wondered tapping her chin with her hoof. 'How can she be so calm', High thought to himself. Deciding not to ponder too much on this, he shook his head, "Maybe, I should go check it out, make sure it doesn't cause any fires", High suggested. "No" Emerald protested, her previous calmness gone, "I think we should let the authorities, take care of it, don't you?", she asked. "I would say yes, but it's eleven o'clock at night, and it didn't make that much of a noise, I doubt anypony heard it", he argued back. Emerald still looked unsure, "That may be so but…” Laying a hoof on Emerald’s shoulder, High sighed. “Look, you go into town and let the authorities know. I’ll go and make sure it hasn’t started any fires.” Emerald still seemed hesitant. “Okay.” She sighed as she relented, but just as quickly, her tone became stern. “But I want you to meet me back here in an hour. Got that.” "YES SIR MA'AM", he shouted, giving her a salute, trying to lighten the mood. It evidently worked, as her expression softened and she gave a chuckle, "I’m sorry, I just worry about you that's all.” Trotting up to him, she gave him another serious look and continued, "but don't think just because you made me laugh, I'm going to go back on my word, one hour, if you don't find anything, come straight back." "Okay, one hour then I'll be back" High gave another mock salute, and left. After walking for ten minutes, High Flyer reached a clearing in the forest. The smell of smoke assaulted his nostrils, but there was no sign of a fire. "It looked like it came down around here", High mumbled to himself, then he saw it, the object HAD landed here. Strangely enough, the downed trees and smoking crater one would expect were absent. There was a small trail of dirt leading directly to the object, surrounded in a dust cloud. High flew up, clearing the dust with the wind from his wings. The dust cleared to reveal a pulsating, red transparent orb about the size of a melon. It was obviously hollow, but there was nothing inside. "What the heck is that thing?" Despite being so bright, he couldn't look away, he found himself reaching out to touch it. His hoof met with it and he reflexively recoiled. It felt like glass, but the surface of the orb rippled like water, the glow intensified immensely. High jumped up and flew behind a tree. A red vapour erupted from the orb and hit the ground, twisting and contracting as it took the form of a long beautiful, grey snake like creature with patches of black running down the length of its body in arrow shapes pointing up, it's pupils were slit, but behind them one could see a cold intelligence. It slithered elegantly up to the orb and picked it up with its tail. Raising its head, it spoke in a smooth, sultry female voice. " Oooohhh, it feels so good to be out of that thing" Stretching, she brought the orb up to her face, "Why I never took comfort into consideration when designing you, I'll never know." She brought the orb to her chest and in a flash of light it sunk in to her chest, becoming part of her. *SNAP!* The snake snapped around with reflexes quick enough to dodge an arrow. She slithered up to a tree, "Who's there, show yourself." She started looking around, her keen eyes scanning every inch of her surroundings. High was sweating, he was being searched for by a strange snake creature, 'Oh sweet Celestia, what is that thing, and what was it doing here.' He started flicking through options in his mind, figuring that in any situation he was likely to be seem, High sighed. 'There's nothing else to do, I may as well face her, and hope she isn't dangerous'. Taking a deep breath he stepped out from the tree. "I'm here", he shouted, she whipped around and focused her cold eyes on him. "Well well well, what have we here.", she slithered up to him, and stopped right in front of him, "You are very different, aren't you?" This confused High greatly, " What do you mean by that", he asked, his voice breaking in fear. She looked back to him, "Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet, how rude of me", she slithered towards him, her body almost seeming to glide across the forest floor her movements were so smooth, and wrapped herself around him, she came to eye level with him, "My real name would be impossible to pronounce with your primitive tongue, so just call me Eileen." This just confused High even more. He was incredibly uncomfortable at the moment, but he ignored it in favour of getting answers, "What do you mean, primitive tongue?", he asked, his discomfort clear in his voice. "English, you're speaking English, it's an incredibly primitive language, I really don't know how it became the most popular language in the galaxy", she said rolling her eyes, it looked really awkward with her slits of pupils. 'English, I thought it was Equish' he shook off the thought and looked at her, "If it's so primitive why are you speaking, it?" She smiled, "Oh, how I hoped you would ask that. You see, I'm not, you see this here?", she slid up further, revealing the orb in her chest, "It's more than just a vehicle, it's also a universal translator, as long as I'm touching it, it will translate anything I'm saying, and it works both ways.", she came back down, "Now back to the first question, you are different from anything I've seen, I've been across the entire galaxy", she gave a little chuckle, " I guess you could say I'm a bit of a tourist, I've seen ponies before, but none that could talk, and a pegasus too, oh it's Christmas", she sounded very pleased. His discomfort finally took hold, "Uh huh, well I really need to get home, and you seem like a decent enough, uh, snake. Now if you'd be so kind as to maybe get off of me?", High said chuckling nervously. She gave a mock frown, "Oh I'm sorry, but you can't leave without me.", she stated. This got High worried, "W-w-what do y-y-y-you mean?" High stuttered. She obviously got a kick out of his worry because she chuckled, "You see, I need a vessel, if everyone in this world is going to be like you, I doubt someone like me could just stroll down the street unnoticed. Your body isn't perfect, but it'll do." she smirked. Her body evaporated into that red vapour again, the orb floating behind her, and surrounded him. "HOLD ON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING", High screamed. Eileen's voice echoed around him, " Don't worry, this won’t hurt at all", the vapour started to close in around him, he felt a tingly sensation as the vapour sank into his skin. when it was over he lost consciousness and slumped to the ground. "Are you sure you can to take care of the shop while we're gone?." Stacking the last suitcase on to a wooden cart that the Apple family had lent them. "You've got nothing to worry about, Pinkie Pie's got it all covered", Pinkie pie smiled, "besides, silly, you'll only be gone a week, I can take care of everything till you get back." "Oh, I'm sorry Pinkie it's just we've just been waiting for this vacation for a long time, and we really want to enjoy it, stress free", Cupcake said as he strapped the twins into a pair of foal seats Big Mac had installed in the back. "Well then don't be stressed, I can handle it, I'm a mature and responsible adult.” Pinkie gave them what was supposed to be a reassuring smile. The cakes and even the twins gave her a "really" look. “Wwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttt." "Right.......well, the bakery will be closed while we're away, the only thing you need do is keep the place spotless until we get back", Carrot Cake informed her, getting himself ready to pull the cart. "Oh and expect a visit from Twilight tomo....", she was cut off by Pinkie Pie, who was pushing her out the door. "Look Mrs Cake, I've got this. it'll be a piece of cake, now go and enjoy your vacation, it's not like there's going to be a hole in the roof when you get back", she smiled through Cupcakes protests, she got through the door and started grabbing random things and giving them to Cupcake, "go on, relax, unwind, mingle, Sugarcube Corner will still be here when you get back." "If you say so", Cupcake replied nervously. "I do say so, go have fun", she closed the door and heard the cart moving away. "Alright Pinkie you got this." She pulled a list of chores the Cake's left her out of her mane and unrolled it. Her face dropped when it finished, the list was long, too long, her face soon lit up again though, " Ah well, better get started, how hard can it be." High Flyer lifted himself weakly off his feet, and looked around, he regained his composure and opened his mouth to speak, but when he did it wasn't his own, it was a mixture of his and Eileen's, they overlapped each other when she spoke, "Oh, it feels good to be in another's body again, that old body of mine was becoming quite a bore" she stretched, " oh and hooves, this is different". She looked down and saw a stick, " hmm, I wonder", she reached down to pick it up, and to her surprise she did, "how does this work". She stared for a while trying to figure it out. 'Get out of my body', High's voice echoed in her mind, 'you have no right to do this', this shocked Eileen immensely, she quickly got over it. "Well this is most impressive tell me how is it you're able to speak to me?, she shrugged it off, "No matter give it a couple of hours and you'll be buried away in my subconscious." 'But you said...', he was cut off though, by Eileen. "I said it wouldn't hurt, and it won't", she smirked, "just think of it as going to sleep, except you won't wake up". Her ears perked up though as she heard someone. "YOU! BRING YOUR TEAM AND SEARCH OVER THERE, FIND THE CIVILIAN", she saw the silhouettes of what appeared to be the police. Eileen smiled, 'What are you smiling about, you’re not going to kill them are you?', High asked worried about the ponies safety. "No, what'd be the point. I need them to take me to town", she cleared her throat, and spoke in High's voice, "I'm over here." "SIR, WE'VE FOUND HIM, OVER HERE", one of them shouted. Eileen was immediately surrounded by police, they split to reveal a large earth pony stallion, he had a brown coat, with a short, messy and sort of grey mane, his cutie mark was a pair of handcuffs. "Sir, we're gonna have to escort you out of this clearing, as of this morning no civilians are allowed in this area, you will be escorted to your house, where you and your wife will be questioned." He spoke in a gruff voice. "Oh thank you, thank you", Eileen spoke in High's voice. The brown stallion turned to two ponies, a blue earth pony mare with a light yellow mane, and a white unicorn stallion with a grey mane, "You two will escort him back to his house and wait for me.", he ordered. The two ponies nodded and approached Eileen, "Please, follow us", the earth pony spoke. Eileen faked a sincere smile, "Thank you", she thanked as she followed them. 'NO, THAT'S NOT ME, YOU'RE TAKING THE WRONG PONY', High shouted in vain. Eileen showed no sign of knowing he was there, and followed the two ponies. Sugarcube corner, that evening The sun was starting to set as Pinkie finally finished all the chores the Cakes had left her, her mane, tail and coat were a mess, and she was just about ready to drop, "Ugh, note to self never, EVER ask how hard can something be." She trotted up the stairs and to her room. She opened the door and, without closing it, flopped down on her bed. "I need a nap.", she got under the covers and in a split second, was out. (Two hours later) Sugarcube corner started shaking, Pinkie's eye's shot open, "EARTHQUAKE." She dashed under the bed, she could hear pots and pans downstairs falling and smashing. Her alarm clock fell off of its stand smashed. Gummy didn't seem to be fazed as he just sat on the windowsill and stared blankly out of the window. The shaking stopped. Pinkie emerged from under her bed and looked around. Noticing that gummy was staring out of the window, she bounced over to him, " Whatcha looking at, gummy?" She looked out of the window and saw everypony looking up in the direction of Sugarcube corner, Opening the window, she stuck her head out and looked up, just in time to see a small flaming box like object sore over the bakery. She and everypony else's vision followed the object until it landed in a field just outside of Ponyville with a loud boom. It didn't keep her attention long though, because as everypony else rushed to see what had fell, she was distracted by the sound of breaking wood followed by a loud thud. "That's strange, I wonder what that was, Gummy stay here and let me know of any changes." The alligator just stuck his tongue out and licked the side of her face, she picked him up and hugged him "aw, thanks Gummy I knew I could count on you", she put him down and made her way downstairs. She arrived downstairs to a mess, wooden beams lay on top of the crushed counter. Lying in the debris was a strange bipedal creature with a patch of brown hair on top of its head. It opened its green eyes, and looked at her, "HI! No wait, erm, who are you?" it asked confused, before losing consciousness again. Pinkies shocked face quickly changed to a smile, "COOL", she shouted excitedly. Outskirts of Ponyville, High and Emerald's house, earlier that day Eileen and the two officers arrived at High's house around fifteen minutes later. The walls of the hallway were dotted with pictures of High and who Eileen presumed to be his wife. They led her to a fairly large room where a zebra sat at a table with her face buried in her hooves. The unicorn stallion told her to sit at the table. The zebra looked up at the sound of another voice, and the moment her eyes landed on Eileen's she almost shot up, but seemed to reconsider. What happened to you? I was worried sick.", she shouted. Eileen searched around High's mind, after finding the zebra's name she replied in a relieved voice, "Me too Emerald, I was so scared", there was a brief look of suspicion in Emeralds eyes, but it soon disappeared and was replaced with a look of worry. "Are you feeling alright", she asked with worry. This confused Eileen, "Yes, why do you ask", the look of suspicion returned to Emerald's face. "Who are y..." emerald was cut off when the unicorn entered. "Princess Luna will speak with you now", he gesture for them to follow, on the way out Emerald didn't take her eye off of Eileen. Sugarcube Corner Pinkie decided it would be best to get the creature out of the rubble. She guessed it was a he from his voice. Once he was on the sofa she decided she should go tell Twilight, but remembered she was at the Crystal Empire, she wouldn't say what for, but she had said it was important, so she opted instead to just continue her nap. Twilight would be back tomorrow and she could talk then. She woke up 4 hours later with a dry throat, to the sound of singing coming from her kitchen, "Huh what's that", she trotted out of her room and it became clearer, "is somepony singing", as she descended the stairs it got clearer. "I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings, I have no rival, No man can be my equal,Take me to the future of your wor..." He stopped singing when he noticed her come in. "Ah hello there." Now she was awake enough she took in his features, he was wearing battered suite that was covered in holes, he didn't look young, but he didn't look particularly old, he looked to be middle aged, though this was speculation on her part as she'd never seen anything like him. He stood tall on two legs, Pinkie only came to his waist. He had no hair on his body except on his head where he had a moderate amount of dark brown hair. He looked down at his sandwich then looked back at Pinkie, "sorry about eating your food, just woke up, regeneration tends to make you a bit peckish and….can you understand me?" "Cool", she was in his face in less than a second, "HEY WHAT ARE YOU? DO YOU HAVE NAME? DO YOU....", she was cut off as the creature screamed and crouched in pain, dropping his sandwich and clutching his chest, "Oh I'm sorry did I startle you", she asked as she ran over to him. He managed to look up from his crouching position, to reveal a look of pure pain on his face. "No this is agh normal after regener....argh..... regeneration". He collapsed to the ground unconscious. Pinkie looked down in shock at the strange creature that lay unconscious at her hooves. She regained her composure and dragged him back to the couch. As soon as he was lay down he exhaled a golden mist from his mouth, causing Pinkie jump back. It seamed weightless as it floated on the air and out of the window. 'I need Twilight', she thought to herself as she left to the castle to get Spike. Late afternoon Twilight's castle Pinkie had decided it would be best to bring the creature with her to show Twilight. She'd decided to take the back streets to avoid attention. Usually she'd be all over the chance to show off her new friend, but she wasn't stupid, she could tell he was in no condition for that. She would have got to the castle faster, but she had the creature hanging over her back weighing her down. By the time she reached Twilight's castle it was late at night and she was ready to collapse. She pushed open the doors to the castle and hobbled to the main room weighed down by the sleeping creature on her back. "SPIKE, I NEED YOU", she yelled hoping it would be enough to get his attention. Spike's voice spoke up from the kitchen, "WHAT’S WRONG PINKIE", he shouted. "I GOT A SITUATION HERE" Pinkie shouted trying to stay upright. "I’LL SAY. DID YOU HEAR THAT BANG", came Spike's reply. "I'LL BE OUT IN A MINUTE" "I'M KIND OF WEIGHED DOWN AT THE MOMENT", she replied, she saw spike exit the kitchen with a bowl, the contents of which she couldn't see. Spike did a double take when he saw what Pinkie had hung over her back, "AH, PINKIE, WHY HAVE YOU GOT A HUMAN, WHERE DID YOU FIND HIM", he yelled, jumping in shock, almost dropping his bowl. "No time to explain he needs help", Pinkie yelled. She deposited the creature, now identified as a human, on the floor in the main room. Pinkie had heard about humans from Twilight after her first trip into the human world, but she hadn't imagined them looking like this. The moment he touched the floor a golden glow started to emanate around him. "What's happening, I've never seen a human do this before?", Spike set the bowl he had down on the floor, snatched some gems, and ran over to join her. "I don't know, I've only spoken to him twice, and even then he collapsed after not even a minute", Pinkie sat down in her chair and slumped down, "I'm exhausted, I had to carry him all the way here, he's heavy." Spike looked at him, "I'd imagine so", he sat in his chair and looked at her, "So where'd you find him", he asked. "He kind of crashed through the roof of Sugarcube Corner, at about the same time the weird thing fell out of the sky", she recalled. "Why did you bring him here, why not bring him to, I don't know, a doctor", as soon as Spike finished speaking the human shot up and look straight at him, causing Spike jump to back in shock. "You called", he seemed to notice the change of scenery and looked around, "nice place you've got here, is this real crystal?" He leaned over and licked the floor, "yep real crystal." He then looked up at spike, "and what are you?", he got right up in Spike's face. Sensing Spike becoming more uncomfortable Pinkie decided to butt in, however, the human seemed to sense this and backed off a little, "Oh I'm sorry, how rude of me, I'm The Doctor nice to meet you", the human, now identified as The Doctor extended his hand for Spike to shake. Nervously spike took hold of his hand and shook it, "I-I’m Spike nice to m-m-m-meet you", he stuttered. "Oh, and you speak to, and it's not just the TARDIS this time, you're speaking English", he was full of glee, jumping from foot to foot on the floor like an overly excited child. Spike's terror was replaced with confusion, "English? Wait what's a TARDIS", He asked. "Oh have you seen it, it'll look like a big blue box", at this Pinkie perked up, suddenly she was in The Doctors face. "A Box! I'VE SEEN A BOX IT CRASHED DOWN IN THE FIELD JUST WEST OF PONYVILLE", she shouted. "Woah, calm down there Speedy Gonzales." The Doctor backed up. Pinkie sat back down. "That's better, now tell me, slowly, where it came down." "It came down in a field just west of Ponyville ", she said calming down. He looked like he was about to answer when he let out a scream of agony and fell to his knees, the only difference being this time he was still conscious. He clutched his chest and exhaled deeply letting out a golden mist. Spike started hyperventilating, "What's happening to him?" He was good with first aid, but this was a human, he probably felt helpless. Pinkie found herself agreeing with that feeling. The Doctor looked up, his face screamed agony, "I regenerated a few hours ago but it's not complete" he said through clenched teeth. "What do you mean regenerated", Spike asked. The look in his eyes was a mix of terror and concern. "I few hours ago I died, my race regenerate after death," The Doctor explained through the pain, "but the process isn't complete yet, my cells are still replacing themselves and it's painful as hell." "What do you need us to do" Pinkie asked hurriedly. "Get me to my ship" he screamed, "I need to get to my ship, she'll know what to do." With that he collapsed. Pinkie acted immediately, "Spike help me lift him." Spike, too confused to question, just grabbed his legs and hunched him over Pinkie's back. Suddenly something struck Spike, "wait, did he just call his ship a she." Outskirts of Ponyville The field had been surrounded by the Royal Guard, and a couple of tents had been set up in a small area to the left. Waves of curious onlookers were being held back by the exhausted looking guards. Pony after pony rushed them, each wishing for a view of what had crashed down just hours ago. The guards bowed parted as an elegant white alicorn with flowing hair approached. 'I wish they'd just relax.' She gave a curt nod and entered the tent. The interior was spacious and mostly empty save for a table in the centre, and a few chairs here and there. Other than herself, only two ponies occupied the tent behind the table. The first was a Grey, burly-looking unicorn stallion with a short-cropped black mane. He had bright yellow eyes which, despite his gruff appearance, betrayed his gentle nature. Beside him there stood an earth pony stallion of slim stature. His eyes were sapphire. He had blue fur and a messy mane of white. His legs seemed to buckle under the weight of his own body, even standing looked to be a struggle for him. Despite this, he seemed to have a permanent smile on his face. The slim earth pony was the first to talk, "Ah. Hello Celestia. So good to see you again." His voice carried the enthusiasm promised by his smile. "You won't belie...." "Ahem" He was cut off by a rather forceful sounding clearing of the throat. "Specs," the gruff voice of his co-worker cut in, "we've talked about this. We must address the Princes properly." While stern, his voice carried an unwavering fondness for the skinny pony before him. The pony, Specs, blushed. His smile still bright as ever, he turned to the brawny unicorn as if to say something before deciding against it. Celestia let out a giggle. "You don't need to be so strict on him Silverstrike." "Of course your highness." Silverstrike gave a bow. She rolled her eyes, but her smile remained warm and inviting. "Now. What do we know about the object that fell." Her voice took on a serious tone. "Well." Specs spoke up, "all we really know at the moment is that it's small. Too small to be a meteorite." Silverstrike stepped up, "Witnesses say they that the thing that fell was a blue box." "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY" Specs and Silverstrike were taken aback by Celestia's sudden outburst. Realizing this, Celestia cleared her throat sheepishly before continuing, "I need to see it." Silverstrike was the first to recover, "w-well." He cleared his throat as he regained his composure. "We'd be happy to escort you. if you'll just follow me." Celestia stepped aside to let him pass, before following she turned to specs, "we'll need your expertise in case he's injured." With that, she turned and left. Despite his confusion about the use of the word 'him' followed her out of the tent The crater was big, much bigger than it should have been considering the small object in the centre. The object in question was a small blue box with a tiny light on top. Celestia's face split into a smile. Forgetting the two ponies accompanying her, she ran up to the box and rapped a hoof excitedly on the door. "DOCTOR! DOCTOR! IT'S CELESTIA!" Hearing no response, she deflated. "Doctor?" The shaky voice of Specs spoke up, "I...is that what I think it is?" Specs was awestruck. His mouth was practically touching the floor. Silverstrike looked between the two, "You mind filling me in." Specs looked incredulously to his partner, "Silver", he deadpanned. "How long have we lived together? You should at least know what the TARDIS is." "That's the TARDIS" Now it was his turn to look incredulous. "It's not much to look at." Specs opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by Celestia, "He's not here." She turned to Silverstrike. "Tell the guards to get ponies back in their homes and send word to Princess Twilight. You are to only allow the element bearers access to this area. I will inform Princess Luna." She looked to the TARDIS, "If The Doctor is here then trouble isn't far behind." Silverstrike saluted and galloped off without a word. Specs watched him leave before turning to Celestia. "What should I do." "I need you to stay in the tent and greet the element bearers should they find their way here." With that. She spread her wings and took off in the direction of the Everfree Forest. Pinkie galloped her way through town as fast as her legs could carry her. Behind her, Spike panted and gasped for breath, struggling to keep up. The surroundings seemed to blur together as his head began to spin. "Pinkie. Can you *pant* please wait up." He silently cursed his lack of wings. Pinkie ignored him, the human on her back was in desperate need of attention. She made a mental note to apologise to Spike later on. As she ran, she came upon a crowd of ponies. The crowd split as they noticed The Doctor on her back, the looks on their faces showed wonder rather than horror. Pinkie paid them no mind as she continued on to the crash site. She'd expected resistance from the guard, but surprisingly they bowed and parted to let her through. A slim pony raised his hoof as if to greet her, but she sped past. She heard Spike apologising to the pony behind her. Arriving at the crater she looked down at the blue box in the centre and furrowed her brows. "Is that it?" She'd expected it to be bigger. Shrugging, she slid down to the edge of the crater. She let The Doctor down off of her back and approached the box. Laying a hoof in the door, she attempted to push it open. She looked to the side and read the sign, ‘pull to open.’ She went to alter her approach but was cut off when she noticed something. There was a faint hum coming from within, she could feel it reverberating through her hoof. She didn't even notice Spike. "Pinkie. What was that about. Ignoring a new pony isn't li...." He was cut short with a shush from Pinkie. "Spike. Come here and feel this." Spike, though confused, complied. He brought his hand up to the door and....*gasp* "I can feel it." He brought his ear to the door. "It's almost as it's-" "-alive?" A voice from behind cut him off . "That's because she is, my reptillian friend." Pinkie and Spike whipped their heads around to stare at the, now conscious, Doctor. Pinkie was the first to speak. "You're awake?" "Eyup. Hopefully for good this time. Being in such close proximity to the TARDIS has given me enough energy to maintain consciousness, but I'll need to enter to finish the process." Walking up to the TARDIS, as he called it, he pulled a key his suit and inserted it into the lock. He tried to turn it but the lock seemed to jam. "Come on. Don't do this to me now." "Maybe you're doing something wrong", Spike offered. The Doctor took the key out and turned to face them. "No. We'd know if I had. The inside of the lock is set up to melt if it's done wrong. Prevents it from being stolen." He walked around the TARDIS, "She's repairing herself. Yes, that was a nasty crash. Nothing we can do about it. I'll manage for now." Pinkie looked up at him and opened her mouth to say something when..... *BOOM*