Spike on his OWN

by The Cowardly Christian

chapter 1

Spike on his own




It was a beautiful day in Equestria...at least...Spike ASSUMED it was...whatever, he was too comfortable inside to check...

Spike was just lounging on a chair in his mom's castle of friendship...he was snacking on Gems...reading power ponies...while completely naked as usual...

Spike didn't know why he preferred to do things naked...it's not like he had anything worth 'showing off'...

His dragon body was a bit of a runt...he was more then a little chubby...and his uh- ahem! -'boyhood'...was smaller then a peanut...and his balls were even smaller...

But still...he just liked it...besides..he was safely inside his moms private library where NO ONE could see him...so where's the harm?


The cutiemark crusaders snickered. They'd climbed to the top of the castle to earn their bird-watching cutiemarks...but they found something FAR more interesting...

"Wow...it's even smaller then I thought it be." Said Applebloom with a giggle as she took pictures of a naked Spike laying out on a couch.

Sweetiebelle giggled, "Rarity would always say how there are some ponies who just shouldn't be naked...I never really got what she meant...until NOW." The crusaders laughed as one on that as they took more pictures...


Spike, oblivious to his 'public' shaming continued to lie down spread-eagle until he ran out of gems...still feeling peckish he got up, stretched and walked out of the room...he briefly considered putting on some clothes...but he dismissed that. The kitchen wasn't far and the only person in the castle was his mom. And Twilight was busy with some diplomatic meeting with some new nation or other...he hadn't really been paying attention...

So he just walked naked through the castle until he got to the Kitchen...


Scotaloo takes some nice snapshots of Spikes fleeting posterior. "Well, his front bumper ain't up to snuff and it looks like his rear view isn't much to look at either." She teases as they all laugh and quickly climb over to the next sky light to see if they can see some more...


Spike rummaged in the fridge, "Dang it! Mom must've found my secret stash in the cheese drawer! That was one of my best hiding spots too! She hates cheese! Why would she even-

"Come on Starlight! The great and powerful Trixie need her magicians tools!"

"SHH! Trixie be quiet! You know that Twilight forbid you from coming here during diplomat meetings after that disaster with the Grootians!

"How was Trixie supposed to know that lump of wood was his grandfather and not kindling?"

"Look, just help me find your tools before Twilight sees us!"

Spike panicked! The girls were clearly heading for the kitchen! No time to think he covered himself and streaked out the nearest door...

Oblivious to the snickering mares using a spell to see through the wall.

"Wow, Trixie feels sorry for whatever mare has the misfortune of making love with him." She taunts.

"Your giving my LITTLE brother too much credit...I doubt there's a mare that desperate." Teases Starlight.

They both hoof-bump each other and go to the next wall to watch the fireworks...they did just trick Spike to run naked into the room where Twilight was entertaining the foreign diplomat after all...


The cutiemark crusaders, unseen by all...eagerly moved on to the next skylight to watch this drama continue...


Spike panted, his belly jiggling, his breathing shallow and wheezy...he wipes the sweat of his brow off and looks around to see where he is...

"Wait, isn't this moms diplomatic conference room-

"Just follow me into this room and we'll get started." Spike froze at the familiar sound of his mother heading this way! Spike quickly tried to go back the way he came...but unfortunately for him, Starlight had already locked it.

Spike was REALLY panicking, not only out of embarrassment but also that his mom had strictly forbidden him walking around naked! If she saw him she'd ground him for a year and take his gem privileges...oh, and naturally all the trouble with causing an international incident...that was important too.

With nowhere left to go...he dived into a nearby wardrobe.

He gave a silent, pleading prayer to Faust of not being discovered as he heard his mom enter the room with someone.

"I can't tell you how exciting it is to FINALLY form diplomatic ties with the dragon nation!" Said the voice of Twilight.

Spikes eyes widened, 'Dragons? Nation?'

"Not sure 'exciting' is the right word I'd use for it, but whatever floats your boat." Says a rather sassy FEMALE voice.

Curiosity getting the better of him. Spike opened the wardrobe slightly...just enough to get a peek...and what he saw left him dumbstruck.

It was another dragon! a FEMALE dragon! A NAKED female dragon! A shapely rear that looked like it could jiggle for hours AND a rack so large it looked like could kill a pony if swung at them wrong!


Spike felt his face redden as his minuscule dick went from flaccid to...TECHNICALLY erect but might as well still be flaccid as far as size is concerned...

The other onlookers were equally stunned at the sight of a female dragon...she was GORGEOUS...

"Forget birds, this is where the actions at!" Said Scootaloo as she takes more pictures.

For the next hour or so...they discussed basic politics and stuff...the girls got bored...but Spike didn't...he COULDN'T he couldn't take his eyes off this beautiful creature...

Meanwhile, the female dragon was at first clearly not excited to be here...but out of nowhere, she seemed to start looking...amused?

Twilight either didn't notice this or didn't mind...in any case, things didn't really get exciting again until the the END of the meeting...

"So...We done here?" Asked the Girl Drake finally.

"Uh...with the 'official' stuff yes...but...well, I'm going to level with you...I had an ULTERIOR motive for calling this meeting." Admitted Twilight awkwardly.

This caught Spike by surprise...Twilight NEVER deviates from protocol on something THIS important! What was going on here?

"You see...I have a adopted son named Spike...who's a dragon."

This perked Ember's interest as well as Spike's. "A dragon adopted by a pony...how did that happen?" She asked in disbelief.

Twilight quickly summarized how they'd found an abandoned egg and used it in her test to be part of Celestia's- contrary to popular belief they were never meant to hatch it, it was simply meant to help gauge the level of their magic power -the Rainboom that jacked her power to hatch it...

Eventually, she got to the point...

"Anyway, I have concerns about Spike...and since our knowledge about Dragons was rather limited before we began diplomatic contact-

"Say no more. Shoot." Said an increasingly amused and...interested? Looking Ember...

Spike was now concerned as well... what 'concerns' did his mom have about him? And why wouldn't she tell him?!

Twilight blinked, "Oh, good then! Uh...well fist of all...is it NORMAL for dragons to walk around naked all the time?"

Ember looked at her weirdly, "Uh...you mean like how you ponies walk around naked all the time?" She pointed out flatly.

"WERE NOT NAKED!" Snapped Twilight annoyed. "We have FUR! It's a huge semantical difference!" She insisted angrily, her nostrils flared indignantly.

Both Spike and Ember rolled their eyes in exasperated skepticism- the former due to this not being the first time hearing that lame excuse, the later just because it was a lame excuse -but decided to say nothing for the sake of moving the conversation along...

Twilight calms herself, "ANYWAY, I have concerns of Spike's...health- Spike's ears perk up in concern, what was this about? -she shows her a photo of Spike.

Ember looked at it curiously, "well...at first glance I'm not seeing anything wrong...looks like a perfectly healthy 8 year old drake to me...

There was an awkward silence...

Spike swore he could feel her words smacks his nads...

Ember saw this silence and quirked an eyebrow, "What?"

"Uh...Spike is THIRTEEN." Said Twilight flatly.

Ember's eyes went wide...then to Spike's horror she began to snicker...

"What is...?"

"Okay, other issues aside, you can immediately tell that's a problem as I'M thirteen." She displayed her fully height proudly.

Both Spike and Twilight winched, "Don't suppose your tall for you-

"Nope, completely average height for a drake." She said in an almost teasing voice, again Spike felt her words smack into his nads and fragile ego. She then notices something, "Wait...dose he not have wings yet either?" She asked, her teasing giving way to concern...

"Uh...is that bad?" Asked Twilight, also concerned by this sudden change in tone.

"Yes! He should've molted and developed them already! For him to NOT develop them yet...that's not healthy." Explained Ember worried.

Spike- no longer embarrassed -was now just frightened over what this meant for him...

"Is there any other problems you feel he has?" Probed Ember.

Twilight...blushed? "Well...there is another thing but..."

"But what? Come on! I can't help him if you don't tell me!" Asserted Ember.

Spike leaned forward as much as possible...what more could be wrong with him?

"He...Spike...has..." Twilight mumbled.

Suddenly, Ember's look of concern faded...and was replaced with... gleeful amusement?

"I'm sorry...could you repeat that? I didn't quite get that?" She said playfully.

Twilight took a deep breath, then steeled herself, finally: "HE HAS TINY GENITALS!"

Spike shattered...and just like that...they were back to humiliated...

Ember- trying very hard not to burst out laughing -kept a facade of concern up.

"Right...could you be more descriptive? After all, what you see as 'Tiny'...might be what dragons call 'normal'...I mean, it could happen right?"

Spike suppressed a groan as thanks to years dealing with the crusaders antics, he knew when someone was playing the 'devil in angel garments' gambit...but sadly, Twilight bought it hook line and sinker!

"Uh...well." Said Twilight uncomfortably...before awkwardly using her magic to levitate a fairy tiny blade of grass and two peanuts over...

Ember gave up all pretense of 'playing it cool' and rolled on the ground laughing. As was as all the other evasdropers...

Well, minus Spike. Who had given up any pretense of not wishing himself struck down dead right there...


Everyone stopped immediately, Ember was stunned to find even she was stunned into submission under the gaze of a pissed off Twilight!

Twilight glared at the eavesdroppers who'd revealed themselves through laughter, "LEAVE! I'LL PUNISH YOU LATER!"

The CMC, Starlight AND Trixie all ran in terror.

Spike- the only one still concealed -let out a sigh of relief and appreciation for his mothers protective nature. He quickly focused back on the sight before him as his mother wheeled on the drake princess.

"You listen to me! Here I try to bring you into my confidence about my son's health in the spirit of friendship and international cooperation and you reward with mockery!? Dose the health of one of your own not concern you!? Why I've never-

"Whoa! Whoa! I'm sorry okay? Your right, that was uncalled for." Said a surprisingly sincere Ember. Who seemed to be looking at Twilight with some new form of respect.

seeing this, Twilight simmered down. "Okay...very good. I'll give you one more chance...so do you know what's wrong with my son?"

Ember shrugged, "Well, I might have some ideas...but I need to discus a few things with you first just to be sure...how about we go to a more private setting?"

Twilight frowns but nods and they both go over to a nearby private room, deliberately enchanted so you could hear nothing but muffled noises from outside.

Spike was tempted to take this opportunity to flee, but the way the wardrobe was positioned made it so that he'd be completely exposed if either of those two decided to come out of that room unexpectedly.

He took many deep breaths and kept calm, knowing he had to be patient.

Finally, a VERY happy Ember and a very conflicted and concerned looking Twilight came out.

Twilight let out a resigned sigh, "Well...I'm not happy about this...but if it's for Spike's own good...well...what more can be said?"

Ember nodded as Twilight went to go find Spike.

Spike repressed his curiosity toward what they'd been talking about AND the sexy backside of the female dragon that now faced the wardrobe as spike tried to calm his pounding heart long enough to wait for Ember to leave so he could make his escape...

"Interesting fact about dragons." Said Ember suddenly to seemingly no one. Spike looked at the dragon still facing away from him confused.

"Our senses are so good, we can hear and smell many interesting things...like say: a little BOY trying to hide his arousal over little old me?"


To this day Spike would swear that in one BLINK of an eye...Ember went from farside of the room to right in front of him, the wardrobe doors torn aside!

Spike- now completely exposed save for his shivering hands on his now very much reduced genitals -Gulped and then chuckled nervously. "Uh...hello. Uh...Princess Ember...was it?"

Ember just smirked. Yes...and you must be Spike. You and I are about to have some real FUN together."

the predatory, downright HUNGRY look she gave his rather lackluster body...sent chills through poor Spikes very soul...
