Family of Chaos

by Animalman57

Fluff Ball Sisters

Wildflower squeezed the bottle again as she tried more of the shampoo. She normally wouldn't take a shower in the middle of the day, but after a prank she had tried to do backfired on her and made her land in a puddle of mud, her sister suggested that she take a shower to clean herself.

Once she entered, she remembered the new shampoo that they got and, once she got past the girly look of the bottle, she found herself enjoying it. She wasn't usually one for super fragrant shampoo, but Rarity had given this shampoo to the family as a gift. Even as one who wouldn't normally buy shampoo that smelled like flowers, it was nice. And it did help with the dirt that she normally got in her mane better than her usual brand.

I'll have to try to find this brand myself later. She thought reluctantly. Not too often, though. I don't want to smell like roses and lilacs all the time. Too girly of a smell for me. I'm sure Raven will like it, though. She decided she used enough of it and started to rinse her mane with the shower head.

Eventually, she turned the knob, turning off the shower and she stepped onto the tricolored bath mat. She flapped her wings, grabbing the azure towel that hung on the upside down towel rack and started drying herself off.

Once she finished, she grabbed her earrings, which she cleaned of mud and dirt earlier, and put them in. She then did up her mane in her usual braided fashion.

Once she was finished with her usual bathroom routine, she looked up at her reflection and smiled.


Her smile left her and her mouth was agape as something happened to her appearance. She stared wide-eyed at her reflection, almost horrified by how she now looked. She rubbed her eyes, hoping she was just seeing things. But when she looked again, she still looked like that.

What just happened?! She thought. With no other option, she inhaled and then screamed loudly.

Raven brushed Angel bunny's scruffy fur while she sat on the couch. Their mom and dad were currently out shopping for groceries. Raven said she'd look after the animals while they were gone. Fluttershy was a little nervous about leaving Raven home alone even though she was sixteen, but both Raven and Discord insisted that she'd be fine.

Despite that, to ease her concerns, Discord put up a magic shield that only their family could pass around their house as an extra precaution. Wildflower came home covered in mud earlier and Raven had spent the next fifteen minutes scrubbing the floor clean while Wildflower took a shower.

Her ears perked up at the sound of the shower being turned off. With how long the water was running, either it took Wildflower a while to clean the mud from her coat or she was enjoying herself. She jumped up once she heard her sister give a loud scream, one that was unexpected to come from her usually confident sister.

She put down the elderly lagomorph and rushed towards the bathroom before stopping suddenly at the door. "Wildflower?!" She knocked on the bathroom door. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Raven, help me!" She moaned from behind the door. Raven turned the knob, worried about her older sister, thinking that she slipped and hit her head against the countertop or something. Once she opened the door, she hopped in to help the teenaged pegasus.

Only to stop and blink at the odd sight before her.

Where Wildflower was presumably standing was instead a yellow and grey ball of fluff, the top and back accented with stripes of dark pink where her mane once stood and a puff of white stood where her tail used to. Her beauty mark, cutie mark and earrings were barely visible past all the fur.

Even the wings were puffy, no longer looking like properly preened wings and she imagined that if Wildflower tried to fly, they wouldn't be able to support her body. The only thing that clued Raven in that it was her sister besides the fur color was the teal and red eyes looking at her in anguish.

It was one of the bizarrest things she's ever seen, and considering who their father was, that was saying a lot.

"Sis..." She licked her lips, trying to find the right words. "You're, um, fluffy." She finally settled on.

Wildflower facehoofed at her sister's statement of the obvious.

"Really? I haven't noticed." She said with a sarcastic voice. The draconequus, still gaping at her sister's state, walked forward and touched Wild's now super fluffy chest with her paw.

"How did this happen?" She said, trying not to get distracted by how soft her big sis's fur was now.

Wildflower groaned. "I don't know. I was just finishing my shower when this happened. The only thing I did different was that I used that new shamp-" She suddenly stopped talking, her face showing some kind of realization.

"I think that shampoo did this to me!" Wildflower exclaimed. Raven raised a brow at this statement.

"How would shampoo do this?" She questioned, doubting her sister's deduction.

"Check the bottle, Raven. I'm sure that'll show what caused this." Wildflower said. Though not convinced, Raven decided that it'd be better to check. Besides, Wildflower did have a point that the only new thing about her shower was the new shampoo brand.

She walked past her sister (though Wildflower swore that the draconequus purposefully brushed against her body, clearly enjoying her new fluffy state. Her sister always did love fluffy things) and grabbed the shampoo bottle with her tail. Placing it in both hands, she started to read the bottle with her red-and-black reading glasses that she poofed onto her face.

"Belle Crinière: The perfect shampoo for any coiffure." She then noticed a small warning label just below the title. "Warning: use only a small amount, as it can effect your fur thanks to the small amount of potion magic our company uses to make your mane extra shiny and luscious."

Raven looked over to her sister. "How much did you use?" She asked. Wildflower shrugged. Raven rolled her eyes before shaking the bottle, noting it was almost halfway gone and she knew it was full before Wildflower took her shower, them having just got it.

She sighed, before continuing to read, "Should you experience any side effects, they shouldn't last for more than twenty-four hours." After double checking to make sure there wasn't anything else important, Raven dismissed her glasses and put the bottle back before turning to the fluff ball that was her sister.

"Okay, so you used a fair amount of it and that seems to have caused this. Thankfully, all we have to do is wait for your fur to flatten out by itself." She reassured.

The fluff ball moaned, "I don't want to wait that long! Can't you just use your magic to fix me or something?"

Raven shuffled on her feet before replying, "Well, I can try. Now, hold still."

Raven walked forward and rubbed her sister to try and flatten her fur, using her magic to make it stay that way. At first, it almost seemed to be working but then:


Wildflower blinked as her sister went from her usual noodly self to a mismatched colored fluff ball. Once the draconequus realized what happened, she let go and looked in the mirror. Her fur had puffed up, making her look a bit like a snow leopard. Even her tail tuft became fluffy, it resembling pink cotton.

The only hint at her true nature was her membranous bat wing (though it was almost hidden in the mass of fur), the scales on both her raven claw and snake tail, and her rosey pink eyes, which stared in disbelief.

"Okay, so my magic isn't going to help. I think the friction I was making probably transfered it over to me." She said, still shocked at how she looked. Wildflower smirked slightly at her sister's distress. At least she wouldn't be alone in this. But the smirk disappeared once she remembered her sister's words.

"So, you can't fix us?" She asked. Raven looked over and shook her head, causing the pegasus puff ball to sigh before asking, "We have to deal with this for twenty-four hours?" The draconequus fluff ball nodded, which made Wildflower's wings to droop to her sides.

"That's just great." She moaned.

The bathroom door opened up and the two puffy Chaos teens walked out, both of them heading towards the couch. The elderly bunny looked up and, once he saw how they looked, fell backwards on the couch, holding his stomach as he laughed loudly. Raven's cheeks burned while Wildflower rolled her eyes at the lagomorph.

"Girls, we're home." Their mother's voice called out from behind them. The two teens sighed as they turned around, ready to face the inevitable.

Fluttershy was carrying a couple bags of groceries on her back while Discord floated behind her, holding another two bags with his tail.

Once Fluttershy looked over, she blinked at the fact that rather than her darling daughters, there were two masses of fluff instead. When Discord saw, he couldn't help himself and started laughing loudly, spinning around in a circle in midair. Even Fluttershy held an amused expression, though she tried to hide it behind her hoof.

Raven tried to hide behind her mane (which didn't help a whole lot, seeing as her mane was as puffy as the rest of her fur) and Wildflower glared at their laughing parents, though the effect was diminished somewhat by her reddening cheeks.

"W-what happened?" Fluttershy snickered, trying not to burst out laughing. "Why are you two so fluffy?"

Wildflower sighed. "It was that stupid shampoo that auntie Rarity gave us. I used too much and it had magic in it or something and I became fluffy. Raven tried to help me and she became fluffy as well."

Raven spoke next. "It'll wear off in twenty-four hours. That doesn't make it any less humiliating, though."

A flash suddenly happened, making spots appear in the eyes of the teens. Once they cleared, they saw their father with a camera around his neck. A photo popped out of it, showing their fluffy appearance. He grabbed it with his talon and looked at it with a very amused look.

"You know, this is scrapbook material." He said as he snapped his paw and a large red book appeared floating in midair. The words 'OUR WONDROUS DAUGHTERS' stretched across the cover in glossy and embossed golden letters. It opened up by itself, turning to a blank page. He placed the photo in as the words 'Fluffy Stage' wrote themselves onto the page. He closed the book and snapped his talon, making it disappear back to where it was stored.

"Don't worry, girls. That's me and your mother's private scrapbook for when you move out and we want to remember you girls as kids. No one else is going to see it." He said looking towards them.

"That makes it worse." Wildflower said dryly. Fluttershy walked forward and placed her hoof over where Raven's withers would be.

"Why don't you girls rest on the couch while I put groceries away and get ready to make dinner?" She started walking into the kitchen. "Discord, can you come help me and stop torturing the poor dears?"

Discord sighed before following his wife, floating behind her. Raven and Wildflower could hear both of their parents snickering, clearly amused by their appearances. They rolled their eyes before sitting on the couch, waiting for their fluffy appearance to end.

Once the twenty-four hours were over, Raven and Wildflower were free of their fluffy look. Wildflower also bought her own shampoo to avoid the problem, while Raven tried to use only a small amount of shampoo. At their spa day, Fluttershy told Rarity the issue with the shampoo and, after she laughed, Rarity decided to send a message to the company about their flaws. Though she did say she got inspiration for a new trend involving fluffy coats.

As Discord sat on the bed, reading the scrapbook with amusement, his ear peaked at the sound of their bathroom door opening. He turned towards that direction and smiled at his wife, who walked to their bed with green towels around her head and body. He dismissed the scrapbook and scooted over to give her room. She smiled and laid next to him. He grabbed her and cuddled her against his chest, which made her giggle.

He sniffed her mane, which made his brows lift up. "You used the shampoo even after the issues the girls had with it." He said in shock.

Fluttershy smiled as she nuzzled his chest. "Well, it was still nice smelling shampoo and as long as I use a small amount of it, like Raven decided to do, I won't become that fluffy."

"Oh, really?" Discord smirked towards her and then rubbed his hands, creating an static connection and gently touched her head.


Fluttershy disappeared into a yellow fluff ball with her mane becoming stripes of pink. The ball shifted, and two teal eyes popped out. He chuckled and she glared towards him.

"Oh, come on. How could I resist after what happened with our daughters? Besides, you're super soft and cute like this." He said, snuggling further into her fur. She nearly enveloped him, as she puffed up a significant amount. She glared further at him before she remembered what Raven said about how she became fluffy. With a mischievous grin, she rubbed her hooves on him.


He became just as fluffy as she was, even his beard, tail tuft and eyebrows being all puffed up. He stopped laughing once he realized what happened. He looked towards her and glared. She smirked at him.

"What? How could I resist after what happened with our daughters? Besides, you're super soft and cute like this." She said, mirroring what he said just moments prior. He chuckled and the two cuddled each other's fluffy fur.

Neither were aware of the camera flash from the now open bedroom door, and Wildflower and Raven tittering at their fluffy appearance.

Revenge is a dish best served fluffy.