//------------------------------// // The Cold Truth // Story: Phantom Krystal: An Unstable Ruby // by Lifeblood_Wisp //------------------------------// Dawn had approached and a conflicted Arachnis and a tired Zoey both approached the hive. They both stopped at the front entrance, sorting out their current thoughts and clearing their minds. Zoey lamented on both her siblings' deaths, and Arachnis pondered on his recent actions. While they both thought about different things, they had a common question in mind: How would chrysalis react? On one hand, they had the info that she asked for, but that came at a cost, heavier than one might've thought. Both Arachnis and Zoey stood for what might've been the longest thirty seconds of their lives, before Zoey spoke up. "I guess we both see the issue here...Chrysalis." She said lightly. "Of course. She won't take it easy on either of us. Listen I'll-" Was all Arachnis could get out before Zoey cut him off. "I'll take the fall. I shouldn't have been sleeping on such an important mission. It's my incompetence that got me here." She said boldly. Arachnis began to get more aggressive. "A-are you serious!? You can’t possibly be saying any of this is your fault." He retorted. Deep down he knew good and well that he could've saved Zane and Zack, which was mostly why he wanted to take the blame, but he couldn't say it aloud. It was like some otherworldly force was preventing it. Zoey went from bold speaking to blunt yelling. "BUT. IT. IS. I LET THEM DIE....and I couldn't save them..." She said while teary eyed. Arachnis had never seen such boldness from her, but he knew arguing was pointless as it stood. He knew she was determined, and that no amount of logical reasoning was going to stop her. From a young age, he was taught that the smartest fighters know when they're beaten. He gave up arguing. "Alright. Fine, you win. Let's just get this overwith." He said. Zoey simply nodded, and they both entered the hive. Upon entry, changelings instinctively made way for the duo as they neared the throne room. As they came closer, Zoey began to shudder. Unlike, Arachnis, she wasn't going to waste her mental bandwidth trying to suppress the overwhelming feeling of dread and nervousness. Queen Chrysalis looked forward from a glowing gemstone she was observing, and saw Zoey and Arachnis walk in. "Well, it's about time you returned. Wait...Arachnis, what are you doing here? And where are Zane and Zack?" She asked with a confused expression. Zoey stepped forward, and in a shameful tone, she explained what had happened. "Your highness, we ran into Lord Tirek and we found the one who had mind controlled him....but Zane and Zack were killed." She said somberly. Chrysalis took on a face of annoyance and anger. "I SPECIFICALLY SAID not to engage him! It is nobody else's fault but yours that your brothers are dead! Now give me one reason not to snap your-!" "Wait..." Arachnis said. He walked up to Chrysalis, slightly looking down. When he was close to her, he looked up to her eyes. "I snuck with them on the mission. I saw with my own eyes how Zoey was mind controlled into murdering her kin. I very easily could have stepped in to preserve their lives, but I didn't, because revealing myself would be a compromise to the mission. I eventually followed Tirek to his now taken over castle, got the info you needed, freed Zoey of the mind controlling, and came back here. This rests on my back, not hers.". Chrysalis looked down to Arachnis with nothing but absolute rage in her eyes. She didn’t wish to yell at him, but her anger wouldn’t be quelled otherwise. “Y-you..! I DIDNT SEND YOU FOR A REASON! I thought you’d be mature enough to understand, but it seems you’ve went wrong! You are the reason Zoey’s brothers are dead! Just when I thought you were beginning to be competent!” She yelled. Her words pierced Arachnis’ feelings like a spear with fish. He didn’t respond, but simply went invisible and ran out the room with tears in his eyes. Not even two minutes later, and Arachnis was on his bed, silently crying. He began to replay what Chrysalis said in his head. His sadness turned to anger and he thrusted a hoof into the wall of his room, the impact being so great it left a hole in the wall, and a stinging pain in his hoof. Despite this, he punched again. With every hit, his body would glow, until eventually he threw one last punch to the wall, and it set off his hidden power. The glow expanded and began to warp Arachnis’ surroundings. They went from forming his room, to materializing the chamber he was born in. He saw his past self inside of it. A door opened behind him, and Chrysalis walked in with another strange pony. His appearance made it look as if he was covered in dark flames and certain parts of his body were covered in metal armor. He approached, but it was as if he wasn’t really there. The black pony observed, and spoke his mind. “He’s evolved a lot since you first showed me to him. When will he be ready?” He said. “Only a few months left. But he’ll still need to hone his abilities.” Chrysalis replied. “Really? You say that as if he’ll have much time before he’s one the field.” The black pony said. Chrysalis gave a worried expression. “We send him out prematurely and he’s gonna get killed. Give him some time, it may be hard for him to understand.” Chrysalis explained. “And since when did you care so much? It’s not like he’s your real spawn. He’s just your little sheep until he’s ready.” He said. Chrysalis’ expression went sour, and she gave up contesting the facts that the black pony had given her. “Y-yes, I guess so.” She said and the illusory scenario has disappeared before Arachnis’ eyes. His mind was scrambled trying to make sense of what he saw. The door of Arachnis’ room opened, and in walked Zoey. “Y-your highness, forgive me for not knocking but, I wanted to thank you.” She said. Arachnis put his current thoughts aside and tended to his visitor. “No need to be so formal…call me by my name. And, why thank me? I could’ve saved both your siblings, and I didn’t.” He responded. Zoey rubbed her forearm and looked down. “Yeah but, you took responsibility. I though you would’ve let Chrysalis make mincemeat out of me. I’m thankful. And in return…I wish to help you. Any way I can.” She said. Arachnis was surprised by her proposition. He thought for a moment, and finally, he knew what he wanted to do, and how Zoey would help him with it. “Zoey…I’ll let you help me, but I can’t promise you’ll be happy with what I’m about to say.”