//------------------------------// // For our Amusement...Park // Story: Family of Chaos // by Animalman57 //------------------------------// The mattress below her shifted as Fluttershy slept. She groaned as she tried to stay asleep, but someone began to shake her and yelling, "Wake up wake up wake up wake up!" She opened up her eyes and saw the pony who was shaking her—Wildflower, who was clearly ecstatic. Behind her daughter was Discord, who looked just as excited with his tail wagging as he stood, his grin being impossibly wide, showing his sharp carnassials along with his pony molars and his large, protruding fang. "Mom, wake up! Today's the day!" Wildflower said, now jumping on her bed. "Today's the day!" Fluttershy blinked before sitting up and stretching her hooves as she groaned. Sighing in relief as her shoulder popped, she then looked over and smiled towards her daughter. "I'm glad you're excited, sweetie." She said before her mouth dipped slightly. "But did you have to wake me up like that?" Wildflower rolled her multicolored eyes. "Come on, mom. Stop being such a buzz kill. You were excited when auntie Pinkie invited us." Discord lended over and slung his talon over his wife. "Pinkie and her family and your brother are waiting downstairs, wanting to take us out for breakfast before we go to the amusement park. Raven's down there as well." He pecked her cheek before he continued. "I wanted to let you have a little more rest after the long day you had yesterday, but Wildflower couldn't wait any longer and rushed up here." He pointed an accusatory talon to Wildflower. Wildflower scoffed. "Oh, please. Don't tell me you weren't just as excited as I am." She said as she jumped off their bed to head downstairs. "Oh, I am. But unlike you, I have self-control." He argued. Wildflower raised an eyebrow at her father, not believing him for a second. But she decided not to argue and instead headed downstairs. Fluttershy took a moment to brush her minor bed head and set it up in her usual loop style with the bluebell barrette before heading down the stairs into her living room with her husband, her earrings swinging slightly as they dangled while her necklace sparkled. As Discord said, Pinkie and her husband, Cheese Sandwich, and their son, Lil' Cheese were here, along with her brother, Zephyr Breeze. Raven was downstairs as well and she was talking to Lil' Cheese. Lil' Cheese held a strong resemblance to his father in terms of build, being tall and lean. His curly pink mane was brighter than Wildflower's mane and his cheesy yellow coat juxtaposed perfectly with his green eyes. Fluttershy smiled lightly at her daughter being social with her friend's son, when she normally wasn't much of a socializer. Zephyr walked over and rubbed her head. "Hey, sleepyhead. How've you been, Flutterbutter?" He said. She rolled her eyes at her younger brother before looking towards him. Though he had matured a fair bit over the years and actually started taking initiative, with him now being a top stylist at the salon he works at, he still had a flamboyant personality and still occasionally annoyed her. He had also grown a few inches taller over the years, and his mane was now in a long ponytail, the bangs brushed away and out of his face. He had a goatee on his chin (though he still had stubble on the sides of his face) and numerous piercings in his nose, ears and above his eyes. Regardless, she was proud of his achievements. "I've been good, Zephyr. And I'm happy you agreed to come with us, especially since my parents decided not to go." She said, causing Zephyr to smirk confidently. "Of course, big sis. You think I'd miss an opportunity to spend time with my nieces?" He said as he rubbed Wildflower's head. Wildflower laughed, trying to get his hoof out of her mane. Once she was free, Raven walked over and smiled at him. He smiled back, though his looked a little more strained. Pinkie hopped over and hugged, or rather squeezed, Fluttershy, who hugged back not as intensely, though it was still a tighter one than what she'd do with most other ponies. Once they broke the hug, Pinkie beamed widely and bounced up and down. Despite being mid-aged and much chubby than she was in her youth or even when she had Lil' Cheese, Pinkie still had plenty of energy, which Fluttershy envied slightly (Rarity was much more envious, though Pinkie was completely oblivious to this). "I'm sooo glad you guys agreed to come. This is going to be so fun!" She said in voice that clearly showed she was overjoyed about today. Fluttershy beamed herself as she watched one of her oldest friends from when she moved to Ponyville bounce madly. "Of course. Thank you for inviting us." She said. "So, Discord mentioned something about breakfast?" Pinkie nodded enthusiastically and Discord opened a portal to a cafe close to the park and they all walked through. After breakfast, the eight of them appeared in front of a gate where a large sign that said EQUUS WORLD stood above. A banner that was underneath the sign read, The largest and best amusement park in Equestria! Pinkie had gotten tickets and during a friendship council meeting, she asked Fluttershy if she and the family wanted to go. Fluttershy agreed, liking the idea and not wanting the extra tickets to go to waste. Pinkie asked her sisters and parents if they wanted to go as well, but they declined. Fluttershy's parents were going to go until about a day ago, so it was just her, Discord, the kids, Pinkie and her husband and son, and Zephyr. Despite the benefit of instantaneous transportation via Discord, there was still a fairly large line in front of them, which annoyed Discord and Wildflower. As they waited, Fluttershy talked with Pinkie, this being a good chance for the two of them to catch up. Fluttershy finished giggling at a story Pinkie was telling about an incident with Lil' Cheese in the kitchen (which caused the young stallion to blush in embarrassment) when they finally arrived to the front. Pinkie gave the admission mare the tickets and they were given maps and paper wristbands before they went past the waist-high turnstile. They were nearly past when they heard a grunt. They looked behind and saw that Raven, who was in the back of their group, had somehow gotten stuck in the turnstile, her long serpentine tail pinned against the podium. Numerous ponies behind the she-draconequus were annoyed by the occurrence. Raven tried to pull herself out, the claws on her paw extended to try to dig into the concrete but she was well and truly stuck. Fluttershy rushed forward and grabbed her daughter's paw and claw, trying to pull her out. Pinkie grabbed Fluttershy by the waist and and tried to help, pulling her and her 'niece'. But Raven wouldn't budge. Discord eventually used his magic to bend the metal bar that was blocking her tail upwards, which also had the unintended effect of causing Fluttershy and Pinkie to fly backwards from the force of their pulling as Raven's body launches forward, landing on top of them as they crashed onto the ground. "Are you okay, mom?!" Lil' Cheese asked as he and Cheese Sandwich rushed forward. Raven got up from the two older mares and sat down, her head spinning with stars that appeared from her magic as Cheese Sandwich helped up his wife while Discord (who had teleported over after fixing the turnstile) helped up Fluttershy, dusting her off with a feather duster. "I'm okie dokie, cupcake. I've taken worse hits before." She said as she shook her head (which caused numerous pieces of candy to fall from her mane), before looking over to her friends and asked, "Are you guys okay?" "I'm fine, Pinkie." Fluttershy said before walking over to her daughter. She waved her hoof over Raven's head to get rid of the stars that appeared above the teenage draconequus. Once the stars dissipated, Raven smiled lightly at her mama in thanks before standing up and turning to Pinkie. "I'm okay as well, auntie." The adolescent draconequus said. Satisfied that her daughter was okay, Fluttershy nodded and turned to Pinkie. "Where to first?" She asked, pulling out the map and unfolding it. Pinkie came over to look at the map. "Well, I imagine your little daredevils are going to want to try this." She pointed to a large roller coaster marked The Screaming Mustang on the map. "You know me so well, Mrs. Pie." Discord said, now suddenly behind them, surprising both Pinkie and Fluttershy. He snapped his talon and teleported them to the roller coaster, which had a semi-large line ready to ride it. It was tall and made of metal with the track being painted black and red, while the cars were painted black with orange flames. The coaster train rushed the numerous loops and sharp turns it had at high speed, often leaving passengers disoriented when they were released. It clearly wasn't a ride for the faint of heart—which made it perfect for Wildflower and Discord. Wildflower, who looked excited, rushed over to her uncle while grinning widely and grabbed his hoof, trying to yank him forward. "C'mon, uncle Zeph. Let's go!" She said. He looked up at the at least 216 foot tall coaster as the train passed by at lightning speed with the occupants screaming loudly. A bead of sweat went down his brow. "Uh, I-I'm good, Wild." He said nervously. Discord then placed his paw over his withers. "Aw, come on. Zephyr. Just one ride is all we ask." He said before gesturing to Wildflower with his talon and giving his best pout. "You don't have the heart to say no to this face, can you?" Against his better judgement, Zephyr looked to his niece, who was giving her best sad look, her eyes shining with unshed tears and her lip quivered. He sighed, knowing he had been beat. "Fine. One rid-" He was cut off by Wildflower getting behind him and pushing him to the line while cheering loudly. He looked up at the coaster again and gulped, now regretting his decision. Discord chuckled at his brother in-law's discomfort before floating over, looking annoyed that he had to stand in another line. Cheese Sandwich waved bye to Pinkie as he joined them for the roller coaster. Pinkie waved back in a frantic manner while Fluttershy held a hoof to her mouth to hide her amusement at her younger brother. Though Zephyr acted more confident than her or their parents, he might've actually been a bigger coward than they were. She couldn't even begin to count how many times he's tried to visit and got freaked out by Fuzzy Legs the tarantula or even Harry the bear, despite how friendly she knew they were. His ego was sometimes too high to admit his fears, though. After all, it took a while for him to admit he was scared of failing, hence him giving up on a task and freeloading off their parents, as well as her on one occasion. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt somepony tapping her shoulder. She looked over and saw it was Raven, with Lil' Cheese being behind her. "Hey, mom. Do you think it'd be okay if we ride the log ride while everypony else are on the coaster?" She asked, pointing to the map with her claw where a log ride was shown, being not too far from where they were. Fluttershy smiled and folded up the map. "Sure, little flower." She replied and Fluttershy, Raven, Lil' Cheese, and Pinkie walked over to the log ride. Shortly after the group left for the log ride, the line for The Screaming Mustang was finally starting to thin out as Discord, Wildflower, Zephyr and Cheese Sandwich waited to ride. Once they made it to the front, the attendant, an orange unicorn stallion, checked their heights before letting them past. Wildflower and Discord sat next to each other on the very front car while Zephyr and Cheese were in the car behind them. Zephyr gulped as the safety bar went down. "This is going to be so cool!" Wildflower yelled. The car suddenly jolted forward, making a hiss sound that made Zephyr flinch. The cars began to move forward up the first slope. Once they reached the top of the slope, Zephyr swore they were high enough to be past the clouds. Gravity then took hold and they plunged down. Wildflower, Discord and Cheese screamed in excitement, while Zephyr just plain screamed. The train traveled at breakneck speed, to the point where it was like the train was nearly coming off the rails on the sharp turns. The loops caused the passenger's stomachs to flip. They went around the ride twice before finally coming to a stop, the ride now ending. Wildflower jumped out of the car grinning from ear to ear, and shook her head to clear her dizziness. "That was great!" Wildflower exclaimed, her mane being slightly frizzed. Discord smiled next to her as he exited. Unlike her, he seemed to have no issues. "Yep. Of course, I've made faster ones, but for a coaster made by ponies, it's pretty intense. In a good way, of course." He said. Cheese Sandwich came up towards them. He was a little more disoriented than Wildflower, but he still looked better than Zephyr, who's face turned a darker green than his coat and he groaned from sickness. Wildflower jumped up and yelled, "Let's do it again!" Zephyr's eye twitched before his pupils rolled up and he fainted. The log ride had a shorter line, but it still took a little while until the mares, draconequus and young stallion made it to the attendant, a grayish-purple dragoness. She check their heights before nodding and letting them past. Raven and Fluttershy sat in the front row of the boat, while Pinkie and Cheese were behind them. The boat then started moving forward shorty after Fluttershy helped Raven pull the safety bar down. It traveled down the water flume slowly. They went around in a small circle before entering a cave, the boat begining to ascend. Once the boat reached the top, it suddenly stopped. Raven looked over the edge, her eyes widening at the drop. "I d-didn't think it would be so", she gulped, "high. I hate heights." Raven shivered in fright. Fluttershy put a hoof on top of her daughter's paw, causing Raven to look over. "It'll be fine, sweetheart. I'm right here." Fluttershy said, rubbing Raven's back with her wing. The draconequus smiled in response, albeit weakly. The boat suddenly jolted forward and it fell, descending down fast. Raven screamed loudly as they fell. It landed with a splash, spraying the passengers with water. The four them left the ride completely drenched, their manes drooping over their faces. Pinkie hopped forward, while Lil' Cheese walked behind her. "That was fantabulous!" Pinkie exclaimed. She shook her body like a dog, the water flying off from her body. Fluttershy shielded herself from the droplets with her wings. Raven snapped her paw and gave her mama a pale pink towel. Fluttershy smiled in thanks and dried herself off. She reached into her saddle bag she left by the exit to retrieve her necklace, earrings and barrette that she put in there to avoid getting them wet. Discord had placed a spell on her saddlebag a while back so should they ever need to lay it down somewhere, it would give a minor shock to anypony who tried to steal it. As she put in her earrings, Raven walked towards Lil' Cheese. "Here you go, Cheese." She said, handing him a blue towel. "Thanks, Ray." He said, accepting the towel from his friend. Raven grinned in return before snapping up a red towel and started drying herself off. Fluttershy just finished putting on her necklace when Pinkie came forward, still damp and holding something in her hoof. "While you guys were drying off, I went to the counter over there and bought the picture they took of us going down." She said, extended her hoof to give Fluttershy the photo. "I bought myself a copy as well, so now we can all remember this fun time." Fluttershy smiled and looked at the photo in her hoof. Pinkie and Cheese were with their arms up in the air as they were yelling with glee. Her smile grew at the sight of her and her daughter's wide smiles while their manes whipped behind them. It seemed during the middle of the fall, Raven started enjoying herself and started beaming just as the picture was taken. She placed the picture into her bag before fishing for her barrette. Just as she pulled it out, she heard multiple hoofsteps. She looked up and saw her husband and daughter who were walking towards them, along with Cheese Sandwich and her brother. "Did you guys enjoy yourselves?" She asked as she put up her mane with her bluebell. Discord smiled at her. "Indeed we did. Or at least me and Wildflower did. Your brother was screaming like a mare." He said. "I did not!" Zephyr said defensively. Wildflower walked forward and nudged him. "You totally did. You also fainted. It took Cheese a minute to wake you up." She said, smirking towards her uncle. Fluttershy giggled, while Zephyr grumbled and averted his eyes from his big sister's clear amusement. Once Fluttershy stopped laughing, she pulled out the map and asked the group. "So, what else should we do?" "How about the hall of mirrors?" Lil' Cheese suggested. Fluttershy looked at the map before nodding. "Sure. That sounds fun." Discord snapped his paw and teleported them to where it was. The eight of them had loads of fun using the hall of mirrors as the mirrors distorted their forms in amusing ways. Discord and Wildflower also rode the drop tower that was nearby, once again forcing Zephyr along, while Lil' Cheese went with them. After the drop tower, they walked down a path, looking at many of the colorful game stalls. As they walked forward, Wildflower saw one game that caught her attention. It was a simple stand with bottles in a row. The stand was marked Ring Toss. She went over to the stand and Lil' Cheese followed her, also wanting to play. Fluttershy walked towards them. "You kids find something you want to play?" She asked. Wildflower looked over and nodded. "Yeah, it looks fun, mom." She said. Fluttershy pulled out her bit purse and gave the bits to the older dark tan earth pony stallion with mahogany eyes and silver mane running the stand, who then gave Wildflower and Lil' Cheese some rings. "You get four rings each. First one to land a ring on the bottle wins and gets a prize." He said, pointing to the plushies on the shelves above. Lil' Cheese went first, flinging the ring towards the bottle. It clinked off the first row and fell to the floor. "Aww." He complained. Wildflower spun the ring around her hoof. "Not bad, Cheese, but let me show you how it's done." She said confidently. She threw it, the ring completely missing the stand and landing on a cream unicorn mare's horn just as she was about to toss a ball at another stall. Wildflower's whole face turned red in embarrassment. Lil' Cheese smirked in response. "You sure showed me." The pegasus rolled her eyes. "Oh, well if you think you're so much better, it's your turn now." She said. They both missed the next two shots, leaving them with only one ring left. Lil' Cheese threw his last ring and it almost landed on a bottle, but then it fell down. "Dang it." He said before turning his attention to Wildflower, who now was squinting her eyes and sticking her tongue out, wiggling her hips slightly. She then threw the ring and it successfully landed on a bottle, the ring perfectly around the neck of the bottle. "Congratulations, young lady." The stallion running the stand said. "Here ya go." He gave Wildflower a large white teddy with a bow around its neck. She grabbed it before turning to Lil' Cheese. "Hey, Cheese. I want to give you this." She passed the teddy to Lil' Cheese. "I'm not big on plushies." He blinked in surprise before grabbing the plushie and smiled towards her, his cheeks turing pink at her kind gesture. She smiled back and they and Fluttershy walked off, hoping to find the rest of their group. They eventually found Zephyr and Pinkie, who were facing each other in a basketball contest. Cheese Sandwich stood nearby, wearing a shirt with his wife's face on it (who knows where he got it from) and was cheering for her. "Where's Discord and Raven?" Fluttershy asked once they caught up. Cheese Sandwich turned from his cheering to address her question. "They're over there." He said, pointing left. Fluttershy looked over and saw the two draconequi at a stand not far from where they were. She nodded her thanks to Cheese and walked over to her husband and youngest daughter. As she got closer, she saw Raven was standing on her hind legs and was holding a ball in her raven claw. "What game are you playing?" She said once she made it over. Discord turned to her and smiled. "She's trying to knock down that tower of milk bottles." He said, pointing to the stacked bottles. Raven took a deep breath before she threw the ball. It bounced off the top bottle, which only wobbled slightly in response, causing her hopeful expression to droop. Fluttershy, not wanting her daughter to look so depressed, flew up to her. "Here, let me help, little flower." She asked. Raven nodded and Fluttershy paid for another ball before putting it in her tail. "Okay, so the key to this game is to hit the middle of the two bottles on the bottom there." She pointed to the tower. Raven narrowed her eyes towards the bottles and realizing what she meant, she peaked up. Fluttershy bounced the ball in her tail a few times to feel the weight. She took a deep breath and cracked her tail, flinging the ball towards the tower. The bottles fell on impact, all three of them falling over from the force of the ball. The stallion running the stand gave Fluttershy the prize, who in turn gave it to Raven—a large bluish-grey elephant plushie with pink ears and footpads. Raven hugged it tightly against her face, the toy making a 'squeak' sound as it squished her cheek. Discord looked over to Fluttershy with a raised brow. "How did you know that?" He asked, looking confused, but also impressed by his wife's knowledge. Fluttershy rubbed her forearm while hovering in midair, her face now flushed. "My aunt and uncle took me to a carnival in Cloudsdale and they had this game when I was little. They taught me that trick with the bottles and I've just remembered it ever since. It helps that I have such a long tail now." She whipped her tail to emphasize her point. Discord smiled at her with a love filled expression. Raven's stomach then growled, causing the adolescent draconequus to try to hide her redding face behind her new plush. Discord chuckled. "I suppose it is time for lunch, isn't it?" He said. "Alright, let's get everyone else and go find a place to eat." Fluttershy nodded and the three of them walked over to the basketball contest. The eight of them walked around looking for something to eat for lunch. Fluttershy was slightly dismayed by the fact that weren't too many options that were neither healthy nor reasonably priced. They eventually settled on pizza. While Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich went to pay for it, everypony else went to sit at a table underneath an umbrella. They came back from the pizza parlor, Cheese holding a large pizza, one half vegetarian and one half cheese and paper plates on a tray while Pinkie held some soda on another tray. She passed the soda to everyone while Cheese put the pizza on the table. "Bon appétit!" Pinkie exclaimed. Fluttershy, Cheese Sandwich, and Zephyr grabbed a slice from the vegetarian half, while Wildflower, Lil' Cheese and Discord grabbed one from the cheese side, while Pinkie and Raven got a slice from both sides. Fluttershy sipped on her soda—orange mixed with cherry-lime—before looking up to Pinkie. "Thank you for paying for lunch, Pinkie. You didn't have to." She said, setting her drink down. Pinkie waved her hoof dismissively. "It's no problem, Shy-Shy." She said. "Besides, this whole trip is me and Cheesy's treat. Let us treat you guys!" She then took a bite out of her cheese pizza slice, rather messily. Fluttershy shook her head at her silly friend before biting her own pizza much more daintily. Lunch was a mostly quiet affair. Between all of them going for seconds (Pinkie, Discord and Raven seemed to go for thirds and fourths), the pizza was devoured in no time. Pinkie belched loudly and patted her stomach. "That was really good! Though I could go for some dessert." She said, looking up towards Discord. "Hey, Dissy. Do you think we could do cotton candy?" Discord knew what she was implying and after he playfully rolled his eyes at her, snapped his paw, causing his classic cotton candy cloud to appear above her. Pinkie squealed in delight and reached up to grab it and started to eat it, her whole face covered in the chocolate that filled the cloud. "Thanks, Dissy!" She beamed towards him after licking the chocolate off her face with her tongue. "I would've bought some but yours is soo good." She bit into the cloud again to emphasize her point. Cheese Sandwich came over and Pinkie started sharing the large cloud with him. Discord chuckled at the chubby mare. "Well, I'm glad you think so highly of my clouds, Pinkie Pie. They are rather tasty if I do say so myself." He said, pulling out his own cotton candy, albeit blue in color, on a tiny paper cone. The candy was too big to be supported by the cone, but it stayed balanced regardless as he took a bite out of it, the chocolate landing in his beard. Fluttershy closed her eyes and shook her head at them while smiling at her goofy husband. She then turned around when she felt somepony tap her side. She looked behind her and smiled at Raven. "What is it, little flower?" She asked. Raven shuffled on her asymmetrical feet before looking up towards her mother. "Mom, is it okay if I can get a pretzel from there for dessert?" She asked, pointing towards a stand that read Cinnamon Pretzels and Churros. Fluttershy looked over and nodded. "Sure. I wouldn't mind having a churro myself." The two of them walked off to the stand to buy it. Wildflower rushed up to Zephyr Breeze. "Hey, uncle Zeph. Can we get ice cream?" Wildflower asked with a hopeful smile, with Lil' Cheese next to her. Zephyr chuckled and led them to the ice cream parlor. After they all ate dessert, they continued to wander around the park through, the day being cooler than when they first arrived. They rode a few other rides like the tea cups (Wildflower thought it was too kiddy) and some less intense roller coasters than The Screaming Mustang (though Fluttershy and Raven still didn't ride any of them. Coasters weren't their thing) and visited some other attractions like the petting zoo (Raven and Fluttershy obviously loved it) and a haunted mansion (Raven actually managed to successfully scare Wildflower in the mansion, which made everyone laugh, including Wildflower once she got over it). The parents even rode the tunnel of love (the mares managing to cover their husbands in multiple lipstick marks despite neither of them wearing lipstick) while the girls, Zephyr and Lil' Cheese waited nearby. After Wildflower and Lil' Cheese messed around with the bumper cars, hitting Pinkie and Discord's cars every chance they could (and Pinkie and Discord hit back whenever they could), the sun was just starting to dip across the horizon and the sky started to change from blue to pink. Once they caught up with the rest of the group, a sundial watch appeared on Discord's wrist as he looked at it. "Well, it appears to be getting rather late." He snapped his tail tuft, dismissing the watch before stretching. "So, I imagine you'll want to go, my dear?" Fluttershy nodded as she stretched her back hooves while sitting on the bench they were waiting by. "Yeah, it's getting late. And my hooves hurt from walking around all day." "I think we should leave as well." Cheese Sandwich said. Fluttershy then found herself in a massive hug courtesy of Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy giggled before hugging her friend back. "Thank you for inviting us, Pinkie. We had loads of fun." She said. Pinkie then set her down. "Ah, it's no problem Shy-Shy." Pinkie said before turning to Discord. "Do you think you can send us home, Dissy?" The male draconequus nodded towards her and then snapped his talon, the Pie family disappearing in a flash of white. Fluttershy then turned to her baby brother. "Thanks for coming with us, Zephyr." She said. Zephyr smirked and rubbed her head, annoying Fluttershy slightly. "No problem, Flutterbutter." He said. Wildflower suddenly jumped up and glomped Zephyr. He was just barely able to keep his balance, blinking slightly in surprise at his niece. "Bye, uncle Zeph." The teenage pegasus said as she held him tightly. He laughed before tearing her off from him. Raven walked forward and hugged him as well. Zephyr looked slightly uncomfortable by this but patted the top of her head. Once Raven let go, Zephyr turned to Discord and, after a short tense stare, he nodded towards the draconequus before Discord snapped his talon, sending Zephyr home. He then turned towards his darling wife and smiled. "So, shall we?" He asked, bending down and offering his paw. She giggled and hooked her forearm with his paw. He snapped his talon and the Chaos family teleported back home, the fun they had at the amusement park likely to be remembered for years to come.