//------------------------------// // Apple Jewel // Story: Accidental Treatment // by ButterflyEclipse //------------------------------// This was all she ever wanted. As far as she could possibly remember, this job meant everything to her. She loved turning basic fabric into something jaw droppingly beautiful. Whether it was a project she was making for herself, or creating a design for a beloved client, she loved what she did. However, this past month, orders have been piling up more than ever. Tackling commissions whilst also studying for school proved to be very tedious and exhausting for the girl. It wasn't like she could stop sewing as well. The money she has been getting from the shop and these orders has been the reason her and Sweetie Belle could live comfortably. Her parents do send them sufficient money every month to substitute their absence, however, there are frequently additional spendings that exclude food and rent. Rarity sighed as she finished sewing the seams together with a backstitch and cut off the colourful thread. She drowsily looked back at the design sketch laid beneath her organized mess. She was now a quarter of the way there and it had already taken her two days to reach to the current status. There was not exactly a time limit- the client simply wanted their order done by the end of the month, which was completely achievable. The thing that worries Rarity is that even after she finishes this dress, there will be six more clients waiting. But she couldn't keep sewing. After three hours of hard work, her mind has become weary and blurred. Rarity had this principle to never sew when she was under such conditions as her fatigue only deteriotes the quality of her work and stitches, thus delivering the overall project to fall apart. So even if part of her mind resisted and claimed that she could go on further, she decided that when she gains back motivation, that she would continue on her orders. She laid down on her fancy velvet couch and reached for her pile of magazines. Whenever she needs a break, she intentively looks through magazines that she would purchase at the grocery store checkouts. They help her relax or even inspire her by providing catalogs of magnificent and trendy outfits on gorgeous models. Countess Coloratura, the worldwide popstar, was printed on the cover of the one Rarity was scanning through. Majority of the contents were advertisements for hair products, spa openings and such. One advertisement in particular had caught her eye. "New Automatic Salon Machine- Gives Perfect Makeovers! Try Now at Canterlot Mall! An automatic salon machine? Her interest has certainly been attained. This was perfect. After a refreshing makeover she would surely find motivation and the energy to continue her work. On her phone she looked through the link the magazine provided. It took her to a website where she could book an appointment for later that day- according to the 'about salon' page, the machine is so fast that there is barely a waiting line. She decided that because this would be her first time and perhaps only time, that she might as well have the full princess treatment. It is quite costly, however, in the details it is mentioned that quite extravagant accessories and garments are guaranteed. These were the sort of luxury profits her dress-making business offered her. This was exactly what she needed after days of endless work. So, excitedly she waited for her deluxe appointment which was in a few hours. Already feeling little grains of inspiration, she continued on the client's order for another hour. "I can't thank you enough for coming with me," Rarity spoke before she gave Applejack a sweet kiss on her cheek. She giggled as she saw her girlfriend blush at the public gesture. "It ain't like I'm actually going through with the treatment myself. I'm just here to buy some supplies for the farm. Granny told me we need more mason jars and such." When she saw Rarity display a small pout she then said, "...you may be a reason that I'm here as well." She smiled as she saw Rarity light up gleefully. "Thank you darling, but I just think you'd look pretty in a dress." "I haven't worn a darn dress since Camp Everfree. Which I also don't count because I didn't chose to be in that dress. The magical transformation sorcery put us all in those clothing. My gloves were pretty cool though." "It doesn't matter. You don't need a magical transformation, you already look beautiful." Rarity smirked as she saw Applejack completely lost of words. "Can you escort me to the salon? Then you can be on your way to do what you need." "O-Of course." Hesitantly, they grasped each other's hand and walked the rest of the way to the salon. Rarity already felt much better. Being away from her boutique and breathe in air that isn't her room energized her. Of course, Applejack's presence further aided that matter. Unconsciously, Rarity started to squeeze AJ's hand when she was indeliberately reminded of the constant work she has remaining. Perhaps coming to the mall was a mistake. Maybe the entire treatment was a complete waste of time and money. Because even if she goes through with this makeover, she will still have a list of hefty orders and a physics test to study for. She is simply pushing away the inevitable work, which she may regret doing later. "What's on your mind, Sugarcube?" "Truth be told Darling, I'm burned out. I am far too stressed from the copious dress orders I've recently been getting. That and balancing school has got me completely exhausted. But now that I am here, taking a break from the work, I feel like I'm doing a mistake by just pushing my responsibilities away at a later date. What if I just end up procrastinating even more and fail at everything? I'm scared that I'll fail at completing orders and fail at school because dress making is taking up most of time currently." "I understand. This trip to the mall with you is probably the only break I've gotten with the fresh harvest at the farm. I've been losing entire nights of sleep because there's always more work to do. I mean, let's face it, we're workaholics and we hate it when we're not doing something productive. We push aside much needed breaks so that we can work for more hours." Applejack explained as they passed by the plaza of stores. Rarity in any other condition would have been too mesmerized by window displays of classy boutiques to pay attention to what her girlfriend was saying. But, somehow in that moment, she found it easy to ignore the mall around them and just listen to Applejack talk. "But, I don't know. I guess this break I'm having right now with you, I don't mind having. Like having an activity or someone that is worth pausing all your responsibilities for is sometimes the only way to remain sane. Since you're helping with mine, I can help you with your bad work habits. Maybe we just need to have more breaks where it's just you and me." "Is this your way of telling me that you want to spend more time together? Through these 'breaks'?" "I'm pretty sure you're just saying that cause you really want that." Both girls were too into their conversation that they failed to notice their surroundings. They didn't realize that they were at the automated treatment place, and more importantly, they didn't realize that there was a 'Caution: Slippery Floor' sign. So, when Applejack clumsily slipped on the ground, her hand that was still holding Rarity's dragged her down as well. Before the impact, they had inevitably let go, Rarity landed roughly on the ground and Applejack slided to the automated makeover machine. The machine was quick to start. Claws repositioned Applejack's body in place, hands strictly to her sides and feet the same width as her shoulders. It took a while for Applejack to fully realize what was going on. Her body still hurt from the impact of falling and her eyes hadn't yet adjusted to the strange lighting. It wasn't too long until she felt the claws in places where she hated them to be. In short of a time, all of her clothes were neatly folded on a shelf nearby. Applejack yelled out for help multiple times, yet the machine kept on running. She tried banging on the doors and such, but the makeover robot was reinforced. If she truly wanted to, she could get out. She could kick down the door or pry open one of the sliders. But for once, this wasn't a dangerous, life-threatening situation. She also couldn't imagine the fee if she were to break this machine- it would probably be enough money to buy her whole damn farm. So despite all the voices in her head to destroy the claws and hulk her way out, Applejack closed her eyes and let the time pass. Part of her thinks the machine sensed that her body calmed down, because the claws worked swifter. Applejack felt a light breezy garment being put on her, when she opened her eyes she found herself in a light blue shoulder split knee dress- terms she only knows because she dates Rarity now. Once the machine had helped Applejack put on a white blazer, the claws did what she hated nearly the most. Accessorize. In a flash, she had adorned golden bracelets, a diamond necklace and matching diamond earrings. Her ears were newly pierced. Apple Bloom and Rarity both convinced her to get them last summer and Applejack hasn't been taking the greatest care of them. Her girlfriend constantly reminds her that if she doesn't wear any earrings for a long extended period of time, then the holes will close. Wouldn't that be horrible? She blinked. Wouldn't have been such a noteworthy thing if she hadn't been sitting down the next moment she opened her eyes. A chair appeared from god knows where and the machine pushed Applejack slightly for her to sit. Her hand clenched into a tight fist- she loathed being pushed around. Before she could be too mad, the claws started on her makeup. The actual thing she hates the most. Applejack- despite not wearing any makeup at all for the majority of her existence- knows some makeup terminology. She felt a sponge blending in light and cloudy foundation. She felt cold streaks of product dotted under her eyes and chin. A brush to frame her face, a pencil to fill in her eyebrows and another brush to bring color to her eyelids. This was already 700% more makeup than she normally wears. Rainbow Dash would have gone crazy over that percentage. She must look ridiculous. Applejack thought to herself. There were no mirrors in the machine, so this was all from what she inferred. She imagined Big Mac floating in a deep tide of manical laughter whilst Granny Smith lectures her that makeup will deteriorate her skin as if a swarm of bees stung it. Doesn't help Applejack's case that she got acne a lot. She wasn't the type of person to care about her appearance a lot, but even she had to admit that her middle-school self wasn't too pretty. Rarity introduced her to some skincare acne products years before they started to date. Since then her acne would come seldomly. Just when Applejack thought it was done- the claws multiplied and each pair started on hair and nails respectively. This part, she could thankfully see. She saw the claws efficiently adding extensions on to a length Applejack lawfully hated. Her nails were now half the length of her pinky finger and she detested the thought of it. Applejack told herself that maybe if she closed her eyes, everything would be finished much quicker. So she did as her mind told and shut her eyes. The next time she opened her eyes- her nails were now pink. According to Rarity, the nails using the dryer were for gel nails. Part of her was thankful she was not a total idiot because of Rarity. If not she would be like Granny Smith reading a modern day news article on a screen without her glasses. The machine picked out pearly white heels to match with the blazer- and then the noise stopped. The little rumble the machine would make throughout ceased. Applejack saw that the claws stopped as well. Then as if by some miracle, the door opened. Rarity complained to the manager of the salon for quite an annoying time now. When he told her there was nothing that could be done, she couldn't take it anymore. 'The audacity!' she thought to herself. On the ground, laid Applejack's hat and a paper. The list must have fallen out of the hat- Rarity deducted. The manager told her that the machine would work on Applejack for about seven to ten minutes. The mall would be closed in fifteen. She looked at the shopping list in her hands and decided to buy these items for Applejack- as a way of apologizing for what the machine is putting her through. Rarity came back after she bought the mason jars, pliers, sickles and other materials. If this was the first time she would have been utterly lost, but since then, Rarity found a reason to want to care about farming and agriculture. So when she entered the store, she knew exactly where everything was and bought the items effortlessly. She almost couldn't believe it when she came back. Her jaw dropped when she saw her beloved farmgirl in such classy attire. It felt like her entire body shut down and the only movement Rarity was able to do was stupidly smile in public. Applejack felt someone eyeing her from behind, blushed when she saw that it was Rarity. "Listen, I uh- we can maybe get a refund-" "Ahh! Applejack, you look- oh wow." Rarity came closely examined the flawless makeup and the sleek clothing. "You're so pretty. I mean you always are, but this is just different." She spoke in a very high-pitched, euphoric voice. "Do you like me better like this?" "You know I love you the way you are. This is just making me really happy." The smile could not get off of Rarity's face. Applejack felt silly in the outfit, but she felt better witnessing that it made her girlfriend so happy. "Oh, I also got the farm supplies. The mall was going to close soon, so I bought everything for you." "Oh geez. Thank you, Rares, but is your bank account okay? I think you spent too much money on this day alone." "Every cent I paid for this princess makeover was a hundred percent worth it and you can't take that away from me." Applejack smirked as she took the cowgirl hat from Rarity's hands and put it on her girlfriend's head. "I wouldn't dream of taking this away, Sugarcube." "I feel like I need to take you out on dinner tonight, but I also think everyone will get super jealous of me because damn." No part of her could stop her from staring at every intricate detail put on Applejack, which made the farmgirl blush extensively. "Hold on, I need a minute. I really need to calm down." Applejack laughed, as Rarity left the area momentarily to control her gay panic. This gave Applejack a chance to really look at herself in the mirror. She looked undoubtedly strange in the formal attire. There were aspects that she liked more than others. She really liked the curls in her hair and the colour of the dress on her. Applejack did like it more now that Rarity liked it so much. "If I were you, I'd check myself out for the entire day." Rarity spoke from behind. "Okay, we're going to go to a restaurant- hope you're not busy, but we need a date right now. It won't take long. It will be like half-an-hour, but we can work with that." "Rares, are you okay?" "Never been better, Apple Jewel." Rarity smiled widely- forgetting the plethora of worries that she had that day and instead admiring the delicate and beautiful work of the makeover machine.