Lost Memories

by Holly-Heart-MLP

Chapter 8: Connctions (Part 1)

~It was time for the truth of Izar’s existence to be shared with the whole of equestria.~

A few days had passed since Igniteus had told Celestia and Izar the lost history of the Unisis and that Equestria used to be an ancient kingdom before it was the kingdom it was today. Time moved forward and the two royal sisters had been discussing in that time what to do about Izar. Keeping him a secret from the rest of the kingdom didn’t seem the best course of action anymore. And not to mention it was unlikely to really stay a secret for very long. Canterlot Ponies were just known to gossip. 

So in the end, Celestia and Luna decided to let the whole of Equestria know of Izar’s existence. It would be better in the end for Izar and the kingdom. After this conclusion was reached, the news about a Male Alicorn existing spread like wildfire throughout the whole of Equestria. Every creature and pony were shocked to learn about Izar and where he was from. Sure, it was now common knowledge that there were places outside equestria but a whole other kingdom? That was unheard of. 

A week after the news of Izar being present in canterlot came to light, he was given permission to free roam the kingdom. And every creature and pony were just excited to meet him. Many ponies and creatures wanted a chance to get to know the Male Alicorn, it was a once in a lifetime chance. Everyone was very friendly to Izar and this pleased Celestia. She had been worried that her subjects might be scared or wary of Izar. But that worry was put to rest quickly. Izar even got a chance to meet Twilight and her friends. Izar was welcomed in the kingdom. 

Later, a month had passed since Izar was introduced to the rest of Equestria. And then two months and then three. Izar was fully welcomed by the kingdom now. And he honestly felt at home. In the months that had passed, he learned more about himself before he lost his memories from Igniteus. And he spent whatever time he could with Celestia when she had free time. It was mostly to do research about where he had come from but now with the added help from Equestria’s resident bookworm and princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle.

But, the more time Izar spent with Celestia, the more nervous he got around her. And he couldn’t figure out why. Every time he saw her or heard her voice, his heart would skip a beat. Every time he was around the princess of the sun, his face felt hot and he stumbled on his words. Just the mere thought of Celestia made him smile. And he had no idea what this anxious feeling was. Why did he feel like butterflies were having a party in his stomach every time Celestia laughed or smiled when he was nearby? It just didn’t make sense to him as this feeling was all new. 

Izar decided one day to try to find out what this anxious feeling was. So he headed to the only place he knew where he could find information, the canterlot library. He searched for hours trying to find an answer to what this feeling was. But he couldn’t find anything. His search was fruitless. He sighed. “There is nothing in these books that tells me what this feeling is…Hmmm.” He thought for a moment. “Oh I bet Ignitues might know. He has been around longer than me from the way he talks.” After tidying up the library from the mess he made, Izar traveled to Igniteus’s room. The Male Alicorn knocked on the door to his butler’s quarters upon reacting it. The voice of his butler told him to enter. 

“Milord Izar, what seems to bring you by?” Igniteus asked once Izar entered the room. The old unicorn could see the prince was troubled by something. “What has you so puzzled, milord?” He asked. 

Izar sighed. “Observant as ever.” he said as he took a seat in a chair in the room. “Well, I need your help understanding something.” Izar explained the trouble he was having with the ticky and anxious emotions he was having when around the princess. “I just don’t know what to make of it. Everytime I am around Celestia lately, I just can't think straight. My words get stuck in my mouth and my mind just goes blank. Just the thought of her makes me smile…” He looked at the old unicorn. “Is there something wrong with me? Am I sick?” Izar had a very concerned look on his face. “I figured I’d ask you since you know so much…so can you help me?” 

Igniteus smiled and then let out a light chuckle. Izar furrowed his brow. “This is something funny, Igniteus..I’m serious. Is there something wrong with me?” the confused prince asked again. 

Igniteus shook his head. “Forgive me milord, but I was not laughing at you. I was laughing because I know what ales you.” Izar’s face lit up. It was like he was trying to tell the old unicorn, ‘Well then tell me!’  Igniteus smiled and walked over to the prince and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “My boy, The feelings that have you so confused is simply that you have fallen in love with the princess. You are in love with Celestia. Everything you have told me, you only have those feelings when around the princess, correct?” Izar nodded, not saying a word, for he was too shocked to speak at the moment. “Well then that settles it. You have fallen for the princess.” Igniteus smiled at Izar. 

Izar looked even more confused now. “Wait, how can that be? I’m in love with…Celestia?” He questioned. Igniteus chuckled again. 

“When two creatures or ponies spend enough time together, sometimes your feelings about them can change. And sometimes you can grow to love the creature or pony you spend time with. It is a normal thing. But I am sure this is new to you. You have only ever experienced this emotion once before and that was before you lost your memory.” 

Izar looked at the old unicorn. “I was in love before?” He asked. Igniteus nodded. 

“You were but she isn’t around. She vanished before the kingdom fell. But that isn’t important now. What is important is the love you have for Celestia. I think she would be a good fit for you in all fairness. She is kind and she has welcomed you into her home and kingdom. So I say she is a good match.” Igniteus chuckled. 

Izar sighed. “This is all so new to me as you said…Should I…” He looked to Igniteus, “...should I tell her?” He asked, unsure of himself. 

Igniteus chuckled. “That is up to you, my boy. But I recommend that you do. If you don’t, you might regret it later. And who knows, she might return your affections.” The butler smiled at his prince. “Whatever you decide, I am sure you’ll be fine.” He said with a smile. 

Izar sighed. “I think I might need time to think about this…” He said as he got up to leave. Igniteus nodded. Izar left the room, his head spinning with so many thoughts. Was he really in love with Celestia? But why would he be? It occurred to him that he knew almost nothing about the princess. Sure he had spent a lot of time with her but he didn’t know anything about her childhood or what her life was like before she became the ruler of Equestria with her sister. And he was too nervous to ask now. But just then, something dawned on him. Celestia did grow up with someone, Princess Luna! Of course! He just had to ask Luna all his questions! With that thought in mind, he set off to find the princess of the Moon. 

Meanwhile, in another part of the castle, Celestia was talking to her former student. “So, has your search for anything about Neozarria yielded any results?” The princess of the sun asked the Princess of Friendship. Twilight shook her head and looked rather dejected. 

“I searched everywhere, Princess. I looked over my whole library and I looked over the canterlot library and even the restricted section many times and nothing.” Twilight said with a disappointed look stuck on her face. Celestia sighed and placed a hoof on the shoulder of the smaller Alicorn. 

“It is alright, Twilight. I know you did your best.” She sighed and thought for a moment. “Hmm well the kingdom is said to be outside the borders of Equestria…” Celestia turned to look back at her student. “What if we ask others outside the kingdom? I know you have friends outside the kingdom. Maybe they might be able to find something out?” Celestia suggested. Twilight’s face lit up. 

“Ah I should have thought of that! Well I can try. I know Tempest is still traveling outside the kingdom currently as the ambassador to Equestria. She might be able to help. And I’ll contact the others I know as well as soon as I can. Thank you princess!” Twilight was out the door before Celestia could even say a word. But the princess didn’t mind, she was used to her former student being so excited like that. She chuckled to herself.

And Twilight kept her word, she sent letters to her friends outside Equestria asking them to help find any information about Izar’s kingdom. Her friends had all agreed to help. But it would take time and news outside Equestria was slow to travel. So all the kingdom could do was wait. 

And wait they did. Celestia continued to do her royal duties like always in the week that had passed since she and Twilight had spoken. But she had taken notice that Izar was spending less and less time with her. It didn’t bother her at first, she was rather busy most of the time. Being the princess of the day was a lot of work. But as days passed, Celestia came to notice that Izar was spending more time with Luna. She was happy that Izar and Luna got along and were becoming friends, but something about Izar spending more time with Luna than with her bothered her. But the question was, why? Why did it bother her? But this wasn’t important to worry about now, there were more important things to worry about. The information about Izar’s kingdom was coming in slowly but it wasn’t really much use. It was pretty much just local legends and stories.It would be a while before anything useful came in. 

End of Chapter 8 part 1