//------------------------------// // Late Night Comfort // Story: Family of Chaos // by Animalman57 //------------------------------// As I rolled to the side of the bed trying to fall asleep for what feels like the twelfth time, I sighed in frustration. Most nights, it usually wouldn't be too difficult for me to fall asleep, not with my husband cuddling me, me listening to the erratic heartbeat he has even when calm, or me hugging his arm, stroking the natural muscle a lion paw would have. His paw was always so comforting. But tonight, he had to go with Twilight on a special task that required him to be gone all night. He complained when Twilight asked him, not wanting to leave me and the kids. To be honest, I didn't want him to leave either. But my friend insisted it was important. So, he reluctantly left with her, but not before he gave me a kiss and said goodbye to the kids, calling them his pride and joy. And to think he was worried about being a good dad. I told him he'd be great at being one. So, it was just me and the kids tonight. Wildflower, who was almost three years old, was sleeping down the hall and Raven, our beautiful draconequus baby, was only a few months old at this point and was sleeping in a crib in a room just past her big sister's room. It was the early evening that Discord was summoned, so I had to care for the kids for a small bit before taking them to bed. It was a little difficult to try and deal with feeding and changing Raven all the while having to deal with the energetic toddler that was Wildflower. But one advantage to Wildflower's little energetic personality is that she tired out rather quickly. So once she grew sleepy, I was able to put her to bed with little fuss. It was starting to rain just as I was putting my dear sweet Raven to sleep herself, her little mouth curling up in an adorable smile that made my heart melt on the spot. And now that rain was turning into a rather big storm, the thunder boldly crashing, the lightning flashing, and the rain pittering against my window. I allowed myself to smile as I listened to the storm. I'm sure most of my friends were unaware of this, but I've actually liked thunderstorms for a long time, all the way to when I met Twilight, even a little before then. I know that seems out of character for me, especially when I was younger, but it's true. Admittedly, I didn't start off liking thunder, not at all. The loud noise alone was enough to make me cower under the bed. But my more adventurous aunt helped me and ever since, I slowly but surely grew to appreciate these storms. Only a few ponies in my life know this about me, my aunt and uncle, my parents, and Discord. I don't think even my brother knows. It's not that I'm trying to hide the truth or anything like that. I have nothing to be ashamed of. It just kinda ended up the way it has. So, I tried to focus on the calming effect the storm had to try and sleep. And it was working, my consciousness slowly fading as my muscles relaxed and heartbeat slowed. But just before I completely fall asleep, a particularly loud crash from the storm boomed with a strong force. But it wasn't the thunder itself that woke me up, it was what followed—Raven crying and screaming. Once I heard her cry, my eyes were open wide and I jumped out of bed, racing out of my room to her's. Once I entered her room, I grabbed the little draconequus, all swaddled in a white baby blanket, from her bassinet and tried to calm her down, rocking her as I shushed her, hoping to calm her down. "Shh, it's okay, Raven. Mommy's here. It's okay." I whispered softly into her floppy bunny ears. While she calmed down a little as I rocked her, she was still clearly very distressed. That storm frightened her quite a bit, it seemed. I noticed a while back that her eyes turned teal like my own when she cried. Discord and Twilight said it was probably caused by an involuntary use of magic. And they were teal now as she looked up at me with her frightened expression. Another loud crack of thunder, and she whimpered, digging her face into my chest. It broke my heart to see my beautiful baby so frightened. I knew I couldn't leave her, but what was I to do? Suddenly, I had an idea. I took her out of her room and brought her into mine. She was clearly more comfortable in my forearms rather than in her crib (if only slightly) and maybe, if I was nearby, she'd forget the storm and sleep peacefully. Entering my bed with baby in toe, I cradled her against my chest, rocking her slightly. She was so small in my hooves, even smaller than Wildflower was as a baby or even Angel was in his youth. Despite her size, I held her gently as I moved the covers over us, her looking around in confusion of where she was. "You're staying with me tonight, little flower." I said, stroking her beautiful midnight mane. "I'll keep you safe." I nuzzled her mane, hoping my calm breathing would settle her. I then began to softly sing the lullaby my mom used to sing to me to her: Hush now, quiet now It's time to lay your sleepy head Hush now, quiet now It's time to go to bed I could tell she was finally calming down, her eyes turing back to her gorgeous rosey pink eyes and were drooping from exhaustion. Another thunder struck was heard and she shivered in fright while whimpering. I frowned at this and tried to continue to calm her by singing: Driftin' off to sleep Exciting day behind you Driftin' off to sleep Let the joy of dream land find you Finally, she fell to sleep, sucking her raven claw. This brought a tired smile to my face. I kissed the top of her head, then laid my head down on my pillow. My eyes started dropping as well, the sound of Raven sleeping seemly was what I needed. I finally fell asleep, little Raven sleeping on my chest with my wings around her being the last thing I saw before I lose consciousness. As I woke up the next morning, the storm appeared to have stopped. I used my wings to clear the gunk from my eyes. I knew Wildflower would probably be up by now, so I lifted to get up, only to feel a pressure on my chest. I looked down and smiled widely at my youngest, who seemed to have found my hoof in the middle of the night and started sucking it. Her rosey pink eyes opened up and looked up at me. My smile only grew as she started to smile up at me. This was just the most perfect feeling in the whole world. Nothing else seemed to matter at that moment except me and my daughter. The bed shifted, breaking my thoughts. Once I looked over, I smiled widely at my handsome husband who smiled as widely and held Wildflower in his arms, who appeared unusually calm for once. We leaned in and kissed each other. "Hello, my dear." He said as he pulled away. "I finished earlier than expected and I came home just before the sun started to rise. I woke up Wildflower and came in and saw this adorable sight. I'll make breakfast for us if you want." I nodded, liking the idea of him making food for us. He grabbed Raven and held both our kids, using his talon to stroke Raven's mane, who seemed to enjoy it. I knew he missed them very much. We lended in for another kiss. As I smiled against his lips, I knew my life was officially perfect.