Sombra's Light

by Visharo

Chapter 3: Training

I stood where I met the other Runners, wondering where I was supposed to go. Tic Tac failed to mention when we were supposed to meet or what time. I sighed and sat down, leaning against the wall. I slept relatively alright last night, although waking up early doesn't do any wonders. I was up so early, that everypony else in the room, was still asleep. I snuck past the mess of beds and bags, and made my way out the door without making a sound. Hopefully.

I tilted my head and looked out at the window frame. The early morning sunlight basked everything in a golden glow. No matter how many times I see it, it will always make me smile.

"Enjoying the view?" Tic Tac trotted up next to me and glanced outside as well. I looked up, wondering what kind of training this would be. When I voiced this question, he just said, "follow me."

When he said that, I thought he meant that he would go somewhere like a normal pony. Eenope. Without checking if I nodded or anything, he leaped straight through the open window. I yelped in shock and clambered to see where he went. The stallion was standing on a ledge that jutted out from the building.

"Come on! We're doing some training! See what kind of a Runner you are!" And with that, Tic Tac galloped alongside the ledge. Coming out of the shock, I leapt off without any hesitation and balanced myself on the ledge. Then I took off after him.

I chased the stallion. careful with my hoofsteps, determined to keep up with him. Then the ledge disappeared, but that didn't deter Tic Tac in any way. He leapt straight and true, onto a metal beam. Not even looking back to see if I was still following, he jumped from beam to beam, practically running against the wall. I followed, trying to get my landings perfectly, not messing up with anything.

After the fifth beam, the path stopped once again, and just as before, Tic Tac just kept on going. Instead of following the building, he leapt away from it. Right onto a suspended beam from a crane up above. He ran along the beam, making sure that it didn't tip over, then leapt to another building on the other side, through another open window. I hopped to the last beam, kicked off the wall, and landed on the suspended one. My right hoof slipped off, sending my heart into my throat. I regained my footing as quickly as possible, then leapt off to avoid tumbling to my death.

"Shit, that was intense." I panted, trying to catch my breath.

"If you think that was intense, you are in trouble. This is why you need training, why everypony needs training." Tic Tac seemed more at ease here out in the open, running between buildings, then inside that stuffy Sanctuary. I simply nodded, then stood up, my breath recovered. "See that antenna? The one left of the broken tower? Meet me up there." And with that, Tic Tac jumped out the window; the one they just entered. I rushed over to the edge, to see nopony below.

"Well, shit."

I stood and arched my back, trying to release some tension within my muscles. When I felt my muscles relax, that was when I looked up to see what Tic Tac was pointing at. I traced with my hoof, trying to get a game plan. After a few moments of analyzing the surrounding area, it was time to run.

A fierce grin overtook my face as I started to gallop. I ran further into the building, trying to find some way to get higher up, finding what I was looking for moments later. I clambered my way onto some scaffolding. Using the metal bars and pieces of debris, I climbed as far as the scaffolding would allow me. I went back inside, looked around for an open window, then stepped out on a ledge.

"Well, here goes nothing." I took a deep breath, then ran. I jumped as far as possible when the ledge stopped, landing on another building. My chest slammed into the wall, my breath escaping me. I scrambled with my forehooves, trying to find a purchase. Once found, I hauled myself up and continued running. Without breaking stride, I pushed off some boxes and went up another floor. On that floor, I saw a ramp that led out a window; without further hesitation, I ran up to it and leapt off.

I landed on soft grass, planted by farmer ponies, on top of another building. Ignoring a blue pony who was sleeping in a chair, I ran past and grabbed a sturdy pipe with my teeth. Another ramp that I leapt off. Instead of landing, I wrapped the pipe around the zipline, that was made from here to there, and held on for dear life. I was too terrified to look at the scenery around me. I was so fucking high.

When the ride was over, my teeth hurt sorely. I took a moment to catch my breath, then continued running. Just two more buildings. My hooves flew as I jumped from pillar to pillar, trying to get higher up. After three floors of jumping, I loped onwards. FINALLY, a ladder. I sighed in relief, then climbed up the ladder. It lead to the roof of the building, where I found some more pony-made gardens. Glowing crystals spewed their light all over the place, giving it an interesting atmosphere.

I nodded to the confused pony, tilling the field, and ran away. Another crane, holding up another beam. Knowing what I was going to do, because of the last one, I jumped on and ran across. One more building! My chest was cramping and my breaths came out in short, shallow puffs. I stood up, determined to finish, but when I started running again, I got hit in the ribs.

"Fuck! What the hell?" I lay, floundering on the floor, trying to understand what had happened. I groaned as I rolled to my side, then pushed upwards and glanced at my attacker. It was Tic Tac. "What the fuck!?"

"Training. Now get to the antenna." I looked at him dubiously, then slowly took a step away. Then another, then another, until it was a gallop.

I ran through various objects, ducking under and jumping over, trying to find a way to the last building. There! A zipline, but it was two floors up. My survivor sense kicked in, forcing me to duck and roll as a pony sailed over. I looked back and saw Tic Tac on the floor, grinning. Oh shit. I pushed myself harder, finding a large pipe that hung from the side of the building. Without further ado, I clambered up it, wondering how in the world my hooves could grip something like that.

No time to wonder, I only scaled a single floor. I cried out in frustration as the means to get up lacked very much. I ran around the floor, looking everywhere and not finding anything. Suddenly I turned sideways, a hoof flew past me, and landed on a box. My instincts took over as I pushed back against the assailant, and jumped away. Tic Tac regained his balance and looked at me dead-on. I stared back with a very annoyed look.

Tic Tac charged. I was not sure what he would do, so I turned tail and galloped away. I leapt over a couch and ducked beneath it. As a shape hurtled past, I stuck a hoof out, sending Tic Tac sprawling on the floor. Without looking back, I scrambled up and took off. Seeing a metal door that looked like an elevator, I made my way to it. I jammed my forehooves between the crack and pushed with all my might. After a few tense moments, the doors opened and I nearly fell. The elevator was waay down; no way was I going in there.

Then I felt a hard push, and I fell in. Reacting quickly, I grabbed a metal beam, my chest, once again, slamming into the wall. "Fuck you Tic Tac!"

"Just preparing you." He stood there calmly, looking down at me with a small grin.

"Yeah right." I braced myself and leaped away, onto a maintenance ladder. I clambered up it, without looking back. The door to the next floor was closed, but the one above that was open. I climbed to that floor and looked around, seeing nothing of use, I took a deep breath and steeled myself. If I failed, I would plummet to my death. If I succeeded, it would look awesome.

I heard some noise behind me and knew that Tic Tac was climbing after me. I had no idea why he was trying to stop me, but I started this and you better believe I'm going to finish this damned training. Another deep breath. Then I ran and leapt out an open window. With movements that looked practiced, I whipped out my metal pipe and hooked onto the zipline that was a floor below. The jolt was painful, but I held on.

I felt euphoric, I made it to the antenna! "TAKE THAT YOU BITCH! WOOOHOOOO!" Then promptly got hit in the face.


"Wanna get some ice cream?" I stood proudly with some bits in my saddlebag.

"Of course! What kind of question is that?" A young Ferny got up, his features still hidden.

We walked side by side, young and naive, towards our rightly deserved ice cream.


"Urk." I gurgled as I tried to get up. "Where am I?

"Stay still, you're in the medical ward in Sanctuary." Tic Tac pushed me back down. "Sorry about your muzzle, didn't mean to hit it."

"Wha...what do you mean?" I rolled myself slightly, trying to get a better position to view Tic Tac. "And what kind of training was that?"

"I threw a rock. It was more out of frustration then anything else." He chuckled, "and as for the training, that was Battlekour training."

I stared at him blankly.

"Right, umm. In Filly, every month, Battlekour competitions are hosted. Whichever team wins, gets to rule over Filly till the next month. The 12th competition is coming up in a week, I thought it might be a good idea for you to be a part of it." Tic Tac smiled awkwardly. I frowned, something had changed. Tic Tac is usually more mysterious.

"...and what is Battlekour exactly?" I said slowly, trying to prepare myself for whatever might happen.

"Battlekour is where two teams compete against each other. The goal is to get to the flag before the other team. You can fight each other, but killing is not allowed. Whoever wins, moves on. There are currently four teams in Filly." He opened his mouth to say more, but then alarms started blaring. "Shit, he's back."

"Who's back?" I shifted slightly, bunching up my muscles for an attack.

"Uhh, no one." Tic Tac looked surprised, as if he didn't realize he had spoked out loud. Now I absolutely knew that this wasn't Tic Tac. Before he could react, I flicked my right hoof right on his head. The changeling, which Tic Tac was just a moment ago, slumped to the floor.

I grimaced as I got up, then started to move. Before I exited the medical ward, I grabbed a spare set of clothes from a hanger and put it on. Sewn on the left forehoof sleeve was a purple eye. Interesting. I opened the door and walked through. Outside, there were many ponies running around frantically, most of them carrying makeshift weapons. Various cries were heard all over.

"Shit, he's coming! HE'S COMING!"
"Did you barricade the left stairway?"
"I thought that was your job!"
"Come here, honey. I'm going to keep you safe."

The last one was an earth pony mother, hugging a pegasus filly. Both looked terrified, and the filly clutched a stuffed teddy bear. Whoever these ponies were, that mother and child had nothing to do with them and their goals. I decided then and there, that I would come back and save these two. They deserve better.


I glanced upwards to see Tic Tac, the real one, barge through a set of heavily barricaded doors like it was nothing. He growled aggressively and bucked everypony he could. I threw my clothes off and charged to be beside him. He nodded when he saw me, then aggressively shoved a pony into some boxes. I was busy, too, with two of them wielding heavy pipes in their mouths. I took a fighting stance and slowed my breathing. They charged, trying to catch me off guard with two attackers, but I swerved underneath both blows and ended up behind them. Before they could react, I had both of them on the ground.

"Let's get out of here." Tic Tac whacked another attacker, then took off from where he came from. I followed as best I could, my muzzle still hurting. The yelling soon faded away as we leaped from building to building. Then Tic Tac stopped. Not focused on him, I ran straight into him, sending more pain into my nose. I groaned, this sucks. I looked up to see what caused him to stop. He was looking at the setting sun.

"Shit." Our voices in perfect harmony.