//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The Chaos Arrives // Story: Equestria Girls 4: Everfree Forest // by Talli //------------------------------// Meanwhile, most of the campers were already at their tents after bringing their luggage and setting them inside the tents whilst they took out certain items they’re planning to use later. In Twilight’s tent, she was paired up with Silver and Blaze. Silver noticed the disinterested look of his two female friends and started a conversation with Spike joining along. “What’s the matter girls? You two seem to bothered by something and it’s spoiling the fun for you.” Blaze and Twilight turned to the talking hedgehog. Blaze sighs and explains, “Sorry for worrying you Silver. I’m not sure about the camp director and her act she’s putting up. Gloriosa is hiding something from us and I’m sure of it.” “You’re feeling stressed out after this morning thanks to Pinkie Pie and Charmy.” Silver said to Blaze. “You can relax easy and not be so overprotective of us.” Blaze sighs once more and takes Silver’s advice. “I’ll ease up at Camp Everfree, but what about Twilight?” Blaze spoke, causing Twilight’s eyes to widen. “Ya know, Twilight was making goggly-eyes at the camp director’s brother and they like each other.” Spike teased with a smug smile on his face as Twilight blushed and looked away. “Is that what’s bothering her? Don’t worry about that Twi. Spike, Blaze, and I can help you with your dating trouble!” Silver determinedly spoke as he pumped his fist. Blaze chuckled and Twilight’s face turned red. “Don’t shout so loud Silv!” Twilight aggressive whispered. “Ok.” Silver quickly answered “You can’t hide anything from us Sparkle. We know you far too well that.” Blaze added. “No I’m not! I can definitely do that!” Twilight defended herself in a slightly aggressive tone that took Blaze aback, including Silver and Spike. “What was that about?!” Blaze questioned. “Are you alright Twilight?” Silver asked also. Twilight sighed and explained that she was fine and how nice everything was, up until she mentioned the Friendship Games incident as her mood wasn’t optimistic as before. “Forget about that Twilight. It didn’t make any difference because you are our friend and everyone at Canterlot High have forgiven you and you made new friends in the end.” Blaze told Twilight as she saw Blaze, Silver, and Spike looking with a smile on their faces. “If you’re struggling with something, we’re here to back you up!” Silver added, then Spike barks with his say in the conversation. Twilight says “Thank you” with a smile. Suddenly, Rainbow appears at the front of their tent and reminded them that they’re heading to the dock and runs off shortly after, along with Spike. While Silver, Blaze, and Twilight searched their luggage, Twilight pointed at her spare glasses and they slowly levitated above the bag and reached her finger. Silver and Blaze also saw the floating glasses and was shocked, then other objects floated inside the tent. Everything stopped floating and returned to normal gravity. While Silver and Blaze found it great, Twilight was panicking and thought that it was Midnight Sparkle slowly taking control of her by levitating the glasses. “That was so cool! You have psychic powers just like me!” Silver spoke excitedly towards Twilight, who smiled awkwardly. “I know that sounds fantastic, but I like for you guys not to tell anyone about this because the others preferred that we keep any sort of magical shenanigans while we’re at camp OK? Twilight quickly asked, while left the two confused, but the agreed anyway. Then immediately after they promised, Twilight zipped away and headed towards the dock without Silver and Blaze, who follow her shortly after. At the dock, Gloriosa explained the activities regarding the lake as many of the campers admired the lake thanks to how clean it looked and thanks to the sun, it also made it sparkled as if it “looked like diamonds” as Rarity would say. Soon Twilight, Silver, and Blaze joined in to see the beauty of the lake. Silver took in the admiration and took a closer look at the lake, getting a better view of it. Soon Fluttershy joined in with him as the just looked at the scenery. “I never thought Silver would be so “connected” with nature like Fluttershy.” Rainbow pointed out “That’s because Silver always loved nature back then, and it’s good that his fondness hasn’t changed abit.” Blaze said to Rainbow as they saw small birds fly up to Fluttershy and Silver as the birds landed next to them. “That’s really sweet.” Sweetie Belle stated with her hands held together. “I says so too Sweetie Belle.” Cream added As the others continue admiring the lake, Fluttershy and Silver began to feed the ducks, Twilight passed by them and accidentally tripped over a breakable plank on the dock. Thankfully, Timber caught her before she was able to injure herself. The two played it off as Flash saw from afar, which bummed him out somewhat. He is then approached by both Sunset and Shadow as they give him a pat on the back. “Don’t get so dull over it Flash. Even though Princess Twilight is on a adventure saving a new world and this world’s Twilight doesn’t have feelings towards you, I’m sure that’s the least of your worries.” Sunset told Flash as he rubbed the back of his neck. “So you’re saying I should ignore that stuff?” Flash asked. “Precisely.” Shadow added, which surprised Flash. “Ouch…you two sure know how to not sugarcoat things.” Flash stated, followed up with a chuckle. “Sorry, but that’s generally our style.” Sunset told as she winked at him. Flash turns his head to Shadow, who gives him a thumbs up and smile. While Celestia, Luna, and Gloriosa discussed the broken plank. Luna announced to the campers that dock is closed as it is far too dangerous for the campers to use. All the campers sighed and groaned in annoyance and Gloriosa gotten worried. “Don’t lose hope everyone! I’m sure I can get this fixed by the hour!” Gloriosa offered cheerfully. “Instead of fixin’ one singular issue with the dock, how ‘bout we rework the entire dock. Our camp gift can be us fixin’ the whole camp and onward!” Applejack suggested as all the campers cheered. “I don’t know about that. You guys have a whole week of fun and you’re sacrificing it for this old dock?” Timber mentioned as he glared at his sister, who glared back as only Sunset and Blaze noticed. Rainbow gives out a encouraging speech about the Wondercolt having a reputation to uphold which just further fueled the camper’s ambition to fix the dock. Gloriosa gives Timber a sly look, while Timber wasn’t looked very pleased, which both Sunset and Blaze also noticed. The campers have began to work on the improvements for the dock. It is said to feature a sign, a box of food for the ducks, lights for going to the dock at night, and more. Even though it was a lot to ask for and the time it’ll most likely take for them to finally finish the dock, the campers were set on rebuilding it. “ALRIGHT! LET’S GET STARTED!” Pinkie yelled enthusiastically The campers then worked on different parts on the dock by bring wood or continue working on the design of the dock. While that was happening, Twilight walked up to Timber and noticed he was working on a lantern and the two began chatting. Timber mention his expert craftsmanship and Twilight brought up in-depth subjects with Timber. The two spotted Cheese struggling to carry multiple planks of wood. Timber took the planks from Cheese and carried them near the dock. “You’re welcome little guy.” Timber said to Cheese, who moved around excitedly as a way of thanking him. “He really likes you Timber, you’re very helpful.” Twilight stated as she grabbed Cheese from the air. “Don’t mention it. By the way, we’re going to tell campfire stories later on so don’t miss out.” Timber told as Twilight and Cheese nodded. Later on the same day, it was getting dark and the campers sat around a campfire. Gloriosa brought marshmallows for the campers as they were about to tell some campfire stories. Rarity began to tell her “scary” story. “"Her dress was purple and burgundy!" Rarity shrieks with her hands placed on her face. Everyone didn’t know what to say and were left confused. They weren’t scared or had an reaction in the slightest. “Did the dress transformed into a scary monster and ate the lady?” Charmy asked. “Good gracious, never!” Rarity replied with a disgusted look on her face. “That’s far too terrifying!” The campers were more confused and started murmuring to one another. Rarity noticed and pouted at everyone for not being understanding. “At least ya did ya best Rarity.” Applejack finally spoke “Can we get a really scary story this time?” Scootaloo asked. “I got a story for you kid, but fair warning, I won’t be holding back on this one.” Timber stated and already some of the campers wrapped their arms around each other as the rest of the campers braced themselves. Timber explained that long ago, his great-grandparents had arrived at the forest and decided to build a camp on the land for the future. In doing so, they had awakened the nature spirit known as Gaea Everfree, who despised trespassers. Gaea terrified his great-grandparents had managed to convince the spirit to let them build their camp, but she promised that they wouldn't have it forever and she would one day reclaim it for good. “…"If you come across a trail of gem dust, know that it belongs to... GAEA EVERFREE!" Timber shouted as he finished the story. The campers saw a silhouette standing above Timber, causing them to scream except Shadow, Blaze, and Espio who were ready to attack the silhouette, but stopped when it turned out to be Gloriosa. “Sorry for the scare campers. I brought some extra marshmallows!” the camp director apologized. While most of the campers were relieved, a few weren’t sure about it. “That was odd? You showed a resemblance of Gaea Everfree before you revealed yourself. Do you happen to be Gaea herself?” Espio asked Gloriosa, who laughed it off “Don’t be so scared everyone! Gaea Everfree isn’t real, now let’s go back to your tents!” Gloriosa told as the campers got up and walked away. The Chaos Rainbooms met up with each other on the path to their tents. Fluttershy, Cream, and Cheese walked very closely with Metal whist they looked around nervously. Ray notices and asks, “Are you three scared of the story? It’s a made up fantasy to scare us.” “Well it did quite a good job scarin’ ‘em.” added Applejack as she rolled her eyes. “But what if Gaea came from Equestria and is hiding in Camp Everfree until she regained her power to take control over everyone!” Rainbow worriedly suggested. “I wouldn’t be to surprised if it was true, but we’re avoiding those things, not facing them.” Sunset told. “The next we don’t need is someone using magic very irresponsible. It’s giving me a headache.” Rouge stated, but was nudged by Metal, who then pointed towards a uncomfortable Twilight and a annoyed Blaze. Rouge’s face froze and quickly covered it up by highlighting the positive outcome. “I’m tired…I’ll see you guys tomorrow morning…” Twilight spoke as she walked away from the group with her head down. “Could you guys stop bringing that junk up! She’s still hurt from the Friendship Games.” Blaze scolded the group, who looked pretty downbeat, especially Rouge and Pinkie. “Calm down Blaze, they didn’t mean to bring it up. It was by accident.” Silver begged as Blaze eased up. “It’s alright Silver, she right about the Friendship Games incident. We’ll tried our hardest to keep talking about the incident around Twilight.” Espio stated as the rest of the Chaos Rainbooms agreed. “Maybe we should head to our tents before someone sees us.” Sunset said as the Chaos Rainbooms walked off and called it a day.