//------------------------------// // Volume II: Attacking from the inside // Story: Lynx; The Saiyan Warrior of Equestria // by AlienXtreme //------------------------------// As soon as Lynx and the mane 6 teleport to the labyrinth, they meet the lord of chaos at all his glory. His head is horse-like, much different from other ponies' head styles. He has a deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang, different-sized pupils, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. He has the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, he has a bat's right wing, a Pegasus' left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft. The shape of his body resembles that of a snake. Discord bears a resemblance to a Chinese dragon, a creature often depicted with a serpentine body, facial hair, feline claws, and antlers. Suddenly, Twilight's and Rarity's horns disappear as well as Fluttershy's and Rainbow's wings. Every is confused about this, until they hear Discord bursting into laughter. "Hahaha...You should see the look on your faces! Priceless! Hahaha!" "Hey! Give us our horns and wings back now!" Twilight puts her hoof down. However she is greeted by Discord blocking her mouth. "Oh no, you will have to play my game to take them all back." Twilight remains silent and everypony enters the labyrinth, although there was some resistance from Rainbow Dash and Lynx. As they take their first step in the place, ginormous leaf walls raise up from the ground and are so strong that even the Saiyan Prince can not budge through them. Lynx raises his head into the cloudy sky and closes his eyes, focusing his mind on the task ahead. With little effort, he starts bumping himself up and down, his boots barely above the ground, as he takes a deep breath. After a few moments, he stops and his eyes are now wide open. The game starts now... He lets his energy move freely through his body, making the white aura fully visible. As he does that, he raises himself up into the sky, but it only resulted on bumping his head into some kind of invisible wall. "So...no flying for me either ha?" Lynx whispers as he slowly gets down to the ground. He starts sprinting on a straight line and, to his surprise, finds Discord right in front of him. As he stops sprinting, Lynx greets the Lord of Chaos with a small grin. "So...you finally show your face, huh?" The prince bursts his aura at full power and his pink spiky hair start floating in rapid shape. "It's the perfect opportunity for me to show to everyone, that the Legendary Super Saiyan is the most powerful being there is!" The young saiyan's entire body is engulfed by a golden glow, as he lets out a monstrous roar, reminiscing that of a raging dragon. The glow is soon turned into a giant pillar, that can be seen by anypony near him. The ground right beneath him is shaking as it starts breaking into pieces, which results on every rock starting to lift, from the smallest pebble to gigantic boulders. His hair is flashing between pink and golden. His eyes are already turned into an emerald green color. As Lynx lets out one final scream, the golden pillar is erupted into the same aura he had when he fought Lira. The Legendary Super Saiyan is reborn. As soon as the transformation is completed, he gets ready for battle: He now has a low stance, one hand in front for defence and the other pulled behind to strike, the signature battle stance of the royals. "You brought this on yourself, Discord! Thanks to you, I'm in one hell of a bad mood!" "If you say so, go on. It's quite fun seeing you trying to do something that is out of reach. It's not like you have the power to stop me. " Discord rises both hands into the air, as Lynx rushes at him with all his might. However as the prince was about to successfully land a blow on Discord, an obscure portal appears out of nowhere and absorbs his right fist. Not even a second later another portal appears right next to his face. Outside of that portal appears the absorbed fist and punches his owner into the face. Lynx gets knocked back by the impact of the punch. A drop of blood rolls down from the side of his mouth as the young Saiyan breaths heavily. "Heh...Gotta say I'm impressed." Lynx grins, as he cleans off the blood. "But...don't think I'm going down that easily." Lynx bursts his golden aura, releasing even more power than before and throws both arms open, hands held vertically and fingers wide as he gathers his Chi. "You think I'll be bested to a weird beast I just met today?! I am the one who stands at the pinnacle of all races, and that includes you too!" Then Lynx straightens his arms to the front, forming a sphere of energy in the space between the palms of each hand. Lighting starts to spread from the energy sphere to the entire labyrinth. The whole ground starts shaking. "You claim I'm no threat to you, I assume that means you won't act like a coward and try to avoid this blast!" The pressure of ground the starts to make Lynx's feet shaking. "Bring it on. Prove why you are better than him." Discord creates a target on his chest and puts sunglasses. Lynx's mouth forms a huge sinister smile, as his hands start to shake as well. "Hehehe...Final Flash!" Finally, Lynx discharges his massive golden beam of energy with electric Chi streaming around it towards Discord, creating a huge cloud of smoke and a huge path of destroyed dirt. As the smoke clears, Lynx is still shown with his hands straightened and starts heavy breathing. "Huh huh...you see that Bee? That is why I am the strongest!" The prince falls to his knees. He raises his head and sees parts of Discord's body spread out across the entire room. "Hehe....Hahahahaha! So much for your title as the Lord of Chaos! Serves you right for not taking me seriously! You may be all about Chaos but I am all about ego!" Lynx points at himself with right thumb. Suddenly he feels a claw touching his shoulder. As he turns around, he sees Discord, not having a single scratch. "I have to say, I didn't expect something that strong from you." Discord forms a grin in his mouth. "Wait what?! How?!" "It's so fun seeing mortals try their hardest to do anything to me." As Discord says that, Lynx punches him in the gut. But his fist simply pierces through the body, like it's a pillow. The Saiyan prince is trying pull his hand but with no avail. "Grrr...Hey! Let...go of me!" He bursts his Super Saiyan aura once again, but he still can't free his hand. Lynx's frustration starts to grow more and more frustrated by the second. Suddenly he hears Discord saying something... "Just give up already." That short sentence was just what Lynx needed to snap. The Saiyan Prince creates a huge sinister smile. "You know what...I think I just came full circle!" Lynx bursts his golden aura and draws his left hand to the side, cupped. He concentrates all his energy to the cupped hand. "Don't underestimate a member of the Owl School!" A whitish-blue sphere appears in his hand. His energy is flowing to only a single point. "Kamehameha!" The hand is then thrust forward to shoot out the signature attack of the Turtle School. Discord is completely caught by surprise as both him and Lynx's hand get blasted by the beam. Lynx gets knocked back and falls down to his knees. As he opens his eyes, he notices, to no surprise, that his glove is completely destroyed and his hand covered in blood, which makes him grin. 'Damn! That hurts like hell! But as I'd expect from myself.' He gets back to his feet and gets his battle stance once more. As the smoke clears, Discord is shown again with no scratch at all. Lynx's smile vanishes immediately. "No, how can this be?! How can you survive two of my strongest attacks like they're nothing?!" Discord teleports right in front of him and Lynx immediately jumps away. However, the moment he lands, he missteps and falls down to the ground. "It's over kid. You're starting to bore me." The lord of Chaos starts to snore. Lynx gets up and gets his battle stance once more. "I...am not about to give up!" Lynx tries to release more power than before but the pressure is too much for his body to handle. Even though he tried, he couldn't stay into Super Saiyan anymore. His hair is back to pink and his eyes back to grey. 'Damn it! I thought I got rid of the energy drawbacks!' Discord appears right in front of him with a huge grin and speaks... "What's wrong? Is your ego trying to save you from this?" The lord of Chaos pads Lynx in the head. "I guess this young Saiyan isn't so Super after all." Lynx grabs Discord's hand and he squishes it as hard as he can. "I...won't lose. I am not afraid of you or anyone!" In one swift motion, he moved his left leg backwards, drawing his hands close to his chest, one palm atop the other as he started gather his Chi. He could feel it gather between his curled fingers as a sinister smirk came across his limps, letting his enemy witness the ball of energy appear between his fingers, and know his demise is now certain. However, Discord simply teleports Lynx behind him. He turns around his head and sees the Saiyan Prince being utterly confused by what is happening, but still in the same pose. His mouth once again forms a huge grin. "Oh really?" He snaps his fingers and something rather strange appears right between them: It's quite a tall shadow which he has four red triangle symbol on his chest then a red circle symbol at the center and it is surrounded by a purple aura. Suddenly Lynx gets to a neutral position and he feels something quite unfamiliar to him: He feels vibrations scattered through his entire body, maybe it is that "shuddering" thing that Fluttershy told him. A mere second later, all twelve of his fingers start to shake, just like when he charged his Final Flash but this time it was a different situation. Sweat is starting to drop in rapid shape. Even his teeth are shaking in rapid shape as well and his vision gets quite blurry. The Saiyan prince feels a weird thing in his throat, just like he wants to vomit. He falls to his knees once again and tries to hold it, but to no avail. He leaves huge piece of puke on the ground. He looks up and asks Discord... "H-How d-did y-y-you know?!" "Heh...I told you I did my homework on you." Discord snaps his finger and the shadow starts walking near Lynx. "N-No stay away! Please I beg you...no. Nooo!"