A Haunting Prize

by Silver_Cloudsky27

Chapter 1: Time to clean up a totally not creepy mansion!

The sunset from Canterlot helped Rarity feel a bit better now that it was time to announce the contest winner. The award for winning the fashion contest. IS. A. MANSION! So, she was sure the judges would probably be more professional-like than any competitions the unicorn had been in. She owns a boutique in Manehattan, Ponyville, and Canterlot but so does everyone in the competition. She's never really met any of these ponies and creatures yet but she's heard of them. Each and every-creature here has at least 2 boutiques all over Equestria or in their land.

"Alright, top 5 creatures! Places!" Someone yelled.

If the white unicorn pony wasn't nervous before, she sure is now. It's indeed been a relief that she made it this far but what if that's it? No, she won't let it. She will make sure of it with her final dress!

Each and everyone on the stage showed their dresses in their mannequins as the judges got out of their seats, went on the stage, and looked at the dresses presented to all of them. No one said anything as the judges went back to their seats and wrote their thoughts onto a card.

"The votes of the judges are now on my wings every-creature!" The host yelled out in excitement as everyone in the audience cheered. "Who will it be?" Everyone in the audience yelled out names while some just cheered. "And now for the moment, every-creature has been waiting for..."

The audience suddenly went silent and the top 5 contestants gulped.

"The winner of the Equestria Fashion Contest is... Rarity!" The host yelled with joy as the judges clapped. The shocked fashionista is now surrounded by cheers and applauds from every-creature. After all of it, the unicorn still can't believe it as she was heading to the train station.

I can't believe it... I just won a mansion. A MANSION! I can't wait to tell my friends about-


Rarity's thoughts were cut off when she heard a loud explosion coming from the south of Canterlot with a rainbow accompanying it. She realized that it was Rainbow Dash's famous Sonic Rainboom and it was coming towards her!

"Ahhh!" Rarity yelped as she shielded her face with a hoof as a little crate was created from Dash's landing.

"Rarity! I am so sorry I couldn't make it sooner! The Wonderbolts needed me for something important at Manehattan. But I'm free for the weekend. Is it over?" The once flying pony said as she held the unicorn's shoulders.

"It has been over an hour ago, Dash," the cyan pony hung her head low in defeat as she also let go of Rarity's shoulders. "Don't worry, I was gonna tell you and our friends about the new mansion I have now anyway." Rarity said with a smirk.

"Wait, did you just say you won?" Rainbow quickly asked as she looked at the fashionista curiously. The smirking pony nodded. "Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! OHMYGOSH! You won! Whoohooo! Way to go to start summer, Rares!" The pegasus was now up in the air doing loop-de-loops but suddenly stopped and looked at her friend with a sad expression. "I wasn't there to see it though... ~gasp~ Is there anything I can do to make up for it?"

Rarity smiled at her friend's concern and was about to decline her offer until something popped up in her mind. "Well... You could help me clean up the mansion." The purple-maned pony offered.

"Of course! Now let me help you with that," Dash offered as she carried half of the fashionista's things. "You do know that our friends are busy for the whole weekend, right?"

"I know but Pinkie said that the cakes will be coming back tonight and will be in charge of the bakery again. I could invite her to come with us."

"Sure, but where is it located?"


"Oh come on! I was just there!" The hovering pegasus whined but stopped when she almost let go of all the luggage she was carrying and pouted.

"It's not like we're going there today," chuckled the unicorn as she and the now confused pegasus entered the train.

"We aren't?"

"Princess Celestia will soon set the sun and we can't just clean up a fortress-like place at night!"

"I know we were going to Ponyville but just stopping there to get Pinkie, some tools that'll help us clean, and drop off these bags but I guess that makes sense." Dash ended as she sat down across from Rarity.

A few hours later and they finally arrive in Ponyville. Rainbow assisted Rarity by getting all the bags to her house. After that, they both went to Sugarcube Corner to tell Pinkie about the house. She agreed to come and even suggested having a party but the two ponies refused, knowing that their friends were busy. The two ponies left Sugarcube Corner and went to their homes for their big day tomorrow.


"Food, check. Cleaning equipments, check..."Twilight said as she looked at Pinkie Pie. "Whatever Pinkie Pie is bringing, check?" chuckled the purple alicorn.

"Are y'all sure, those are everything y'all will need for this whole 'cleaning up a mansion' thing?" Applejack asked.

"If it's just cleaning up, then this is it for me! I don't know about Pinkie and Rarity over there." Rainbow Dash said as she pointed towards the said ponies.

"I have everything I need, thank you very much," huffed the unicorn.

"I can handle cleaning up, Dashie! Don't you remember that time when we were cleaning up Rarity's boutique at Manehattan?" The pink pony said as she bounced past the talking ponies.

"Oh yeah... You know what forget I asked. Now let's go already! I have a feeling that cleaning up a mansion will take us all day!" Dash said as she was putting everypony else's bags on the train and went outside again to say their goodbyes.

"Please be careful, I heard the house you'll be going to is going to be a few miles away from the city," Whispered Fluttershy.

"I'm sorry we can't come Rarity. Fluttershy is as busy now since more animals are coming into the sanctuary every day! Do I even need to say something for Applejack? It's Apple Buck Season! And I'm busy with Princess duties and I need to reorganize the books at the castle with Spike." The alicorn explained.

"About that. Ah really need to be heading back to the farm to help Big Mac, goodbye y'all! Safe travels!" Applejack hugs the 3 ponies and tips her stetson to them and gallops towards the Apple farm.

"Me too. Well, I'm not going to the farm but I'll be heading to the- Oh you know what I mean," chuckled the shy pegasus. "Goodbye everypony! Be safe." The yellow pegasus said as she walked away from the train station after hugging the departing ponies.

"Me three! Spike says sorry for not making it, he's doing a head start on reorganizing the books. Goodbye! We'll see you soon!" Twilight said as she walked back a bit to see her friends get inside the train and see them off on the train to Manehattan.


"Are you sure this is the place Rares? I mean it is huge and it looks a bit disty but it kinda feels weird doesn't it?" The creeped-out pegasus asked as she looked over the property.

"What are you talking about, Dashie? The mansion isn't that bad. I don't see anything broken on the outside and it just looks dusty!" The party pony exclaimed.

"And the map was very specific. I slightly agree on the weird part only because it says right here that it hasn't been used for a couple of months but it looks oddly new despite its surroundings. I mean, a beautiful estate in a forest does seem unfitting," The white pony thought aloud as she placed the map back in one of her saddlebags and looked toward the manor.

"I guess," The pegasus shrugged as she landed and trotted towards the house. Time to clean up a totally not creepy mansion! The nervous pony thought as her friends began to follow her.

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