Forza 2023 Championship Finale

by RushingWind-01

One vs. One

Spa-Francorchamps, Night...

Now was the time. The time where things got serious.

The 6 lap night race at Spa, the title decider for 2023, which was also the premiere of a night race in the Forza Championship, was about to begin.

Fluttershy lined her car up on the grid. Since she was the lead driver out of the drivers that were still running, she was allowed to start from pole position. However, she has never driven a night race before, and assuming that her rival, Apple Lauda, who did have night experience, was right behind her, it worried her.

"Hey, Fluttershy. How are you feeling?", asked Rainbow Dash, who was on the radio with her.

"Um... n-nervous... I have never driven a night race before...", Fluttershy responded.

"Don't worry. There's always a first time for everything. Just make sure you don't forget your pitstop, okay?", Rainbow said.

"Yes, Rainbow.", Fluttershy said.

"We'll be watching from the pit garage. Good luck, Fluttershy!", Rainbow cheered.

Taking some deep breaths, Fluttershy prepared her body and mind for the big race. The team believed in her, and she definetly wanted to live up to that. If she won the race, she would be today's hero, especially for the team. But if she lost... Then her racing days would be over.

Fluttershy shook off those dark thoughts and prepared for the light sequence. The lights came on, five red lights for the final showdown in the night of Spa...

The lights went out, and both drivers went off, for the championship decider.

LAP 1/6

Fluttershy got a great launch off the line, but since she had no night experience, she had slight struggle to find the braking point for La Source, allowing Apple Lauda to pass her.

"Relax, Fluttershy. You still got plenty of time.", Rainbow Dash said over the radio.

Fluttershy tried to, but the fact that Apple Lauda passed her gave her huge worries. She had no memory of Spa at night, and this was her first ever night race.

Eau Rouge was no big deal though, as the headlights clearly gave her a view of that tough turn, and she made it easily on her first shot. This got her a bit closer back to Apple Lauda, but he was still further up the road.

Essentially every single turn of Spa felt like a totally new thing for Fluttershy when it was night time. Even Pouhon and Stavelot that she usually dominated during the day, was like a new thing at night. However, she still got them right on her first shot, even if not as quick as the day.

Coming out of the Bus Stop Chicane, Fluttershy was behind her rival, but not so far as she thought she would be.

LAP 2/6

The second shot at La Source went way better, and Fluttershy went a lot faster through that turn. Further adapting herself to night conditions, she became faster and faster around Spa, and managed to get closer and closer to Apple Lauda.

She also got a bit more used to the braking points in the dark night, which allowed her to go through Les Combes, and even the very tricky Bruxelles U turn with ease and grace.

Pouhon and Stavelot were still a bit tough to master at night, but Fluttershy knew that she needed to get these right in order to try and make a move on her rival soon. He was still a bit ahead, and both needed to do one pit stop at least, so it's a combination of getting timing and pace right.

LAP 3/6

Fluttershy knew that she needed to get closer to Apple Lauda. However, it was tough to get close to the dominator of the night, so she needed to come up with something.

Suddenly, she had an idea. What if she came into the pits to serve her stop?

As she pondered the thought, she was racing over the Kemmel Straight. A pit stop would mean that she served her mandatory stop, but it would also mean that she needed to play catch-up on Apple Lauda because she would lose a lot of time.

Going through Pouhon, Fluttershy knew that she had to try it. If that didn't do the job, nothing will.

"Rainbow, I'm coming in this lap!", she said over the radio.

"What? Are you fucking serious? Do you want to lose this race or not?", Rainbow Dash asked, quite irritated.

"Of course not!", Fluttershy said.

"Then stay out and wait for Apple Lauda to come in!", Rainbow Dash said.

"No, I told you I'm coming in! I have to try something in order to win!", Fluttershy said, trying to sound convincing, while navigating through the technical sector 2.

"I said stay out! If you come in now, your race is gone and done, so shut up!", Rainbow Dash yelled.

Suddenly, as Fluttershy raced through Sector 3, Assetto radioed in: "Don't listen to Dash. Just come in this lap. I know how much you want the chance for an undercut. And we don't see the Akula-Lauda pit crew outside."

"Okay, I'm coming in!", Fluttershy said. And going through the Bus Stop Chicane, she peeled off into the pits.

"Wow, you're really playing with fire, are you?", Rainbow Dash asked.

"Now, calm down, Rainbow! Assetto told me to come in!", Fluttershy said.

The pit crew worked quickly, changing tires in just three seconds, and since the car was fueled up enough to last the race, Fluttershy was immediately released back onto the circuit.

LAP 4/6

"Alright, Fluttershy. We did our job. Now it's up to you. Catch Apple Lauda, and finish the race in your typical grace!", Assetto said.

"Solid copy.", Fluttershy said. Determination was building up in her mind. She was looking to win the race.

Racing over the track, Fluttershy's thoughts went back to 2020. The time where she won the Finals for her team. Nothing was able to stop her, she fought her way through the field, flew over the circuit, and won the race in her typically graceful manner. And now, she wanted to replicate just that.

Racing through Pouhon, the car felt amazing in Fluttershy's grasp. Like a pilot of a fighter jet, she raced over the turns as quickly as she could. It was now or never - she would either catch Apple Lauda with this different strategy, or still end up behind him, with no chance to catch up...

As she approached the Bus Stop Chicane, Rainbow Dash radioed in: "Apple Lauda entered the pits."

"Alright. Here goes nothing.", Fluttershy said, and now she knew that this was her sign to attack. She tried to take the Bus Stop Chicane as aggressive as she could, and managed to push through without sending the car sideways.

The moment of truth was among her - would she be in front, or is she at least closer to Apple Lauda?