//------------------------------// // The Crash // Story: Forza 2023 Championship Finale // by RushingWind-01 //------------------------------// LAP 7/12 Fluttershy came out of the pits, and she was now in P3. However, Zipp and Apple Lauda were right up the road, so she knew that she could catch them if she did it smart and caught them off guard. They still had to pit, and Fluttershy knew it, but she wanted to go for the pass. Coming out of Pouhon, she was very close to the two, and out of Stavelot, she hit the throttle and caught both her teammate Zipp, and her rival Apple Lauda off guard, passing them both. Now back in the lead, she just needed to finish up the race, and if her team did well too, the championship is as good as won... LAP 8/12 Fluttershy was already leading again, and so many drivers were still to pit, so there was no doubt that she was going to win this race. She just needed to hope that her team did their jobs too. "Great driving, Fluttershy. Keep it up.", said Rainbow. Fluttershy knew that her team cheered her on, and she knew that she was the right pick for the Finals. She proved it four times already, and now comes a fifth time. However, after she went through Eau Rouge, she heard an explosion further back. Looking into her mirror, Fluttershy saw flames, and her look changed into a shocked one. All over the track, red flags are being shown. "Red flag, red flag. Are you okay?", Rainbow asked, in huge worry for her friend. Fluttershy didn't know what to say at first, but as she slowed down, she said: "Fuck, guys... That was a big one, that was a big one... Tell me whoever was in that car is okay, tell me they're okay..." "They're still checking. Come back into the pits.", Rainbow said, and Fluttershy drove back to the pit lane. On her way, she wondered who got hit. Zipp was still behind her, couldn't be her, and Pinkie Pie pitted in, can't be her... Apple Lauda's Reaction Apple Lauda was in P2, but he still had to come in. Fluttershy was right up the road though, so he thought, maybe a neat pass for pride is the best way to end the season. Then, he saw the explosion in his mirror. "WHAT THE FUCK? What happened there?", he yelled when he saw the flames. "Red flag, red flag. Drive back to the pits.", said his race engineer. Apple Lauda was shocked. Never in his racing life has he seen that before. He said: "No no no... Fuck man, no no no... Please, tell me they're fine..." "No information yet. Come back to the pits." Zipp Storm's Reaction Zipp was behind Fluttershy and Apple Lauda, in P3. "Damn, Fluttershy already pitted and she's leading again? Why in the heck did Assetto not pick her for last year? He could've retired anyone but her!" "Assetto decided to keep his most seasoned veterans for last year and filled in the three empty spots with you, Izzy, and Sunny. I can't help it.", said Spitfire, her race engineer, "Just focus for now." After Eau Rouge, Zipp heard an explosion. She looked into her mirror and saw flames coming up. "Whoa!", she said in shock. "Red flag, red flag! Are you okay?", asked Spitfire. "No, shit, shit, shit... What the heck happened there? Are they okay?", Zipp asked, shocked beyond her belief. "They're checking. Just come back to the pits.", Spitfire said. "Nooo, its... fuuuck, fuck, this is bad...", Zipp said, still shocked. Akula-Lauda Garage Reaction The mechanics of Akula-Lauda watched the race in anticipation, with Apple Lauda closing in on Fluttershy. "Come on, come on, go for it!", said one of them. And then, they saw the crash. Izzy Moonbow's vehicle was touched by Viral Velocity, and the car with the number 15 flew off. And when the car exploded and went up in flames, all mechanics had a shocked look on their faces. "Oh my fucking goodness me...", said a second mechanic. "What the fuck are they doing? Fucking get her out!", said Nico Hulkenberg, who was watching the race with his fellow teammates that weren't sent in. Equestria Motorsports Garage Reaction The mechanics and drivers of Equestria Motorsports watched the race in delight as they see Fluttershy come out of the pits and still lead the race. The battle for the championship was still on, and the mechanics were still excited as they watch Zipp Storm try to pass Apple Lauda, who definetly improved around Spa. After Lap 7, Pinkie Pie came in for her stop. They gave her fresh tires and released her again. Suddenly, there was an explosion to be heard and the mechanics and drivers had a shocked expression on their face. On TV, it was shown - Izzy's vehicle was spun out by one of their rivals, raced into the wall front first, and it exploded. "No! Izzy!", screamed Sunny, after seeing her best friend's vehicle crash into the wall. "Hoo boy... That was nasty...", said Applejack, unsure what exactly to say. "Get her out of there... Someone get her out of there!", exclaimed Starlight Glimmer, also shocked beyond belief. "This is terrible...", said a shocked Sunset Shimmer. Back in the Pits... Fluttershy looked at the replay that played over and over, and it was revealed that the new girl at Akula-Lauda Racing, Viral Velocity, touched Izzy on the inside of the entry to Eau Rouge, and that sent Izzy's vehicle off. "Jesus... That was awful...", Fluttershy said after watching the crash from three perspectives, and once in slow motion. "You betcha. I sure hope Izzy's okay...", Applejack said. On TV, the marshals were still on to put out the fire. Since the 599 GTO that Assetto made for Izzy had a front-placed engine, it was obvious that a frontal crash at high speed causes the car to explode. When the fire was a bit weaker on the left, another marshal used a crowbar to open the door. As the marshals continued to put out the fire, suddenly, a burning driver leapt out of the car, then fell to the ground. When the fire was put out, it was clear - Izzy survived. "Izzy! She's alive!", Sunny exclaimed, with obvious relief in her voice. "Oh, my...", said Fluttershy in huge surprise as her eyes widened. "No fucking way! How did... How did she get out?", asked Zipp, obviously as surprised as Fluttershy was. "This... this is an act of God.", Starlight Glimmer said, "There's no way anyone normal would've survived this..." The entire Equestria Motorsports Garage watched in awe as the marshals took Izzy away. This girl was sure very lucky that she didn't die in that horrible crash. About 30 minutes later, some of the officials came to the seven remaining drivers. One of them said: "So, we got good news and bad news. Izzy Moonbow is alright, but she has some third degree burns and a broken leg. Which means she's unable to continue." "Oh my...", Fluttershy said in slight shock. She still was thankful that her teammate was okay, but these injuries sounded nasty. "So, what's gonna happen now?", asked Zipp Storm, unsure about the call of the officials. "I'm afraid we're gonna have to postpone the race. A 3 on 4 would be unfair, and Izzy will need a lot of time to recover.", said another of the officials. Fluttershy looked around. The looks on the faces of everyone around her, even from her team's rivals, were heartbreaking. They wanted to have an amazing finale, and now it was all over... Or was it? Fluttershy noticed that night was falling. "What better way to end the season than with a night race?", she thought. And then, she decided to speak up. "Wait!", she said, gaining the attention of the officials. "What is it, Fluttershy?", asked the first official. Fluttershy made sure to choose her words wisely when she spoke: "How about we do a new race? The night would make it an amazing finale, and what better way to end the season than with a race at night?" "So you're saying, you want a 3 on 3 race to end the season?", asked a third official. Fluttershy narrowed her eyes and looked very determined. "No. One versus one. The final showdown. Whoever wins the race, wins the championship. It's as simple as that.", she said. "Give us a moment.", said the first official. Fluttershy patiently waited while the officials debated on the call. A few moments later, they turned around and said to her: "You know, we never had a night race as the championship finale, so... The race will be held." Everyone around Fluttershy cheered. They sure were happy that the race will be held regardless. Fluttershy's teammates were worried, though. "Are you sure about this, Fluttershy?", asked Applejack, "Who is supposed to drive in this race?" "Hey, maybe I should do it! This will be SO MUCH FUN!", yelled Pinkie Pie. Then, Sunny stepped in: "No, I should do the race! For my friend, Izzy!" "You have no night experience, Sunny! I can take care of the race if you want to!", said Zipp. "ENOUGH! Stop arguing!", yelled Fluttershy. "What, do you have a better idea, Fluttershy?", asked Sunny, a bit irritated. "I'm gonna do the race.", Fluttershy said. "Are you sure about this, 'Shy? Maybe you really should leave the race to someone else.", said Assetto, who just came up. "Assetto, I'm a master at Spa. I have driven so many times here, I'm pretty sure it won't be different at night.", Fluttershy said. She definetly wanted to take another championship for her team. "Alright. We'll send you in. It's all up to you now.", Assetto said. "Good luck out there, my friend.", said Zipp, and patted Fluttershy on the shoulder. "Yes. Please, win for Izzy!", Sunny said. "And win for the team!", Pinkie Pie said, bouncing up in excitement. Fluttershy looked at her team. She may be nervous about all this, but at the same time, she knew that her friends believed in her. And she wanted to live up to it and take the champonship for her team...