Somewhere He Belongs

by SuperSamYoshi

Chapter 10: To the Empire of Crystal (Edited)

Twilight woke Sam up early, she had made plans not long after Sam fell asleep that last night. She had woken up in the middle of the night and wrote a letter to her brother and sister-in-law, telling them about Sam. And that morning, she had gotten a reply that they would love to meet the little kid. Twilight replied that she and Sam will come up to see them today.

Sam wasn’t a fan of waking up early. He liked to stay in bed as he would be in a comfy spot and would refuse to leave. But Twilight forced him to get up and get ready.

“Come on Sam,” she said, “We got something important to do today.”

Sam just looked at her with a tired look, “What are we doing today that was so important to disturb my peaceful sleep?”

“you’ll find out,” she told him as she rushed around the library, “now get packing.”

Sam sighed and packed a few things, some clothes, his toothbrush, and his chameleon plush. Twilight made Sam a quick breakfast of toast and after that the two headed to the train station.

“Mum, you still haven't told me where we’re going or why we’re going,” Sam said, still feeling rather tired as they walked, “plus why did we have to get up just as Celestia is raising the sun?” He mentioned how the sun wasn’t even halfway over the mountains.

“So we can get to the earliest train to get to our destination on time,” Twilight assured him, “and don’t worry, if you’re still tired, you can sleep on the train.”

Sam just sighed as the train arrived at the train station, While Twilight was buying the tickets, Sam noticed Rainbow Dash flying towards him.

“Hey there, sport!” she said, “What’s going on?”

“We’re going somewhere by train, Rainbow,” Sam said, “but Twilight hasn’t told me where we’re going yet.”

“Oh,” she said, “Well wherever she’s taking you, and you feel bored, maybe read this. I’ve been meaning to give it to you.” She then pulled out a book from her bag and gave it to Sam.

It had a picture of a tan pegasus with a black mane and tail wearing explorer clothes in a jungle. Her cutie mark was a compass. There were big words on the front cover. She looked a little like Rainbow, but with a mane and tail that were different shades of grey.

“Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone,” Sam read out loud.

“It’s the first book in the series. I think you’ll like Daring Do, Sam,” Rainbow said, “She is undeniably, unquestionably, un-put-down-able!”

“That’s not a word,” Sam bluntly said, “but thank you Rainbow Dash.”

“Your welcome little dude,” Rainbow replied rubbing her hoof through his hair, she then flew off. Twilight then came up to him carrying two tickets in her magic.

“Was that Rainbow you were talking to?” she asked.

“It was,” Sam said, “She gave me the first Daring Do book to read.”

“Well, at least you’ll have something else to do on the train ride. It takes a long time to get to where we are going.”

“How long does it take?” Sam asked.

“About five hours,” she said, Sam’s eyes widened, “don’t worry, that book will keep you occupied.” She then gave him his tickets. Then there was a loud whistle, and Sam saw a train coming up to the station.

“Oh my Celestia!” Sam shouted in glee when he saw the train, “it’s a green E2 Tank Engine.”

“How do you know that?” Twilight asked.

“I’m a big steam locomotive fan,” Sam replied.

The train stopped in front of them, and the passenger doors opened. Ponies started walking out of the coaches.

“Come on Sam, this is our train,” Twilight said as she and Sam showed the Conductor their tickets.

The two of them walked onto the train coach and found a seat to sit down at. As the whistle blew and the train started moving, Sam laid against Twilight’s side, closing his eyes. Twilight wrapped a hoof around his body and brought him closer as Sam fell back asleep.

After a while of sleeping, Twilight gently nudged Sam awake.

“Sam, sweetie,” She said, as Sam slowly opened his eyes, “We’re here.”

Sam slowly sat up and looked out the window. It was really bright outside, but as his eyes got used to it, he saw that he was in a kingdom made of crystals. He looked at Twilight and she smiled.

Twilight and Sam got off the train, and Twilight made her way to the streets of the crystal kingdom. Sam saw crystal ponies going about their business, as happy as they could be. Some even gave Twilight waves as they passed by.

“So what is this place mum?” Sam asked.

“Sam, Welcome to the Crystal Empire!” Twilight exclaimed.

Sam was amazed, he looked around at all the crystal ponies, and houses. They walked a bit further and the giant Crystal castle came into view. Sam saw underneath was a heart made of crystal.

“This is the Crystal Heart,” Twilight said, “this is what gives this place the power to shield it from the frozen north, and what gives the ponies their crystal look.”

“So they’re not made of crystal?” Sam asked.

“No, they’re not,” chuckled Twilight. Sam reached out a hand to touch the heart.

“It feels really warm,” he said, taking his hand off.

“That’s the power of the love and unity the crystal ponies have in the empire,” Twilight told him.

They then walked up to the castle doors. A couple guards were at the doors when they walked up. Two stood at each side of the door one male and one female, while the third, who was unlike the other two, being orange, and had gold armour, and blue mane and tail, stood between them.

“Twilight Sparkle, sister-in-law to the Princess and Element of Magic, we welcome you,” one of them said.

“Prince Shining Armour and Princess Cadence are waiting inside for you and your human son here,” said the other one.

“Thank you kind sir and madam,” Twilight told them.

“if you follow me, miss Sparkle to the Throne room,” the middle guard said.

They walked past the guards at the doors, but the female guard held out a hoof to Sam.

“Welcome to the Crystal Empire young man,” she said.

“Thank you sir,” Sam replied nervously. He then walked up next to catch up with Twilight.

“You were never nice to me,” the male guard commented.

“We’re not dating Silver Sword,” the female spoke back.

Sam was admiring the interior as they walked towards the throne room. About halfway there, Twilight saw her brother coming up to them.

“Twily!” he said. Twilight ran up to him, and they embraced each other, “Good to see ya again, little sis. How have you and Spike been since the whole Sombra incident?”

“We’ve been getting along just fine, Shining,” Twilight told him, “How’s Cadence doing?”

“She’s been doing okay,” he said.

“That’s good to hear,” Twilight said.

“So, where’s the little human you told us about?” asked Shining.

“He's right here,” Twilight replied, turning to the side so Shining could see Sam, “Shining, this is Sam. Sam, this is my older brother, Prince Shining Armour.”

Sam came out from behind Twilight and bowed his head to Shining. “It’s nice to meet you, Prince Shining Armor,” he said.

“Nice to meet ya too, Sam,” Shining replied, putting a hoof on Sam’s shoulder, “And you can just call me Shining.”

“Where’s Cadence anyway?” Twilight asked.

“She’s in the throne room holding the day’s court at the moment. She should be done pretty soon though,” Shining said, “I’ll take it from here Flash Sentry, you can go back to your post.”

“Yes sir,” replied Flash as he went back on duty.

“Follow me everypony.” Shining then led them to where the throne room and Cadence were. They eventually came up to the throne room doors.

“Wait here you two,” he said, “I need to make sure she’s finished before bringing you all in.” He then went inside leaving Twilight and Sam to wait. After waiting a few minutes, the door opened up, and a couple crystal ponies left after talking with Cadence.

“Come on in you two,” Shining called. Twilight and Sam walked inside and saw Cadence and Shining at the other end of the room, Cadence smiling brightly upon spotting me.

“Twilight! Long time no see!” she exclaimed, trotting up to me.

“Cadence!” Twilight said, happy to see her as well. They then began their nursery rhyme and dance once meeting in the middle of the room.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” They recited giggling and embracing each other afterwards.

“What was that?” Sam asked.

“That’s our little dance we do every time we meet each other,” Twilight replied.

“You do that every time?” Sam question.

“Every. Since. Time,” Twilight answered intensely.

“How’ve you been since you were last here, Twilight?” Cadence asked.

“I’ve been getting along just fine,” Twilight tells her, “been taking care of a little child.”

“I’m 10,” Sam spoke up, with a deadpan expression.

“ooh, can I see the little guy?” Cadence asked.

“Of course,” Twilight said as she stood aside, and Sam walked forward. 

“You must be Sam,” Cadence said, “My name is Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can just call me Cadence."

“It’s nice to meet you too Cadence,” Sam said, as his stomach then gave a low growl.

“My, someone must be hungry,” Cadence chuckled.

“Yeah I didn’t eat much for breakfast,” Sam said, rubbing it.

“Did you rush out of the house again?” Shining asked his sister.

“Maybe…” Twilight replied innocently, as her own stomach rumbled.

“You could have gotten the next train,” Shining said, “then you would have had time to have something to eat.”

Cadence wrapped Sam up in her magic and levitated him onto her back.

“Let’s go have some lunch then,” she said as she started to lead them out of the throne room and toward the dining hall.

Cadence with Sam on her back, led Twilight, and Shining into the dining room. She levitated Sam into a chair as she, Twilight and Shining sat down at the table. Some servants shortly came in with a pretty big lunch. These were special foods that were made and grown in the Crystal Empire. There was crystal corn on the cob, Crystal Empire nectar, Crystal Empire fritters, and a Crystal Empire berry pie for dessert. But for Sam he was lucky to have a takeaway pretty much, as his food was a burger, some fries, and a lemonade for his drink.

Sam took a bite of his burger, and his eyes lit up. “Mmm!” he said after swallowing a bite of my lunch, “This crystal burger is delicious!”

“We were told by Twilight that you really like fast food, so we ordered some from the fast food place in town,” said Shining.

“What was that place called again?” Cadence asked, “was it Freddy Fazbear’s Fast food.”

Sam almost choked on his food when he heard that. “Wait what?” he exclaimed.

“Yeah,” Shining assured her, “thought it’s his little sister’s who runs this fast place, Circus Baby I believe is her name.”

Sam’s eyes widened, “Is she a pony or animatronic?” Sam asked, his voice a bit nervous.

“I think she and all the others are sentient animatronics,” Cadence replied, “why?”

“No real reason,” Sam said as he drank his lemonade in fear.

“So, how about after lunch, we go for a walk and show Sam around the kingdom?” Shining Armour said.

“That sounds like a great idea, Shining,” Twilight said, “what do you think Sam?”

Sam nodded in response. So after lunch, Twilight used her magic to lift Sam onto her back and they walked out of the castle.

For the next few hours, Cadence and Shining showed Sam around the Crystal Empire. First, they went to the spa. Twilight took a dip in the crystal mud bath. Shining gave Cadence a massage, and one of the crystal spa ponies was giving Sam a massage too. Sam felt more relaxed than he ever felt. Later they went out in the fields behind the castle and picked crystal berries. Sam snuck a few into his mouth while picking.

But as they were about to go back inside, a monster arose from the ice and snow. It had a face similar to a walrus and had bat-like wings. It was the Freezing monster Peguila.

Sam dropped his berries and ran towards the monster, Cadence and Shining Armour tried to stop him, but Twilight blocked them, and then watched Sam dawn his Ultrasuit and growl to match Peguila’s height.

Ultraman kicked Peguila in the neck, making the monster fall back, as Ultraman stood in a fighting pose. Ultraman and Peguila charged at one another, Ultraman went to punch Peguila, but the monster blocked the attack with its wing. Ultraman then chopped at Peguila’s neck. The monster went to back slap Ultraman, making Ultraman recoil. Sam felt the suit starting to stiffen up

“Ultras must not do very well in freezing temperature,” he said as he roundhouse kicked Peguila.

Peguila went to slap Ultraman with his wing, but Ultraman blocked it, and elbowed Peguila in the side of the head. Peguila tried to slap him with the other wing, but Ultraman stopped it too, and kicked Peguila in the stomach. Peguila recoiled in pain and Ultraman threw him aside. The Ultrasuit was getting harder to move around.

“I must finish this quick,” Sam remarked, as he flipped over Peguila and then slashed at his face.

Peguila fell back in pain as Ultraman brought his left arm up to his right and performed his Specium Beam. He fired and it struck Peguila, exploding him in the process.

Sam breathed heavily, he found out one weakness to his superhero form, he can’t stand cold/freezing temperatures. He snack back down to now size and shrivelled into Cadence’s arms. Cadence and Shining Armour looked to Twilight for an explanation.

“It’s a long story,” Twilight replied.

After they went back inside, had dinner, warmed Sam up and played some board games, Twilight explained about Sam’s alter ego. Cadence and Shining understood and congratulated Sam for defeating his demons. Twilight then told Sam that they were going to be sleeping in the castle tonight and going back to Ponyville tomorrow morning.

Cadence led Twilight and a still shivering Sam to the guess room. Sam was on Twilight’s back, feeling cold and tired from the fight.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you have a cold in the morning,” Cadence chuckled.

“Just doing a superhero’s job,” Sam replied.

“But did you have fun today?” Twilight asked him as he went to the guess room.

“I did,” Sam said with a yawn.

“That’s good to hear,” Cadence, As she hugged him, “goodnight Sam.”

“Goodnight Cadence,” Sam replied.

“Goodnight Twily,” Cadence said as she hugged her sister-in-law.

“Goodnight Cadence,” Twilight said as she returned it, after they broke the hug, Cadence left, “now you get ready for bed, and I’ll help you warm up with my body heat.

“Ok mum,” Sam answered, after he put his pyjamas on, and brushed his teeth, he went to sleep next to Twilight.

A few hours later, the door creaked open which woke Sam up. He looked and thought he saw something. He reached for his glasses and saw nothing there. He snuck out of bed and went to investigate.

He snuck around the castle trying to find what he thought was a pony peeking in at Twilight and him. He was going to give up and go back to bed, but then he heard another door creak. He looked to see a door slightly open. He crept to the door and peaked in. It was a storage room, with artefacts and other stuff. But what stood out to him was that there was a mirror in the far corner of the room, and there was a cloaked figure standing in front of it. Sam couldn’t tell who this was because they were hidden by the cloak.

Suddenly the figure jumped into the mirror and then they were gone in a flash. Sam ran into the room and looked around to see where they had gone, then he looked at the mirror. He went over and touched the surface of the mirror, and it rippled like water.

‘Is this a portal?’ Sam thought to himself.

Suddenly a yellow hoof shot out of it, Sam jumped, and backed up a bit. The hoof then tried to tempt Sam to come closer. Sam slowly approached it, and was about to grab a hold of it, but suddenly he was yanked back by Cadence. The hoof then retracted into the mirror.

“Sam, are you ok?!” Cadence asked, sounding a little panicked, “what are you doing out of bed and in here?”

“Yeah I’m fine,” Sam replied, “I thought I saw someone watching me and Twilight, and I think they went through… there.” He pointed to the mirror.

“Well, let's get you back to Twilight,” she said as she placed Sam on her back.

As Cadence left the room with Sam on her back, Sam looked back at the mirror wondering who was watching him, and what was up with that portal.