Fallout: Harmony

by Foreverking0

A lie by any other name

"How could you not know Radiation affects your magic, you've been studying radioactive stuff for months!?" John shouted as he stomped across the M.O.A command centre in anger.

Luna would have thrown the human out the window if she didn't understand his frustration. Indeed, this oversight had cost them dearly.

The mission had nearly been a failure, many letters would need to be written for families of the fallen. Upon returning to Canterlot, both Princesses had found their magic blocked. After making their way to the Castle's Medical wing, A Thaumologist from the Canterlot medical academy came to a concerning conclusion. Their magic was not so much blocked as mutated.
The magic in their bodies had become erratic and uncontrollable, but also much more powerful. The pools that allowed magic-using creatures to store magic were perfectly in sync with their body's means of casting it, any significant change could disrupt the process. Since their pooled magic was stronger and more unstable than their ability to cast it, it was like trying to release pressured steam through a straw. When Either Twilight or herself tried to use their magic in any form, the magic would cause a blowback effect. As time went on, the excess Magic would calm down or flow out, but using magic now was not only extremely difficult but could cause permanent damage.

"I and Doctor Argon implemented procedures against using any means of transport or study that didn't use machinery on items that were contaminated. Any item with strange reading or unknown variables was considered too dangerous to handle without proper tools and kept in confined storage. We didn't want any unforeseen consequences and so no one has used magic on any items outside of safety margins. Further, the damage seemed to have required a significant presence of this 'Radiation', no pony has been exposed to enough to show symptoms" Docter Gray reasoned.

"Regardless, it is strange that no record of such an effect exists." Nate brought up.

"The few cases we may have had were already dead by the time the symptom would have shown, with no knowledge of this 'poisoning', we would have chalked it up to some magical plague. If your friend over there didn't have one of those potions, I don't know what we would have done" Doctor Feathers said.

Everypony in the room looked toward the courier, who in turn looked at everyone looking at me.

"A Radaway keeps the rads at bay, I carry a few on me in case of emergencies" The courier commented.

Everyone took a moment to be confused by his jingle before John snapped back into his frustrations.

"None of this excuses the fact that you chose to follow a plan that had unnecessary risks. We were there to stop a threat and your little idealist jeopardised that!" John told Luna.

"How dare you, Princess Twilight has saved the lives of countless beings on several occasions, including our own." Luna snapped back.

"And she nearly paid for that today with her life," John said back to Luna, his voice noticeably quieter.

Luna took a moment to respond. John was right, She had put Twilight in danger, but no more than she already had faced in the past.
"Twilight understood the risks she undertook" Luna answered back calmly.

"No, I don't think she did; I don't think you have any clue what you're up against. If you don't start taking this fight seriously, people are going to die." John told Luna before walking out of the room.

Before Battle Bowler and Rapid Fire made their way to stop him, Luna cut them off.

"Leave him; Sergeant, please continue the debriefing," Luna said, watching the human leave the ministry HQ.

Twilight paced up and down the hallway, trying to bring herself to go into the room. Eventually, she reached the door again and hesitantly knocked.

Twilight was still considering how to word the situation as Rarity opened the door to the guest room the girls had been waiting in. Each of them called out her name together like a symphony as they saw her at the door.

"Hey girls," Twilight greeted them.

"Twilight, what in tarnation is going on, No pony will tell us what happened!" Applejack pleaded, stress and worry in her voice.

Twilight watched as Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity surrounded her on the other side of the door; all of them were concerned.

"Things didn't go as planned, A lot of ponies... didn't make it," Twilight told her friends.

She tried to fight back the guilt and shame, a strategy that obviously failed from the further concern her empathetic friends showed.

"When I heard what we were fighting, I... I thought I could save them. No Pony would be hurt, We could stop them, help them. But I was wrong, So wrong, and now so many are gone, and it's all my fault." Twilight blubbered out, having slowly become a mess as she told them.

She could barely see in front of her as her vision was clouded by tears, but she felt two of her friends hug her from either side.

A few minutes passed, and it was obvious that none of them knew how to respond. Instead, they took her over to one of the beds and stayed with her until she claimed down.

Eventually, Twilight said what was on her mind.

"I never should have been a Princess" Twilight lamented. Her friends gasped in shock at the statement.

"Now you take that back, You've been nothing but good for Equestria all this time," Applejack demanded as she prod Twilight in the chest.

"I couldn't agree more! Twilight, Dear, think of all the ponies whose lives have been forever changed for the better because of your actions," Rarity chipped in.

"Don't forget all the big meanies we beaten, foiling their eeeevvviiillll!" Pinkie followed.

But that had been with her friends, and with Celestia's blessing. Since this crisis started, things had gone downhill hard. Without Celestia's guidance, she was nothing.

"Rainbow?" Applejack asked, snapping Twilight out of her thoughts.

She noticed Rainbow Dash had walked away and was facing away from the group.

"I told you, you never should have gone alone. I... We could have helped." Rainbow said.

A pregnant silence filled the air.

"Rainbow, It wasn't your fault," Twilight told her friend, who was clearly being eaten by the same guilt she had felt.

"I should have been there, I can't stop thinking about it. What if I had been there, maybe things have been different?" Rainbow mused.

"Maybe, or maybe you would have been hurt too," Twilight answered.

"That line of thinking won't help anyone, What's done is done." Rarity interjected.

"I'm in over my head with this. I need to find Celestia, She was right." Twilight Announced, caught up in her own doubt.

As she left, her friends followed her without saying a word. She must have looked as bad as she felt, but she welcomed their moral support nonetheless.

John breathed in the fresh air, listening to the fountain's running water as he sat on the stone basin. He had stumbled upon an enclosed garden after marching off in one direction from the tower. He wasn't per se lost, but he had no idea where he was. The castle was much larger than it looked on the outside and probably had many hidden locations. His mind blew off steam as he brooded silently, wondering how he had ended up in this mess. He stopped when he realised what he was doing and tried to distract himself from his own inner thoughts. He looked around the garden, noticing how immaculate it was. Everything in this world seemed without grime or rust, even the dirt looked clean. His first question was if these ponies even stood a chance against his world's mess now that he knew radiation took away their one strength, their odds looked worse than before. His second question was who kept this place so pristine?

The latter was answered when an older mare walked in from the same doorway he had. The pony in question jumped with a sound of verbal surprise as she saw him in front of her. She was a light shade of violet, with a rich yellow mane that bounced as she reacted to the surprise. On her head was a straw hat and on her back was a saddle bag filled with gardening tools. Small rubber boots covered her hooves, squeaking subtly as she walked.

"Uh, oh, um, Hello?" She almost asked, obviously unsure of what to do.

"Is this all your work?" John asked, giving her a way out.

"Oh? Ah, yes, yes it is!" She responded, clicking what he had just asked.

"It looks good," John said, Like everything else in this stupid place, he thought.

"Really? Well, thank you!" She said, taking pride in the compliment.

She started taking off her saddlebags, and John went back to stewing in his thoughts. The gardener mare had pulled a spray bottle and began spraying at the base of some of the plants. John went back to wondering if there was someone or something he could turn to to make his progress getting home go faster.

"If you don't mind me asking, What are you?" The Earth pony gardener asked.

John figured everyone at the castle would have known by now, hell, everyone in the city should have some inkling.
"You don't listen to the news much, do you?" John asked.

"Oh Celestia, no... No, I mostly tend to my gardens, here and at home. All the stories of monster attacks these days have made ponies sick with worry. I said to myself, Betsy Bloom, you're going to give yourself the blues if you worry too much, And it's true. If you worry about things outside your control, all your going to do is worry yourself to death" Betsy Bloom explained.

John listened, the mare digging out weeds in between sentences. It was a calm conversation, in a calm place, a luxury John had sparsely these days.

"Well, to answer your question, I'm a human," John told the mare.

"I've never seen a Hu-mon before, what brings a stranger such as yourself to Equestria?" Betsy asked.

"The Princesses brought me here, They found me in the wilderness. They promised if I helped with the attacks, they would find a way to send me home," John explained.

"Well, The best of luck to ya getting home, no one should be kept from their home. However, if you can somehow help however you can, you would have my thanks. Equestria was a nice and safe place not that long ago, All we can do now is hope someday soon it can go back to it." Betsy Bloom told John.

John watched as Betsy struggled with a particularly deep weed, pulling at it with her mouth. After watching the display for a minute, John got up and went over to Betsy. She let go as he knelt down and grabbed it, pulling it out in one tug.

"Thank you, some times the roots are stubborn, could you be a dear and help with these ones?" She asked.

After going around and pulling out the weeds, Betsy pointing out which ones to pull and John ripping them out, the mare admired their progress.

"Be careful, if your this helpful, I may not want you to leave," Betsy joked.

"Honestly, this place, it's nice," John admitted.

"Well, don't let anyone tell you I don't earn my keep, this garden takes some good effort," Betsy replied.

"Not the garden, this place, It's people, its sky, the air. It's so peaceful here..." John noted allowed.

"Well, you won't have much trouble finding work, Not with claws that useful," Betsy replied.

John chuckled at his hands being called claws. For all the digit-required objects he had seen, the locals had a distinct lack of hand-based knowledge. He held one hand in front of him and opened and closed it at the thought.

"That's not the reason..." His mood sobered as his other hand lightly grasped his wrist and he looked away.

Betsy didn't move as she watched John, waiting for him to continue. so he did.

"Where I come from, I have something I need to finish. Spent most of my life searching for something, I can't stop now," John Answered.

"Well, Hopefully, you find what you're looking for," Betsy finished, attempting to go back to her job.

Instead, she looked around in confusion and then took off her hat in annoyance.
"I knew I had forgotten something, I left my snippers at home. Good thing Mower's Sale is still on," She said to herself.

She put her hat back on and began to walk away, but stopped and turned around.
"It was good to meet you, Mr...?" Betsy said, leaving the end to be answered.

"Johnathan," John responded.

"Well, it was a pleasure, Mr Johnathan," Betsy said, leaving John alone.

John sat back down on the basin, listening to the fountain's running water.

Twilight followed the mental map of the castle in her memory, recalling each wind and turn. Her best bet for finding Celestia quickly would be the throne room or her study, Of which she was heading to the former after visiting the latter. No pony had said a word since the guest room except to ask others for the location of the princess. Apparently, both Princesses had been busy since her return. On her way to the throne room, she found her mentor, accidentally meeting her in an intersecting hallway.

"Twilight!" Celestia exclaimed.

Before Twilight could respond, Celestia knelt down and embraced her.

"Are you alright?" Celestia asked softly.

"...no, no I'm not. I made a terrible mistake, and others paid the price," Twilight told Celestia.

"You are not to blame for today's disaster, I am. I should have intervened before it went this far. " Celestia said, her face hardening with resolve.

Twilight then watched as Celestia stood up straight and made towards the tower of harmony.

"Do not worry, my student, I will handle this. I fear my sister's plan has failed, I am going to shut down the Ministry and order full mobilization. I fear the generals will have their war." Celestia stated, much to the horror of the girls, who quickly caught up with the Princess.

"Wait, What?!" Twilight squawked

"Woah Woah Woah, you don't mean 'War' War, do you?" Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Rainbow Dash, I mean Equestria will officially enter a state of emergency and declare an armed conflict against these intruders who would harm our ponies." Celestia clarified

" Would the nobles even allow such a thing?" Rarity asked, seemingly stunned by the mere thought.
"Princess," She added after a beat, visibly remembering who she was addressing.

" I would very much doubt it if they had a choice. However, if a state of emergency is declared, the crown has the power to supersede the parliament until the crisis has passed. Since the means at my disposal have normally been enough, it was a clause I had hoped to never need to use," Celestia told the group.

"But, What about the attacks?" Twilight pushed, Unhappy at the news.

This question gave pause to Celestia, causing the girls to grind to a stop as well.

"Until such time as the joint staff feels we are ready, the guard will pull back to major population centres and critical infrastructure. The rest must move to defended locations or fend for themselves..." Celestia announced.

While her friends panicked at the prospect of their respective families being left out to die, Twilight noticed the subtleties of Celestia's motions. The slower walk speed, her slightly tilted down head, her ears splayed back. Even without seeing her face, Twilight knew those words hurt Celestia to her core.

As Celestia continued down the hall, Twilight turned around and went back to her friends who were now in the process of making desperate plans.

"Aunt and Uncle Orange might be able to pull some strings, And Filthy Rich Won't abandon the zap apple trade. I hear them griffons have warriors for hire. Rainbow, you know griffons, dontcha?" Applejack asked.

"I knew A griffon Applejack, and I have no clue where Gilda is. if you remember, we didn't exactly leave on good terms." Rainbow responded in annoyance.

"Mum and Dad will never leave the rock farm, and neither will Lime!" Pinkie insisted.

"Girls!" Twilight snapped, getting their attention.

Each of them looked at Twilight with desperate eyes, as if drilling into hers to find answers, answers she didn't have.

"I'll... I'll talk to her, There's got to be a better way..." Twilight told them, unconvinced herself but unwilling to think otherwise.

Twilight raced ahead to catch up to Celestia, letting her friends follow from behind.

"Princess, I know you don't want to do this..." Twilight prompted, getting a sigh from her mentor in response.

"Twilight, I am not as all-powerful as you think I am..." Celestia said softly, almost in a whisper as she side-glanced her

The statement confused Twilight, both its context and its meaning. The confusion must have been obvious because Celestia elaborated.

"The M.O.A Was in theory meant to allow a precision strike against this threat. If it had worked, I could use it to convince the Military and the public that stronger measures would be unnecessary. While the Nobles may balk at such measures now, once the pressure from the public or their own personal losses mount, they would demand such measures regardless. If the parliament can form an overwhelming majority, they could declare such measures without a means for me to intervene. The Generals would have supreme power until the matter is resolved, effectively sidelining my sister, you and myself. If I Declare such measures now, We at least retain some semblance of control," Celestia explained.

It was unthinkable, that the military and the nobles override the princesses. Why would anyone agree to that?

"Can't you just override them? It's not like they could stop you..." Twilight pointed out.

"Not without destroying centuries of carefully cultivated political traditions. I helped create the parliament after my sister was banished because I didn't want to become a supreme ruler. The parliament gave ponies a means to govern themselves, and thus alleviated the stress of governance I was forced to burden. By ignoring the limitation I agreed to, It would divide Equestria at a time when it needs to stay together most. No, once today's failure gets out, the only option I will have is to concede to the generals. I'm going to take action now, at least then I can constrain them," Celestia elaborated.

Celestia then looked Twilight in the eyes.

"If nothing else from this mess, at least we won't have to deal with the inevitable complaints ponies will have about these humans. For all his insistence that he wanted to leave as quickly as he can, from the reports, this 'John' has had no qualms using every opportunity to criticise the way our ponies approach this crisis. The Nobles and the officers would have a field day..." Celestia added with a hint of frustration, returning to her focused march towards the M.O.A HQ.

Twilight, on the other hand, froze in realisation.

"Twilight, what did she say?" Applejack asked as the group caught up to her.

Applejack walked into Twilight's vision as the pony kept thinking the same thought.

"Twilight, What's Wrong?" Applejack asked.

"I never told him," Twilight said aloud, voicing her single thought.

"Uh, told who what?" Rainbow Dash asked from behind.

"John, the human. When he arrived, I never had the chance to tell him how he got here. Then when he said he would only help until he found him a way home, I couldn't tell him." Twilight Explained to her friends.

"...so you lied to him," Applejack added.

"No, I just... neglected to mention that we were responsible. And it wasn't a lie that we would help him get home, I just didn't that we already can..." Twilight reasoned.

"Twilight, Lies are lies, it doesn't matter what way you word it. If he's only here because he thinks he has no choice, then he won't stay at all. If the Elements brought him here, then you've got to have faith that he'll stay because he wants to," Applejack Lectured.

"That's just it Applejack, I don't think he will. It's only been a day but I've seen everything I need to, he's not interested in helping unless he has to," Twilight countered.

"Maybe he just needs to see how nice and friendly every pony in Equestria is?" Pinkie hinted.

All four ponies present looked at Pinkie, who shrunk at the flat looks.

"Twilight, Dear, forget him. If he's not interested in helping then let him leave. Nathan and the other fellow seem just as willing to fill that void," Rarity offered.

"Maybe, but I can't help but feel he's important for all of this somehow. You didn't see him in the ever-free, or today. The way he took down those monsters, it's scary, yet..." Twilight paused as she tried her best to say what she was thinking.

"Yet what, Twi?" Applejack coaxed

"He knows what we're facing, He seems to know how to face it, and he wasn't distracted by our... our WEAKNESS! He knew my idea would fail, and we didn't listen. We need him, We can't let Celestia send him back!" Twilight Stressed. Concerning her friends, except for Pinkie, who was looking around the corner.

"Well, she's right at the door." Pinkie pointed out, causing Twilight to zip around to see Celestia entering the Tower of Harmony.

"No, nonono-" Twilight started as she galloped to reach the Tower.

John's relaxation was broken when a familiar lavender pony zipped past the garden entrance going "nononono-" followed by four more ponies.

Nate rubbed his temples as the meeting broke down. The Colonel and Major Farsight had both arrived not long after John had left the M.O.A HQ. The Colonel had gone on to deliver a scathing letter from the General staff about the list of casualties and lack of answers, ignoring the fact this was the debriefing and the answers were still being figured out. It was obvious to Nate that this was a pre-planned attack by the General Staff, who would have stirred up trouble regardless of the mission's outcome. it was politics at its dirtiest, the kind that had infected the Minutemen and its successor.

"This was an untested military formation, casualties were going to be expected, "Luna argued with the Colonel.

Regardless, The General staff, Led by Brasshorn, have found the current tallied deaths and injured to be well above expected numbers," The Colonel informed Luna.

"How could they expect numbers against a foe we had little knowledge about before hoof?!" Luna pointed out, getting frustrated at the line of the accusation.

"As per standard procedure, all intel during an ongoing operation is sent back to High command. Estimated numbers were given and your units outnumbered the enemy significantly," The Colonel responded.

"An enemy with unknown properties and strengths! Furthermore, the M.O.A is independent of the military structure, they have no right to interfere, who was sending this information?" Luna demanded.

"The units sent on this mission were from the Equestrian Guard and thus had full accountability to the High Command, Believe it or not, Princess, you do not have your own private army. Now, let's talk about these, Foreign advisors who were clearly unqualified to assist in this mission." The Colonel stated, moving the line of questioning along.

"The humans were brought here by the Elements and had a clear history of conflict with these kinds of creatures. General Nathan here has informed up of leading many a mission such as this one. Without their assistance today, many more could have been lost," Luna Defended.

"And yet it was by their advisement that today's strategy was implemented, a plan with failed horrifically. Further, What proof do you have of their qualifications besides their word? What evidence of their claims do you have, or are you simply trusting these strangers based on unfounded claims?" The Colonel countered.

"I based it on the strength of their character," Luna claimed.

"Indeed, let us see that character as it were. We know that you had the humans monitored by their assigned officers and a report sent to you by way of Major Farsight." The Colonel exposed.

Nate was not surprised by this, but it still felt like a breach of trust. Yet, it was probably for the best,r shoes, he would have done the same. From the way the Courier shuffled around, he must have felt the same. Levee en masse, Battle Bowler and Rapid Fire all looked away from the humans with tell-tale guilt and shame. Luna more than anything seemed shocked at the breach of secrecy.

"Matters of military significance don't avoid the eyes of the General staff, no matter how much you may wish to keep them out. Major Farsight, please repeat aloud the first half of the 'Character' summary from the report." The Colonel requested.

Nate saw the Major looking at him and Six with an apologetic yet sympathetic look. She proceeded to clear her throat before reading aloud from a scroll the contents of the report.

"While we have little knowledge of the other world's norms, it is clear by Equestrian standards that these 'humans' lack the aptitude of soldiers. The two humans known as 'John' and 'six' have shown a lack of initiative, discipline, or respect for authority. 'John' in particular has shown characteristics more in common with a common thug, showing antisocial behaviour, a lack of restraint, no sense of comradery and no willingness to fight without incentive. 'Six' has shown sociopathic tendencies including a willingness to commit petty offences such as swindling and lying to authority; as well as fabricating a past with many inconsistencies to bolster his image. The one known as 'Nate' has shown the least issues, with a willingness to work with others." Major Farsight recounted.

"And could you please read out the last part of the extract on the 'Generals' qualifications," the Colonel requested.

"However, his claims of being a General are superficial or greatly exaggerated at best, with himself admitting to gaining the title by the circumstance of there being no other candidates," Farsight added.

At this point, even Luna was showing signs of discomfort at the continued exposure. Even Nate was being worn thin by this as well, his hands violently clenched; He had earned that title with blood, sweat and tears. The Courier by contrast seemed to be lost in his thoughts, apparently having decided to zone out at some point.

"As you can see, your Ministry has failed, Princess, it's time to move on from this sham," The Colonel finished.

Princess Luna looked as if she was about to respond, but everyone was caught off guard by a new voice in the command centre.

"I'm afraid I have to concur with the Colonel," Celestia stated calmly as she entered.

"Tia..." Luna responded, her voice soft and vulnerable.

"I'm sorry, Sister, but we have been left little choice," Celestia said, showing no emotion.

"General Brasshorn will be happy to hear that the military will finally be allowed to do its job," The Colonel commented.

"Its job will be to follow whatever orders WE give it, Major. Tomorrow Princess Luna, Princess Twilight and I will announce an official State of emergency. The Equestrian Guard will fall back to Major population centres and strategic points until conscripted forces are trained and ready." Celestia ordered the Colonel before looking Luna directly in the eyes.

"Don't you agree, Sister?" the question was a thinly veiled demand, to which Luna caved.

"Yes, Sister..." Luna acquiesced, avoiding her sister's gaze.

"Good, then you have a week to begin decommissioning this est-" Celestia began before another voice begin to echo from behind the solar monarch.

"Princess, please, you must reconsider, I...-" Twilight stopped as she appeared through the door and noticed everyone in the room.
it appeared that no one had informed her of this meeting, since they had left her to recover after today's incident without inviting her.

"Yes, Twilight?" Celestia asked, still showing little emotion past the stern composure.

"I know things didn't turn out as they intended..." Twilight began, Nate noticed the Colonel roll his eyes at the statement.

"But we need the M.O.A, What I saw out there today, The Guard can't handle, our ways won't be enough. I saw it, Luna saw it, They saw it." Twilight gestured to the three Sergeants still trying to blend in with the scenery.

"If we're going to survive this, we're going to need the M.O.A, we're going to need skilled ponies, and we're going to need allies to show us how to win," Twilight said, pointing towards Nate and Six. Her friends showed up behind her beaming with confidence, it almost felt choreographed.

"I'm sorry Twilight, but it's not up to me. Whether the Guards use their experience is up to the generals, and them, if they still wish to help," Celestia told Twilight, before the two Princes looked to the Two humans present, followed by everyone looking.

Even with the scathing description, he had just heard, Nate was not going to abandon this cause.

"If you still need my help, I would still be willing to give it," John affirmed.

"This has been the most interesting thing to happen to me in years, I'm good to keep going," Six chipped in.

Nate noticed all three Princesses, The Major, and the three sergeants gave the two humans a look of gratitude.

"I'm afraid that won't be necessary; I can confidently assure you that the high command has no intentions of listening to what they consider 'Disorganised Outsiders', I'm sorry."The Colonel answered, looking sincerely sympathetic and unwelcoming at the notion.

"Then what will happen to us now?" Six asked, sounding not optimistic.

"Stopping the intrusions has proven significantly more difficult than causing them. If there is nothing more you can do for us, then we will send you home," Luna answered.

"You can do that?" Nate asked, interested in the implications.

"Indeed, however, no pony sent through has ever returned, so such actions were deemed too risky. Whatever allows us to access your world seemingly doesn't work in reverse, adding only further questions. However, We could send you back to where you left in case you wished to leave, we have been able to from the beginning." Luna explained.

"That's News to me!" John stated in a raised voice from behind the four girls huddled by the entrance. As he strode with anger through the door, the girls moved out of his way and he continued over to Twilight. Her ears shot back and she shrunk as he towered over her.

"You Lied To Me!" He roared at the now quivering princess. Only for Celestia to block him by extending her wing to hide the scared pony.

"No, I did, I asked Twilight to keep that information from you. We had hoped that given enough time, you may have changed your mind and decided to stay." Celestia told John. From behind Celestia's wing, John saw Twilight look up at Celestia in confusion at the declaration.

"Well it didn't, and it won't. You're not the only people with trouble, everyone has their own battles to win. What makes you think yours is more important?!" John demanded rhetorically.

That was enough.

"They're trying to save their home," Nate stated.

"So are we! Theirs isn't the only world burning, or is a comfy general's chair dulling your already limited old-world perception?" John snapped back.

What's with this guy and his attitude?

"They didn't cause the mess the great war left," Nate pointed out.

"No, that Masterpiece would be the work of your generation, and we were left to pick up the pieces!" John shot back, gesturing to six, who in turn threw his hands up defensively as he backed away.

John wanted to tell him he was wrong, but in truth, everyone was to blame. From the politicians, and the companies, to every soldier who thought they were only following orders. He had his house, and his family, their nice car and their robot butler. He had never thought about what consequences would come of those luxuries or his choices. No one man could be blamed for the great war, it was humanity's mistake.

Nate watched as John turned back to Celestia.

"I don't give a DAMN about your problems, you're going to send me home!" John demanded.

'You would DARE speak to the Princess that way!?" The Colonel flared, giving a look that would kill. Many in the room were in just pure shock at this point.

"I Would dare demand that she follow through with her promise? yes, I would! Because I don't care what it takes, one way or another, I'm going back," John growled.

The boiling tension in the room was broken when Alarms started going off across the entire castle. Everyone seemed confused Except Doctor Argon, who along with Doctor Grey and Doctor Feathers had been waiting at the side of the meeting.

"The sensor alarm? but that would mean... oh no..." Argon thought aloud.

Nate had enough time to see Argon's pupils shrink to pins before Luna cut his line of sight.

"That's impossible, it's only been two days!" Luna told the Doctor.

"popping, popping, my ears are popping!" Pinkie announced, grabbing everyone's attention, and then the room began to shake.

"what the fu-" The courier manage to get out before Pinkie Pie shouted at the top of her lungs.

"INCOMING!!!" Pinkie bellowed as she tackled everyone in the doorway out into the war room.

The following blast of light blinded Nate as the shaking grew more violent.