//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: The Troubled Misfortunes Of Dr. Calamity Twister // by TheAuthorVisitsEquestria //------------------------------// "Grogar's bell? HOW DID YOU GET THAT?" Stubbs asked taking a step back. Grogar's bell began to glow more brightly as well as Dr. Calamity's unicorn horn. "NEVERMIND HOW I GOT IT, STUBBS! I want you to lock the laboratory door, walk back upstairs and make sure NO PONY get's into this house. If Equestria intends to turn it's back on me, I am prepared to fight for the justice I deserve!" Dr. Calamity snapped, turning his attention back to Stubbs. "NO! I'm not helping you on some suicidal agenda! GET RID OF THAT THING! DON'T YOU REMEMBER THAT IT ALMOST TORE EQUESTRIA APART?" "I don't want to be the bad guy, Stubbs. I've worked my whole life and my entire career serving Equestria. I was doing science before Princess Twilight Sparkle was even born." Magic sparks from Dr. Calamity's unicorn horn and Grogar's bell began to connect. The room began to shake as test tubes, paperwork, and other such things in the room toppled to the floor. "Yet, not even a week into the Princess of Friendship's reign, and she has the gall to end my career just like that. Well I'd like to see Twilight Sparkle after today, to see the look on her face! ALL OF EQUESTRIA WILL KNOW THAT I AM THE GREATEST SCIENTIST IN HISTORY! I will have my justice, Stubbs, so get on board or stay out of my way!" Stubbs frightenedly ran back up the stairs as fast as he could to go find help. “I am sorry, Stubbs, but Princess Twilight just doesn’t understand what it’s like to have those you love most be taken from you. None of you understand my pain and why I must do this,” Dr. Calamity said closing his tear stained eyes and focusing all his magic on fusing it with the bell’s magic. Dr. Calamity was consumed by light as the magic he and the bell shared became stronger with each passing moment. "HELP! SOME PONY! HEEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPP! DR. CALAMITY HAS GONE STARK, RAVING MAD!" A few feet away from Dr. Calamity's house, Spike landed with a thud to ground as it shook violently knocking him prone. "WHAT IS GOING ON?" Spike said as ground shook so hard, he was unable to stand. Stubbs came rushing out of the house and instantly took flight to keep his balance. Spike managed to take flight and flew up to Stubbs. "OH, SPIKE! Thank goodness your here! Dr. Calamity's lost his mind!" Stubb's said panting. "What is going on, Stubbs?" Spike asked as the two of them looked back at the house. A strange fluctuating green light was now glowing from the windows. All the windows busted out, visible cracks began to appear at various spots spreading outward from the house. "Another one of Dr. Calamity's science experiments. Except this time...with Grogar's bell." Spike's eyes widen. "SPIKE! WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Rainbow Dash asked as flew up to them, "All of Ponyville is shaking like crazy! Wait? Stubbs? Oh, brilliant! It's Dr. Nutso, isn't it?" Suddenly Dr. Calamity's house caught fire as it went up in flames. "Rainbow Dash, do you think you can put out the flames?" Spike asked. "I'M ON IT!" Rainbow Dash said as she began to fly super fast around the house causing a vortex of wind. However, the flames weren't suffocated the wind, they amplified, growing higher and higher. After several minutes, Rainbow Dash return to the two dragons. "It's no use! It's not working!" Princess Twilight, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance suddenly appeared flying next to the others. "So, this is where the tremors are coming from," Princess Cadance said as she looked worriedly at the others, "The entire Crystal Empire is shaking so bad, nobody can keep their balance." "I've never felt such powerful magic as this sister," Princess Celestia said to Princess Luna. "Indeed sister, whatever is happening within that house, is very dark and powerful." "Spike! What is going on?" Princess Twilight asked, "What has Dr. Calamity done?" "He has Grogar's bell and is using it for another one of his science experiments!" The princesses gasped. "RAINBOW DASH, go get the others quick! I am going in there to stop him!" Princess Twilight said as she rushed towards the house. "TWILIGHT!" Everyone shouted alarmed. However, Princess Twilight never made it to the house. An eruption of magic the size in diameter of Dr. Calamity's entire house, shot endlessly into the skies like a ray. The house shot apart as pieces hit Princess Twilight knocking her backwards and onto the ground. The sky turned green, sections of the ground began to collapse as the cracks grew wider, magic sparks flew off hitting the nearby trees as they burst into flames. Then everything just...stopped, leaving the wreckage of destruction, fire, smoke and ash in its wake. Spike, Rainbow Dash and Princess Cadance all rushed over to see if she was okay while Princess Celestia and Luna approached the ruins of Dr. Calamity's house cautiously. The two Princesses found Dr. Calamity unconscious laying in the middle of his now destroyed laboratory. The doctor's horn was broken off, and Grogar's bell was strangely nowhere to be found. Dr. Calamity Twister was taken into custody by the royal guards, and the Princesses placed him in a holding cell deep within the dungeons of the Crystal Empire while they could discuss what to do in the wake of this disturbing incident. The Mane Six, Shining Armor, all the princesses, Spike, Stubbs, Discord, Sunburst, Starlight Glimmer and Star Swirl the Bearded all met within Princess Twilight's castle to discuss the matter. "Thank you all for coming, the doctor is in a coma," Star Swirl The Bearded began, "and his horn is broken. I have no reason to believe he is of any threat to us. To be safe, however, I have placed several shield spells upon his cell just in case." "Thank you Star Swirl," Princess Twilight said wincing a little as she sat down, "Now does anypony here have any ideas what happened? I have poured through every book in the library and there is not a single reference to this level of magic ever happening in Equestria before." “It shook the school so hard, we will be cleaning for weeks. Not to mention it scared all the students and the staff half to death, including me!” Starlight said sighing. "HE SMASHED MY BIRTHDAY CAKE FOR GRANNY SMITH!" Pinky Pie spouted angrily. "The damage to our farm is not going to be easily fixed, I know that for sure," Applejack sighed. "All of Equestria will need repairs, we are getting reports from villages for miles asking what happened," Shining Armor said as he paced back and forth. "I just don't understand what riled Dr. Calamity so much he would do this. He scared all my animals," Fluttershy spoke up softly. "YOU THINK YOU ALL HAVE PROBLEMS," Rarity responded crying and holding up several ruined dresses, "This new fashion line will take me weeks to repair. Why is the doctor so cruel, darling?" Discord looked over at Twilight, "I have checked the statue, Princess Twilight, as you asked. The statue of Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow remains the same as it was before the incident." "Well, at least there is that," Princess Twilight said with a sigh of relief. "Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing what happened until Dr. Calamity awakens. I am also concerned that Grogar's bell is missing," Princess Luna closed her eyes as she spoke, "The doctor's dreams are erratic, very unstable and I have not been successful to enter them." "That's okay, sister. Our priority should be with doing all we can for the ponies of Equestria in helping them rebuild," Princess Celestia walked over to Stubbs as she spoke, "Stubbs, did Dr. Calamity tell you anything about what his experiment was? Or what he hoped to accomplish from it?" "No. Dr. Calamity had been working on the project for eight days, barely getting any sleep over it. He wouldn't tell me anything except to stay out of his way and to not tell anypony about it," Stubbs answered with a sad expression, "I'm sorry everypony, I should have known this would lead to another catastrophe." "AND WHAT IS UP WITH THE SKY? It's been a day since the incident and it's still that sickly, green color!" Rainbow Dash said pointing upwards frowning. "Actually, Sunburst and I were just discussing that very thing before the meeting," Star Swirl The Bearded responded, "Show everyone what we found out, Sunburst." "Right," Sunburst began as he stepped forward, "It took a very long time of searching all over Equestria but I think I have discovered a clue concerning the sky. There was a book we found in Star Swirl's library discussing ancient Equestria. Now listen to this." "The magic which bonds us runs deep within the fabric of our world. So much so, that where much magic is gathered, the whole atmosphere changes, and everyone is affected for generations to come. Magic is ever growing throughout Equestria, and by the strength of all ponies working together it shall remain growing throughout all time and space." "Magic is growing? What does that have to do with the sky or the incident? How does that help us?" Rainbow Dash snapped. "I believe we are the reason that yesterday's event occurred," Sunburst replied. "US?" Everyone but Star Swirl The Bearded responded aghast. "Care to explain that one?" Applejack asked Sunburst confused. "This is the first time in Equestrian history, all the races are in complete harmony, not just the ponies. Mind you this is just a theory, but maybe magic has grown so strong in Equestria because of the harmony we all share, whatever Dr. Calamity did was like pulling the trigger on a bomb waiting to explode. The sky turning green could be part of how magic changed the atmosphere yesterday when the incident happened. Like a side effect of the incident. For all we know, the sky could remain that way for generations to come." “WAIT!” Rainbow Dash shook her head in disbelief, “You mean to tell me I might actually have to fly around in that, for possibly the rest of my life?” “It could be the case until we can figure out if there is a way to correct the effects of the incident.” Rainbow Dash slumped in a chair looking downcast. A moment of silence followed. "Everypony," Princess Twilight standing up, "We have work to do, Princess Celestia is right. Every pony in Equestria needs our help. We will talk more about this later. Sunburst, Star Swirl, I need you both to find out everything you can about this. We cannot have another incident like yesterday happen again." “Just one minute Twi,” Applejack spoke up looking rather sternly at Princess Twilight, “Suppose you explain your actions back at Dr. Calamity’s house. You have the throne of Equestria now and it was a very foolish thing to do rushing off like that. What if your injuries had been worse?” “But I was just....” “Applejack is right, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said putting her hoof down firmly, “Its okay if you want to help, but not like that. This isn’t like how things were before you left Ponyville, you need to tell us what to do and trust that we can handle situations like this.” “But I was only trying to....” “It’s okay, Twilight,” Princess Celestia walked up and placed a hoof on Princess Twilight’s shoulder, “We all understand what you were trying to do, but your friends are right. Leading Equestria takes more than proving your fearless. If it’s one thing we all know about you Twilight, it’s that you will face any danger to protect Equestria. As you grow in your new role, however, leading by your delegation is the best way you can help. Trust me, it isn’t always easy, I did it for many years. I am sure you will get the hang of your new position, just give it time.” Princess Twilight sighed, “Yes, Princess Celestia.” “Now,” Princess Celestia said turning to face the others, “Let’s do as Princess Twilight has asked and go help everypony.” The two wizards bowed to Princess Twilight and zapped themselves away from the castle. Everypony else then set about going to help all of Equestria recover from the damages they had suffered. Meanwhile, far away in the dungeons of the Crystal Empire, Dr. Calamity lay within his cell having a dream. Dr. Calamity dreamt of himself standing alone in pure darkness. "Hello?" Dr. Calamity called out in the midst of the darkness, but there was no response, "Where am I? Sapphire? Twinkle? Are you out there? Did it work?" "It's been a long time...since my old eyes have seen anypony from pony land," A low voice said sounding all around Dr. Calamity, making it impossible to tell where it came from. "What was that? WHO ARE YOU? SHOW YOURSELF!" "Have I been trapped within the Realm Of Darkness for so long, pony land has forgotten my voice? I am the ruler of Tambelon, I am the conqueror of Troggles, and the greatest sworn enemy to ponykind everywhere. Tell me, do you not know who I am, unicorn? Is none of this ringing any bells?" The voice said, as Dr. Calamity heard hoof steps walking towards him from the darkness. "I've never heard of Tambelon, or Troggles, or any of that," Dr. Calamity said nervously taking a step back, "I don't know who you are, or what you want, but I would ask that you go away please and leave me be!" Coming into visible view, his red eyes glowing in the darkness, horns glowing to make him visible, a menacing ram stood staring coldly at Dr. Calamity. "Allow me to introduce myself," The ram spoke sinisterly, his eyes narrowing, "I am Grogar." "Impossible! Grogar is gone, your just some nightmare I'm having because I used the bell," Dr. Calamity shifted nervously. "Oh, I know you've used my bell," Grogar said as he began walking towards Dr. Calamity, "You don't even know the half of what you've done, Dr. Calamity Twister. You have released me from my prison. I have returned to pony land. I just wanted you to be the first to have the opportunity to see me, unicorn. Since you were so kind enough to open the doorway to the Realm Of Darkness and set me free. You even returned my bell to me. I found it at your hoofs when I returned to pony land in your house and I took it when I made my escape. For all of this, I am going to give you mercy and let you live for now." "What? How do you know who I am? No, this isn't happening! YOU'RE NOT REAL!" Dr. Calamity said in denial, "THIS IS JUST A NIGHTMARE!" Grogar's stopped glowing as everything faded back to complete darkness. "The lives of every pony in pony land, are about to end." Dr. Calamity jolted awake, his body covered in sweat. He had a throbbing headache and his vision was very blurred. "HEY! The prisoner is awake!" A nearby guard shouted from outside the cell, "Go and send word to Shining Armor immediately!" It was then that Dr. Calamity realized with horror, something wasn't right about his horn. "Wha...What's going on?" Dr. Calamity said as he stood up, his legs still very weak. Dr. Calamity's vision began to come more into focus as he recognized he was in a prison. "Hey, you there! Guard! You have to release me immediately!" Dr. Calamity said to a crystal pony guard standing outside his cell. "Not on your life, prisoner," The guard said, "Your in a heap of trouble for all the damages you caused." "You don't understand, I just had a nightmare and I'm afraid it might come true. You must release me immediately, we have to warn all of Equestria! This is all my fault." The guard laughed, "Yeah, there was a threat. YOU! However, now that your horn is broken, your just a prisoner low life who will pay for his crimes against Equestria." Dr. Calamity gasped, the reality of his situation hit him like a brick wall. Dr. Calamity attempted to use magic, but only weak sparks flew out from his broken horn. "Yeah, sucks doesn't it. Maybe you should have paid attention to your friendship lessons more than try to destroy all of Equestria," The guard grinned. Dr. Calamity succumb to depression and sat down on his hind legs looking at the ground sighing glumly. A few hours passed, though to the doctor lost in his thoughts it felt like an eternity. Finally Shining Armor came rushing up to the cell door. "Dr. Calamity," Shining Armor said sternly, "You have some very serious explaining to do." Shining Armor turns to the crystal guard, "Take him up to the throne room, the princesses have requested to question the doctor personally." "Not an issue Captain, this unicorn is having a little trouble harnessing his magic. Basically, the doctor is nothing more an earth pony now, haha." "What's your name, guard?" Shining Armor asked turning to the crystal guard. "Silver Mane, sir." "A unicorn's horn is everything to them, and the most devastating thing that can happen to them personally is for their horn to break. So don't make comments or snide remarks you could never understand being a crystal earth pony about another kind of pony, not even to our prisoners." "Yes, Captain." Shining Armor began to walk away from the cell, "Let's move out. The princesses are waiting." Silver Mane stepped forward and opened the cell door, "Move prisoner! You heard the captain." Dr. Calamity depressingly held his head down low as he began to make his way out of the cell and walked off in the direction of Shining Armor with the crystal guard following right behind. Entering the throne room, Princess Cadance, Celestia, Luna and Dr. Calamity’s assistant Stubbs were all present along with a dozen armed crystal guards were standing protectively around the room. Princess Twilight had chosen to stay behind with the others and also recover from her injuries. "Dr. Calamity Twister," Princess Celestia began, "It goes without saying why we are all standing in this room after the incident yesterday. Dr. Calamity, what happened yesterday in your laboratory? How did you acquire Grogar's bell and where is it now?" Dr. Calamity looked at the ground unable to meet the princesses gaze, "I was there in the battle of Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Queen Chrysalis that happened last week. I knew that my latest experiments had not resulted in anything good and I was just, so desperate to redeem myself. I honestly wasn't there in the battle to support Equestria, nor Princess Twilight, or any of you. When you all were distracted turning the villains to stone and bowing to Princess Twilight, I was busy stealing Grogar's bell away from Discord and escaping." "But why?" Princess Luna asked exasperatedly, "Why would a royal scientist of Equestria take Grogar's bell? Were you planning try and use it against us?" "I needed a power source to amplify and combine with the magic of my horn," Dr. Calamity began as tears began to stream down his face, "I needed to save my wife, and my daughter. You see, before I became a royal scientist I worked on researching time dimensional rifts in Equestria. My wife and daughter believed in me and my work so much. My daughter Twinkle Star would often say, 'I love you daddy, you, are the greatest scientist to me.' My wife, Sapphire Snow, was there for me during my worst days, and my best of days, with all her love and support. Then one day, I was experimenting and excited because I had finally found a time dimensional rift. It was in the exact location as where I built my house, just a mile outside of Ponyville. A lifetime dream of mine since I was a little colt had finally come true...and...I was only intending to study it from afar. That’s when Sapphire and Twinkle showed up, which surprised me, because they were supposed to be in Canterlot shopping. The dimensional rift became unstable and it...pulled my wife and little girl into the rift and closed. Just like that, my two greatest loves, were both lost to me." Dr. Calamity broke down and cried. "I can still hear our last conversation, I can still hear their screams, I can still see so vividly the looks on their faces as they were pulled into the rift, and it shut taking them away. I was so determined to save them, I set out to become the greatest scientist Equestria had ever known, so that, I could find a way to reopen the dimensional time rift, and save my family. To live up to everything my wife, and daughter saw in me. For forty years I tried and I failed them. Nothing I tried worked, I needed more power, but even with Grogar's bell, it didn't work. Now my horn is broken, and all hope of saving them, is gone forever too. I am very sorry for the damages, and whatever fate befalls me, I deserve it all. I had no idea any of that would occur, and I am truly sorry to all of Equestria. I am also very sorry to you, Stubbs, for being a jerk about the whole situation and not explaining to you why I was doing what I was doing. I don’t expect your forgiveness...I do not seek absolution...but I am truly sorry...." Dr. Calamity succumb to his grief, unable to talk anymore. Princess Cadance walked over and sat beside him placing her hoof on his shoulder consolingly closing her eyes. "I'm very sorry for the loss of your wife and daughter, Dr. Calamity," Princess Cadance said comfortingly, "I cannot understand why you just didn't come to us first for help instead of carrying this burden on your shoulders alone for so long. However, Shining Armor and I have our dearest baby Flurry Heart, and I would do anything as a parent to save her if something happened like your situation. For what it's worth, I think your daughter and your wife would be proud of you because you gave it your all to save them. While as a Princess of Equestria I cannot condone your actions and say its justifiable to have caused all the destruction and chaos; as a parent I can understand why you did all you did perfectly. I, myself, am truly sorry the incident yesterday didn't bring them back to you, Dr. Calamity." Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Shining Armor, and Stubbs also came over and sat down in silence beside the doctor as he grieved. “It’s okay, Dr. Calamity,” Stubbs said sighing, “I’m sure I can put the house back together...again.” After a while, Dr. Calamity remembered the strange dream he had and decided now was the time to say something, "There is something you all should know. Back before I had woken up, Grogar visited me in a dream...." Grogar stood staring at the statue of Lord Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow in deep thought. "That which was once called Ponyland has become something so much more than I could have ever imagined," Grogar spoke out loud as if the three villains could hear him, "Now built with cities, kingdoms and empires. The ponies have organized, united, harmonized, and so much more. Though I have lived to see many generations of ponies live in this land, the generation which truly succeeded in all aspects of friendship is this one. You three stand, imprisoned in stone, as the ultimate testament of what all this land has been trying to achieve for thousands of years. Perhaps I was the cause of this, for my final last stand against the ponies so long ago did unite them. Perhaps Equestria itself came about because of my own actions. The very war I sought and failed to find victory in to rule Ponyland is the very outcome which might have spurred all the generations of ponies today. As Equestria falls, and the magic of friendship dies, so shall your legacies be forgotten forevermore. For that, I say, good riddance, you all three were truly pathetic." Grogar turned around. "You can come out Discord, I know your watching me," Grogar called out and Discord appeared floating in front of the old goat filing his nails. "Well, well, well, I never actually expected you to return, Grogar. It seems to me I recall last time the ponies blasting you into a separate realm, literally. I can't wait to see how your planning to defeat them this round, this ought be good for a laugh." "Really Discord, you think so? Tell me, have you enjoyed being the Spirit of Chaos all these years? I would have thought my return would be everything you long for, especially after you just got through impersonating me." Discord points a claw at Grogar, "THAT WAS FOR A LESSON I WAS TRYING TO TEACH TWILIGHT! Ugh, how long will I have to hear it from everyone how bad of a mistake that was?" Discord snapped his fingers and teleported to the ground standing in front of Grogar, "I bet you won't even last five minutes and the ponies will be stomping you in the ground. Friendship is magic after all." "If your so confident Discord, why wait for your pony friends? Why not fight me yourself?" Grogar smiled amused, his horns beginning to glow. Discord gulps and steps back nervously, "Uhm...what?" "Did the Lord of Chaos go deaf in his old age? Have the ponies made you soft, Discord?" Grogar laughed mockingly as he began to walk forward, "Or could it be, you've been relying on your pony friends to save your neck for so long you've forgotten how to fight without their help?" Grogar's horn shot a magic blast attack in Discord's direction. Discord snapped his fingers and blast turned into bubbles. "Now Grogar, I...stand down or I will...." Discord stammered nervously as he continued to back away. "Well, what are you waiting for, Discord? Where is your chaos magic now?" "Fi...FINE! You want a fight then...very well, let's do this!" Discord's eyebrows narrowed and he snapped his fingers as Grogar's legs turn into octopus tentacles. However, in doing so, Discord left himself open for attack as another magic blast from Grogar's horns hit him like a ton of bricks. Discord landed his back and Grogar's legs reverted to normal. "Is that it? Some cheap magic trick? COME ON, DISCORD! You can do better than that!" Discord, panting, had barely enough time to stand up. Snapping his fingers as fast he could, Discord had barely enough time to deflect all of Grogar's onslaught of attacks. Each attack was transformed by Discord's magic into random things like bubbles, flowers and butterflies. "I must avoid using the full strength of my chaos magic as much as possible in case another incident might happen," Discord thought to himself, "I cannot let Grogar think that I've lost my touch." Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared. A huge pile of fish appeared fell on top of Grogar. Grogar's popped out of the fish pile as several of the fish's tail fins on top began slapping the old goat's face as hard as they could. Grogar grew very annoyed, his horns glowing again as he proceeded to blast all the of the fish off of him. Grogar looked around but Discord was not visible for him to see. "That was clever, Discord, but I think you're holding back." Discord appeared as a goat and rammed the side of Grogar knocking the old goat prone. Discord reverted back to himself, snapped his fingers as the ground opened up causing Grogar to fall down into a pit. "How's that for a little chaos?" Discord asked smirking, snapping his fingers causing the ground to close again trapping Grogar underneath. Discord turned and began walking away. The ground beneath his feet began to heat up and Discord turned back in time to see the ground glowing. Grogar’s magic ray blasted through the ground striking Discord so hard it lifted the old draconequus off the ground and slammed him into a nearby tree. Grogar emerged from the ground snorting. Grogar’s bell began to glow as green strands of magic flew out from the bell wrapping themselves around Discord’s legs and arms and beginning to drag him on the ground towards Grogar. “You are weak,” Grogar said watching Discord desperately cling to anything he could find but to no avail, “You are pathetic, Discord. You always have been, you always will be. However, once I have your chaos magic trapped within my bell, it shall finally be put to good use.” Discord snapped his fingers and teleported out of the green magic’s grasp but was quickly caught once more as the green magic latched onto Discord’s tail and slammed him to the ground. “You shall never have my chaos magic, Grogar,” Discord shouted at the goat before opening his mouth. All of Discord’s chaos magic flew out from his mouth and soared across Equestria where it went into Fluttershy as she was busy tending to her animals still trying to calm all of them. “I’m sorry Fluttershy, once again I have failed to protect you, perhaps my chaos magic will be enough though.” Discord stopped resisting the green magic as it pulled him to Grogar’s feet and held him down. The magic of Grogar’s bell faded. “Whether today, tomorrow, or a year from now, no matter how hard Equestria resists it’s destiny. I am here to end it all, and there is nothing left for any of you to do, but make your last goodbyes.” With that said, Grogar’s horns glowed once more and he blasted Discord’s chest. Discord turned to stone. Grogar then set out in the direction of Canterlot ready for everything he knew he had to do.