//------------------------------// // Chapter 17 // Story: The Ultimate Enemy 2: Return of Harmony // by LoganRyder //------------------------------// Dark Spike was in his cave training, as he did, his green flames were more stronger and darker and he only cried more dark tears from his eyes. "Finally, my power is more stronger then ever." Dark Spike said in satisfaction As he walked, he pulled out a photo of the girls and frowned "And with that power, I can finally achieve my revenge." Dark Spike further said He burned the photo in his hands with magical dark green flames and laid the burnt photo on the floor. "Revenge?" An unknown voice said "Or satisfaction?" Dark Spike turned and saw 2 spirits of his old friends. Discord and Big Macintosh, but they looked different and more older Discord had a longer beard and hair while an eyepatch on his left eye, while his right arm was badly burned along with his chest have some cuts and scars everywhere. Big Macintosh had an scar left on his lips and forehead along with his chest and body covered in burning ashes. His mane also looked slightly longer and there were 3 slashes on his back. "You two? Why are you both here?" Dark Spike asked Future Discord only gave a look of sorrow and said to his former friend "The same thing most have tried to do, yet failed." "To get you to stop this madness and make things right." Future Big Mac added Dark Spike only looked at the 2 unamused and said with annoyance "Make things right? Does that include me constantly being used as a punching bag or having to do chores while you or the girls have fun?" The two only looked at their former friend with sorrow as he only disregarded their pleas. Future Discord only looked at Dark Spike and replied "Spike, I understand your angry at how you went through so much turmoil, but this won't change anything." "And even if you were to destroy Ponyville or Equestria completely, what difference will it make to not just your past, but your future? " Future Big Macintosh further added Dark Spike only gave a look of conflict at the two spirits of his former best friends. As he did, the darkness in him began to slowly fade from his eyes. The red pupils had started turning into their true natural green color of the purple future dragon. "But If I do that, it'll all be for nothing. And if that were the case, I would DIE! Everything I worked for will crumble and I will not be replaced or thrown away! NOT AGAIN!!" Dark Spike said in fear, this time with his eyes green color. The spirits of his two former friends gave looks of pity at the future dark dragon, who only glared with fury and depression at the two. "That may be the truth Spike, but if you were to die, would you rather die knowing you were a monster made to create hate, destruction and anger in your path?" Future Discord asked further "Or would ya rather have a future that'll will open a new chapter where you can make the path you want. Where you don't have to suffer both in the past or in the present?" Future Big Mac said Dark Spike only fell onto his knees, clutching his head's temples as the spirits only spoke to him and slowly faded, but before they did, Future Discord said "Fate is never given, it is only chosen." "And when a future may look bleak or dark, only YOU can choose what path it should take." Future Big Mac said further The two future spirits of Dark Spike's two friends disappeared, leaving him alone to ponder their words. (In Canterlot at the Castle) Luna was rushing to Celestia and managed to find her in her room. Celestia was sitting on a chair reading a book. "Tia? Are you there?" Luna asked with a fearful tone "Yes Luna, what is the matter?" "We have a situation, and it's getting worse by the minute." Celestia gave a look of worry at this news and said "What happened?" "It's about Spike and his future self. I went into Spike's dreams, but.....I couldn't access them." Princess Celestia's eyes only widened and she asked "What? how?" "It was his future self, he blocked my ability to reach Spike's mind. I fear that it may mean danger not just to young Spike but to Twilight and Equestria." Princess Luna said with fear in her voice Princess Celestia only gave a look of suspicion and reluctance and said to Luna "Luna, I'll send a message to Twilight and her friends to be cautious about Spike's future counterpart. In the meantime, tell the guards to remain vigilant and protect both Canterlot and Ponyville." Princess Luna only nodded with agreement as she left Princess Celestia's room. However, as she left the room Princess Celestia got up and went to her desk. She levitated a scroll, feather and ink and said "I have to let Twilight and the others know of the danger both them and Spike are in." (Outside the castle) Near one of the windows of the castle, Dark Spike was overhearing the princesses talk of warning Twilight and her friends of their impending fate. With a cold smile, Dark Spike only said "Don't worry Princess, you'll be joining them soon enough." He then teleported away from the area in dark green flames. (In Ponyville) Spike was on his bed sleeping, twisting and turning. He sweated in anxiety as he slept Inside his mind, Spike opened his eyes and only looked around and said "What's going on? Where am I?" As he looked around, the area was a complete wasteland, everything was destroyed and neither Ponyville or it's citizens were in sight. "Wait, wasn't this the future Twilight showed Starlight when she attacked us?" "Yes, but not the one you know" a familiar voice replied "At least not caused by me or my quest against you or Twilight." Spike turned and to his shock, saw both Twilight and Starlight's future selves. They only looked at him with scowls of grief as Spike only said shocked. "Starlight?! Twilight?! What's going on?!?! What happened here?!?! Where am I?!?!?!" (Ps ignore Starlight's previous hairstyle, it's the newer hairstyle in season 7 onwards) "We are in the future caused by your grief and transformation. Which was also our faults." Future Twilight said "When we constantly used you for our selfishness, your sorrow made you crave revenge and vengeance for your years of abuse and loss" Future Starlight said Spike only gave a look of shock and said "The one my evil self did? But how am I here? And more importantly, is this real? The two only looked at each other and nodded, with Future Twilight saying "Correct, and it will be real if you follow this path your future self did. The reason you were here because this is a piece of your dark self's memories. Similar to the previous memory of the Friendship Journal." "And I do understand we are at fault for your transformation in the future, but we are truly and very seriously sorry for how we neglected you." Spike only gave a look of guilt at the future versions of his two friends. He not only had caused the destruction in the future with the amulet, but he had also caused Equestria as a WHOLE planet to be nothing but a wasteland full of misery and death. "This is all my fault, if I hadn't fused with that amulet, none of this would have happened." Spike said in guilt "No Spike, we are just as much to blame for making you take the amulet and following an broken path to a shattered fate." Future Twilight said Future Starlight stepped in and said to Spike "And I realize that I shouldn't have stepped on your relationship with Twilight. I never intended to replace you or make you feel abandoned." Spike only gave a look of remorse at his two friends from his dark self's timeline and said "What do I have to do?" The two mares looked with determination at Spike and went over to him "While we can't remove the amulet in you or it's gem, you have to fight the influence with all you got." Future Starlight said "And when the time for the Friendship Journal comes, prepare for the worst and aid your friends when danger comes." Future Twilight added Spike nodded with a determined look on his face and said "I'll do everything in my power to stop the timeline from getting like this. And I'll protect you in anyway I can." The future Twilight and Starlight hugged Spike as the memory started to fade. "The darkness in the amulet you wield may be evil, but only if you choose it to be." "And if you want to stop your evil self, you have to choose the fate that you want. Not the amulet or it's power." Spike only nodded and the memory faded to black. Spike woke up with a sweat and said to himself "I have to get ready to stop my dark self's existence." The young dragon got up and left his room, with a look of determination. As he left, the symbol on the chair Spike sat on in the map room began to glow red once more and a voice was heard saying in an eerie tone. "The time has come...."