A Bit Less Shy

by TransAlchemist


Ever since Stormcloud could remember, he had always been clumsy. He was not a fast flier, and he definitely had no  idea how to stand up to bullies. Specifically Hoops, Dumbbell, and Score. But he was lucky. He had Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash. She was strong. She was confident. She was awesome. She didn’t hate how she looked anytime she looked in a mirror. She was the opposite of Stormcloud. 

Stormcloud never understood how Rainbow Dash had decided that she was going to be his friend, of all people. It was like she just decided to, for no other reason than they were being bullied by the same ponies. Not that Stormcloud didn’t like Rainbow Dash, as a matter of a fact, she was his idol. He had a lot of fun hanging out with her.

One day, they were hanging out together. Well, more curator, Rainbow Dash was ranting, and Stormcloud was listening. But, as it often did, Stormcloud’s mind began to wander. It always seemed to wander to the same place. A place without bullies, but with Rainbow Dash. A place where they could just exist, without having o be afraid of anyone coming and shaking their lives. But, as always, it felt… Incomplete. As if there was a crucial part missing in his fantasy.

“ Uh hello? Equestria to Stormcloud!”

Stormcloud jolted, at Rainbow Dash‘s words, his mind no longer wandering.

“Sorry,” he said, his voice just above a whisper.

“Hey, is everything ok?” Rainbow Dash asked, the worry obvious in her eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Stormcloud replied, “Don’t worry.”

Rainbow Dash just shrugged and continued ranting about the wonder bolts. Storm cloud just kept listening, careful to not let his mind wander away from him again.

Days later, Stormcloud was gardening in his front yard. He was careful to do this when no pony else was around. But today had been an unlucky day for him. 

“ Well look who it is,“ A voice called out

Stormcloud froze, terrified. He knew that voice. It was him. The leader. The one who refused to let anyone know his name.

Stormcloud backed up, shivering with fear.

“ oh no you don’t“ The leader growled, with such a terrifying voice that Stormcloud froze in place. “ You’re not escaping us today, clumsy,” The leader chided. “ And especially not without your friend, Rainbow crash,” The leader spat out the name as though it were a curse. “ where is she anyway?“

“Right here”

Out of nowhere, Rainbow Dash burst out, kicking the leader in the jaw, sending him reeling back. He looked at the other bullies and called, 

“ Let's go! But remember Stormcloud,” The leader turns to face him “ I’ll be back.”

“ Are you OK?“ Rainbow Dash asked inspecting Stormcloud “ you’re not hurt are you?“

“ I’m fine“ Stormcloud replied, holding back tears. What he said was partially true. Physically, he was the same as ever. Emotionally, however, was a very different story.

“Ok, good!” Rainbow remarked, double checking him just in case. “ what a bunch of jerks, I’m glad I got there when I-“

“Why me?” Stormcloud asked, without thinking.

“ What do you mean?“ Rainbow Dash replied, curiosity flowing through her words.

“Why do they pick on me,” Stormcloud said, then turned to face Rainbow Dash, “ And why are you so insistent on helping me?“

Rainbow Dash paused for a moment, a contemplative look on her face. “ Well,” she started, slowly, “I don’t know for sure why they pick on you. But I do know why I stand up for you.”

Stormcloud leaned in, almost hanging off every word that Rainbow Dash said.

“ it’s because you just seem like the type who needs to be rescued, almost like a damsel in distress,” Rainbow finished, very matter-of-factly,” after all, you’re so dainty and frail you almost seem like a filly.”

You almost seem like a filly. those words to out storm cloud, much more than he expected them to. A filly, me? He thought. No, that’s ridiculous. Fillies are graceful, beautiful, and amazing. And I’m none of those things.

“Hey, anypony in there?” Rainbow Dash was rapping on Stormcloud’s head, which brought him out of his stupor.

“Yeah, sorry,” Stormcloud said, shaking himself. He knew that Rainbow was just joking about the filly thing, why wouldn’t she be?

“Hey,” Rainbow Dash said, raising Stormcloud’s head with her hoof, forcing him to face her. “You ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine”

“You sure?”

Stormcloud was never sure. He always hated so much about himself. But he didn’t want Rainbow Dash to worry. So he just replied with, “ I am, don’t worry,”

It was a lie he had gotten very good at telling.