The Adventures of Sunlight Blaze: The Multiverse Quest, Volume 1.

by Justafanfictioner

Chapter 3: The Fall of a King

Sunlight had opted for a stalling strategy against Sombra, being unable to deal significant damages to the King, from fear of shattering the Crystal Heart.

“Even with the power of the Crystal Heart, thought Sombra. I didn’t injured him at all!! Is that the power of an Android?!”

”I could easily take him out, thought Sunlight. But i can’t risk to destroy the Crystal Heart doing so. Still, those attacks of his definitively pack a punch.”

“I’d prefer not using that attack, said Sombra. But you’re forcing my hand...”

Sombra started charging a devastating attack. He formed above him a gigantic ball of dark magic.

“Try to dodge this, Hero!! Said Sombra. This attack have enough power to destroy all of Equestria!!”

Sombra released his attack. Sunlight charged magic energy in his palms and stopped the projectile clean. Sombra put even more energy into it. Sunlight was starting to struggle but then.

”Dark Magic Nullification!!” said Moonlight.

Suddenly, the dark magic bomb was dispelled. Sombra was horrified.

“I swear, said Moonlight. You can’t do anything on your own, can you?”

“Who are you!!?” asked Sombra.

“Death, he answered with a sadistic smile. I’m coming for your soul”

Sombra started shaking.

“I’m kidding!! He said. I’m a Zombie Alicorn, who specialize in Dark Magic.”

“An Alicorn android and an Alicorn Zombie? Thought Sombra. It can’t become weirder than that!!”

A few moments later, her and the Mane 6 arrived in the throne room. When Sombra saw Twilight wearing the Element of Magic, he lost his cool and started trembling.

“No way!! He yelled. No!! It’s impossible!!”

Sunset joined Sunlight and Moonlight.

“Moonlight? Asked Sunset. What are you doing there?”

“Oh, just saving his butt, answered Moonlight. And a good portion of the world. That bastard king tried to wipe the empire off the surface of the globe, so i just stepped in.”

“It’s over for you, Sombra!! Said Twilight. Your reign of terror ends today!! You brainwashed me, turned me against my friends!! But Sunset Shimmer here risked her life to bring me back!! Okay girls, let’s blast him!!”

“Wait!! Said Sombra. I fused with the Crystal Heart!! If you destroy me, you’ll destroy the Heart too!! All you’ll doom the Crystal Empire forever!!”

The Heart was suddenly dissociated from his body. Cadence and Shining Armor, who Twilight and Sunset freed from his control, were now having the Crystal Heart in their possession

“What Crystal Heart? Asked Shining Armor. This one, you mean? Oh yeah, we’re taking it back!”

“Blast him now, girls! Said Cadence. He’s done for!!”

“NOOOOOO!!!” Yelled Sombra, as a Rainbow Laser turned him to dust.

Once Sombra was destroyed, the girls used the magic of Friendship to destroy every remaining trace of Sombra’s magic all over Equestria, such as freeing the guards from his mind control and dispelling the black crystals on the horns of those affected. After everything Sombra had corrupted was back to normal, the group headed back outside the castle, where the Crystal Ponies cheered at Twilight and her friends. Sunlight, Moonlight and Sunset looked at each other, happy and proud. Later, the mane 6 and the siblings were inside Canterlot’s castle, in the throne room. Celestia hugged Twilight, crying of joy. Once she had wiped her tears, she looked at the two heroes.

“I’m so grateful to you two, she said. You saved us...You saved Equestria!! You’ll be forever remembered in history!! I can’t think of anything to reward you!!”

“Hum, i think i know just the thing” said Sunlight.

He whispered something in the ears of Celestia. She was shocked.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“It worked in mine, answered Sunlight. I’m sure it will work for yours as well. Fluttershy is your best asset to handle him. And if he evers ends up betraying Equestria later on, leave him a second chance.”

“Very well, said Celestia. I shall respect your request”

Sunset then whispered something to her ears, and handed a letter.

“Hmm, said Celestia. That’s an odd request, but sure, i’ll make sure it’s done...Now, let’s celebrate this with a feast!!”

Everypony had a great time celebrating their victory. Suddenly, Moonlight, Sunset and Sunlight were fading away.

“It’s time for us to go, said Sunset. And take care of the Sunset Shimmer of this world, Twilight. Show her the way of Friendship!!”

“Build a statue of me, while you’re at it, said Sunlight. A big one!!”

They completely faded away and reappeared in Discord’s house.

“Amazing job!! Said Discord. That was some clean, effective work!!”

“Yeah, we know, said Sunlight with a sassy smile. So, what’s next?”

“Don’t you want to rest a little? Asked Discord. Before saving another universe?”

“I don’t need to rest” answered Sunlight.

“Next universe we visit, said Moonlight. You let me handle the problem and save the world.”

“Fine by me, said Sunlight. What about you, Sis? Do you need a break?”

“I’m fine, she said. I don’t need to rest, so let’s just pass to the next mission...”

Discord showed a live feed from another Equestria. One where Nightmare Moon was ruling supreme all over Equestria. Moonlight smiled of joy and excitation.

“I feel a bit conflicted, said Moonlight. But whatever, i’ll save this world! Let’s do this, Discord!”

He balanced the Moonlight and Sunset in a portal and closed it afterward. Moonlight and Sunset landed face first in the dirt. Moonlight got up and looked in the sky. Effectively, it was night.

“Yeah, this darkness have definitively Nightmare Moon’s vibe to it, said Sunset. So, what’s the plan?”

“Were going to infiltrate Nightmare Moon’s ranks, answered Moonlight. While i’m distracting Nightmare Moon and her minions, you’ll use mind-reading on her servants and soldiers, to collect crucial information to bring her down. If you do find something important, send it to me immediately.”

“Using ruse instead of brute force? Asked Sunset. You surprise me, Moonlight.”

“The better way to break down an empire is from the inside, he answered. Also, after watching a certain anime where the main character have to infiltrate a powerful criminal organization, i’m dying to do it too! By the way, you should maybe change your look a little. Let me just a moment...”

Moonlight gave Sunset a more gothic look.

“Much better, he said. Alright, let’s do this thing...I feel Nightmare Moon’s presence in the Everfree forest.”

“The Castle of the Two Sisters, said Sunset. She must have restored it and made it her base.”

“What about Canterlot’s castle, then?” asked Moonlight.

“Knowing about the resentment of Luna toward her sister, answered Sunset. The first thing she’d do would be destroying it in front of Celestia. In my opinion, there is probably nothing good left in this town.”

“My instinct tell me to go there, said Moonlight. Forget about the infiltration part, i’m going to Canterlot!!”

Moonlight took off and flew toward Canterlot. Sunset sighed and followed him shortly after. About Fourty minutes later, they were above the city. Suddenly, a rain of projectiles was thrown at Moonlight, who took them without flinching. He dove to the ground and landed straight in the middle of a group of Unicorns, Pegasus and Earth Ponies. His injuries started healing already, and a further look at the background let him notice that many of the buildings were covered of tags of Celestia’s Cutie Mark.

“From the look of it, thought Moonlight, They seem to be a resistance cell opposed to Nightmare Moon’s regime. They probably attacked me because i look like one of her servants...”

Moonlight disarmed the ponies easily. Sunset Shimmer joined him shortly after. She calmed the ponies down with her magic.

“We are not your enemies, said Moonlight. Despite what my darker color palette could say, i’m not a servant of Nightmare Moon.”

The ponies discussed together for a moment. One of them left in direction of the destroyed castle. He came back later accompanied by a familiar figure. It was Twilight Sparkle herself, without her wings. When she saw Moonlight’s wings, she got excited and rushed to examine him.

”She doesn’t have her wings, thought Sunset. From what i can see from her memories, she never got to connect to her Element of Harmony, and never bothered forming solid bonds with Rainbow Dash and the others. She didn’t joined Nightmare Moon because of her attachment to Celestia.”

“Tell me why you’re here!! Asked Twilight. Are you a spy of Nightmare Moon? Did she sent you there to deal with us?! Why don’t you have a heartbeat? Are you really an Alicorn?!”

“We just arrived in this world, answered Moonlight. To summarize it, we’re from another universe, one where Nightmare Moon was defeated and redeemed. As for myself, I’m an Undead...A zombie, if you prefer. Master of the Dark Arts...”

“So cool...Wait, you said using the Element of Harmony? Said Twilight. But how!? I tried to use them against Nightmare Moon, but they didn’t activate. Celestia came in to protect me, but Nightmare Moon overpowered her and banished her to the moon. I had the time to escape, but the girls that were with me, didn’t...”

“Was there only five of them, by any chance?” asked Moonlight.

“Yes, answered Twilight. Why do you ask?”

“There are 6 of them, said Sunset. Did your friends got through her traps?”

“No, Rainbow Dash betrayed us, said Twilight. Still, i managed to find a way to get inside the castle.”

Sunset explained the circumstances of Nightmare Moon’s defeat.

“So, we can already forget using the Element of Harmony, said Moonlight. However, if we could somehow reach to Luna inside Nightmare Moon, she could be able to overcome the darkness in her heart.”

“Only Celestia have a chance to accomplish that feat, said Twilight. But she’s trapped on the Moon...Unless we can undo the banishment spell, there is no mean for us to reach to Luna.”

“Even if you knew the spell to undo the banishment, said Sunset. You couldn’t cast it...Only Alicorns or very powerful magic beings are capable of casting a banishment spell. Luckily for us, we have an Alicorn on our side.”

“If i could see the spell for myself, said Moonlight, i’d have no problem finding how to undo it. One of us has to be banished to the Moon...”

“I’ll do it, said Sunset. I’ll let myself get banned to the Moon, so you can see Nightmare Moon cast the spell.”

“For that, i would need to gain Nightmare Moon’s trust, said Moonlight. But swaying her with words won’t be enough...I need to give her a gift of my loyalty.”

He looked at Twilight.

“Are you crazy?! She said. She’s going to ban me to the Moon with her sister as soon as she see me!! Wait...Actually, that might be a good idea. Let me be the one to be banned...Someone will have to deal with Nightmare Moon and her goons while he cast the counterspell.”

“I should be able to hold my ground against her, said Sunset. Are you sure you want to go with that idea?”

“Yes, answered Twilight. I’m sure!! But Nightmare Moon never saw you two before...How do you expect to gain her trust, even with me as a prisonner?”

“I’m a good liar and manipulator, said Moonlight. I’ll come up with something good and effective...”