Revenant Soul: Genesis and The Weather Elements

by cyber_pony13

Chapter 11: Ambushed

The group trekked through the heated forest for roughly half an hour before reaching the base of the mountain trails. They could tell it was no easy journey and the heat wasn’t making it any better. Rarity was already having a fit about it, Fluttershy didn’t look so well from it, RainbowDash was getting really edgy, and Twilight and Levia were getting exhausted. The only ones of the group that were holding up were Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and surprisingly Revenant.

“How come…you’re walking like you’re not bothered by this heat Revenant?” RainbowDash asked.

”I’ve built a tolerance for adverse conditions, but believe me this heat is getting to me too, and it doesn’t help that I’m a unicorn.” Revenant responded.

“Oh yeah…why’s that?” RainbowDash continued to ask.

“Because unicorns do best in cold, not heat. This is having the same effects on us like it did with you in the cold.”

“So the last…weather element will…help pegasi right?” Twilight asked.

“Pretty much so AJ, Pinkie, enjoy this now before you start feeling sluggish.” Revenant addressed the earth ponies.

“Sure thing Rev,” Applejack responded, “Phew, It looks like ya’ll look as though you need a break.”

“That’ll be best, but what does our party leader say?” Revenant said as he turned to Twilight.

“Yes…let’s…”Twilight immediately responded.

The group took a rest under some of the trees near the base of the mountain to get some shade. Levia decided to spread an ice mist around to help cool everypony off. The girls were starting to feel better while Revenant sat by himself. Normally, he would be right with them, but he had to keep an eye out for them. While going through the forest, he noticed a set of fresh tracks that were ahead of them. At first they didn’t bother him, but then he noticed how they also spread out while leaving marks on the trees. He knew another group was moving within this area, but he feared that they weren’t friendly.

“Alright I feel better…ready girls?” Twilight addressed her friends while they all said they were ready, “What about you Revenant?”

“Good to go.” As they left Revenant decided to leave his pendant behind and use his magic to detect if there was anything else nearby. He detected nothing but still moved on.

While scaling up the mountain, they noticed that the heat was getting worse. The pendants were doing their job of keeping them fine but they could still feel the blazing heat. Applejack and Revenant had to help their friends a couple times so they wouldn’t slide down. The trail was stable most of the time, but it would give out every so and then. After about an hour of a treacherous trek, they made it to a clearing on the mountain. Within the clearing was a small lava pool and rocky outcrops that looked as though they could be mined for gems. The groups decided to rest up within the clearing and examine the area.

“Hmmm…” Revenant said as he was examining the area.

“What you looking at Revenant?” Levia asked him.

“Dragon scales, or at least what’s left of them?” Revenant responded.

“You know about dragons?” Twilight asked with interest.

“Only the basics, hence why me and Spike get along well. A buddy of mine back home truly knows dragons.” Revenant continued to examine the scales.

“Really, he must be pretty old since dragons have such a long life span.”

“Jokes on you, he’s around my age, I think about year and a half younger than me.” Twilight blushed at her failed presumption. “Don’t worry though, I hear that a lot when I mention him. You see his whole family is into studying dragons. And if he were here he’d be going nuts on this find, in fact, it looks a migration will be happening sometime this year.”

“How can you tell?” Fluttershy asked with worry.

“The decay of the scales. All I know is that if they’re this old and brittle, then a migration is about to come here. If only my friend was here he’d know…”Revenant then chuckled. “Funny that this weather element would be near an area where dragons roost, what are the odds?”

Then Revenant felt a response with his magic from the pendant he left behind. It was on the move to their location and it was getting near.

“Everypony get ready!” Revenant shouted at the group.

“Revenant what is it? Oh is it dragons cause that’d be funny after you talked about them.” Pinkie Pie asked.


“Worse….What could be worse than big, scary, fire-breathing dragons?” Fluttershy asked.

A few seconds later the clearing was surrounded by a mass of armored dogs. Nearly each one had a weapon and a handful of them had the same type of pendant that Shadow had back in the caves.

“An ambush…” Revenant answered Fluttershy’s question.

The dogs slowly circled them as the ponies backed themselves into a small circle. The dogs were ready to attack but were only closing the gap.

“Been awhile hasn’t it?” A familiar voice cackled. Then Rover, Fido, and Spot appeared out of the pack.

“Well if it isn’t the three stooges,” Levia called out to them. “Came back for another beat down huh?”

“Actually we came by just to give this back,” Rover said as he tossed Revenant’s pendant at the ponies. “Smart little trick trying to throw us off with whatever magic you did but we found you eventually.”

“Revenant you left it behind? Why, Princess Luna worked hard on that for us?” Twilight said to him telepathically.

“I was trying to throw the dogs off our trail, unfortunately they’re not as stupid as they look.” Revenant responded.

“More importantly what are we standing around for, let’s get ‘em.” RainbowDash said out loud.

“Not yet, first let’s drag this out to our advantage, and try and use telepathy.” Revenant thought to RainbowDash


“He’s right. There’s too many of them for us. Let’s come up with a plan while we stall them.” Twilight assured RainbowDash.


“So you found us, congratulations. What do you plan on doing next?” Revenant called out to the dogs. “I’ll stall them as long as I can, while you come up with a plan, deal?” Revenant thought to Twilight.

“Already ahead of you.” She assured him.

“Simple really…we’re going to get our revenge.” Rover responded.

“Revenge…for what?”

“Don’t play dumb, after what you did to us in the cave, we won’t forgive you.”

“You won’t forgive me? Well that’s good I thought you guys would’ve done something worse.” Revenant taunted the dogs.

“Then how about we just beat up your friends first then you.” Rover angrily responded.

“Now your sounding like a bad guy, but I think you can do better.” Revenant joked with Rover. The girls were a little worried of his humor.

“Well then let’s see how your attitude changes after this!” Rover then pulled the weather element out of his jacket.

“Wha…they got it already?!” Applejack exclaimed.

“Hahahaha….did you really think we’d let you beat us to it this time. We learned from the last failure and we won’t be making the same mistake again.”

“Oh don’t worry we know you won’t,” Levia stepped in, “Because this time we’ll be taking it from you.”

“Rover, that little one looks a lot like the one we dealt with earlier.” Spot said to Rover. Levia and Revenant caught what he said and they were shocked at what they heard.

“Earlier…what do you dogs mean by earlier?” Revenant demanded in a more serious tone.

“Oh now somepony isn’t joking no more…hehehe. We ran into a little thing much like yours earlier guarding the element.
"I’ll admit he gave us a rough time but we took care of him.” Rover cackled.

“What do you mean…’took care of him’?” Levia asked with regret.

“We smashed him into the ground and pounded him some more until he couldn’t get up!” Fido excitedly responded.

Revenant and Levia were in stunned in horror to hear what they heard. Levia felt herself on the verge of tears as she imagined the worst out of the situation. Revenant lost his cool and drew everybody’s attention to him.

“You sick, vile creatures! What the hell did you do to Fefnir!?” Revenant shouted with malice.

“Oh did we hit a nerve…perfect, like Fido said earlier…we beat him up until he stayed down.” Rover gladly responded.
Revenant was ready to charge at them when he felt some magic holding him back.

“I know you’re mad but we can’t lose our cool now. I practically have a plan ready.” Twilight thought to him.

“Grrr…alright then, what are we going to do and tell all of us.” Revenant responded.

“Okay listen up girls…We’re going to have to fight our way through.” Twilight thought to the group.

“That’s your plan? I could’ve come up with that.” RainbowDash responded.

“Oh hush RainbowDash, let Twilight finish. I’m sure she wouldn’t resort to something as barbaric as that…right Twilight?” Rarity somewhat defended her friend.

“Yes I do. Since Applejack and Pinkie Pie aren’t affected by the heat, they’ll be the first ones on the offense. After they cause a dent in them, Revenant and RainbowDash will make an opening so the rest of us can get out of this mob. Levia, you’ll provide support for them until they get out of the mob. Meanwhile, Rarity and I will be chasing down the dogs trying to cut them off. Fluttershy, you’ll be our eye in the sky. Once the rest of you break free from the mob, you will join us in the chase so we can corner them and get the weather element.”

“That sounds good an all but what of the rest of the dogs?” Applejack asked.

“That’s when Levia and Revenant come in again. They’ll delay them with illusion and soul magic to give us enough breathing room. Once we get the element, we’ll meet up and I’ll teleport us to the airship.” Twilight finished up.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Applejack agreed.

“Yeah let’s do this.” RainbowDash added.

“Revenant wrap this up so we can do this.” Twilight thought to him.

“On it,” he responded. “So what do you guys want with the weather elements in the first place.”

“Like we said the last time, you don’t need to know.” Rover said.

“Yeah, you ponies don’t need to know what the boss’s plans are.” Spot added.

“Shut it Spot, they didn’t need to hear that.” Rover said as he smacked him upside the head.

“So this goes all the way up to your boss, it must be important…speaking of him…is he the one supplying you with these abyssal pendants?” Revenant demanded.

“Argh no more talking. Fido, have the rest of the dogs get them, we’ll signal you when we’re clear.” Rover commanded Fido.

“Sure thing…let’s get ‘em boys.” Fido ordered the pack to attack. As a majority of the pack attacked, the handful of them ran off with Rover and Fido to provide security.

“Applejack, Pinkie Pie Now!” Twilight ordered.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie initiated the first part of the plan. Applejack went head on to tackle the dogs while Pinkie Pie jumped right into the pack. Applejack’s strength from years of work at the farm helped her stand her own against the dogs as she bucked them away and off her. Pinkie’s randomness and being unpredictable confused the dogs giving her chances to strike and having the dogs miss and hit each other. As the two earth ponies stopped the dogs’ initial attack, Revenant and RainbowDash moved in. Revenant used his soul magic to improve his body and reaction time so he would be able to fight in the heat without feeling its effects. RainbowDash dashed through the pack using her wings to clear path. Her speed would keep the dogs at bay and her tailwind would draw the dogs away.

Once a path was cleared, Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy began to make their way out of the mob. Any dogs that would get close to them, Levia would come in and use her magic to stop the dogs. Fido saw what was going on and decided to block their path.

“You ponies aren’t going anywhere.” Fido said trying to cut-off their path.

“Oh yes we are!” Revenant exclaimed as he used soul divide on Fido.
It was a dead-center hit, forcing Fido to fall down. Twilight and Rarity jumped over him and began chasing Rover and Spot as Fluttershy took to the sky.

“Alright we’re good, now it’s your turn.” Twilight shouted to her friends in the fray.

“Sure thing Twi,” Applejack said as she bucked another dog. “Will catch up with you girls soon, just go get ‘em.”
Twilight paused for a moment before having Rarity and Fluttershy follow her into chasing the dogs. The rest of the ponies were starting to make their way out of the pack with Pinkie Pie and RainbowDash getting out first.

“C’mon you two let’s go help Twilight.” Pinkie Pie said to Applejack and Revenant.

“Pinkie they’re stuck in there, we need to help them.” RainbowDash said to her friend.

“But we need to help Twilight out.”

“But we also need to help them too. I’ll help them you go after Twilight.” RainbowDash said.

“What if Applejack uses her lasso to get pulled out of there?” Pinkie Pie suggested.

“Pinkie Pie…that is probably one of the smartest ideas you’ve ever come up with.” RainbowDash said as she flew above the pack.

“I’m chalk full of them. Like this one time for a surprise birthday party I had to…”Pinkie Pie began to ramble. RainbowDash couldn’t hear her since she was already above the fray.

“Hey Applejack, use your lasso on me.” RainbowDash shouted.

“Now why in the hay would I do that?” Applejack responded.

“Just trust me.”

Applejack didn’t really have much time to hesitate. After pushing back a couple dogs, she used her lasso at RainbowDash. She caught it with her mouth and pulled up. Applejack was lifted out of the fray as two dogs tried to attack her. They missed and hit each other instead. RainbowDash put her down right next to Pinkie Pie still rambling.

“Mighty thanks Rainbow. Nice plan you came up with there.” Applejack thanked her cyan friend.

“Actually it was Pinkie Pie’s idea.” RainbowDash assured Applejack. She looked at Pinkie with surprise that she came up with it as she kept rambling on.

“Okay then…what ‘bout Rev?” Applejack asked.

“Oh shoot that’s right…well we could…” RainbowDash was cut-off when they see Revenant charging right out of the pack covered in soul magic. He broke through the lines like a spearhead and sent some of the dogs flying. “Whoa nice move there Rev. What do you call that one?”

“Thanks…after seeing Applejack getting lifted out, I figured it was my time to break out. Oh and I call that soul charge.” Revenant answered RainbowDash’s question. “How you holding up Levia?”

The little ponysprite was shakily floating out of Revenant’s mane.

“Next time warn me before you do that.” Levia responded.

“…which is why you never mix cake batter with confetti.” Pinkie Pie finally finished up her rambling.

“What?!?!” Revenant asked being baffled.

“That’s just Pinkie being Pinkie.” RainbowDash assured him.

“Okay now that we’re all here, let’s go after them dogs.” Applejack addressed the group.

“Sounds like a plan, I got to say though…it feels good doing this again.” Revenant said.

“What do you mean…using your magic or the adventuring?” RainbowDash asked.

“Well that and…the heat of battle…” Revenant grimly said. The girls had a small look of concern.

“Okay…well then let’s get moving now while we have the lead.” Applejack said to everypony.

As they were about to take off everything froze in its place. It was as though time itself stopped except for Revenant. He sensed the same atmosphere that he felt in his nightmares.

“We can’t let the fun end like this now can we?” A voice called out to him.

“No…not here…not now. We have a plan and we’re sticking to it.” Revenant lashed out at the voice.

“True but we were having so much fun back there. The feeling of power, fighting once again. Flesh beating flesh, muscles tightening for impacts, blood rushing through your veins to keep you going, and rage fueling your every action.” The voice said to him.

“I know but…I have to help out the others.” Revenant responded.

“Oh but will they help you? I mean once they know who you really are, will they help you?”

“Uh…I…don’t know…” Revenant somberly responded.

“Exactly and the only way to find out is if you let it happen right?” The voice tempted Revenant.

“Your right but…I won’t allow it. They’ll know and when they do, they’ll be ready.” Revenant said trying to get his composure back. “Besides I don’t know who you are but whoever you are…you won’t harm my friends.”

“I already told you…I am you. Besides the way things are going, the past will occur again.” That caught Revenant’s attention.

“No…it can’t….there’s…there’s nothing similar to the past.”

“Oh ho but there is. Nice town, good friends, a mare you like, come on do I have to spell it out for you? If you keep trying to suppress yourself, only pain and suffering will befall you once more.”

“You’re…you’re right.”

“Good, I’m glad we see eye to eye. Now then, to avoid that from happening, let’s sate that hunger of yours and give yourself what you really want.” After that everything went back to normal.
The girls were about to leave when they saw Revenant looking back at the pack.

“Hey no time to stand around, let’s go.” Pinkie Pie said to him.

“More…” He said in a dark tone.

“More…more what? More parties, more cakes, more pickles, cause I can do all that if that is what you mean?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“More…I need more…” He said once more.

“What the hay is going on here? Twi needs our help now, so why are we just standing around?” Applejack asked as she went up to them to see what is with the delay.

“I don’t know, Rev here says he wants ‘more’,” Pinkie Pie answered.

“More…more what?” Applejack asked.

“This feeling….I’m not sated yet…” Revenant went on.

“Okay don’t go speaking all fancy, what is going on Rev…” Applejack stopped as she saw the look on his eyes.
His eyes weren’t his normal look anymore. They were filled with rage, hatred, and darkness. It looked as though a dark fire was lit inside of them. The color was no longer his either. They changed to a dark violet-red. The look in his eyes told Applejack that things were about to get ugly.

Dark theme in next chapter or two but not too bad but some more insight on Rev.