Spike's Little Unsung War

by Penguifyer


Twilight didn’t recall exactly when the enchantment broke. One moment, she sat in a helicopter tending to a wounded pilot while surrounded by a bunch of confused marines. The next, she opened her eyes and found herself laying down on her home couch. It took her a bit to remember the enchantment, fighter jets, and running for her life while being chased by soldiers and dogs.
Wait, she actually was just chased for her life. At least, it felt real enough for her. Just the thought of how horribly that could’ve turned out sent shivers down her spine. If it wasn’t for Spike, she’d be…
Nearly forgetting about Spike, her eyes darted around the room searching for him. He sat on the couch and stared at the comic. His head slumped down as his eyes scanned each page before flipping to the next. Twilight walked over and sat next to him, reading the comic too. She smiled sitting next to him. She couldn’t help but see the egg she hatched so long ago.
When he reached the end, he closed the comic and stared at it. Twilight finally got her first look at the title, Ace Combat. Noticing how still he was, she glanced over and nudged him. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know…” he cut himself off, stumbling over his words. “All my life I’ve been your number one assistant. I get how lucky I am and all, but-t…” he stammered off. “I almost lost you.”
Twilight wrapped him in her forelegs and squeezed him. “Don’t worry, I’m right here.”
“I’ve… I’ve never felt like that, so angry and…” He leaned into Twilight. “I read about the horror and frustration, but I never understood it until…”
“It’s okay, it’s all over.”
“Thing is…” He hesitated, shuffling around a bit. “I’ve never felt so alive.”
Twilight sat still for a sec.
“I feel guilty, I know. But I couldn’t help it.”
Twilight rubbed his back. “Come to think of it, I’ve fought monsters and evil magic. I’ve reformed some villains and banished others. But I can’t say I’ve felt like that, like I could actually die. I guess I’m so spoiled with alicorn magic and my princess status. I don’t envy anypony in that role, especially those who don’t have a choice. But they definitely have my respect and a part of me wishes I could be a little more like them.”
“Thank you, Twi, for giving me the chance.”
Twilight smiled. “Thank you, Spike, for reminding me how proud I am of you.”
Twilight gave him a minute and patted him till he calmed down. Despite him still being her baby dragon, she couldn’t help but revel in pride of who he had become.
She also realized that Equestria didn’t have much of an air force. The Wonderbolts existed, but they were a show team and nothing compared to those jets she flew and fought. Come to think of it, Equestria didn’t have much of a defense force at all. It kinda made sense why every villain and their mother could take over Equestria for a day. Perhaps she could find some R and D funding to start looking into this. Best yet, she knew exactly who should head this project.
Twilight broke the silence as Spike settled down. “One last question. Where did you get that comic?”
“At the bookstore back in Canterlot. They said they came from a far-off land and don’t come in regularly. Thinking about getting the next issue?”
She grinned. “No, thinking about getting all of them.”