//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: Legacy of Verjaniva // by Musketeer //------------------------------// ‘Blauw, you've done it.’ Lewis ran into Blauws office. ‘What's the matter brother?’ Blauw stood up from his chair. ‘We got what we wanted.’ Lewis grabbed a chair and sat down. ‘Oliver Jade invited you to his castle to have a "conversation”.’ Blauw laughed. ‘And when does this Jade want to meet then?’ ‘Tomorrow.’ Lewis responded. ‘Tomorrow he wants to talk.’ ‘Alright then.’ Blauw turned around and stared out the window morosely. ‘We’ll make sure we’re prepared. He’s planning somthing, so we must be ready.’ Lewis nodded. ‘I’ll get some of the chaps to go with us, we’ll end this shady business one way or another.’ Blauw and Lewis stepped out of the car. Infront of them stood a mighty fortress. The gates were barricaded with sandbags, with sentries standing on their posts. One of Oliver’s cousins invited them in and they proceeded through the long hallways. The portraits of the Jades stared at them in a seemingly judging tone. When they entered the lounge area, Oliver was already waiting. ‘Hold your fire lads.’ Blauw had said before they had entered. ‘This fucker’s better off dead, but let’s see what he wants.’ They settled down at the large desk in front of Olly. ‘Jacko.’ Olly spoke. ‘Get everyone out of here. We must talk business.’ As both parties walked out of the hall, Lewis remained seated. Oliver raised a questioning eyebrow. ‘My brother and me are the same person. Everything I do or decide, does my brother too.’ Blauw answered to Olivers reaction. ‘Very well then.’ Oliver responded annoyed. ‘Let's talk about the main reason why we are here.’ Oliver Jade curled over his desk. ‘You and your men are going to join my side. You are going to walk outside, and you will tell them that they have new orders now.’ Lewis started laughing. ‘Or else what mister Jade?’ Blauw asked mockingly. Oliver grabbed a gun from his drawer and pointed it at Blauw. ‘I know,’ he said. ‘That you are the leader of this operation. I know that if you fall the rest of your insignificant sad movement will crumble. I know that they will join the strongest, which will be me. Blauw stood up. ‘If you are so confident just pull the trigger.’ he said calmly. ‘I don't care, you've already killed me.’ Blauw looked Oliver Jade in the eye. ‘Just remember that innocent blood will be shed. Innocent blood on your hands.’ he pointed at Oliver. ‘You’re right Blauw.’ Oliver's voice was filled with hatred. ‘Why should all those people die? The people, who are the flame for Verjaniva, when I can just finish off the fuel for that flame.' A loud shot echoed through the lounge area. Lewis jumped out of his chair, with his gun pointed at Oliver. Blauw walked back, holding his left hand on his chest. Oliver laughed and looked at Lewis. ‘There goes your brother' he laughed. 'He shoudlve died in the war, but god decided to gave him four more years which he now has wasted.' Lewis jolted but his aim remained steady. ‘What are you going to do?’ Oliver smiled. ‘You’ve lost. Your movement is done. I’ve reclaimed my rightful throne. ‘He looked back at Blauw. Another loud shot rang through the room. The doors of the hall swung opened and Blauw’s men rushed in but stopped dead in their tracks. Shocked by the scene in front of them. Behind them, they left Jacko's dead body behind, which fel to the ground. Lewis looked at Oliver Jade. A small stream of blood oozed from the dark red spot in his head between his eyes. Blauw, with a smoking revolver in hand, fell to the ground. Lewis immediately sat by him, screaming at the still frozen soldiers waking them up from their trance. ‘Get a bloody medic.’ Lewis yelled to them. He looked down. His brother in his arms. Blauw opened his mouth. ‘Finish what I started.’ he said quietly. ‘We did it brother... Go to my room... My desk, upper left drawer… Documents and instructions... Hurry...’ then he fell unconscious.