//------------------------------// // Rainbow's Training Finished! Where Is Cinom? A Ring Of Fire And Battle! // Story: Ponyville's Biggest Threat // by MLPkillers //------------------------------// "What do you reckon we do now?" "Well, we know Rainbow Dash is alive and we know who injured her or should I say try to kill her." The Mane six was back at Twilight house regrouping, thinking about the next course of action, and what should they do now, they know they need to protect Rainbow Dash and she should be released by now. "I think we should go check on Dashie" Pinkie Pie was still sad, calming down and finally coming to the realization her sisters are gone and she can't bring them back, maybe one day they'll come back like Fluttershy? Rainbow Dash being alive and making a full recovery raised her spirits, she wouldn't know what to do if she lost Rainbow Dash too, none of them would. "That's a good idea Pinkie Pie, but if she was released, where would she be now?" The group thought together sharing thoughts and Twilight Sparkle remember the conversation between the nurse and Rainbow Dash, judging by Rainbow's face, she probably accepted the information and probably learned martial arts. She did seem like the type that would fight rather than run. "I reckon she ain't near the shooting we heard." Twilight knew the authorities of Ponyville were probably dealing with Comber after the information was released from the hospital to the police station, they acted fast, and the group remember to hear a loud bang like it sounded like a sound barrier broke 10 times. "I'm certain darling, the authorities will arrest that despicable monster assassin, from what it sounds like, they might've taken justice in their hoof against Comber?" "So then why are we all worried about Rainbow Dash's safety still?" Applejack stood up tall when she asked that question, and the group thought, even more, Pinkie Pie started to remember the tragic event of losing her sister and how it affected her and not to mention Fluttershy, the entire group still felt that impact deep inside, but their tears aren't eternal, they can't cry forever. "Still, her surviving such a tragic event would-would-!" Pinkie began to sob, getting comforted by Rarity, who put her hoof on her head and brushed her left hoof through Pinkie's mane slowly. "Pinkie..." Twilight said, feeling sympathy for the pink party pony. "It would still change the way she thinks, I-know... It did for me!" Pinkie was both angry and sad remembering her sisters. The group looked at each other with concern. The group all stood beside Pinkie Pie and Rarity. "You're right darling, just try to calm yourself dear." Rarity's voice felt like the comfort of a mother with their filly, it reminded Pinkie Pie of her Mom when she was young, the way she was treated and talked to, it sure felt like love and comfort from a family, Pinkie was helped lifted to all four hoofs again by Rarity. "I suggest we go look for Rainbow Dash, most likely she took the advice of the nurse and decided to find that dojo." "I agree darling." "Yeah... Me-too.." Applejack walked upstairs and grabbed a tissue off of the Twilight light stand, bringing the tissue back down and hoofing over to Pinkie Pie. "Here, grandma aid me with a tissue when I lost my ma'am, I reckon it'll help you." Pinkie with a little bit of whimper grabbed the tissue and blew into it, she got up and threw the tissue into the trashcan, she thought about Fluttershy, she didn't want to think about Fluttershy, not because she doesn't value her, but just the thought would make her sad, she thought about Rainbow Dash, she's still here, well at least she hopes so if that assassin killed her, she doesn't know what to do and what she'll become? "Well if we're going we better get a move on, then," Twilight was worried about Rainbow Dash as were Pinkie Pie and Applejack, Twilight still felt the sadness and guilt for losing Spike, but she can change the past and she wishes she could, maybe it is possible but even so, how would she stop the killer if it was Comber? She can stop him and she knows it, wait, she wondered about something but it soon went to darkness, it wouldn't even matter, Fluttershy is dead and without all six of them they can use the Elements of Harmony but it is still a matter of curiosity if it can banish and defeat Comber, maybe it would because he is more evil and chaotic than Nightmare Moon. Applejack opened the door letting the breeze into the library, she didn't mind the breeze it reminded her of Apple bucking season, Rarity did, it was a tough breeze, Rarity adjusted her mane a little, and Pinkie Pie and Rarity walked towards the door together, Twilight following behind them. "I suggest we hurry since from what the nurse told me it's a little far from my library and we all know how fast Rainbow Dash is." "I agree darling, and ain't the running of the leaves is coming up?" Applejack chuckled, closing her eyes and walking towards the door, she opened her eyes with pride. "Yes it is, but not sure it's going to be on the correct date anymore since all this mayhem is going on in Ponyville right now." Twilight knew Applejack was right but if Ponyville can't do it maybe it's time for Celestia to get involved with her authority. "You're right Applejack, it's too dangerous to be outside as of now, no events are going to take place at least big events like that." Rarity brushed her mane back, readjusting it, and she was nervous and needed something to do, worrying about your friend can cause anxiety and you feel nervous for her well-being, the group all made it outside. "Do you know exactly where this dojo is?" "Well, darling I believe the nurse said it would be north from Twilight's library since it was northeast from the hospital." The group had to rethink what the nurse told them and then remembered by sharing with each other, that it was northeast from here. "Alright, well, let's not keep Rainbow Dash waiting, let's get a move on." Twilight was worried about Rainbow Dash but knew she is alright as of now since Comber thought she was dead, the group started walking north from Twilight's library and through the fog that scattered all over Ponyville, the group wondered why but Twilight just said it's just the humidity in the air, the group decided to pick up the pace, not wanting to keep Rainbow Dash waiting, because Comber could be smarter then they thought? --- "Thank you very much for the lesson Blake and sorry for misjudging you, that was wrong of me." Blake smirked, he felt glad she finally trusted him and listened to his back story after learning deception, he gave Rainbow Dash one last look and advice before returning to his habit. "Never lose friends like the ones you gain, you rarely find friends like that, and don't stab you in the back, I can tell you are going to do great things, make Comber pay for using the teachings of Cinom and mine in corrupted ways." Rainbow Dash smiled at Blake before waving him goodbye as the floor opened up, the color of the room shifting to red and then when it was finished, back to its natural colors. Rainbow Dash looked around with her head, wondering if Blake was gone and not trying to prank her since he did try to do that with Cinom, her eyes widened, when he said goodbye, he meant it, she can sense deception now, and she didn't sense deception from him when he aids his goodbye and left, she was kind of sad he had to go back to such a cruel place, the other demons should be more like him and not try to make his life miserable because he wants to repent and be an angle but angles are a demon natural enemy, so that will never happen. Rainbow Dash looked around for Cinom but didn't know where to find him, she searched around, in the training room, in the office, and her hoofs touched the ground again, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ("Where did he go off to? Why would he leave without saying goodbye? Maybe he's outside?") Rainbow Dash flew to the doors, opening the doors and causing a squealing sound, she landed on the stone steps and looked around and didn't see him, she scratched her head, where would he go off to? Rainbow looked far to the south, and she saw 4 familiar ponies walking towards her, she thought her eyes were deceiving her, it can't be her friends, but they are the only other ponies other than the authorities out and around as of now, she wiped her eyes in disbelief, thinking her eyes are covering who they truly are and they wasn't, she couldn't control herself, she flapped her wings and flew towards them at top speed, startling them, Rarity mane became a mess because of the wind Rainbow Dash produced, she wasn't annoyed and understood why she flew that fast towards them all, they had a group hug, even Pinkie Pie, they were all happy and grateful to be back to her, they all only wish Fluttershy was there. All of their eyes were full of joy. "So you heed the nurse's advice?" "We came by to give you a visit, the nurse said you took off earlier than expected, I'm so glad you're all alright!" Rainbow Dash smiled, excited to see them all again, but this time not in a hospital bed crippled. "Of course I'm alright, I'm Rainbow Dash, the one and only!" Rainbow Dash flew up into the air and pointed a hoof to her chest with pride, everyone smiled at her as she hovered back to the ground. Twilight was curious about what she learned. "So what did you learn from your teacher at the Dojo?" Rainbow Dash couldn't wait to tell Twilight about marital magic, she smirked with confidence. "Let me show you, and it's a sensei Twilight." Twilight giggled, they both are the same thing but she won't argue with her about it, since that is a better noun for a teacher at a dojo. Twilight began to float into the air, Applejack and Rarity couldn't believe their eyes, was she doing magic!? "Rarity put me down!" "What! It's not me darling, see, my horn not glowing!" Rarity wasn't using magic, can't she see the color, wait, is that Rainbow Dash? But how? She's a pegasus, not a unicorn! "Rainbow Dash... Put me down. How are you using magic!?" Rainbow Dash slowly put Twilight back on all four hoofs and explained, Twilight was shocked and Rarity thought this was a prank, Applejack knew it wasn't a prank, the magic was pink, her magic color is different, and she thought it would be rainbow but how can she do that, is she using the magic of demons? Wouldn't that be black? "Twilight are you using magic, was this a setup prank when you were at the hospital darling?" Twilight eyes remained shocked, she couldn't believe it, Rainbow Dash can use magic, but she is a pegasus, not a unicorn, how can she use magic!? This is insane! "Not to sound panicked or rude but, how in Celestia's name do you know how to perform spells Rainbow Dash!? No Rarity this is not a prank!" Twilight asked, she was immensely curious and shocked, this could change the magic fundamentals of magic itself! "Yeah, I reckon this is trickery Rainbow Dash, a prank? Because if you can perform spells, that would mean earth ponies also could perform spells." Applejack wanted to learn how to use magic, if she knew how it would make working around the farm a whole lot easier and smoother, she never thought of using magic until today, but first what type of magic is it? Because it's not unicorn's magic. "I knew you would be shocked Twilight, I couldn't believe it either but the magic is called (marital magic,) usually used for combat." Twilight scratched her head in confusion. So this magic is for combating other ponies, so it's offensive? Is it the same as a unicorn's magic? "So you can actually cast spells as I can?" Rainbow Dash laughed, she could, but that requires more training than she haves but she does have the ability to heal herself, although if she does her stamina would be diminished since she doesn't have magic and she hasn't nearly mastered that spell with Blake, it isn't a demonic spell, she thought it was at first but marital magic is different from demon magic, it's magic pulled from the host and used for combat normally and not the same as unicorn's magic. "Heh, no Twilight, these spells are completely different from unicorn's magic, these spells are normally to aid in combat and according to Cinom, all ponies have magic deep inside them, we all felt it when we used the Elements of Harmony to put an end to Nightmare Moon rampage." Rainbow Dash started flying in the air. Applejack scratched her head in confusion, what did she mean? Wait, she felt it before, but how would she use that magic? "I do have a question, did the authorities arrest Comber?" The group looked at each other, they had no clue, they remember hearing gunshots, so maybe he was dead or arrested. "Rainbow Dash asked, she hoped they did, but at the same time, she hoped they didn't, she wants to make him pay for what happened in Ponyville. "I reckon he is since we all got startled by the gunshots going off." "Yeah, that scared me..." Pinkie Pie remembered the event, it freaked her out, at first she thought an assassin was trying to finish her off since her family was killed by one, but she really didn't think there was another assassin in the village, she remembered what her mom used to say, she thought back to the event again and this time, laughing at it, she sounded crazy at first. Rainbow Dash was confused, but could easily tell this wasn't evil laughter, she had no bloodlust, so it can't be plus this is Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash felt bad for even attempting to sense if Pinkie Pie had bloodlust. "Also, Rainbow Dash did you hit the gym a little because your hoof size increased by a little bit since we saw you at the hospital, I didn't notice without taking a closer look." Rainbow Dash landed back on the ground, in the middle of the group, she almost blushed when Rarity noticed, she did do a lot of lifting, but she almost forgot about Cinom, where is he? "I'm thankful you all came to see me again, I was planning to see you again after saying goodbye to Cinom, but he left somewhere, I had no clue where he went?" "Cinom, that's a funny name, sounds like Cinnamon." Pinkie Pie giggled. She wondered if he would taste like cinnamon? Not seriously though. "Will you want to look for him, I want to know how you learned this (marital magic.") Twilight was curious about this new type of magic as Applejack was too, Pinkie would only be interested if it can bring ponies back to life. "Do you think he Could have been attacked?" Rainbow Dash looked at the Dojo, starting to fly and all saw green bushes, she sighed and landed again. "No, not at all, I think, well I don't know, all I do know is he was also the teacher that taught Comber." The group was shocked, he taught such a monster, why is she taking lessons from him? Is he trying to turn her into a monster too? "Whoa whoa, hold up, he's the one who taught that assassin his to fight... Why would he do that!?" "Darling I think you shouldn't have learned anything from that colt!" "Maybe that's why he left without telling you, I reckon he went to Comber to tell him your training is over and-!" Rainbow Dash felt frustrated, they don't know, she was angry at first and she understands, especially for Pinkie Pie, she probably blames him for her sisters being killed and at first she herself blamed him for Fluttershy being killed. "No, it's not like that, he taught Comber at the time, he was blinded like we were when we all met him. He can sense deception, at the time Comber was telling the truth, but something happened to Comber, he became a monster." Twilight and the rest of the group thought this was a joke, he can sense deception? That sounds like an excuse to avoid punishment for his part in Comber's crimes. "No, he lied to you darling, I never heard of someone sensing deception before." "I reckon he lied to you Rainbow Dash, trust me, all ponies lie, and I had my share of lies and I hold the element of honesty." "Sorry Rainbow Dash, in all my studies I never once heard of deception being sensed." Rainbow Dash smirked, she knew how to prove to them he ain't lying. "No, because I can sense deception, you can test me if you like to?" Twilight wanted to believe Rainbow Dash, but this sounds like a good test, she knows how to test this. "I am the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria." Rainbow Dash smirked, Twilight was powerful when it comes to magic, but the most powerful Unicron is. "Starswirl is the most powerful unicorn ever in magic." "No Twilight, Starswirl the Bearded is the most powerful unicorn around, but you are in the top 5 of the most powerful unicorns unless Comber uses that magic multiplying technique." Twilight was shocked to hear Rainbow Dash know that, and she is in the top 5! She didn't know, and what!? A magic multiplying technique!? Twilight and Rarity lost words to such a statement, they can't believe there is a technique that can multiply the user's magic, that should be illegal if anything! "Wait there is a technique that can multiply magic!? I never heard of that, do you know what's it called?" Rainbow Dash shooked her head in a yes expression. "It's called Celestia Warth." Twilight laughed at the name, Celestia's wrath. She gets it. "Haha hahaha! That's a funny name for it, is it possible for me to learn it?" Rainbow Dash laughed and replied with a Yes. If only she knew where Cinom was. "Alright, well, I think it would be a good idea to meet Cinom." "Girls, don't forget he went missing, just like..." Pinkie Pie stopped and thought about her sisters and Fluttershy once again, then she began laughing, she again sounded like she was crazy from the intensity she was laughing. "Pinkie...?" "Are you okay Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie Pie stopped laughing, tears coming down her cheek. "Yeah, I remember my mother teaching me to laugh at the darkness, so every time a bad thought came into my head now, I laugh at them to make them go away, so I don't have anymore break downs." Twilight smiled at Pinkie as the rest of the group also did, they were glad to see her cope with the loss of her sisters, yeah, it sucks to lose family, but to keep breaking down about it will only lead to a path off a cliff, it leads to no path. "Well, that's some good advice Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash smiled at Pinkie before walking towards her, stopping and facing the pink mare. "I will make that assassin pay for what he did to your family and admit to his crimes if the authorities don't arrest him, he wishes they would." Pinkie Pie frowned and stared at the ground as Rainbow trash-talked, she then moved her up to Rainbow Dash and smiled. "Thank you Rainbow Dash, but I rather you do not fight him, he's dangerous." "I also reckon you don't look for that monster, I reckon you move like a herd of cows and on with your day." "Rainbow Dash, don't try to fight him, he still thinks you're dead, I think it would be a bad idea to try to stop him yourself." Rainbow Dash giggled, she knew she could stop him, but her friends are right, they probably think the authorities arrested Comber too, for now, they should go look for Cinom, and if Comber isn't arrested, she give him the justice he deserves. "Can you girls help me look for Cinom?" The rest of the group smiled, wanting to meet and question Cinom about his teachings and his involvement with Comber learning from him, they want to hear him say and explain. "Of course." "Geez, do ponies not remember to stay inside because of this killer and the gunshots being fired off southeast from here?" Twilight was annoyed, if Cinom is not near this dojo, then he is walking around and that is dangerous; Twilight knew she shouldn't be talking, but after what happened in Ponyville it shook Twilight as well as the rest of the group of friends. Rainbow Dash shook her head in disagreement. "You're right about the gunshots, however, you're wrong about the safety in your homes, especially if it is Comber, Cinom told me a lot about him, about his assassin years after researching, and from what I hear Twilight, he doesn't kill in public, at least his targets, he likes to be quiet and low." "I agree with her since he is an assassin and all." "I believe they like to be stealthy, but I reckon you still take caution." Twilight thought to herself, she's right actually right still, that other killer tried to kill her because she was out, she will never forget those moments and his cruel voice, in her opinion, he's more monstrous than Comber. "You're all correct but don forget that pony who attacked me, I don't know his name but he had a green mane and tail, he nearly killed me with a hatchet, but I guess it just depends on the killer?" Twilight felt anger and fear brew up, she felt like a panic attack was happening just by talking about that despicable colt. Pinkie Pie started to feel sorrow because of talk about killers, she didn't like it and all it did was remind her of her sisters and Fluttershy's death, she wanted to change the topic to something peachy. "Girls, what's going to happen after all these tragic events fly past, it's not healthy to worry all the time, we all need smiles still." The great of the group grew smiles, Pinkie Pie is right and right now they need to find Cinom, even though he knows how to fight, he is still a pony like the rest of them, he ain't a monster like Comber, he is a teacher, Twilight wanted to be a teacher, maybe one day she might open her own school? "Alright, let's look for this Cinom fellow before sundown." Applejack demanded, the group walked towards the dojo and opened the doors, Rainbow Dash flew in and started the search, the group followed and started to search for Cinom, the Mane 5 had no clue where he could really be, and Rainbow Dash became frustrated by the moments, why would he leave without saying goodbye? She felt regret build-up but didn't let it get the best of her, remembering to keep her emotions in check, the group searched hard and wide but could not find Cinom. --- Comber was walking towards the east of Ponyville, he's done here, this place has nothing to offer him and from what he sees, it's extremely peaceful, heck most if not all the jobs he received were from ponies outside of this village, Lighting Dust, the Tourist and the farmers that did business with the Pie family. Comber watched his surroundings, he wished his town was like this village when he was growing up, sadly, it wasn't, this town didn't deserve this, but a job is a job and what's done is done. He walked through the fog with a fearless attitude, his cape back on and on his back and full of holes, he started to hear hoof steps coming from the opposite direction, somepony out? Celestia, they don't hear the warnings at all, Twilight going to blow a fuse, Comber looked closely as the fog disappeared, his eyes widened, is that, no, it couldn't be him, could it, Comber smirked, after seeing the colt magic disappear, that color was no mistaking it, this was certainly Cinom, and why is he clearing the fog away, is that his new job? "There you are, Comber, I have some questions for you." Comber teleported in front of Cinom's face, he had a wicked expression. "Questions, let me guess do you also work with the police department in Ponyville? Because they just tried to kill me, those fools." Cinom sighed, is Comber serious? "No Comber and the only fool here is me." Comber got confused, how is he a fool, what made him a fool? "You're a fool? How?" "For teaching you, you need to be stopped." Comber smirked turned to a blank expression, then laughed loudly. Cinom was serious and furious, this is no joke or laughing matter. "Oh... I see now, you regret teaching me, must be because of my oddly informed title, I assume you knew I wouldn't have this title, if not for you." Comber started walking to his right and looking at Cinom, while he talked. "Comber, what made you turn from being a hero? You didn't lie to me, so, tell me, unless you're afraid to tell me because of your pride." Comber looked down to the ground, remembering why he does this, then looked back up, staying silent, then laughing. "What is so funny Comber?" "You are Cinom, I see what you're trying to do, sense deception? I will not fall for it, you're right, you're a huge fool." Cinom felt anger brewing, enough of this talk, if he refuses to talk then he'll force it out of him or stop him and bring him to justice. Cinom got in his stance, this shocked Comber, the assassin's eyes widen, not with fear but with curiosity, a fight, with him? At his age, that is very humorous, but sure, this should be very fun, he will have to try unlike the jobs here and the authorities. "You want to fight me!?" Comber started to smile but looked back at Cinom, who kept his expression and stance. Comber got in his stance, with a smirk on his face. "Fine, I should warn you I won't be helping you up again, old colt." Cinom laughed, he just spoke of a good deed he did in the past, if he remembers that, then maybe all hope for him is not gone, what a jerk he is now, something changed in him and he doesn't know by what and how? He wants to know how long Comber has been an assassin. "No Comber, I'm going to put you back on the path you should've stayed on, what a good filly you once." Comber smirked. "I'm 100 years old." Cinom's eyes widen, wait, he's 100 years old!? He looked like a filly when he taught him though, how could he be 100 years old!? He ain't lying, there's no deception, but is this some sort of cruel prank reality is playing!? "You're 100 years old, how are you tricking me? You look like your built like an 18-year-old, you are in your 30's." "I don't care if you believe me, are you going to try and bring me to justice, because if so, I guess I'll be the villain then." Cinom shook his head in disbelief, this isn't the Comber he knew, he's more corrupted and rude, he's different and he believes he knows why but Comber will never give him the truth or tell him the truth, he won't fall for the deception technique. "You think this is a path of entertainment, ending ponies' lives?" Comber felt bad, deep down inside, but it's fun, victims fight their hardest for one thing they can't put a price on, their lives. "Well, the best way to draw the best of your opponent's skill is by letting them know if they fail they will die." "What happened to you, Comber? The old Comber wouldn't say that, I blame your father, his influence is bad, don't you see, he threw you off your trail you should've been on!" Comber chuckled, closing his eyes and moving his left front hoof into the air. "Cinom, what an absurd assumption, and it sounds like you are here to talk and not fight, so I will be on my way." Cinom face turned to a serious expression, his horn lit with brown magic, he teleported, facing the assassin, Comber stopped walking and just smirked. The wind blew hard and with a creepy sound, Comber wondered if he was going to fight him. Or will he simply keep trying to open his eyes once again? "I serious Comber, turn yourself in or finally accept defeat." Comber laughed. Defeat by who, Cinom? All he doing is talking. "You don't scare me Cinom, you are foolish already but not dumb, I am fearless, you know that and I definitely would never in my life be scared of you." Cinom opened his eyes, so be it he thought, he will bring Comber to justice and bring this village that was once peaceful back to its natural state. "Comber, then prepare yourself, you will face punishment." Cinom got in his battle stance, which allowed him to both attack and evade attacks. Conner smirked, that stance, it was like he remembered, he studied how to counter that stance, he was confident, but could he defeat, no, kill Cinom? "Alrighty, I will kill you I guess." Comber extended his left hoof out and pulled towards him, covering his left eye from Cinom's view. Cinom only saw one thing in Comber, malevolence, he needs to be stopped and because of him and himself, countless ponies have fallen to his wicked ways. Cinom dared Comber to attack him, Comber got annoyed, he still thinks so highly of himself. Comber imaged what Cinom was going to do, he had a plan, his horn lit and he teleported beside Cinom who quickly canceled Comber's magic, Comber was still in his stance and went for a punch, Cinom smirked and evaded the attack, Comber punched again with his right hoof to have it caught and punched in the face, he then was uppercut by the old colt, he flew a little up in the air and fell, Cinom turned his back and crossed his arms. "Surrender or-!" Comber quickly got up and attempted to punch Cinom, Cinom jumped up and quickly came down, Comber predicted what he was going to do, but it wasn't going to work, Comber used his left hoof and pulled himself to the left with a lot of force for him to evade, he watched Cinom, the instant he saw his horn lit, Comber canceled Cinom's magic, not letting him finish that strategic attack, Cinom landed on all four hoofs feeling a little bit of pain due to his age, he felt like he sprained his left rear hoof but he certainly didn't, he quickly turned to Comber, he knew he shouldn't have looked down; Comber already dashed at him, and before Cinom could block the attack, as he did try, Comber punched him directly on his nose, Cinom got pushed back and wiped his nose, he saw a tiny bit of blood. ("He's stronger than before, what if he's like his father!?") Cinom knew this wasn't the case, if he was like his Dad, he wouldn't even flinch from his previous attacks. Comber ran at Cinom again, a hoof pulled back, Cinom blocked the attack, it caused a little bit of wind from the impact; Cinom's hoofs shook from the impact, he responded with a punch to Comber's face, Comber used his right hoof and block vertically, then attempting to use his right hoof to back hoof Cinom in his left side of his face, he turned his entire body and attempted the attack, Cinom leaned back and bent a little down, he saw an opening and took it, punching Comber in his left upper abdomen, right in the liver, with enough force to knock him off balance, Comber caught himself with his right hoof, sliding a little back, he looked up and stood up, then stared at Cinom, impressive he thought, for an old colt, although he shouldn't be talking. "You hit like a filly, only your strength is the flaw, you're not strong enough to defeat me." Cinom stared at Comber emotionless, seems like he blocked Comber out, does he still thinks Comber lying to him, he can sense deception so how could he be lying? comber started to walk to Cinom. "Bring it on." Comber dared Cinom to attack him with a hoof, Cinom dashed forward and attacked Comber, Comber ducked and evaded the elbow coming to his face, he tried to kick Cinom in the jaw, Cinom dodged it and went for a back hoof, Comber blocked it vertically with his left hoof, he went for a punch and Cinom dodged and kneed Comber in the face, Comber quickly grabbed Cinom knee and grabbed Cinom's hoof, Comber smirked and spun him around, he threw Cinom at a house. "Take a nap!" Cinom hit the house, with his face, he flew fast, as if it was a tornado that threw him, he was able to lessen some of the impacts with his left hoof, which felt fractured now, the wall was cracked, Cinom for a moment thought he was going to go into the house but didn't, he instantly fell off the wall of the house and falling into the flower bushes, the ponies inside the house was still sound asleep. ("He's going to be like his father when he grows up, he needs to be stopped, permanently, I'm sorry Comber but you left me no other choice.") Comber walked towards Cinom, he was a little worried other ponies may have seen him throw Cinom, he ain't scared of the authorities, but no fillies eyes should endure this type of violence. "Comber, I'm done trying to get through to you." Comber smirked. He was trying to get through to him? "You were trying to get through to me?" Comber was cunning, but a smart hide, why would he even try to help him and try to put him on the right path? The path he's chosen is already too far down, and he was already too far down, each victim acts as a steel door to go back, he can't turn back now. "But you will be like your father and I can't have that happen, not at all, I will give you the sentence, you will pay, with the maximum sentence Flustered town gave." Comber stopped and looked at Cinom stupid, is he implying he going to kill him? Comber started to laugh loudly, before teleporting in front of Cinom. "You couldn't kill m-!" Cinom punched Comber in the right side of his face, then the left, and pushed him back with the palm of his right hoof, Comber moved his head from the right side back to its normal position, that stung, but he need to hit harder, Comber charged Cinom, sliding down and attempting to punch him in the stomach, Cinom back up a little knowing the distance of the slide, Comber with quick speed from the slide used his right hoof to leverage himself back on all four hoofs, and tried to punch Cinom in the face, Cinom leaned back and Comber knew he was going for a headbutt, Comber waited for the moment and instantly punched Cinom's in the head with additional damage, Cinom stumbled back a little, shaking his head and running at Comber angry, he tried to kick Comber and Comber invaded, he then tried to punch Comber with his right hoof but his true intention was to knock him off balance with his left hoof, which he used to swipe Comber right hoof, Comber nearly fell, catching himself on his right hoof, and tried to back hoof Cinom in the face, Cinom jumped out of the way, jumping back and then with a hoof pulled back, punching Comber in the right side, Comber responded with a quicky punch to the nose and grabbed him by the chest and threw him over him, Cinom layed there for a moment, qucikly avoiding an attack from the air from Comber, Comber was trying to crush his skull, he cracked the ground with that attack, he look at Cinom with a malevolence look, he slowly moved his head up, then his body, the look on his face changed, it was like he was happy this fight is happening, why in Equestria would he be happy about a fight like this? Cinom stood tall, using his magic to quickly heal himself, but finding it canceled again after healing himself. "Need to heal? I think I still have the advantage since I don't receive a lot of damage, and all those weights you own, you telling me you can't lift a single one?" Cinom filled with fury as rushed at Comber, Comber blocked the attack but was knocked off his hoofs by Cinom's swipe to his back leg joint, Cinom then punched Comber in the face, elbowing him in the eye, and then threw him into the fountain, Comber climbed out, with only a bloody nose, Comber wiped the blood off his nose, getting a little angry. Comber stepped out of the fountain, his mane down, Comber looked behind him, Comber noticed his cape, he threw it to the side, and now he fights for real. "Cinom, your final warning, you don't possess the strength to win this battle, you know that you may have more knowledge in martial arts, but I have a lot more experience, leave, this is your final warning." Cinom felt calm and angry, he thinks he can get away with his crimes against Equestria. He doesn't seem to be like the monster he said to be and didn't he say he'll kill him, he wasn't lying, is this a trick or maybe he just meant it at the time and have a change of heart? "No Comber, I will bring you to justice, I taught you and your crimes are also my crimes, and you will pay for them, that's not why I taught you and you know it, you misused my lessons for your malicious gain and that's not why I taught you, you betrayed my teachings." Comber smirked at Cinom once again, before rubbing the back of his mane with his right hoof. Comber didn't know which made his head ache more, the nonsense out of Cinom's mouth or his attacks. "Then I guess I'll make you leave." Comber's face went serious, he didn't want to kill Cinom, he just wants him to leave now, in fact, he just wants to leave now, this is an ironic situation, and he, of course, won't tell Cinom this, not at all, if he did, Cinom may not want to continue this fight? Cinom dashed forward and instantly blocked Comber's attack, it shook him and he responded with a quick attack on Comber's face, it connected, Comber stepped back, he then dash forward and attack Cinom, punched him in the face, and attempted to grab his head, Cinom ducked quickly and punched Comber in the stomach, Comber grabbed his punched and applied pressure to the hoof, squeezing it, Cinom desperately hit Comber in the face with his right hoof, Comber felt the attack, but it seems the force wasn't enough since he was hitting him with the left side of the hoof, he should just slap him because that's what it felt like. Comber threw Cinom at the path; Cinom rolled across the path, stopping on his left side, he wasn't going to stay down, he will stop him, the adrenaline kicked in, and he got up and punched Comber in the face. Does he always walks slowly to his prey or is it just a way to move him because of his age? He punched Comber in the right side of the jaw, Comber didn't expect such an old colt to respond with that reaction time, Cinom quickly swiped Comber's hoof, Comber jumped and avoid it, Cinom thought fast and rolled out of the way, his left rear hoof wrapping around Comber's right back hoof and throwing the leg towards the ground, Comber fell, Cinom got on top of Comber and punched him repeatedly in the face, Comber rage build, he had enough, he got up with Cinom on him, knocking Cinom off with a quick punch to the stomach and then to the liver, Cinom couldn't help but cough up some spit, he fell to the ground holding his stomach, Comber tried to punch him in the face, Cinom caught the hoof and got up and used the acceleration to uppercut Comber into the airand punch him in the stomach, he fell to the ground, Cinom tried to stomp on Comber on his stomach by jumping and coming down, Comber blocked the attack and used his sheilding hoofs to push Cinom away, Cinom kept his position and headbutted Comber and punched him in the throat, Comber had a hard time breathing, he finally used his magic to teleport, is Cinon trying to kill him? He wasn't bluffing, he means he knew since he can sense deception, Comber healed himself before Cinom canceled his magic. Comber wasn't fully healed but Comber looked slowly at Cinom, he had anger on his face, with disbelief. "You tried to kill me?" Cinom didn't respond, Comber walked slowly towards him, with a little bit of anger, but hey, he did threaten to kill him, so he assumes this is only logical. "Because I wasn't going to kill you, but now I will." Comber accelerated his speed, running at Cinom with fury now in his mind, he would try to kill him, after all, they had been together, so be it he thought. Comber went for a joint break, Cinom blocked it, but got the right side of his face grabbed and then slammed into the ground, Cinom at the moment his face was being slammed grabbed Comber, he grabbed Comber's hoof and twisted as hard as he could, he knew he would've done it if Comber didn't punt him in the face and knocked him 15 hoof steps away by rolling in the hard path, Comber walked slowly towards his old friend and teacher, Cinom got up, feeling blood run down his nose and lips, he wiped the blood off, and slowly looked at Comber; he got back in his stance and dashed at Comber. Comber got in his stance, Cinom as soon as he got close to the assassin, he swirled to the left and dash past Comber from that direction, he started to run circles around Comber, Comber tried to punch him casually but miss a lot of his attacks, Comber received a punch to the left side of the face, stunning him temporary and making him hold his face with his left hoof, Comber watched Cinom, that aura, that's not Celestia Warth, this is another technique, what technique is he using, it's not magic, because if it was he could cancel it, is this another art of martial magic? Cinom kept zooming around Comber at high speed, if he can have that speed, Comber thought, still keeping his eyes on Cinom; he's an old colt that is not immune to age, so he shouldn't be this fast, he ain't using magic either, so something else is up, and why is he running around him? All he's doing is wasting stamina, if it's for a single attack it better count otherwise he would be out of stamina and this match would be a bore. "You know, you really should save your stamina! An old colt like you needs to conserve as much of it as possible." Cinom smirked, those words of wisdom from a killer are funny, but true, and ain't he older than him? Maybe that's why he ain't as active? What are Comber's true motives? Why does he kill? He doesn't enjoy it, but he enjoys a fight; this clicked a neuron for Cinom, he kills for the fight, that must be it, so he would let his victims know he was going to end them and they couldn't run from him so that only left them to fight him, and a pony would fight their hardest for their life, so is that why he's an assassin, he lets them know this ain't personal and fights them and kills them, what a devious col. "You're right Comber, but, you should worry about yourself and not me, hahaha." Comber got confused, worried about himself, what did he mean about-! Cinom jumped in front of him, Comber got on guard, his left hoof ready to block, and his right hoof ready to attack, Cinom extended his hooves before crisscrossing them, Comber's eyes caught what he was doing, he's creating a barrier around them, wait, it's that-! Flames burst taller than the homes in Ponyville, spreading around the magic line Cinom placed, that line he placed, he had to use martial magic, his horn wasn't illuminating, darn it! Comber fought so many unicorns who never used martial magic and forgot Cinom can use it too, he turned his head and body as the flames burst around them, they were hot, and they also prevented any use of unicorn magic, so, what is the planning, this is a small area, so is this his way of restricting the battle to only this spot, if it is, then he must be cocky that he can beat him in a 1v1 fight, hahaha, that humorous. "So this was what you're planning, you restricted the battle to a small area, you have compassion for this village, I give you that." Cinom kept his smirked, and walked closer to Comber, and stopped 10 hoof steps away. He had a plan, hopefully, he can use that technique long enough, he has to attack Comber as hard as possible and as ferocious as he can, Comber didn't know and won't expect. "I suggest you put that wall of fire down and walk away while you still can." Cinom stopped, inches from touching Comber's nose with his own, they both stood tall and stared at each other, Comber smirked, Cinom was confident. "I will not as you can see, it's already up. I suggest you surrender-!" Comber went for a punch, Cinom ducked and evaded it, attempting to attack Comber with a back hoof, Comber blocked it, Cinom knew that and used his right hoof to hit Comber in the nose, Comber responded with a punch to Cinom's nose, Cinom tried to headbutt Comber, Comber leaned his head back, then tried to headbutt Cinom, Cinom blocked the attack, performing a 360-degree turn and attempting to hit Comber in the rear joints, Comber didn't block in time, Comber felt the pain, and nearly fell, but easily got back up, he dashes forward at Cinom, hitting him with the back of his hoof, back hoofing him in the face, knocking him down, Cinom looked at Comber, he is a strong monster machine, but Cinom knew it's time, he got back up and looked at Comber, turning his head to the right side and looking behind him, he didn't even notice how devasting Comber's attack was, he knocked 3 of his teeth out. Blood started flowing down the right side of Cinom's jaw. What a bastard. Both colt's head was sweating from the heat, Cinom's back was scathed by the flames, and his tail was a little burned but the damage and pain ain't nothing to worry about. "Seriously Cinom, leave, I have no interest in killing you and I do respect what you taught me, but in your old age, you have no chance at defeating me in battle." Cinom clapped his hooves, confusing Comber; this made Comber think he was using martial magic again, which he wasn't, Comber stood his ground, watching something glow. ("Aura, and it's red, orange, yellow, green, blue-! The buck-!?") Cinom dashed at Comber, Comber attempted to punch Cinom, Cinom easily evaded it, caught the hoof and used it to jump, Comber stepped back, Cinom landed with accuracy and punched Comber in the nose, he started attacking Comber, Comber blocked, still taking hits to the face, these are a little bit hurting him, what is that technique he's using? ("he is moving too fast, that reaction time, there's no way, he's an old colt, how is he moving that fast!?") "Give up now Comber! Don't make it harder on yourself!" Cinom swiped Comber's left rear hoof from under him, punching him in the face and beating his face with both hooves, Comber caught Cinom's hoof, trying to get back up, which he did in success and pulled Cinom closer for a punch, which he did not land, Cinom dodged, moving his head to the left and headbutting Comber 3 times in such a short time, he was like a robot, how!? Cinom punched Comber in the face, then the neck, then the stomach, and then finishing it with an uppercut, he jumped at Comber and punched him in the stomach as hard as he can, hitting him to the ground, and he landed on his back, Comber got back up very fast, and seen Cinom land in front of him. Combed wiped his mouth, he saw blood, how dare he!? "How are you moving so-!" --- "Thanks for the techniques master Cinom, you were a good teacher." Cinom smiled at the young colt, at least he thought he was a young colt, he closed his eyes in joy. "You're quite welcome and I hope and know you're going to do good things with my teachings, although I only wish you could learn the technique that lets your body move on its own and with coordination too." The colt raised an eyebrow, is he talking about that rainbow aura technique? That technique is for the mindless only, he knows how to fight, why would he want to learn that technique? "You mean-!?" --- "Remember this technique, Comber!?" Comber smirked, so it's that technique he's using, but why doesn't he use Celestia Warth? Ain't that technique less draining than the one he's utilizing, wait-!? Cinom dashed at Comber, Comber blocked the attack, but still received an attack in the face, Comber blocked another one, and instantly he was an elbow in his jaw, Cinom attacked again, missing as Comber ducked and attempted to punch Cinom in the stomach, Cinom caught the attack, using his right front hoof to repeatedly punch Comber in the face, in a small time and it was about 10 punches, Comber couldn't believe it, that technique is powerful, but he's old, so Cinom will lose that technique in time, but this is fun, Comber grabbed the hoof, Cinom used his left hoof to attempt to twist Comber's hoof off his, Comber tried to headbutt Cinom, missing as Cinom dodged and headbutted Comber and then using the momentum of his right hoof to elbow Comber in his right side of his jaw. Comber let go of Cinom's hoof, then received an attack to the stomach, Comber blocked the next attack Cinom through, and after Comber was punched in the face, Cinom landed an uppercut and landed the most powerful punch to Comber's liver, Comber flew up in the air a little and nearly was punched 5 hoof steps away and slid on his rear hoofs, his tail nearly catching on fire, he looked down, and the realized instantly Cinom was already back on him again, Celestia, he might actually have to kill Cinom? No, he's going to kill Cinom as he said. Comber tried to avoid the first punch but didn't, and received more blows to the side, the attacks were as fast as a machine, Comber was only able to block 5 of the 15 attacks and dodged 2. Cinom grabbed Comber's rear limbs by the joints and applied pressure and pushed the rear limbs towards the ground, knocking Comber to the ground, Comber quickly recollected himself on all four hoofs. He chuckled mentally. Only if Cinom was powerful, maybe he would have brought him to justice, Comber black flipped away, standing on all four hoofs again. "Well, you certainly are capable of beating me, and good at disabling my agility, as well as my own attacks, I give you that, but your age is your weakness, as your stamina and strength, I suggest you retreat and come back sometime later." Cinom walked slowly towards Comber, he stared at Comber for a moment, before giving Comber a humorous reply. "Retreat, no, and you don't have that option!" Cinom attacked Comber, Comber blocked the attack with a hoof, he was aiming for Comber's neck, he judged by the force, it would be a lot of force, Comber's hooves shook with the impact, he quickly attacked but missed, he started thinking, if he only relies on just dodging and striking, which is effective and works nearly every time he attacks, then he needs to wait for that technique out, Comber jumped into the air, trying to slam a hoof down on Cinom, Cinom evaded the attack, causing the ground to crack, Cinom punched Comber in the nose and then uppercut him into the air and elbowing him in the stomach, Comber felt the pain, first colt to actually hurt him like that, but he was pain resistant, pain does not affect him, he stomped all hooves back on the ground and ducked Cinom's attack. "Celesta Warth." Comber ignited with a red aura, Cinom smirked, so now he actually feels threatened, Comber attacked Cinom, Cinom evaded it and tried to elbow Comber, Comber blocked it with his right hoof and took a step back, Cinom dashed at him, Comber red aura turned darker, before stomped on the ground and broke it, the path cracked and dirt flying, Comber quickly used his magic, Cinom quickly canceled his magic but received the dirt in his eyes, he stopped to clear them fast, Comber dashed forward, the aura turning a darker red. "Celestia Warth×5!" Comber yelled with a rageful tone. "What!?" Cinom was shocked, he found a way to multiply that technique, even more! Cinom never looked into that since he was so busy but thought it was possible. Comber with very fast speed and force, elbowed Cinom in the face and punched him as hard as he could in the chest, blood squirted out of Cinom's nose and mouth, he fell to his knees and held his chest, Comber raised a hoof over his head and slammed it down, Cinom evaded and used his magic to heal himself. "Celestial, cancel." Both colts were taking deep breaths, Comber smirked, wiping blood from his nose and throwing the blood on the ground. "I have no clue why you continue to battle me, any moment that technique will-!" Cinom dashed forward and collapsed on the ground, the aura he once had disappeared, Comber smirked, before placing a hoof on his head and climbing on his head with that hoof, while his left hoof was on the ground, he looked down at Cinom! "Run out of its limit." Cinom got back up, as he did Comber slammed his head back to the ground. "I defeated you, and I did say I was going to kill you, so..." Comber stomped on his head, then pulled him up by his mane and punched him in the back, Comber teleported and punched Cinom hard in the jaw, breaking it, Cinom flew and hit a pony's flower pots, Comber ran towards him, he canceled the red aura around him as he walked. "You know, you have a lot of hate for me, after all, I did for you... Cinom, your end was near anyway." Comber tried to punch Cinom, Cinom grabbed Comber's hoof, using all his effort to pull himself up, Comber smirked with sadness and a little malevolently. "Is this what you're trying to do!?" Comber used his left hoof to grab Cinom's hoof, pulling him up, and held it vertically, his right hoof swung at the hoof, breaking the bone and dislocating it completely, bone hanged out of the flesh, Comber dropped the Cinom to the ground, sending more pain to Cinom, he yelled in immense pain, Comber picked his head up by his mane and slammed his head back down. Cinom's jaw broke, only hanging on by the flesh. Comber grabbed his neck by the back of it, lifting him and turning him, making him face himself. "Old colt, now why would you be able to yell, try it now. The flames by the way, if I wanted to, I could take the burn, smart technique though, I give you that, for ponies who can't handle pain and easily panicked." Comber looked up to the sky, spotting Cloudsdale, looking back down at Cinom with respect and disbelief. "But it seems you thought I wasn't going to escape, and you use that mindless technique to beat me, hahaha, Cinom, get real." Comber punched Cinom in the stomach hard, making him spit blood out. Comber used his magic, opening a magic safe, and grabbing his knife, Cinom tried to struggle, but couldn't, this is what he was afraid of, he was going to die. He tried to talk to Comber, but his words were incoherent, Comber looked at Cinom again, seeing his head fall, Comber was about to stab him in the jaw, but before his hoof stopped, he looked at his left hoof, he wants to keep his word and kill him, but he doesn't want to kill him, he was like a friend he had for almost a year, and all he was really doing was fighting for justice; trying to be a hero, was he really a villain? He only completes jobs hoofed over to him, if he doesn't do it, then another assassin will. Comber quickly slammed Cinom's head on its right side, knocking Cinom out, Comber looked closely at him as his horn illuminated. "When you wake up, make sure to rest, and don't try to come after me again, other I will forcibly put you to rest, so enjoy your nap." Comber healed him, using the Celestia Warth to increase the healing effect, Cinom was fully healed but left unconscious, Comber turned the opposite direction and walked away, using his magic to grab his cape and repair it, then he put it back on, and he made sure to have his bag, he put his knife back in its safe and poofed it, then started walking, he had a smirked, he had fun and he defeated his sensei, this was satisfying for him. ("I think I'll see if one more job comes up, I need a nap.") Comber smiled, before teleporting back to the graveyard, where he will rest as he waits for another job to show, will an additional job show, or will Comber finally leave Ponyville as he said or will something unexpected happen?