//------------------------------// // A Pressing Matter // Story: Can You Stop Progress? // by Thranx //------------------------------// Tensions on Stalliongrad Border, Serov Claims Equestria Illegitimate Applejack can't believe her eyes when she read the headline. Ponies, not changelings, but ponies are taking advantage of Equestria's misery to take their own slice of the cake. It has only been a month since the changelings attacked. Now there's another front Equestria has to watch, it's only a matter of time before Stalliongrad pulls the trigger. Right now, Equestria is still struggling to stop the changeling onslaught. The changelings were already bombarding Whinnyapolis and they are less than a hundred kilometres from Las Pegasus. Can Equestria afford to pull more ponies from the front to support another? Will one front collapse? If it will, which one? The Changelings to the Northwest or the Stalliongradians to the Northeast? Applejack put a hoof on her temple. She did not want to think anymore. So she got off her rocking chair and went inside the farmhouse, bringing her newspaper inside and put it on the dining table. She sat on the chair, staring at the newspaper laying on the table. It was nearing midnight, the house was only lit by a single lantern in the kitchen, Granny Smith had gone to sleep, so had Apple Bloom. Or so she thought. "Applejack?" Applejack looked up to see Apple Bloom rubbing her eyes. It looked like she had just awoken. So Applejack began, "Can't sleep huh, Bloom?" "No, Ah don't think ah can," answered Apple Bloom groggily. "Those noises just makes it so hard to sleep," Applejack nodded. The noises began a week ago, it was the noise of the blaring air raid siren, from Canterlot. The great city had taken a beating ever since the changeling bombers can reach that far. Applejack got off from her chair a looked to Apple Bloom, "Wanna go sit on the porch with me, Apple Bloom?" "Sure, sis," "Come on," Applejack fetched the lantern on the table and went to the door to the porch. She sat on the porch with Apple Bloom leaning her body on Applejack's right side. The front porch of her home had the perfect view of Canterlot from the distance. From here, she could see the spires of the majestic towers of Canterlot. From here, she could see the Royal Palace, the seat of the ruling princesses. From here, she could see the spotlights and anti-aircraft rounds going to the air to spot and hit any changeling bombers. From here, she also saw explosions rocking the city and billowing black smoke from the city. The sirens sounded faint from here, but at Canterlot, they were blaring deafeningly. In theory, many in Ponyville could sleep soundly since the blaring sirens were only faint and could be suppressed with a small talk or a shout. However, it was not the noise that made ponies could not sleep in. No, it was the thought that ponies on the other side could not have a good night's rest. Ponyville was spared from aerial bombardment, probably due to it being a small town and could hide itself in the cover of night by going into blackout, a fact that she was grateful of. Canterlot however, was a different question, everypony would spot Mount Canterhorn regardless if it's night or not. If one could spot the Canterhorn, one can guess that Canterlot is resting somewhere on the base of the great mountain. Applejack looked to Ponyville, a view much closer to her than Canterlot was, a town covered in darkness, but she could still see the silhouette of it. She was able to see the once vacant houses there. Now, those houses were filled with unicorns from the School of Gifted Unicorns in Canterlot. She hired them to help the farm three days ago, so she can grow faster, harvest faster and keep up with the quota. As much as she disliked the idea of unicorn magic meddling in her farm. It was better this way. At least it was magic, even if it was not Earth Ponies' but it was still magic. At least it wasn't machines. That, she can tolerate. She still remembered what had transpired a week ago. A week ago "Are you sure this is your yield according to the quota?" the mare eyed the produce filled in the trucks skeptically. "Sure did! Anything wrong?" Applejack confirmed. The mare corrected her glasses before saying, "Yes, yes, something's wrong, your produce isn't that much. We still have two trucks to fill. So are you sure this is your yield?" she asked again. "Sure... Ah ain't hiding anything from yah, if that's what ya're thinkin', yah can check our report on the harvest if you want," Applejack replied defensively. "Oh, I'm not accusing of you hiding anything from us, Miss Applejack. After all, you are the Element of Honesty, we believe your words as much as we believe Princess Celestia's. No, we were just wondering if you misplaced some of the products or you lost them. But since you're offering that report we would like to check it out," the mare answered politely. "Alright then, I'll get it for yah," Applejack went inside the house. She went to her room and she searched for this month's harvest report. Once she found it she checked the report to see if there was something wrong. "Nothing seems wrong to me, our harvest has always been like this since Ah was born," she returned outside to the mare and handed the papers. "Thank you, Miss Applejack. Now let me check this report of yours," the mare went to the trucks and began asking the loaders for the quantity of each of the produce. After a while, she returned and looked to Applejack, "Well, the report is accurate, everything seems to follow nicely. But I have a question," the mare began. "Shoot," "Why does your harvest isn't as much as other farms we've collected?" "Well, us Apples value the quality of our product. We managed this farm the true Earth Pony way. So that we can produce the best of products," Applejack proudly answered. The mare slowly nodded, "I see... Alright, now I can see the problem," "What is it then?" Applejack asked. "Miss Applejack, your method of farming is... well... a little outdated, so to speak." the mare began. "Now are yah implying that I need to use machines?" Applejack guessed. "That is certainly one way to improve your output, Miss Applejack, other farms had done that," the mare nodded. "Well, Ah ain't like other farms, we make good Apple products so our soldiers on the front can get a little comfortable with their food," "Miss Applejack, I understand your concern of maintaining quality for your customers, I truly do. However, this is war everypony needs food, quality is secondary. It would be very nice for everypony to get top-notch apples. But answer me this, what good does it do if everypony can't get it?" she asked. Applejack didn't answer her question. A day later she received a letter from Canterlot. She tore open the letter to see a new quota for her farm. She checked the memo and saw that the new one didn't come in percentage yield. No. It came in weight. It was outrageous. Applejack was fuming. She quickly head for the telephone in the living room and dialed Twilight. After a few minutes of ranting, Twilight finally gave her answer. An answer that she didn't like. Applejack, I know for you it sounds ridiculous. But, I'm not an expert in this. So I went to the Acquisitions Division to ask and they said almost every other farm could keep up. "Alright, thanks Twilight. Sorry for taking it out on you," Applejack hung up and collapsed on the floor looking numbly at the new letter, now fallen, on the floor. Almost every farm could keep up. Almost every farm could keep up. What did she do wrong? Her farm was one of the most successful in Equestria, how can she not keep up? Was it because Big Mac wasn't there to help? But the difference was so large. She couldn't possibly make her farm produce three times as large in a single month. It was impossible. Then she thought of Twilight, that mare always had the brightest ideas. Applejack still remembered when Twilight tried to do Winter Wrap Up with magic. Her thoughts came to a stop. Of course! Why hadn't she thought of it earlier, she could use unicorn magic to grow the plants faster! She quickly dialed Twilight on the telephone again. Hello? "Hey, Twilight! It's me again, Applejack. Can you do me a favour? Can you check the School of Gifted Unicorns for me? See if there's any ponies there with talent for plant magic. Ah've got a job for them in the farm if they're free," said Applejack cheerfully. Okay, I'll see what I can find, AJ "Thank you, Twilight, Ah, don't know what Ah'd do without yah," Applejack hung up, this time a smile plastered on her face. She sighed and went to bed to rest. Tomorrow she had to notify Granny Smith. Present Applejack sighed. Recalling that memory wasn't a pleasant one. Granny Smith put up a tantrum for a while until she finally let up. Her reasoning was the same as Applejack's. At least it ain't machines Applejack turned to look at Apple Bloom on her right, now sleeping soundly while leaning on her. She smiled. At least not everyone in the family was stressed. Feeling sleepy herself, Applejack picked up Apple Bloom and headed inside, tomorrow she had to meet these unicorns after all. She closed the door, leaving the porch empty, now filled with only the faint sounds of sirens and the sight of Canterlot still fighting the air raid.