//------------------------------// // A Note of Warning // Story: Can You Stop Progress? // by Thranx //------------------------------// Applejack was sitting on a chair with a pint of apple cider in hoof. Her friends had already left right after the farewell ceremony finished. However, she stayed back, she was content on watching the students leaving the School of Friendship after Twilight's farewell speech. Though some still stayed either waiting for their parents or did not want to wait at the train station instead they spent it on hanging out with their friends while there was still time. "Professor Applejack?" Applejack broke out her stupor and turned her head right to see Silverstream standing right next to her with a long face. "Yes, Silverstream? Anything wrong?" she answered. "No, no, I was just waiting for Terramar to pick me up." "Your brother's picking you up? I thought your parents always pick you up?" Applejack asked. "Well, you see, much like Equestria, Zebrica is also starting to rumble. Wingbardians to the north, Colthage is waking up. My parents are needed back home, everything is just so messy now," she replied sadly. "Turns out the whole world is going to have a bad year, Gallus said the Wingbardians are eyeing Griffonstone as well as Zebrica. Yona said the Jaks are preparing to cross the Yak border. Ocellus had to leave with Thorax when VOPS cracked down on him, Smolder was recalled to the Dragon Lands due to rumours of a Hauklander invasion and Sandbar returned home to say goodbye to his father who was drafted," she sighed. Applejack could only look as Silverstream broke into tears, after a second of uncertainty she approached Silverstream and hugged her. "There, there, now don't keep that sad look. You gotta look up and pray that your friends and family are safe. Ah want you to believe that Harmony will win like it always did in the last disasters, Mah friends all went to help the war effort right after the farewell ceremony, even Big Mac went with Pinkie and I know they will return safely, just like your friends and family," she comforted her. However, Applejack herself wasn't convinced of her own claim. But, that seemed to work on Silverstream as her tears began to die down. "Thanks, Professor Applejack," Silverstream said and then she asked a question, "Wait, Professor Applejack? Why didn't you go with them?" "Well, Ah got mah farm to watch, so we can keep the ration production going. Granny Smith ain't as spry as she was long ago," Applejack replied. "Oh, I see. But, um... do you think you can keep up with the quota?" Silverstream asked. Applejack stumbled, "The whu— now? There's a quota?" "Well, at least in Hippogryphia they did set up one, when the Storm King attacked," Silverstream drew circles with her claw. "If the war becomes more desperate," she added. "Ah see, no worries! Us Apples are trained to work hard! Plus, Equestria is large, we'll kick them Changelings back before Hearth's Warming!" Applejack confidently replied. "Even if the Princess sets quotas, Ah can keep up!" she added. "Oh alright then, if you're confident... But I warn you, demands in war will rise and it will rarely plummet," Silverstream warned. "Of course," "Well, my family had a very big fishing industry back home, courtesy of Queen Novo herself. But when Storm King invaded 5 years ago, at first, we can keep up, half of our produce is nothing bad to give up. But then... as the war dragged on, the quotas rose as well, from 50% to 55% up until 75% of our produce. Until they found that our portion wasn't as much as other Hippogriff fishing industries. You see, my parents were traditionalists, they despise steam ships, fish bombs or using large gillnets pulled by machines as they said it's not the "true Hippogryphian way" and it's ruining the environment. But others have long bent the knee to machinery when the Industrial Revolution reached our home 30 years ago. But my parents refused to adapt and Queen Novo had to reluctantly seize their industry so they can catch more fish to feed our soldiers. In the end, we lost anyway and Queen Novo retreated underwater," Silverstream explained. "Well, what does this have to do with mah farm?" Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Well, you said that you're feeding the military right? Then you need to do what my parents didn't do. You should contact some industries that sell tractors and harvesters to raise the production," Silverstream pointed out. "Now hold on a second! Ain't no darn machines tainting mah farms! The Apple Family prides itself on the hoofwork of our Earth Pony magic, nothin' can beat Earth Pony magic, not even those shining machines," Applejack huffed. "Well, it's just a suggestion, you can not follow it, whatever floats your boat, I suppose," Silverstream sighed. The sound of the train whistle came from the train station. Silverstream looked toward the station then to Applejack. "I... I think that's my ride, I should go, don't want to keep Terramar waiting, I guess I see you later, Professor Applejack," Silverstream said. "Right, don't wanna keep him waiting, do ya? Send my regards to your parents will ya?" Applejack replied as she took another sip of apple cider before asking, "Oh, Silverstream?" Silverstream looked back, "Yes, Professor?" "Ah'm sorry Ah got mad at you, Ah didn't mean to. It's just there's so many ponies told me that mechanization is the way forward and Ah'm tired of hearing that, Ah don't like watching the generations of Apple tradition to be replaced by machines, it just doesn't sound right, you know what Ah mean?" "No worries, Professor. I understand," Silverstream smiled before her smile faded a little, "I just hope you can keep up with the demand. Goodbye, Professor Applejack, I pray for the best and hope we will meet again soon," Silverstream turned back and walked to the train station as Applejack watched her disappear in the crowd. "Goodbye Silverstream, Ah hope to see you later too," Applejack replied but Silverstream had already disappeared into the crowd. She finished her cider and prepared to pack her apples and ciders on the cart to return home. The farewell party was long over and she needs to rest or else Granny Smith and Apple Bloom would wonder when she would return. But most importantly, tomorrow, she needs to work.