I Wasn’t There to Catch You

by Supernova08

Chapter 3

Celestia struggled to focus on her paperwork, she was finding it increasingly difficult these days with so much on her mind. It had been nearly a month since the funeral, yet she still couldn’t put it behind her for even a second. Cadence had told her that it was normal, that she would need more time till she could move on. However, that was the problem, she didn’t want to move on. She was afraid that if she stopped thinking of her sister for a moment, then her memories of Luna would disappear. She was afraid that eventually, if time continued, she would forget her sister completely. It had been so long; she could barely remember her parent’s faces. Who was to say she wouldn't forget Luna's either? Of course, there were photos, but being it only a year since Luna’s return, there were few and far between. What if they got destroyed? Burnt? Stolen? Anything could happen to them. It filled Celestia with anxiety every time the thought crossed her mind. She shook her head, performing a breathing technique to calm her down. Celestia instantly felt her nerves settle down. Setting down her quill, she decided paperwork could wait.

Celestia walked over to a nearby bookshelf, picking randomly from the selection of books. Levitating it over, she paused as she looked over the piece of literature. It was one of Luna’s. A few stray tears leaked out of her eyes, creating wet spots on the book as the memories of Luna’s death announcement came rushing back. It couldn’t be true! No, it has to have been a mistake! Maybe the body was identified incorrectly? Celestia refused to believe Luna was gone. Being stressed, she hadn’t really paid attention to the rest of the funeral. It all seemed like a blur if she tried to remember. I bet that if I just went to the grave, the body would have been somepony else… No! What is this thinking, Celestia? You can’t just dig up a grave! She shook her head, hard. Anything to get the troublesome thought out of her mind. She was sure that if left alone, she would probably follow through with such a plan. She closed her eyes, letting the tears dampen her pristine coat.

“Tia!” Celestia inhaled sharply as her head shot up, and her eyes burst open.

Searching around for the origin of the voice, she yelled, “W-who said that!?”

“Please, I need your help!” The mysterious voice said. Something about the voice sounded familiar, it was feminine, almost like…Luna’s voice?

“Luna?” Celestia said to the air.

“Yes! Tia, it’s me, Luna. Help me! I’m using a telepathy spell right now but I don’t think I have long before I’m caught.” Celestia’s eyes widened.

“It cannot be! You should be dead! I-I saw your body with my own eyes! O-or at least that’s what I think, it’s also been what everypony else has been telling me…” Celestia said in disbelief. There was a hopeful feeling in her chest, could her sister really be alive?

“Please, believe me, Tia, my death was faked! My body was something else, and I'm being held prisoner!” There was an uneasy silence as Celestia stared blankly, lost for words. Could… could it be? Suddenly, her tear-stained face became determined as she stood up into a battle-ready stance. She had to save her sister!

“Where? Where are you being held prisoner?” Celestia asked sternly. She could feel butterflies in her stomach as she realized how little control she had over the situation.

“I can’t tell you…I don’t know…” Luna replied. “Sister I am so scared…”

“Shh, it’s going to be okay, Luna. Just stay strong,” Celestia cooed. Eventually, something extremely important occurred to her. “Wait! How do I know you are actually Luna? How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

“Ask me something that only you and Luna would know!” The so-called ‘Luna’ said. Celestia pondered for a moment, searching for the correct memory.

“Hmm, let’s see…do I prefer sunrise or sunset?” Celestia questioned. It was silent as ‘Luna’ thought about it. Celestia held her breath, just one answer could determine whether or not she would see the one she loved most.

“Neither, you prefer the moonrise,” Luna replied confidently. So she really is my sister!  Her tears turned to tears of joy, and a huge grin spread across her face. Just hearing Luna’s voice once again was delightful. Even if Luna had gotten the answer wrong, Celestia was still willing to believe that this was indeed her sister. I mean, there was always the possibility that she could have forgotten. But I know that this has to be Luna. It’s like I have been telling myself this whole time, Luna is not dead! Celestia thought.

“You got it correct! Luna, I thought I lost you forever!” Celestia cried happily. She swiped at her tears, feeling elated.

“Yes, please calm down, Celestia. I need your help with my escape,” Luna replied calmly. Celestia took yet another deep breath, putting her duty to her sister over her excitement. 

Still grinning she said, “I’ll do anything to save you! What do you need me to do?”

“Well I have a plan, but I need you to promise me something,” Luna said. Celestia lifted an eyebrow.

“Oh? What sort of promise?”

“I need you to promise not to tell anypony else that I’m speaking to you,” Luna explained. “Many things could get complicated and my captors will know if you tell anypony else that I’m using telepathy.”

“Okay, I understand,” Celestia said, “I shall follow any instructions you give me, sister.”

“Very well then, let us begin.”