//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Luna Therapy (Edited) // Story: Somewhere He Belongs // by SuperSamYoshi //------------------------------// Sam found himself in his mind once again but seemed different. It wasn’t pitch black like last time. It was a deep blue, and the atmosphere felt warm and comforting. “Is this my mind?” Sam asked out loud to no one in particular. “This is your dream young one,” said a familiar voice. Sam turned and saw Luna standing behind him, “Greetings young Sam.” “Princess Luna!” Sam said as she came close and hugged him. “It’s good to see you too,” Luna replied. “But how did you get here?” Sam asked. “Through the door,” Luna said, pointing to an open door with Sam’s dreams on the front, “but for the past weeks since you’ve been here, it’s been locked shut.” “Oh,” Sam commented, “I think I know why.” “What do you mean?” asked Luna. “It was this demonic corrupted monster with a head like a lemon but completely slipping down the middle,” Sam said, “he must have been the one that was making me go berserk and making my scars grow.” “About that,” Luna said, “do you mind telling me about your scars?” “No, I don’t mind,” Sam replied, “but could we talk somewhere else?” “Like a therapy room?” Luna asked as a door suddenly appeared. It opened to reveal a room with red carpeting, large windows, a desk with a swivel chair, a coffee table with a turquoise coach behind it. “Woah,” Sam remarked. “Right should we get started,” Luna said, Sam turned to look at her, and she had changed forms. She was human but with her normal fur, her hair was done up in a bun and she had glasses on. On her shirt, she had a name tag that said, Dr lunabel. “Woah!” Sam replied again. “What? Is my bust too big,” Luna asked. Sam didn’t reply as he walked in and sat down on the couch. Luna went over to the chair as sat down, she then got out a black notebook with a crescent moon on the front. “Now, throughout these sessions, should there be more, I would like you to call me Lunabel,” Luna said, “understood.” “Yes Lunabel,” replied Sam. “Now, please tell me about how you got your scars,” Lunabel told him. “Ok, it all started back in primary school,” Sam began. And this was the story he told. (From his point of view.) I joined my primary school at the age of five. I was a little late in joining after not being able to cope with how difficult the last primary school was. I was quiet and sat at the back of the class, so I felt like no one knew I was there, and I felt lonely. At break and lunch I would find a bench and be on my own eating my snack or lunch. I think because I was so quiet and that no one knew me, that’s how I was an easy target for bullying. The first time was just name calling, but as time went on, they became more physical. They would punch me, kick me, slam my head against walls if I tried talking back, the lot. I couldn’t talk back to them or tell my family because I was scared and nervous of what they could do or say. One day, after having my homework tore up in front of me, I was crying in the halls but then I heard the sweetest voice ever. “Hey, are you all right?” I looked up to see a girl that was in my class named Elena, “why are you crying?” “My homework was torn up,” I replied, sobbing of course. Elena got out a tissue and wiped my tears away, she then helped me up and took me to the teacher. She explained that the reason I didn’t have my home was that the bullies had torn it up and insulted me that I wasn’t smart. I expected the teacher to be angry with me, because, like I say, I was scared of what she could have said or done. But she just smiled at me and told me it was alright and that she would like to see me after class. After the class, I waited for everyone to leave and went to the teacher. She told me that she wasn’t mad, she just wanted to know if I was ok. I broke down and told her everything, she comforted me and told me it was ok, and if I had any problems to tell her straight away. From that day on, I sort of saw her as a second mother. The next day, everything went fine, I wasn’t bullied, I spoke up a bit more and I was even smiling at the end of the day. But the day after, was the beginning of the torture. The bullies confronted me again, but they took me to an area far from everyone else, then with two holding me back, the leader pulled out a switch-blade and cut me deeply. Then they dropped me and left, but not before beating the heck out of me. I felt too weak to stand up, and they had timed it so they would get back to class on time while I got told off for being late. I tried to crawl to the doors that would get me back in the building, but I felt like I wouldn’t get there, but then just before I could give up, I noticed Elena, running up to me, with two other boys, who were named Joe and Thomas. The three of them had come to help me. Thomas and Joe helped me up and Elena looked at my stomach, they took me to the medical office where the nurses patched me up. When my mother heard the news, she rushed to school to make sure I was ok. I went home for the rest of the day and came back the next day to find out the bullies had been ordered to stay at home for a week. I was happy and made the most of that week without them. I made friends with an overconfident hothead named James, another loner named Oscar, a nudist Kelly, and some others. But this wasn’t all just happiness, because with one lot of bullies out, there’s always more. Now these weren’t as bad as the others that cut me, these were more of the queen of the school like girls, they were rude to everyone, not just me. I remember there being three, but I could only remember one, her name was Tazmin or Taz for short. I think she was the leader of the trio, but yeah she was rude to me, saying that I was ugly and a loser. They never got physical because they didn’t want to ruin their makeup and nails. But other than that, it was a good week. But it was just that week. The next time the bullies came back and were worse than ever, they started to cut me more, every day at lunch, they would take me to the spot where I was cut and do it again and again. They would also keep cutting the scars that were already there, which then became permanent, and I started getting nightmares which made me gasp in pain as the scars would hurt me so much. I barely slept, barely ate, the scars really did a number on me. Years passed, my siblings moved out the house, my father passed away, and then came the day the TF-Virus hit my town. And you know the rest. “Yeah, that was my school life and how I got my scars,” Sam finished his story. He was lying on the coach now. Lunabel just listened, asking questions at times, but mostly listened with sorrow in her heart for the child. “I’m so sorry to hear that, little one,” she said as she leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Thanks for that,” Sam replied. “Your friends must have supported you through those years right?” Lunabel asked. “Yes they did,” Sam answered, “they were like a second family to me.” “Can you tell me about them?” she asked. “Sure,” Sam said. First, there’s Elena, she was the kindest, sweetest girl in the class. Like I told you earlier, she helped me tell the teacher about my homework. She was always by my side, she would sometimes tell the bullies to back off from me and sometimes it worked. And I… may have a crush on her. Thomas was a great friend too, but he did have some bad anger issues. This was due to him being the smallest in our friend group and would often rage quit when playing games. But he would try to hold them back, sometimes by breaking something he brought to school that was easier fixable by going outside and screaming his head off. Joe was an amazing friend. He was very prideful with his work and would take charge as team leader if I wasn’t around. He was like an older brother, always looking after us and jokingly telling us off if we got out of line. Sommer was a hard working girl. She lived in New Zealand on a farm for about 3-4 years so she had a bit of a New Zealand accent. She was the second smallest in our group of friends, but just like Thomas she was tough, she stood up to a bully and to prove that she was someone not to be messed with, she grabbed his arms and flipped him over her shoulder. She was epic and I’m glad she was my friend. If Sommer was strong enough to flip someone over her shoulder, then Tyler could break someone in half. He was the tank of our group, he was bigger than the bullies, so they didn’t mess with him. Tyler was our bodyguard if you will, big, brave, and bold. Millie was the quietest in our group, I was the quietest but then I became the team leader, so Millie became the quietest. She wouldn’t say much, in fact we guess she was mute, as no one had ever properly heard her speak, but she confirmed us wrong and she does have a voice, she would talk when trying to point out the obvious or to scream in terror. Reece is a weird one to talk about. He’s a great guy but he’s on the gay side. We could tell in how he spoke and would often hold a rose. At first we considered him to be fancy, but then he started to tell us how much he had a thing for men and then we just went yeah he’s gay. Erin wasn’t a bully, but she wasn’t the nicest to me, she would harass me and pull pranks on me, finally my friends stood up for me and told her to back off. I later found out that she had never had a friend, so I decided to befriend her. and it worked. She would still pull a prank or two on me, but it wasn't as bad as her previous ones. Chloe was a nice girl too. She would help me with homework, personal problems, and other problems. Although she was nice to me, you wouldn’t want to get her on her bad side, because, like with Tyler and Sommer she would beat up those who would hurt me. Oscar is another funny case, me and him weren’t really that close to begin with. Before, he didn't really want to have friends, he said he was perfectly fine being on his own, but he found out that playing on your own was really boring. So, seeing how many friends I had, he asked me if he could play with us. And the two of us became good friends. James, as I said earlier, was an overconfident hothead. He was my most overconfident friend, thinking he was very brave and often jumps to conclusions first. Me and my friends often had to get him out of trouble, but he would still help out, though he would often annoy everyone with his bosting. Kelly is the strangest case of them all, she was a three in one type of girl. She was a nudist, an artist, and a hippie. she would often be the voice of reason when an argument was happening between us. She would wear clothes, when she was at school, and parties but at her home, and in her private life she would be in the nude. Sophia was a bit of a bossy boots. When in a team, she would boss everyone in a way that she thinks would work. But it never did. I had enough and told her off and put her in her place, now she holds off on her bossy side. But it still would come out when trying to argue about something. And Lastly, I think, is Phoebe. She is another strange case. She was known as the Queen of Kisses. She was given this nickname, due to how she kisses, she could literally kiss off your face, which came in handy if someone fainted and she would give you the kiss of life. Or rather the vacuum kiss. She would always act like a dumb bimbo, but we knew she wasn’t, she just did that to get attention. “Yeah, those are my friends,” Sam finished. He was lying on the other side of the coach now. Lunabel listens carefully, nodding and adding a comment every once in a while. “Do you miss your friends?” Lunabel asked. “Yeah, I really do,” Sam replied, “I just want to see them again, but they’re probably turned into animals by now.” “Well, as much as I want to continue talking,” Lunabel said looking at the time, “our time is up.” Sam looked to the time, it was getting close to morning. He got up and gave Lunabel a hug. “Thank you so much Lunabel,” he said. “you’re very welcome,” she replied, hugging him tighter, “and remember, you don’t need to be afraid to tell us what’s wrong. If something is bothering you, please tell me, Tia, or your mother and aunts. Ok?” “Yes Lunabel,” Sam remarked as Lunabel led him to the door. With one more hug and kiss on the forehead, Sam opened the door and a bright light shone from the open door. And Sam was gone. Lunabel grinned, as she reverted back to Luna, and opened Sam’s dream door back to the dreamscape and went to check on the other ponies.