Don’t Worry, I’ll Be There to Catch You

by Supernova08

Chapter 1

The soft clink of golden horseshoes echoed throughout the halls. A wonderful smell wafted through the air, making every early rising pony’s mouth water. Round fluffy cakes, sugary golden syrup, and sweet fresh delectable berries, all topped with a dollop of cool whipped cream created the perfect combination to start the day. A warm bountiful stack of pancakes floated in a sparkling magical aura. A white alicorn, slender legs, majestic wings, and a glorious sun cutie mark, was making her way towards her sister’s room. It was a wonderful morning, though still early since the sun still wasn’t up. Celestia had decided to get an early start to her day, making her signature pancakes. In a fit of inspiration, she had thought of the brilliant idea to deliver food to Luna. Her sister was most likely tired from her shift and looking forward to some rest.

“Oh, I hope Luna enjoys breakfast!” She said to herself. She had just landed herself a morning that was not going to be as busy and she was hoping to enjoy it to the fullest. Humming a familiar tune and greeting everypony passing by with a warm smile, Celestia practically pranced through the hallways. It had been a while since she had really talked to or seen her sister in the past couple of weeks. Her prance slowed down, her smile faltering as a wave of guilt washed over her. Given the work she had recently taken up, she hadn’t even acknowledged Luna. Not even when her sister had given her multiple of her personal belongings. It came as a surprise to her that Luna was willing to part with prized possessions she usually was quite resilient to give away, but due to her being preoccupied with her work, Celestia hadn’t given much thought to it. Luna had given her a gift and she hadn’t even acknowledged her presence! What kind of sister was she? Even after Luna had given her so many gifts the past month she still hadn’t had the time to stop by and say thank you. Celestia planned to make it up to her now that she had finished most of her important work.

Nearing the Lunar wing, Celestia admired her surroundings as the iridescent whites of the castle turned to a darker bluish purple. Immediately, the relaxing smell of lavender flowers hit her nostrils as she moved farther in the wing. She could see the luxurious drapes that were a custom throughout the castle and moonlight filtered in through the windows, reflecting off her regalia and sending shimmers of light scattering along the floor as she walked. Celestia continued until she reached two familiar doors with the mark of the Lunar Princess painted across the top. Shaking with an excitement she hadn’t felt since she was a filly, she quickly knocked on the door.

“Luna, it’s me, Celestia! I have a surprise for you!” Celestia sang sweetly. She waited for a response. The silence around her only fueled her anticipation, one of the things she treasured most was the smile of her beloved sister. Banishing her sister to the moon was one of the hardest decisions she had to have ever made, without her sister she was never as whole as she had wanted to be. Luna was the light to her darkness, the shining star in her life that pointed her in the right direction, what would she do without her? 

Celestia patiently waited at her sister’s door, quelling her excitement. This is no way to act Celestia! You’re a princess, control yourself, she thought. Yet, despite how patient she was, there was no response. Celestia knocked once more.

“Luna? Are you there?” Celestia asked. Perhaps she is already asleep? Celestia put on a thoughtful expression. No, the moon hasn’t been lowered yet and it’s still early, she reasoned. She knocked again, this time louder. The sound reverberated through the hallway. Luna preferred her privacy and as such, there were no guards present at the moment. The Lunar guard respected their princess’s wishes and so they were stationed at the entrance of the hallway but absent from the bedroom doors. “Guards?” Celestia asked, “Has my sister left her room?”

A few guards perked up their ears and responded to Celestia. “Not while we’ve been here,” Said one of the guards, “We did however switch shifts recently and so we had our attention elsewhere for a couple of minutes.”

“Hmm… thank you for your cooperation, you may get back to your duty,” she said. Odd…she’s usually in her room right now, perhaps I should check on her, Celestia thought. She gently pushed open the door, it creaked open revealing a dark room save for a single lit candle. Celestia placed the plate of food on a nearby table. “Luna?” she called out. The room was empty. The curtains were closed and the flickering candlelight cast an unnatural glow. Celestia felt a sudden sensation of uneasiness flow through her body. 

As she advanced further into the room, a gleam caught her eye. Lying on the bed was an obsidian tiara followed by a tightly rolled-up scroll. Moving closer disclosed a familiar lunar seal wrapped around the scroll. Celestia was almost scared to unwrap its contents, what lay inside? It could be anything. She gingerly broke the seal, letting it fall to the ground. Celestia scanned the writing, her brow furrowing the more she pressed on. It was then that Celestia’s eyes widened. The realization hit at full speed and she let out a gasp. No! It can't be possible! Luna cannot have possibly written a…a suicide note! Celestia started breathing very heavily. Her heart raced and her vision swam as a form of nausea took hold. Where was Luna now? She struggled with her magic, trying to put together a quick tracking spell. No good, I’m too stressed! I can’t form any spells! She thought. Sparks flew from her horn. Attempting to calm down, Celestia took a deep breath and counted to ten.

Finally regaining control, she focused her magic, forcing it to the tip of her horn. With the spell in her mind, she locked onto Luna’s magical signature. There was no time to lose, she just hoped she wasn’t too late. In a blinding flash of golden light, she vanished into thin air.