//------------------------------// // "Having a Blast" to the Vextination and heading to the Badlands to Kludgetown and meeting a Beauty Cat // Story: LittleBigPony: A Big Movie! // by ShaggyBoi23 //------------------------------// Now in the underground caves of the mountains, Sackboy, Twilight, and her friends try their best to get up through the mountains. But just as they're going to face Vex, it seems that the jester is already seeing them. "Oh, look who's trying to be heroes" Vex teased, making Fluttershy stay behind Twlight and Sackboy. "You're a brave little Sackling and little ponies. Yes, you are." "We'll reach up to the mountains, you clown!" Rainbow exclaimed, "You can't scare a pegasus!" But as Rainbow tried to dash through to break those crates with lime and purple stripes, these crates are somehow strong compared to the usual. So Sackboy figured that the bombs would work. And as he threw the bomb to the strong crates to break, it actually worked. "If these kinds of crates are strong, then explosives and magic would do the trick to break them." Twilight examined. "But... let's hurry up to the top!" As they go through the slide and avoided the Vexed Bees that explodes on impact, Rainbow and Applejack bashed through some of the Vexed Minions, Fluttershy grabbed the remaining orb that was found in a strong crate that the Vexed Bee went through with explosive impact, Rarity and Spike catches up with Sackboy and Twilight. "Careful now!" Vex said when the heroes passed through an area-like hallway with Vexed Bees from their have on both sides spread out trying to chase them, only to bump through the strong crates to explode on impact. "It'd be a crushing disappointment if something happens to you all" "Yeah, much like your critter-like minions aren't strong when they get the kick of the bulking." Applejack smirked, "Or when you're are a big meanie clone like that hedgehog!" Pinkie giggled, but tries to be serious but isn't. Reaching the area is filled with strong crates but seeing a bear-like-wolf with the Vexed Bee Hives as multiples of the Vexed Bees chased Sackboy and the Equestrians, making them scream as they try to escape from their explosive impact. But just they claimed through, the area shakes, and Vex then teases them about their demise. "Ha Ha! I can see it now!" Vex giggled, "Meddling Sackboy and his pony friends buried alive. Vex to hold a parade." "More like making this cave going thought a hay blazer." Rarity mumbled, "Also, this cave isn't safe for a camping trip." "Let's keep going!" Twlight said, seeing that they're almost to the top. "We're almost there, girls!" Just as they reach, Sackboy and the Equestrians slide down when the platform felt to the ground to create a slide with multiple Vexed Bees chasing them slowly. "Better hurry up Sackers and horseys" Vex grumbled, "I'm almost done here." "Weeee" Pinkie giggled, "Well, are we there yet?" "Almost, we just have to go through this door," Twilight said, as she points out that the automatic Vex-door opens. "If it leads to Vex at the top of the mountains, then I'm sure we'll face him in a battle." "That's what we're talking about, Twi!" Rainbow smiled, "Let's go! He's almost done collecting the coldness at the Mountains!" With that, Sackboy and the Equestrians headed straight through the Vexed Door to enter to the top of the mountains. At the top of the mountains, Vex is busy with his quest but was almost done getting the coldness of the Soaring Summit's Mountains, without noticing that Sackboy and the Equestrians finally climbed and reached up to the top to face and confront Vex. "There you are, Vex!" Rainbow yelled, which caught Vex's attention as he tries to do a fake tear up. "This is so moving" Vex said, as he fakely wipes the tears, "The braving sacking and his pony friends, determined to save their dull little friends and princesses." "Well duh! It's time to show you who's the real heroes here!" Spike exclaimed. "Hope you didn't think you'd find them out here." Vex teased, "No, they're hard at work on my Topsy Tuver, far far away in Canterlot!" As Vex jumps and hovers upside down he shows Sackboy and the Equestrians where the civilians are as they looked directed in front of Vex. "But go on, I'll let you have a peak!" Vex said, as he reveals the vortex, it show the Ponies (Bon Bon, Lyra Heartstrings, Cherry Berry, Sunshower Raindrops, Mintuette, Lemon Hearts, Shoeshine, and Golden Harvest) and Curators (Frida The Bride, The Great Magician, Uncle Jalapeno, Mags The Mechanic, Clock Hans, Robbo, Marianne Noisette, Otis, Capt. Sirius Oculus, and Nana Pud) working on Vex's Topsy Tuver very hard as they're being overworked but are being watched by Storm Guards and Vexed Minioned to keep an eye on them, before it vanishes quickly to not tease it too much, "Ah look at them beavering away, having the time of their lives." "More like overworking them for their lives!" Rarity yelled, "Look what you're doing to these poor ponies and curators!" "But they're going to need some coolant before they can make it work," Vex said, as he snaps his fingers to close the Vortex to prepare his next step, "And nothing cools like crisp..." "Like what crisps... Oh, you mean something about the crispy cake!" Pinkie said. "Mountain..." Vex said, as he rises and holds his breath with the group looking at what he was about to do next. "Air." Thus, Vex tries to blow the cold away, as Sackboy and the Equestrians tried to hold each other to not be blown out. But as Twilight tried to use her magic to block the wind, it was too late. Sackboy and the Equestrians then were blown back to Vex's Vortex, and as they fall to a platform, Twilight, Sackboy, and the rest looked around sees what appears to be a dark cave live, and what they were standing on appeared to be interactive with moving motors and spiked wheels. But as Fluttershy looked up, she squealed in fear to see Vex's new look, one that she'll have to face the nightmares. Not only that, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Twilight's wings appeared to be missing as Vex knew they would cheat through, making Rainbow a bit angry. The rest then humbled up and prepare the battle to fight Vex. "How do you like my new look!" Vex said, with his new look. "It looks dreadful daring!" Rarity growled, as her mane become fuzzy from Vex's wind-blowing. "And look what you have done to my mane!" But as the battle starts, the Equestrians had to be careful to walk through the moving platforms and avoid falling off the moving platform motors. Just then, Vex spawns a bomb and blows it at the left platform. "I know it's crude, but I can't resist a nice bomb." Vex nodded. Twilight then thinks about the bombs, figuring out it's a way to fight Vex, and as she tells Sackboy to throw the Bomb at Vex. As a result, they figured out a way to fight Vex. "It's not a bomb, it's a puppy. Honest" Vex teased. "More like a bomb that'll explode right in your face!" Applejack exclaimed, as she grabs the bomb and did a hoof kick, aiming it at Vex. It did damage Vex, but he didn't mind as he's testing their strengths. Just then Spike grabs the Vexed Bomb in his hands. "Hold on to it for a special surprise!" "How about a sports game of Basketball!" Spike said, as he targets Vex and throws the bomb at him. After throwing around about 3 bombs at Vex, he decides to do a change-up to the motor platforms. "Let's change things up!" Vex said, and as he does, the moving platform motors moved backward, with glowing spikes appearing, creating a layer of challenge for the heroes to jump and avoid. Then, reverting back to normal but the glowing spikes are present in the moving platform motors " Well, that's odd. Who knew sackfolk and ponies could cause so much trouble? Not me!" "Pfff... You're the one who's in trouble along with Tempest!" Rainbow growled. "And you better give my wings!" Just then, a glowing glove of Vex went on to target Pinkie Pie, thus, the Party Pony started to shake her Pinke Sense as she avoided the hand that almost squated her. Vex then does a jester trick as he spawns in three bombs. "Oops, hope these don't cause an avalanche," Vex said as he juggles the bombs to spread them out "Underground, when you almost caused the mountain to shake under the caves!" Twilight yelled. "Oh, let's see if you can handle this!" Twilight and Rarity levitated the bomb and throws on Vex, then Sackboy throws the second, and Fluttershy gives Rainbow Dash the bomb so that she does a hoof kick to aim at him. Successfully throwing the bombs, Vex was getting a little heated on the battle. "I'm tied to going this way," Vex said, repeating the reversing the platform motors with the glowing spikes but does a twist to move forward to try to fool the heroes to balance, before reverting back to normal. "That's it. I'm done playing with you all!" "Well, you looked it you're getting a little tired" Applejack smirked, thus kicking the bomb at him. "Once we get our wings back, you're up for a flanking bulk!" Rainbow grinned, as she does a hoove punch the bomb at a time. "And, with the Magic of Friendship, you don't want to mess with the Princess!" Twlight said as she aids Sackboy to throw the last bomb at Vex, resulting in a victory for the group. Vex wasn't happy at all after his first defeat. "I'll strip this world in the bone, Sackboy!" Vex groaned, as he was defeated but grabbed the platform to remove them and sends Sackboy and the Equestrians back to the Mountains, "And there's nothing you and your pony friends can do about it!" Falling back, and somehow, Rainbow looked back to see her wings come back from Vex's Magic. She was happy to see her wings back, along with Twilight and Fluttershy. Just then as the group got up after their first battle with Vex, Scarlet calls for them, seeing them okay from their fight. Sackboy and the Equestrians see Scarlet up on the surface of the mountains, as Scarlet approaches them with their encouragement. "No doubt about it now, Sackboy me land and Twilight the brave princess with her friends." Scarlet said, she jumps down and lands down, "You've got the right stuffing to be a Knitted Knight and a Brave Princess one day." "It's an honor for you Scarlet," Applejack said. "We told care of Vex, but he ain't gonna accept defeat. We'll see him back when we face him again in a new loaction." "This is just the start though.' Scarlet nodded, then figures out where Vex is headed next. "Who knows what the resources he's going to steal next." "Which means... Sackboy, show us the scroll, let's figure out where Vex is heading out to." Spike said, thus, resulting in Sackboy pulling out Vex's scroll. This time, the scroll changes to what appears to be a jungle, one being called the Colossal Canopy. This surprised the Equestians because it appears that the Colossal Canopy is miles away from Badlands and Kludgetown, which means they're about to head through the Badlands first. "The Colossal Canopy, huh?" Scarlet said, "Famous for its bananas. Good thinking. And I believe you'll have to go to the Badlands to Kudgetown to go to the Colossal Canopy." "Only I'd wish it become an Apple Jungle," Applejack muttered since she only eats apples. "Well, the Colossal Canopy is miles away from the Badlands to Kudgetown." Just then, Scarlet uses her stick and swings it at Sackboy and Twilight to get going along with the rest of Twilight's friends to follow them. "You all better hurry after him," Scarlet said, telling the group to go to the Badlands to Kudgetown. "We'll try Scarlet, but also being away from Tempest and the Storm King too," Rainbow said, also reminding Scarlet about Tempest and the Storm Army. "There are two big baddies upon us, but we'll be fine, but good luck out there Scarlet!" "You too Rainbow!" Scarlet nodded, "I will be keeping an eye on Sackboy, Twilight Sparkle, your friends, and you." Back in Tempest's airship, Tempest has been trying to track where Twlight Sparkle would be in a location after her escape. Grubber was teaching some of the Vexed Minions how to handle an airship since the Storm Guards know what they're doing. Just then, Vex comes out from his vortex, looking annoyed at how he was first defeated by Sackboy and the Equestrians, but it didn't bother him, as he sees Tempest smirking. "So... you seemed to have a rough battle between the Princess and the Knitted sack, huh?" Tempest teased with a smirk, "I assume that her knitted friend and ponies had a beating to you?" "Ugh... I was teaching them about tricks, but it backfired when the purple alicorn was smart enough, even though I used my magic to remove their wings." Vex grumbled, "But... I know where they're going and you wouldn't believe it!" "Really?" Tempest said, surprised that Vex knew where they were going. "I thought your mind on their footsteps was a joke fest, but I take it back from what I said. But, tell me... where are they heading..." "To the Badlands to Kudgetown, where miles way is the Colossal Canopy. That's where I'll be located to collect Craftworld's tasty bananas!" Tempest was impressed that Vex was helping them out. She thought of turning him in if Vex failed to fight them, but knowing Vex has the sense of their footsteps, she thanked him and knows they'll need him for useful info on the whereabouts to hunt down Twilight Sparkle. "Thanks for your offer, Vex" Tempest said, impressed that Vex is giving out information, "I was thinking about turning you in if you failed completely, but since you're actually are the lord of chaos and fear, after all, I guess you can go to the Colossal Canopy, for your second quest." "Thank you, Commander Tempest." Vex said calmly, "I'll still keep an eye out on Sackboy and the Princess's flabby friends since they first defeated me, but I'm not going to be mad about it. But, I'll sill fight them later, for now. But, I have a creation of mine from the Uproar would take care of them when I arrive at Colossal Canopy, as I'll have to figure out their strange from my first encounter with them." "Good." Tempest nodded, "You should go to the Colossal Canopy by now, I'll take care of the Princess and the knitted sack with a special treatment, once Grubber and I are located in the Badlands to Kudgetown." "Alright then, I'll see you later then! Tally ho!" Vex said as he enters through the vortex to head to the Colossal Canopy. "You three..." Tempest hissed, as she looked at Bunkum's heroes who aren't afraid, "Don't try something funny to me like an escape attempt or an unexpected Ambush, or else I'll tell Vex to send one of you to the Uproar. Got it?" Bunkum's heroes nodded, but they already have planned it out, once they see Sackboy and Twilight. They'll have to wait for the perfect timing when Tempest finds them. "Good, now then... Grubber!" Tempest said, "Head to the Badlands to Kudgetown." Yes, Mam!" Rubber said, hoping to not screw up as he tells the Storm Guards where to head next. Meanwhile hundreds of miles to the south, a few days later. Twilight and the others continued walking across the desert. But heat exhaustion was getting to them. Especially Pinkie, but Sackboy remained normal from the heat since he's immune, and somehow provided water bottles from his pop it, so that his friends don't dehydrate from the heat, but he won't use the Pop It for too long since it may distract him a lot. It's been a while since Sackboy hasn't used his pop it after he used it to create many designs from the Moon, however, he can't use it to fight against Vex, since he's a much bigger threat than any of his enemies from the past. "There's sand in my... everything...", Rarity muttered. "But sure, the water hopefully helps us doesn't make us dehydrated." "There's sand in my... everything... Heh... Saving... Equestria..." Pinkie said and picks up a bird skull. Oh! Look! Maybe this guy knows which way to go!" Then a beetle crawls across her face. "What's that, friend? We're lost?" Pinkie then laughs demented and then coughs, but collapses. Now the heat was getting to Spike. "We could be going in circles! Endless... sand. Nothin' for miles... but sand... and this rock... and this cactus... and this roooooooooaaaaaad..." Spike moaned, "Sackboy.... please... more... water... please!" Sackboy nodded 'no' since he doesn't want to his pop it a lot, and the bottles he's spawning in are limited to numbers. Spike then drops flat on a road brick, dreaded from the heat. "This rooooooad." Spike finished. "More... Water..." That last part got Twilight's attention. "Hmm? A road? Where there's a road, there's a..." Twilight said, as she got on a hilltop, and only haft a mile away was a town near the coast, resulting in Pinkie's mane popping up normally and fully better now. "Oooh! a city! We are doing it, you guys!" Pinkie claimed. "You know what they say: where there's a city, there's a spa!" Rarity said. "Who says that?" Rainbow, said never heard that before. "In case you forgot, we're on a mission to save Equestria and Craftworld." Applejack reminded. "One where there's a jester having everypony working hard on his big machine so that he's on a fetch quest while dealing with a unicorn with a broken horn tracking us down?" "I can multitask, you that Applejack." Rarity said in defense. The 8 headed towards the town, hoping to find somebody in their situation. But unaware to any of them, some distance behind them. Tempest and Grubber, with Bunkum's Heroes who are still being held hostage, have been tracking them the entire time, thanks to Vex's information of where they were located. And they notice their footprints leading towards the town. When they arrived at the city, they saw that it was a pretty grungy place where shady anthropomorphic creatures and weird object-like creatures that resembled the ones from 'The Savannas" and were selling weird items. "Ooh. Hey! You with the horn, you selling?" One beaver said, interested in Twilight's horn as they walk away. Fluttershy saw some birds and cages, and couldn't help but feel sorry. They soon saw a large Snapping Turtle loading his cart with barrels. "Hi there!" Twilight said. Then the barrels fell out from his cart. "Ooh, I'm sorry. Here. Lemme help out with that with my knitted friend." Thus, she uses her magic to fix them. As Twilight places the last one down with Sackboy assisting, the turtle suddenly got mad. "Hey! No magic around my merchandise!" The Turtle growled since he didn't need help. Twilight and Sackboy did try to help a turtle stack his barrels but he angrily chased them away, getting the attention of a cat in a red overcoat who looked at Twilight, Sackboy, and her friends with intrigue. Unaware that there will be different kinds of sellers in Kugdetown trying to do offers. Nearby where the cat stood, a short figure wearing a black cloak had just purchased a crate of fruit from a merchant. The figure stood there and also looked at the ponies and dragon, shocking realization flashing in their amber-yellow eyes. "Okay. We just gotta stick together. Be careful who you talk to. And try to blend in", said Twilight. "Can I have your attention, please?! Can anypony take us to the Queen of the Hippos?!", shouted Pinkie completely ignoring what Twilight said, and Sackboy facepalmed that Pinkie did was the borderline moment of distractions. "Want something? You gotta give something", a fish-man said. "Well, how about a big warm hug from a grateful pony friend? How about this comb that I've never used? A picture of my sister Maud? This breath mint? Seriously, buddy. Help me help you", Pinkie said to the fish man, a lizard man, and a pig man before Twilight finally pulled her away. "Pinkie, you can't just take off! And you don't need to announce to every...", Twilight warned Pinkie. "Relax Twilight, I totally got this", Pinkie said. Soon they were approached by a frilled lizard, "How much for the giant gecko?", he asked referring to Spike. "Who you calling a gecko?!", Spiked said angrily. "Um...Spike isn't for sale", she said. "How much for that big brown doll!" one alligator said, which made Sackboy glared at him, "I want to use him for an amusement park prize!" "Sackboy doesn't like your offer, you big alligator" Applejack warned, with Sackboy nodding in agreement by crossing his arms, "Besides, he doesn't like the idea of being a prized toy." "I want that fancy purple hair! I'll give you two Serpent Coins for it!", said a pig lady referring to Rarity's mane. "Two Serpent Coins? It's worth more than that!", Rarity said indignantly. Soon they were being accosted by several anthropomorphic creatures who wanted to buy them, but then suddenly the cat in the overcoat jumped in front of the ponies, dragon, and knitted sack. "Back up, everyone! Back it up! Y'all in some serious danger! Now you didn't touch any of them, did you? Just look at all those colors! You think that's natural? They're infected with "pastelis coloritis"", he said which made the other creatures gasp. "Now, you listen here, fella, there ain't—", Applejack was cut off when the cat covered her mouth with his tail. "Don't worry, don't worry, as long as you're not covered in purple splotches, you'll be fine. Uh-oh", the cat said as he saw that the fish man had purple splotches all over him, even though they didn't know that he was the one who flicked purple gunk from the floor onto his body. "What do I do?", asked the fish man. "Enjoy your last moments and don't touch anyone. Because parts will fall off", said the cat. This made the creatures all scream in horror and they all ran off. "Well alright then." "You are awesome!", said Rainbow Dash, with Sackboy clapping at the Cat's impression to scare off the villagers. "And quite charming", said Rarity with a giggle which made Spike grumble in jealousy. "Capper's the name. Charming's my game. So... to the Hippos, then?", the cat said, now revealed to be named Capper. The others tried to follow him but Twilight stopped them, "I don't know if we should trust him", she said. "We could definitely use a friend out here!", said Pinkie Pie, with Sackboy giving a thumbs up that he can trust Capper. "You know what? Little Cotton Candy Hair and Knitted Brown Sack is right. And, if I do say so myself...", Capper trailed off as he began to sing. This town is not a nice place For little fillies, all alone There are lots of twists and corners That could lead to the unknown Let me guide your way And I'll be sure to help you through You could really use a friend out here And luckily for you Capper then cut a rope with his claw, and a roof had shut out the lights. And a spotlight then revealed him. I'm the friend that you need When you're lost and don't know what to do I'm your pal, your amigo Useful and resourceful, too Soon they walked past a cart and Capper sneaked three fruits from the booth. He gave two to two creatures and offered the last to Applejack. And my help, you'll concede Is a plus guaranteed You can call and I'll come running Just follow my lead 'Cause I'm the friend you need! He's a friend Quite a friend He's a friend, indeed Soon they walk pass a cart and Capper sneaks 3 fruits from the booth. And gives two to 2 creatures and offers the last to Applejack. You need a bud to spot the danger A pal to stop the creep A chum and not a stranger to assist You need a bro who is cunning That can help you take the leap A friend who knows what's lying in the mist Some bats flew towards Fluttershy, but Capper opened an umbrella and they flew past them. He then unrolled a long red rug and they followed him to his place. Don't fear these darkened alleys They're scary, yes, I know Why, you could use a friend To protect you wherever you go And such a dazzling beauty Covered in dirt and muck But now your fate is changing Now you are in luck 'Cause I'm the friend that you need When you're lost and don't know what to do I'm your pal, your amigo Lookin' out for friends like you And my help, you'll concede Is a plus guaranteed Just call and I'll come running We'll say it's agreed He then turned to a little creature, "Here. Tell Verko my place, 20 minutes. I've got something that will magically erase all my debt", he whispered. He's a friend Quite a friend He's a friend, indeed! Capper soon brought Twilight, Sackboy, and their friends inside his house, "Welcome, my little ponies, to my little manor," Capper said, introducing the 8 to his home. The 8 poke their heads through the entrance and saw his room. "Ooh! A sort of a roco-hobo-Bohemian hodgepodge." Rarity said looking around. "Apologies for the state of my litter box." Capper apologies for the looks. "I wasn't expecting guests." "Ooh! So many fun breakables!" Pinkie said looking at some hanging from the ceiling. While looking around Twilight was looking at the books with Sackboy looking at Vex's scroll. "Y'all sure y'all want the hippos?" Capper asked. "Yessiree! The Queen of the Hippos!" Pinkie answered. "Along with a Mama Monkey and Crab King!" "Not like the Queen of the Lions, or Tigers, or Bears!" Capper said, "But, I didn't know about a Mama Monkey and Crab King, Cotten Candy." "Oh, my!" Said Fluttershy. "Huh?" Twilight said as she notice a specific book on the shelf that caught her eye with Sackboy closing Vex's scroll to know what Twilight has found.