Assassin's Tears

by MisterGTFO

The Eyes of a Silentblade

Final Chapter: The Eyes of a Silentblade

As his uncle jumped up to the booth to get Princess Cadance, both of the Royal Guards protecting Princess Cadance charged at him but both had their necks cut out by the Crazy Pony in red robes.

"Got ya! Ya muthabuckin' bitches!" The crazed pony began to laugh while in air.

"Goodbye, Princess.." Silent Wind's uncle shot a fireball and the five conjured blades at Princess Cadance with his horn sparkling.

Princess Cadance was protected by a Pink barrier. A barrier conjured by Shining Armor. The mysterious relative of Silent Wind simply looked at Shining Armor dumbly. Shining Armor had eyes of pure rage.

"Who are you two?!" Shining Armor yelled.

"They're both Silentblade elites. The one in red is a Ringleader even though he's a complete dumbass, he is extreamely fierce and dangerous, The other one is well, he's my uncle, Magicius Shadow-cloak. That's his name." Silent Wind explained.

"You're saying that your Uncle is the one who killed our Canterlot Wizard near Canterlot here?!?!" Shining Armor said.

"Ah him, I turned him inside-out. It was fun, he was as pathetic as a Silentblade whelp." Magicius said.

"Geh! quit bucking talking you freakin' muthabuckas! I'm here for buckin' rampage!!!" The crazed pony began to get restless.

"Blood Roar, We're here for the princess no?" Magicius said.

"Yeah, yeah. But lets kill these two. Especially that traitorous buck, Silent Wind. I gonna enjoy killing him..." Blood Roar said.

"Fine, but you owe me once we get back.." Magicius conjured up at least seven shadowless figures and ordered them to attack.

"I must disintegrate both of you, now." Magicius used his horn and casted Two fireballs and putted them on his hands.

Silent Wind broke the shackles that were holding him by simply drawing his hidden blades and cutting the chains. The chains were rusted and were cutted easily by both the special blades.

"Yo Magicius, that's..-" Blood Roar was cut off by Magicius. Unfortunately, Blood Roar had a small memory time span and Magicius already knew what Silent Wind looked like already: Silver coat, black spikey mane, a very large wingspan possibly as big as alicorns wings, and the cutie mark he had which had two blades making an "X" with a shadowy background full of Silentblade symbols.

"I know, let's focus on disposing these two.." Magicius began to make the Fireballs more destructive.

"Yeah! time to die!" Blood Roar drew his claws from his hooves seeing that he was a experiment once.

"I got Blood Roar, get Magicius!" Silent Wind roared.

"Alright then!" Shining Armor ran at Magicius. Magicius shot his fireballs at Shining Armor but Shining Armor used his barrier again and pushed back Magicius into a wall. Then Shining Armor went to the archway and Magicius followed.

"I'm gonna buck you up!" Blood Roar yelled he attacked Silent Wind with a swipe and Silent Wind blocked it with one of his blades and then attacked Blood Roar's back with a stab but was kicked back and fell into the wooden stand rubble when Blood Roar kicked him with one of his hoof legs.

"You'll never beat me you little traitor buck!!" He jumped at Silent Wind.

"Watch your mouth!!" Silent Wind jumped at Blood Roar also.


Shining Armor and Magicius Shadow-cloak were clashing constantly. None of their attacks were hitting each other. They took their battle another location far away from the battle between Silent Wind and Blood Roar. Shining Armor was getting a bit exhausted while Magicius was keeping cool and conserving his willpower to deal a fatal blow to Shining Armor. But, he was still casting defensive spells.

"Why.. are you after my wife, Cadance?!" Shining Armor panted.

"She's a nuisance and not only are we after her, we're after you too. You and Cadance been nothing but a thorn on our back. Many of our Members have fallen before you and Cadance. You both die here, and the power of the Royal Guards will be crippled. Simple as that." Magicius explained.

"I shall not let you kill me or Cadance.." Shining Armor raised his voice.

"Now now, you can't say that when you're fight a Elite Advisor of the Silentblades.. If you fight me, Death is certain. But you're captain of the Royal Guard, so this will be a fun challenge for me." Magicius began to spark his horn and the ground began to shake.

Shining Armor shot energy rays at Magicius but he also kept up his Force field up while controlling the ground. Shining Armor then saw that this Unicorn knew how to control magic. He was basically a master at it.

Shining Armor then dodged a Earth spike coming from the ground. It had nearly pierced his heart. Magicius then conjured a whip-like rope from his horn and grabbed Shining Armor's hoof leg, making him trip.

Magicius then made a Giant earth spike from the ground and pointed it a Shining Armor.

"Goodbye, Shining Armor of the Royal Guard."

Magicius then propelled the Giant earth spike at Shining Armor. Shining Armor braced it but somehow it never came. He then saw a light-blue barrier around him. He then looked to his left and saw his wife, Princess Cadance.

"What?!" Magicius yelled.

"No one, tries to kill my husband.." Princess Cadance said with anger.

Magicius began to laugh. And both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance looked at him with a glare.

"This is perfect! I can kill both of you and you can know that both of you died together in vain!!" Magicius began to conjure at least twenty shadowless demons in imp form. And then was charging two small orbs. One had water in it, the other had lightning. The couple knew what would happen if he successfully charged those orbs up and used them.

"Sweetheart, we must stop him." Princess Cadance said.

"Are you sure you can fight, honey?" Shining Armor said.

"I am an Alicorn, Alicorns can take care of their selves." Princess Cadance smiled.

Shining Armor smiled back and they both charged the horde of conjured imps. Together.


After hours of fighting, both the fierce fighters were exausted by the fighting. Both were injured. Then Silent Blade talked to Blood Roar for a second.

"Hey.. I want to talk to you about something!!" Silent Wind yelled.

"What kind of fag like you want's to talk about?!" Blood Roar shouted.

Silent Wind was trying to prevent himself from Ripping Blood Roar apart so that he could talk to him.

"How's the old man..?" Silent Wind said.

"Hmph! He's dandy as a buckin filly with a lollipop. That good for ya?!"

"What's his mood lately I meant!!" Silent Wind was getting impatient.

"His mood?! Shitty as buck I say. He's been talking about you all the goddamn time!" Blood Roar explained.

"Shitty as always." Silent Wind said.

"Heh, well you're going to be in more shit than him!" Blood Roar charged at Silent Wind and Silent Wind charged at him also with full force.

As their weapons clashed, Blood Roar saw that he was still keeping those "blades" with him. He chuckled.

"Hehehe... you're.. still holding onto those crappy blades? how nice.." Blood Roar gave Silent Wind a smile.

"They mean more to me than you!" Silent Wind said.

"Maybe, but that doesen't mean they'll save you from me...!" Blood Roar broke the clash and flew up to kick Silent Wind but Silent Wind block the kick with both of his blades and simply slid across the concrete with his feet.

Blood Roar charged at Silent Wind and attacked him with a lower swipe, Silent Wind easily dodged it and flipped to target his kick at Blood Roar's head. He smashed Blood Roar's head hard enough to daze him for only a moment. But all it took was a moment when Blood Roar regained his vision again he already saw that Silent Wind already dived one of his blades into him.

"How.. bucked up of me to let my guard down..!" Blood Roar fell down, dead.

"Gotcha.. y'crazy buck." Silent Wind panted.

Twilight soon came out of her hiding place and helped Silent Wind with his wounds.

"Silent Wind! are you alright?!" Twilight said.

"I'm.. fine." Silent Wind started to clutch his stomach wound where Blood Roar slashed at.

"Here let me heal it!" Twilight was about to heal it until she was pushed back by a figure.

"Twilight!" Silent Wind yelled.

"How bucking stupid, you forgot many things about me.." Blood Roar was still up as if nothing happened.

"What how did..?!" Silent Wind saw where he dived his blade into Blood Roar only to see it that it was completely healed.

"That should've killed you.. ugh!" Silent Wind saw that his wound was starting to worsen.

"I see that this Mare cares about you.. Love is stupid as buck." Blood Roar started to go closer to the Knocked-out Twilight.

"Get... away from her! She has nothing to do with any of this." Silent Wind yelled. Blood Roar simply laughed, he then drew his claws.

"You're right, my man. She's got nothin' to do with this crap. Best if.. she just die." Blood Roar was about to dive his claws into Twilight, until Silent Wind dashed to him at the speed of lightning and pratically, smashing his face in.

"Heheheh... feels right, doesen't it..?" Blood Roar then saw that his whole face was broken. His face simply reformed and everything was healed.

Silent Wind was in a position of a wolf. His eyes had the main symbol of the Silentblades with evil-looking eyes that were eyes of a demon and a dark-purple pupil. He also noticed that his teeth were very.. pointy. He never thought he'd use "that power". But it felt wonderful. The rush of rage and power within his body. All he thought of was killing Blood Roar and protecting something important to him.

"Don't you.. touch her...!" Silent Wind snarled and putted his body over Twilight's and looked at Blood Roar with rage.

"Getting all pissed off now huh? I'll still buck you up even if you are using that power!!" Blood Roar standed up and charged at Silent Wind.


Even though Magicius was a great user of Magic, he was struggling with both fighting the couple, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Fighting an Alicorn made the battle for him more harder seeing how he underestimated the powers of an Alicorn.

"Heh.. I keep forgetting not to fight Alicorns but I guess now know why. Princess Cadance, I shall give you a compliment. You indeed are strong but in the end, I will win."

"As a Princess of Canterlot, I shall win! I will not lose to criminals like you!" Princess Cadance said.

"Criminals? We actually help the world with ponies who are too much of a coward to kill those they dislike. The world is full of hate, you can't see it. We are helpers, not Criminals.." Magicius explained.

"Now, I must end this.." Magicius said.

Magicius' horn began to sparkle and lightning began to radiate on the ground, and two lightning bolts came from the ground, both aiming for the couple.

Both of them used their force fields. But saw that there were two sphere bombs coming at them. It exploded but didn't cause an explosion, more like caused smoke around them.

"Shining Armor, where are you?" Princess Cadance said.

"I'm here, Cadance." Shining Armor got closer to Princess Cadance.

"Right here!" Then all the sudden, four blades made from Magicius' dark aura were on top of Cadance, Cadance did not notice, Shining Armor did.

"Cadance! get down!" Shining Armor yelled and ducked under Cadance and instead, was hit by the blades

"Shining Armor! are you okay, dear?!" Princess Cadance began to tear up.

"I am... oka-" Shining Armor began to cough up blood.

"How touching, you both can die together." Magicius began to cast a large energy beam from his horn.

"We must end this now..!" Princess Cadance hissed.

Princess Cadance touch Shining Armor's horn with hers and it began to spark something large.

"What's this?" Magicius said.

All the sudden, everything brightened up and a large beam was shot at Magicius, making him be pushed away very far. Magicius underestimated the Rumors. The power of Love was quite true despite how pathetic it sounded to him.

"Is it.. over..?" Shining Armor coughed.

"Honey, don't talk! let me heal you!" Princess Cadance began to heal Shining Armor until he was healed enough to stand up but he stumbled a little.

"Very..... Impressive..!" Magicius said.

Both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance saw that his shoulder had a large hole in it. He dodged a fatal attack in the nick of time. But he was coughing up blood profusely.

"How lucky.. you may have won against me.. but next time.. the power of Love will not save you next time."

Magicius teleported back to Canterlot. And Shining Armor and Princess Cadance had a talk.

"Look's like he's retreating.. are you okay, sweetie?" Shining Armor said.

"Yes, I am fine. But I'd like to talk about something.." Princess Cadance said.

"And what's that?"

"About Silent Wind, Twilight told me everything.."

"Cadance, He has pay for his crimes. You know that's the law of Princess Celestia."

"Yes I know, but Twilight told me how kind he was to her and her friends. It would break my heart to see Twilight hurt seeing somepony she cares for die."

"What do you want me to do?!" Shining Armor exclaimed.

"Simple, do what your heart tells you to do." And with that Princess Cadance flew back to Canterlot.

Shining Armor looked at the ground with a hard think on his mind.


After many hours of fighting, Blood Roar was getting tired. His concentration was getting off and Silent Wind was laying hits on him one by one. In affiliated rage, Silent Wind just swung at him. He hitted Blood Roar in the face, causing him to fly to the wall.

"Buck, I'm gettin' tired of this shit.." Blood Roar admitted. He then heard Magicius' voice.

"Blood Roar! We've underestimated them.. we retreat for now..!" Magicius healed his wound.

"Celestia bucking damnit! I swear, next time we meet. That power ain't gonna save your flank next time!" Blood Roar flew up and grabbed Magicius.

Silent Wind just looked at both of them. He then calmed down and his teeth soon grew back to normal. His eyes, turning from dark-purple and black eyes to Azure blue, white eyes. He then no longer felt anger nor the good feeling inside of him. He then looked behind him and saw that Twilight was hurt. He flew to her side. And saw that she was a bit dizzy.

"Wha...What happened..?" Twilight blurted out.

"I'm just gonna say it, We got attacked by Two elite Silentblades, your brother and his wife went to go fight the other one, I smashed the other pony with a secret power I had and.... I'm happy you're alright." Silent Wind panted.

"You're okay..? You're okay!" Twilight got up and hugged Silent Wind. Silent Wind hugged back.

"Of course! no one can beat me!" Silent Wind grinned. Something he's never done.

"I'm really glad you're okay.." Twilight hugged a bit tighter.

Princess Cadance smiled at the scene she saw. And Silent Wind looked at her with a smile, seeing that she was also glad seeing how Twilight was happy with the pony she loved.

Shining Armor saw it too and couldn't help but smile. He began to move forward the couple. Twilight broke the hug and stepped between Shining Armor and Silent Wind.

"Shining Armor, he just saved you! he doesn't deserve to die!" Twilight had a straight face. Shining Armor also kept a straight face too.

"Twily, can you step aside? I'd like to talk to your Coltfriend. In private." Shining Armor said.

"I don't think I-" Twilight felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay." Silent Wind gave Twilight a kiss.

"Now, come with me." Shining Armor went in direction of a tower. And Silent Wind followed.


As they got to top of the tower, they talked and discussed a few things.

"Now, I need to have detail's of the Silentblades." Shining Armor said.

"Why?" Silent Wind replied.

"You should already know that we've driven off those two Silentblades, I am sure that they will come back for Revenge. And they will try kill Me and Cadance."

"Wait, they were aiming for you and your wife?!"

"Yes, it appears we have a assassination note on us, assigned by the Silentblades themselves If I am right."

"Fine, let me begin.." Silent Wind started talk.

"The Silentblades have at least six Elite Advisors, they have four Ringleaders and you probably won't even believe me on how much members they have."

"How much? Just tell me." Shining Armor said.

Silent Wind took a deep breath.

"At least 400 members." Silent Wind said.

"Wh-What?! Impossible!"

"I knew you wouldn't believe me. Some of those members are changelings. Afterall, The Silentblades have connections with the Changeling Empire. I believe you've met them."

Shining Armor was completely shocked by the info that Silent Wind gave him.

"But I know that the Royal Guards have kept bounties on Changelings, you've must've killed a lot. But that doesent mean their numbers are low."

"I know that.. It's unbelievable that Chrysalis has ties with the Silentblades.."

"Yes, but I fear the worst that they'll attack Canterlot.."

"I too feel it but we'll always be ready for them."

"Now, what are you going to do with me?" Silent Wind said.

Shining Armor then remembered the Smile on his sister's face when she was near Silent Wind. He knew that Twilight was happy even if he was a former assassin. So he took a deep breath and said it.

"Nothing. I see how happy my sister is with you, I smile everytime I see her smile. I was very stupid, I am sorry. I looked at my job instead of looking at the happiness that Twily had."

Silent Wind took a breath of Relief.

"But, you know a lot about the Silentblades. I hope that we can both keep in touch in case you see more Silentblades."

"You bet." Silent Wind pushed his hoof into Shining Armor's, giving him a hoofshake.


As they both got back, they saw that the sun was setting, they both met Princess Celestia and Silent Wind had a small conversation with Celestia. Both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance gave Twilight, Silent Wind and her friends a ticket back to Ponyville and once they got on the train, Both of them began to talk.

"Well, what did my Brother say?" Twilight asked.

"He just wanted to know more about me. He also let me off also, I'm a bit surprised you're Celestia's protege. Why didn't you say anything."

"I was a bit too concentrated on you, I guess." Twilight blushed.

"How nice." Silent Wind kissed Twilight. When he broked the kiss. Twilight was blushing. Silent Wind began to laugh.

"Why are you blushing? that's like the thousandth time I've kissed you." Silent Wind said.

"It's just nice to have you back by me.." This time, Twilight kissed Silent Wind. And Silent Wind kissed back.

"I know, it kinda stinks in Ponyville without me."

After minutes of talking, they both began to get tired. Twilight got into her room and Silent Wind got into his. Silent Wind was about to go to sleep until he felt a grab on his cloak. He saw that Twilight was grabbing onto his Cloak with her mouth.

"What is it, Twilight?" Silent Wind asked.

"I was wondering.. if you could sleep with me." Twilight was getting shy by just saying it.

"Sleep with you? um, o-okay if you want." Silent Wind decided to go into Twilight's room. And went to bed with her and she hugged Silent Wind and went to sleep. Silent Wind felt Twilight nuzzling to his chest. He got comfortable with Twilight and began to try to go to sleep.

"It's going to be great in Ponyville with Twilight and Her friends, I've never really had anypony this close to me before other being my brother.. but gee, it's going to get rough soon. I know the Silentblades are going to comeback. But I'll make sure they don't harm anypony and most of all, Twilight." Silent Wind's thoughts then stopped and he then fell asleep, waiting for the train to get to Ponyville in the morning.


Far inside the jagged mountains, laid the Silentblade Hideout which was actually a Kingdom. Full of darkness and corruption.

Inside, Blood Roar and Magicius Arch-cloak were confronted by the Leader of the Silentblades.

"How did you two do..?" The Leader asked.

"Failed, the might of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were too much for us.." Magicius said. Wearing brand new Advisor Silentblade robes.

"How pathetic.."

"That little traitorous bastard, Silent Wind. Showed up for the party at Canterlot. Messed me up good and gave me a fun time." Blood Roar said.

"Silent Wind, huh?"

"Looks like all of the other guys joined too.."

"Ghost Spectre, coming back so soon?" Magicius said.

"Shut up." Spectre said.

"You both should show respect to our leader or I shall slience you both." Wing Beat said.

"You men.. all so childish.." Deadly Rose said.

"Could you all stop talking?! You're giving me a buckin' headache!" Blood Roar yelled.

The Leader was silent while the others were talking.

"Hey, Blood Roar y'back already? Fail again?" Brute said.

Blood Roar drew his claws and pointed at Brute.

"Quit your dumb bluffs." Brute said.

"I think we should probably continue our conversation." Sharp Thorn said.

"Stupid Ringleaders...." Poison Cloud said.

"Ugh.. let's hurry to get with Lily Blade and Lance." Brute ran out of the throne room.

"Buck, I'll see all of ya'll later." Blood Roar ran out.

As both of the Ringleaders ran out, the Advisors and the Leader were all alone.

"Ugh finally." Spectre said.

"Oh dear, that was pathetic to watch those two buffoons.." Deadly Rose said.

"Enough talk..." The Leader said.

"I have pondered my decision.. we will strike Canterlot within three months. Chrysalis will help too, seeing that we help her let her pathetic kind live."

"Made the decision already, huh?" Magicius whispered.

"We will then take Silent Wind's power, simply taking it from his body and giving it to me. Afterall, Silent Wind is has the a Silentblade bloodline power inside him and he is also..."

All of the Silentblade Elite Advisors looked at the Leader with smirks on their faces.

"My son."


Well, that's Assassin's Tears for you! Read Assassin's Tears II to know what happens three months later!
