//------------------------------// // Arrival of the Storm Army & The Dastardly Vex attacks Canterlot! // Story: LittleBigPony: A Big Movie! // by ShaggyBoi23 //------------------------------// Then the crowd got excited. “Songbird Serenade?” Said a pony. “Is it really her? It is, it is!” Then 2 security ponies appeared with Songbird Serenade herself. “Hiya. She said. I'm lookin' for the pony in charge?” Then Photo finished appeared taking pictures of her as she poses. “I need to set up for my soundcheck.” “Ms. Songbird Serenade?” Twilight said climbing out of the cake. “Um, I was just going to check on you. I'm Princess Twilight, and sorry about the mess. I'm usually not so… and this here is Sackboy.” As she was brushing some cake off she accidentally swiped off on Songbird's black shirt. “Caked in cake?” She asked. “Oh! Sackboy! It’s an honor to meet you, hero of Craftworld!” Twilight laughs nervously a little and Sackboy handshakes Songbird as it’s likely she’s a fan of the hero of Craftworld. “Do you have a visual on buttercream?” Said a security pony. “Visual confirmed.” The second one answered. “Go for clean up.” He then wipes the cream off her. Then suddenly a loud sound got everyone's attention. At first, they thought it was thunder but it ends in an echo almost as if it was a roar. The ponies, curators, and sacklings turned and saw a thick cloud moving towards the city. “Storm clouds?” Twilight said walking up to Pinkie, Rarity, Toggle, Oddsock, Newton, and Rainbow and glaring at her. “I ordered perfect weather! Rainbow Dash!” Since she knows Rainbow well for doing pranks. “Uh... I... don't think those are storm clouds.” Rainbow said concerned. “That… looks… like a bigger version of Hugh Spaceship,” Newton said nervously. Rainbow and Newton were right, soon emerging from the dark cloud was a large airship over 200 feet long. The crowd of ponies watches as the ship approaches in the crowd 2 young foals got behind an older pony feeling scared. However, Da Vinci noticed a lime 'V’ logo, horrified that he… came back. “Ooh!” Pinkie bounced excitedly. “I bet those are the clowns I ordered.” Then the ship fires harpoons attached to strong cables starts to lower the ship down and knocks 3 flag poles down. “Or definitely not the clowns I ordered.” Pinkie said feeling something's wrong. “D’Aw… my employees worked on that for ages.” Clive moaned, seeing the cables and flagpoles destroyed. Soon the ship lands, then suddenly a drawbridge was lowered and hits the ground hard, popping a balloon animal. “Brain, no!” Cried, Party Favor. Then inside the ship right at the entrance was the silhouette of a Pony of some kind that appeared. the ponies looked up and saw it. Then the creature walks down pushing some kind of box. They couldn't see the creature but can see the Silhouette of a Pony. High above them, Celestia, Luna, and Cadance walk out to the balcony to see what was going on. Back down below, the creature pushed the box to a stop as a large microphone raised up. And the creature steps back revealing itself. It was some kind of never before seen hedgehog enough to look at Celestia in the eye.  His eyes sclera were brilliant opal and his eye color was deep opal, mohawk hair is light sapphire bluish grey and cornflower bluish-gray, and his body-color is dark grayish cobalt blue. He just wears his black cloth shirt with the Storm Guard's symbol. The creature then clears its throat and appears to be a boy. “Ponies of Equestria and beings of Carnivallia, Bunkum, and Craftworld, we come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the most ferocious, the almighty… Storm King!” Just then, the banner reveals the Storm King that unfurls, along with a Lime "V" that was there on the side. Just the picture alone was enough to make the ponies and sacklings concerned. Twilight and Spike glance at each other being worried. “And now, to deliver the evil message, put your hooves together for Commander Tempest!” Then someone slowly came through in dark misty, revealing the ruthless pony, Tempest. Her eyes were moderate opal, her mane color is a moderate rose with lighter edges and her coat color is a dark orchid. She wears black suit armor with the same Storm Guard symbol on its forelegs and black armored hoofs. She had her broken horn and a scar over her right eye. As she came out, Tempest's broken horn is electric sparks embedded. "Is that a… Unicorn?" Twilight asked. "I think so… but what happened to her horn?" Spike wondered. “Looks like it got ripped or broken?” Newton said, “Something may happen to her in her past that got her horn ripped.” “Does this mean she can do Magic, even with that broken horn?” Clive questioned. “I’m not sure about that Clive.” Da Vinci answered. Then Celestia, Luna. and Cadance landed in front of them. "Tempest, is it? How may we help you and your companions?" Princess Celestia spoke in a polite but firm tone. "Oh, I'm so glad you asked," Tempest said kindly before turning bitter. "How about we start with your complete and total surrender?" Twilight stepped aside on Cadance's right side. "Hi there." She said, giving a nervous wave. "Princess of Friendship. Not exactly sure what's going on, but I know we can talk things out." "Oh, goody," Tempest said as she is walking down on a metal platform from the ship. "All four Princesses. Here's the deal, ladies. I need your magic. Give it up nicely, please, or we make it difficult for everyone!" "And why should cower before you? There's one of you and hundreds of us." Princess Luna said. "Oh…We were hoping you'd choose 'difficult'." Tempest added and somehow points at Sackboy about a certain enemy making his way in. “Especially when that knitted brown sack has an old friend joining here… right… now.” “Wait? Old friend?” Twilight said, surprised, and looked at Sackboy, “Sackboy, who’s that old friend she’s referring to?” Sackboy did an ‘I don't know’ expression until… his past from a dream started to haunt him that a particular jester is back. And it seems that it's true. Suddenly, a hand thrashed through the sky, ripping through to reveal a jester with red and navy blue, glowing eyes, a stitched mouth, three wires for arms, three sharp fingers, navy blue gloves, a ripped up cape, and navy blue boots. "Meet the Dastardly Vex, lord of Chaos and Fear of the Uproar!" Grubber yelled, holding the microphone. "Oh, I love to see the partnership!" This caught the ponies, curators, and sacklings attention, along with the Mane 6, Alliance, Spike, and Newton. Some of the ponies and sacklings panicked seeing Vex as the Jester moved the balloons out of his way as he walks into Canterlot. "Oh, I do love a warm welcome!" Vex said, "That look of pure terror, inviting me to the upcoming festival!" As Vex entered Canterlot, the Mane 6 were surprised along with Spike, the ponies and sacklings panicked in fear, but the Alliance wasn't scared but frighten when seeing the jester looming in Canterlot. Sackboy was indeed afraid to see him come back after the events with his mentor, he thought being defeated wasn't a dream after all. Two other ponies hugged and hiding in front of the water fountain, fearing the jester's arrival in Canterlot. "WHAT IN SWEET CELESTA IS THAT?!" Rarity screamed, "THIS BRUTE LOOK NOTHING LIKE A MONSTER!?" "No... it can't be!" Da Vinci yelled, "He's back!" "Woah, never thought of a jester ripping through the sky," Rainbow said 'Why does he remind me of Pinkie's imaginary friends after she went no party mode. "Who's that jester?" Clive questioned, curious that he never met him. "Tempest said that this is Sackboy's old friend from the past." "What in tarnation is that?" AppleJack said given their confused reaction. "Oh gosh... what is... that" Fluttershy whimpered as she hid behind the group. "OH! A Jester who likes to join the Party!" Pinkie said which made her too excited. "I hope he brings in the surprise for Sackboy!" "A surprise for Sackboy?" Newton questioned. "Pinkie, don't you know the evil is right in front of you?!" "Oh, it gives me a tingly feeling," Vex said. As Vex enters Canterlot, he noticed Sackboy and the Mane 6 which makes his introduction appearance eerier. He appears out of nowhere behind Sackboy and Twilight. "Oh don't tell me you don't recognize your old pal Vex!" Vex said to Sackboy and Twilight. "Old pal?" Twilight asked as she was surprised. "Sackboy? You know this jester full of nightmares?" As vex loomed into Sackboy & Twilight, the two ponies ran for it until Vex swooped into the entrance slowly preventing them from escaping before Vex swooped up and standing waves up to stretch. "You know... Bringer of Nightmares. Master of the Uproar, life of the party!" Vex said as he puttered the two ponies back to Canterlot. "Why are you crashing in Jester freak!" Rainbow was angered as she wanted to punch the Jester. "You really wanna leave us alone!" "Yes, you shouldn't disturb our home here in Equestria!" Celestia roared. "Now why are you teaming up with Tempest?" "Well then, I never knew you brought over your horse friends in the party Sackboy!" Vex chuckled as he sees Sackboy and the Mane 6. "After you banished me years ago in past from Craftworld, I found out that the Storm King told me that Sackboy has made friends, specialty the 6 little horses who graduated about Friendship!" "We're Ponies!" Twilight shouted. "And what are you doing here with your partnership with the Storm King, and how do you know Sackboy is your old pal!" "Yeah, Sackboy looks like he never met you before," Fluttershy said nervously. "Darling, we don't know if this brute meets Sackboy, but he looks... eerie and frighting..." Rarity nervously said. "I'm sorry... but you know Sackboy in the past?" Newton questioned. "Well, I'm glad you asked," Vex answered curiously. "I haunt them with nightmares, chaos, and fear! And Sackboy and his little dull friends are my main targets with riddles of chaos!" "Yeah, so why are you here in Equestria?" Spike said nervously. "And what are you planning on?" "I've here with a very exciting opportunity, one that I wanted to bring back! Vex explains as he flies into the clocktower "No really, you're gonna love it!" "Very exciting?!" Pinke brings in joy. "Is it a big party! "A gift for Sackboy?! Or is it a celebration!?" "Pinkie!" Twilight argued to not answer Vex's question. "Equestria and Craftoworld are being hijacked by a Jester puppet and the Storm King!" "I call it... the Topsy Turver!" Vex said as he shines a green Orb in his hand and slides it into the air. "It's gonna be fun, excitement, terror..." The orb reveals Vex's Topsy Turver which looked like a huge machine. Sackboy, Mane 6, Alliance, Bunkum Heroes, Newton, and Spike were shocked/horrified seeing his green-printed device as it looks like this big machine could destroy their homelands. "All the good stuff!" As it reveals Vex's machine, the Orb cracks in and spazed out smoke like a laser beam leading to an explosion full of smoke. As Sackboy, Mane 6, Spike, and Newton coughed, Vex jumps in and shows his scroll in his hands to Sackboy and the Group. "I've already had the plans" Vex explains which surprised Sackboy, Spike, and the Mane 6, wondering how he has written his place from the start. "I'm just missing some materials and the jolly volunteers who can put it together." Vex explained as he walks back and lifted his right arm to form into a Vaccum that can suck anyone in. This horrifies Spike and Newton, given their size, and Sackboy and the ponies and sacklings were in fear of getting sucked in. The Mane 6 hold their positions to see if Vex was planning on something for them. Wh... What is... That!?" Spike nervously asked. "IS THAT A VACUUM ARM!?" Newton yelled. Vex ignored Spike's and Newtons's comments as he's prepared for his striking. "So what do you say?" Vex said, as a vortex opened up behind him which prepares his attack and he lifts his arm vacuum. "Ready to make history?" as he lifts his right arm vacuum, the sounds of a vacuum can be heard. '"Couse you are." which Vex prepares to capture his victims. Vex starts up his right arm Vaccum as he's striking to capture Sackboy's friends with Sackboy and the group standing there speechless. The 3 ponies and 2 sacklings were their victims thus, they both got sucked away into Vex's vacuum arm vacuum. Vex massively laughed as the vortex reveals 3 ponies and 2 sacklings traveling through the vortex. The next scene shows one of Sackboy's paintings of two Sackfolks holding hands in Canterlot, but as the painting got sucked in, it was the exact scene but in real-time, sucking the two Sacklings away. Sackboy tried to save one of his fellow sacklings but each Sackling that the 'Hero of Craftworld' tried to rescue got sucked into Vex's vacuum arm. The Mane 6 and the Princesses were enraged by Vex's nightmarish goals. However, Spike and Newton warned not to attack him as Tempest starts her next attack. "Grubber! Send them in." Tempest ordered. "Right on!" Grubber said. Much to everyone's horror, several giants and yeti-like creatures wearing a black masks with blue dot eyes known as Storm Creatures began jumping out of the ship, as well as from other smaller airships and jumping up from the outside. With that, there were Vex's minions, ranging from a purple-like bull, a frog-like creature, a centipede-like creature with 4 arms holding spheres, a whirlwolf, and many more of Vex's army swooped in working with the Storm Creatures. Every single pony and sackling began running away in fear while the Storm Creatures and Vexed Minions chased after them. Tempest jumps up in the air and kicks an obsidian orb at Princess Cadance. Cadance tried to block an orb with a magic shield with Avalon assisting, but then Vex loaded an obsidian orb to assist Tempest and targeted Cadance and Avalon. His shot was strong enough to penetrate. "Cadance!" Celestia cried with shock. "Avalon!" Da Vinci cried with horror. "I can't… stop it." Princess Cadance cried as its powerful magic quickly started to turn Cadance into the obsidian statue. "This... power is turning me to-" Avalon cried as the same effects that Cadance got. Then Tempest ran all the way down the gangplank to the ground floor and jumped again. "Luna, quick!" Princess Celestia said to Princess Luna. "Go south beyond the Badlands and East to the Soaring Mountains!" "Victoria and Eve!" Da Vinci said to Victoria and Eve, "Go north to The Colossal Canopy and west to The Kingdom of Crablantis!" Princess Luna, Victoria, and Eve nodded in understanding. "Seek help from the Queen of the Hippo—" Princess Celestia couldn't be finished her sentence as the orb hit her and shattered to turn him into stone as well. "No!" Twilight shouted. "Princess Celestia!" Da Vinci yelled at the princess ruler. "Sister!" Princess Luna cried in distress. "No time! Go seek help from the Mama Monkey and King of the Cra—" Da Vinci was also in the same fate as Celestia as he was hit with the Orb, turning him to stone. "DA VINCI!!!" Newton, Eve, Victoria, and Clive yelled, horrified to see the leader of the Alliance turned to stone. Luna blasted the monsters away with magic nearby while Victoria and Eve used Avalon's Bee Machines to bash the monsters through to follow Luna and tried to fly away as Vex gave a short growl. "Oh, you're not getting away that easily!" Vex shouted as he ran to see Luna in the air with Eve and Victora, riding on the Bee machines, and shot three orbs at Princess Luna, Eve, and Victoria shattering and turning her into obsidian stone. The three almost fell and shattered, but Twilight used her magic to prevent the petrified Princess Luna, Eve, and Victoria from smashing into pieces. "Luna!" Twilight cried as Tempest chuckled in menacingly with an evil satisfaction grin on her face, knowing that bringing Vex wasn't a bad idea at all. "Three down and one little pony princess to go, along with those 4 members of the Alliance," Vex uttered scarily. "The Uproar is coming, you all cannot stop it!" Just as Vex does his bidding on getting his subjects, he dropped the scroll of his plans, which resulted from Oddsock grabbing it from his mouth, rushing it to Sackboy, and giving it to him. Tempest nodded at him in agreement as she gave Vex the orb, loaded it in his right arm vacuum, shot the last obsidian orb at Princess of Friendship's direction with Sackboy, and an evil grin appeared on both of their faces once an explosion of green smoke was created as unaware of rainbows. Clive and Newton were looked at in horror. "Easy as pie…" Tempest said with an evil satisfied grin as she gives a hi-hoof with Vex's hand. Grubber came up to them with Grubber and some of Vex's minions behind him. "Oh, I love pie!" Grubber exclaimed. "Oh, you totally got the last princess and that knitted sack." But the green smoke faded, and it was revealed that it wasn't Twilight, it was just Derpy the Pegasus with cross-eyed wearing a party hat, which then promptly fell off her head, with Swoop doing a pushing pose. Newton sighed in relief but was now sad that one of his heroes from his home planet now got stoned. "That's not the princess and that stubby knitted sack!" Tempest said angrily turning to Grubber, her horn-stump sparking with energy. "Grubber! Get… them… now!" "Guys, we gotta get the princess and that looming brown sack!" Grubber ordered as he and the rest of Vex's Minions ran to find her. Tempest stomped on the Twilight's crown, crushing the metal and scattering the gems. Meanwhile, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Clive, Newton, Toggle (Big and Small), Oddsock, and Spike were at an exit. "Over here, y'all!" Applejack shouted. They quickly started to run as Twilight, Sackboy, and Rainbow slipped past 3 Storm Creatures to catch up to the others, but Vex's Minions were moving to catch up. Just as they were haft crossed a bridge 2 bull-like creatures appeared and trapped them. Twilight blasts at them but they jump out of the way and the beam deflects back hitting the bridge and almost breaking. However, Big Toggle had to pull the sacrifice so that Sackboy and his friends can escape. He then provides to climb to the top of the entrance and does a slam dunk, breaking the bridge immediately. Oddsock and Toggle then rejoice, preparing to fight the monsters. The 7 friends, one knitted sack, a lightbulb, and a notepad, fell into the river below and seconds later they went over a waterfall leading out of Canterlot. Minutes later Grubber and a Frog like a creature and Storm Creature arrive at the waterfall and look down at the edge. "Any of you see them?" Be asked. "No sign of them." Said the Purple Bull-Creature. "Great! just what we need!" The Frog like-creature said. "Ah, come on. We'll deal with this later." Grubber said as they begin to leave. Then something shakes around Grubber and Vex's Minions surroundings, feeling like a rocket is flying from the distance. "Hold up?" Grubber questioned. "Why is the ground shaking?" Unexpectedly, Sackboy's pod flies above, with the Sackboy Mane 6, Spike, Newton, and Clive being inside the Pod. It seems that Sackboy called the Pod to rescue them from a tragedy. "Oh... my... VEX! TEMPEST!" Grubber yelled, "THE PRINCESS AND THE KNITTED SACK WITH THEIR FRIENDS ARE ESCAPING!" Just as Tempest and Vex heard Grubber's message, the two see the Pod (that looks brand new than the cardboard one), flying to the top. Tempest growled angrily but Vex on the other hand laughed and continues to capture the ponies and sackings. "You won't get away with this Princess!" Tempest yelled. "Craftworld and Equestria! Will be ours!" Vex laughed, and while laughing, he gets the remaining ponies and sacklings with his right arm vacuum. While on the pod, the Mane 6, Spike, Newton, and Clive are now worried, seeing Vex capturing the remaining ponies and sackings, curators trapped in cages, and seeing the Storm Creatures and Vex's Minions taking over Canterlot. "Oh... there's no way we could stop them!" Rarity trembled. "My poor baby sister is there!" "No time for our sisters' Rarity!" Applejack said, "They'll be fine on their own, but we're getting out here with the Pod!" "Did you see the size of those things?" Rainbow said nervously, "Those Storm Creatures are on thing, but Vex's army is too much to handle!" "Well... now what would we do?" Newton said in a panic, "We don't have any weapons or machines to control!" "Wait a minute... Vex's scroll!" Twilight said, noticing that Sackboy is holding the scroll. "Sackboy, I wonder how you managed to get Vex's scroll, but hurry! We to know what he's planning on!" Sackboy then opens Vex's scroll that Oddsock managed to give, which reveals Vex's plans: The Craftworld Plant with Vex's 'V' on the middle with the Shaped Tree on top. It shows where Vex is heading on to each of Craftworld's places with arrows pointing to the Mountains, jungle, Underwater Oceans, and Space, with one being unknown. It also shows a crying sackling and unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony with Vex's laughing face as Vex always wanted Chaos and Fear, scaring the Sacklings and ponies as a way to bring the Uproar to Craftworld along with Equestria. "Woah! So this is his plan huh" Spike said as he was surprised when Vex's plan was a whole drawing instead of a list. "I expected a list, but this is pretty much on a whole new level." "You tell me!" Clive exclaimed. "Talk about a big canvas of our home turned into a nightmare!" "Well, at least we now know what Vex is planning here with Tempest." Rainbow said, "Now let's step up and go! Now!" With sadness, confusion, and overreactions, out of the way with a mad Sackboy face, as he looked into the window, now in the space of the Imagisphere, Sackboy, Spike, Newton, Clive, and the Mane 6 prepare to enter The Soaring Mountains, thus, starting the big adventure. With Sackboy, push the button on the Pod Controller to travel to the Soaring Mountains.