//------------------------------// // Let the games begin // Story: Mooning the Game // by BattleCat311 //------------------------------// Arc 1.1 ‘Ping’ I scrunched up my eyes and ears in irritation as I burrowed further down into my covers. I was still very tired and cranky after another all-nighter. I really shouldn't be doing so many of them otherwise Minuete’s prediction of getting permanent bags under my eyes will come true. But somepony’s got to put food on the table. ‘Ping’ “URG, NO” I growled out at the sound. There was no need to wake me up this early in the day. Mabey the alarm clock could wake me up when Celestia's sun had passed? ‘Wait, Didn’t i tear apart the clock a week ago?’ I thought in confusion as the pinging sound rung in my ear again. Giving up at the idea of more sleep I tossed of the covers on my bed. My head lazily swayed off my bed's sides to try and find the source of the sound even while I was looking upside-down. [New Message] Staring up/down at the screen I wondered “Have I finally gone crazy? Did muck up a spell or something last night? Why is there a floating screen here? I didn’t do that last night did I?” Thinking over what I had been slaving over last night I shook my head “Nah, Thiers nothing in a flouting enchantment that would cause this.” ‘Ping’ The flouting test screen pinged again, this time a little louder. I wonder if it was set to increase the volume or something. Reaching out with my hoof I tapped on the screen. There weren’t any buttons or nobs around so there wasn’t anything else I could do. Unless I wanted to spend the rest of my life with a constant pinging sound around my ear and I wasn’t quite that level of crazy. [Congratulations. You have been selected as the newest host of the Gamer system. The Gamer system is a symbiotic entity that allows you to play threw life like a game. Rewards for quests, increased chances for random encounters and adventure as well as the removal of any convention limits on your potential.] Taking a deep breath and looking up at the roof for a long second I say “Nope, I’m not dealing with this till I have some coffee in me.” I say as I walk out of the room. I idly notice the screen winks out of existence as I walk into my small kitchen and prepare the coffee maker for the water and beans. I didn’t particularly like coffee, I’d much rather have preferred some juice, energy drink, or even some nice tea. But after a long night of work and early morning I had to admit I needed a decent cuppa. Thank Celestria that Lemon Heart had bought her some of the nice vanilla chocolate roasts from the caste as a birthday present. It made waking up much more pleasant compared to the black sludge she could get for a Bit off the docks. Licking my lips at the nice smooth taste of the coffee I just manage to set it down before a new window appeared in front of me. “So I guess I’m stuck with you then? Alright, what’s this about making life like a game? I somehow can’t imagine living like I’m playing hide and seek. How would that ever help me.” [World scan in progress…..Complete] [Are you aware of any of the newer video games that have come out in this timeline or have you ever played Ogres and Ugliets?] “Not in a while. Work doesn’t really give me much time for things like that. I think the last time I played a video game was some racing game at Minuet's house and I've never been invited to an ONO game before. Sounds more like your right-up Minuets ally rather than mine. Sure you don’t want to bug her instead?” [Prior game knowledge is not necessary. The concept is simple. The system will steer quests and challenges your way. You will need to complete these quests and challenges to gain level experience and rewards. The higher the quest difficulty the greater the reward.] Now that I could feel some of the coffee kicking in I started to really pay attention to what the system is saying. Honestly, there were a lot of fishy elements going on here and I’d usually stay clear of things like this. Taping my hoof on my chin I taught over systems message. “What kind of challenges? I don’t know if you've noticed but I’m not exactly an athlete. So if you're expecting me to put on some tights and a cape you can forget about it.” [Lol, No the system does not expect you to become a superhero. Although the system does have the capability to help you become one. We would recommend waiting until reaching Universe cluster designation (Marvel) or (DC) before dining a cape and cowl. Those universes are far better suited to overt superheroes.] “Waaa? Multiverse? Cluster? Superheroes are a real thing? You know what, We can cover that later for now just what do you expect me to do exactly?” [The expectations of the system are that you will try to improve yourself by gaining experience to level up. This can be achieved by simply dumping points into your stats or as rewards from quests. How you do this will depend on your own choices and desires. For example, if you were a guard or police officer then this system would issue quests based on stopping crime and ensuring public safety. If you were a doctor we would issue quests based more on medicine.] “Ok, so this ‘game’ is driven by my decisions like ONO then? That means combat doesn’t it? Again I’m not built for that kind of thing. And don’t you dare deny it. I can read between the lines here.” I also remember some stallions with a blue main complaining about how his Ogre master always made the enemies too hard. Enemies were just par for the course in that game. [True, There will be a fair bit of combat coming your way. So this system suggests you think carefully about what type of character build you want when assigning you points on the status screen. You will have the opportunity to face a number of dungeons of varying levels. Failure to level us can result in being too weak when threats come around.] Well pony feathers, this didn’t sound good at all. Who do you even talk to about something like this? I can’t exactly go to the local hospital and say I’m starting to see floating text everywhere. I’d either be tossed in the loony bin or accused of practicing dark magic. Then tossed into the loony bin anyway. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just ignore you or take you to some wizard to remove?” [Destiny] “What? Destiny, What does destiny have to do with anything?” [The system unshackles you from your current mediocre destiny and allows you to break free of it. Currently, you are on track to being a middling enchanter, scraping together enough funds to make ends meet. The system can help you to be so much more. To be the very best you can be.] That was a dame good reason. Lately my life had been all but swallowed by my work. I liked Enchanting, loved it even But working hard for long hours with nothing else to do was slowly driving me insane. “Fine! I guess I can try you out. My Names MoonDancer by the way. What do I call you? Cause calling you The system all the time’s going to get annoying.” [My designation in System Sh-24342QST-5434 However since most non-system life forms can’t memorize that you can come up with a new destination] “I’ll call you Shady then. Nice to meet you Shady” [...]