//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 - Through the Looking Glass // Story: There but for the grace of our gods // by Valtyrian //------------------------------// Twilight and Sunset looked at each other as they examined the mirror in front of them. It had been two months since they found it in the restricted section of Canterlot’s School for Gifted Unicorns. “You sure you have the right translation this time, Twilight?” Sunset traced her hoof down the outer ridge of the mirror’s frame. “Pretty sure.” Twilight chuckled as she closed the book on her desk. “The language on the frame is the same as the kitsune language. I’ve had a lot of time to study it firsthand with Kohaku. Of course, the writing is a bit different.” “One reason I'm so worried you might have the wrong translation. Again. Not that I didn’t enjoy the banana splits the mirror produced the last time.” Sunset smiled at her friend. “Who knows what will happen if we get it wrong. The mirror could crack, or we open a portal to some unknown dimension.” “You worry too much Sunset.” Twilight waved her wing at the concern. “And you don’t worry enough.” Sunset placed her wing on Twilights. The two alicorns looked into each other’s eyes before laughing together. “I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Your protection spells are all in place. And there are no ponies more versed in magic power or knowledge than us. We can handle anything this mirror can throw at us,” Twilight grinned, placing a hoof on Sunset’s shoulder. “You're right.” Sunset caved, shaking her head. “Alright, let's begin. You translated. So you start us off.” “Thank you.” Turning toward the mirror, Twilight placed her hoof at its center as she drew a deep breath. Open wide the gates of time, Through the world, your bell doth chime. From Earth to Sea, Past flame and Sky. Let us pass for our time is nigh! Both girls blinked as the mirror did nothing. A small squeak in the hinges as it tilted forward. “Is that it?” Sunset grunted and turned to Twilight. “Yeah. we should see another dimension right now. What is wrong with this thing?” Twilight stomped her hooves on the ground and grumbled. “Still not working?” A disappointed voice sighed out from the hallway. Pearl half trotted into the room and looked at the mirror. “Afraid not Pearl.” Sunset smiled at the young woman. Even Sunset had to admire the young pegasus. Seventeen and she was already a beauty that turned the heads of many a stallion and even more mares. Never let it be said that Kohaku wasn’t the luckiest fox in all Equestria to land such a filly for his girlfriend. “So far all we can conjure from this thing are deserts and small flashes of light.” “Hmmm” Pearl walked over and examined the mirror. It was no different than it was the first time she saw it. Seven hooves high from the ground up and at least four hooves wide, an oval frame held up by two decorated posts. Walking around, Pearl stopped. “Have you two translated this back here?” “Only part of it. It said something about a door to another world. I think,” Twilight waved her hoof as she flipped through her books again. Quirking an eyebrow, she pushed the small paper that hung loosely on the back. “A door for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind.” Pearl spoke aloud as her hoof traced each kanji symbol. “Light the runes with bladed life, then step on through and forget your strife.” “Wait, when have you been able to read that?” Twilight’s eyes widened along with Sunset’s. “Kohaku’s been teaching me. I thought it might be good for me to learn his language,” Pearl giggled. “It hasn’t been easy and I mess things up a bit. But I've learned enough to understand what most Kanji means.” Leaning against the Mirror, Pearl gave a slightly smug smirk. Twilight chuckled. “Great, then perhaps you can help with the rest of this. Who knows? We might have a new adventure on our hooves.” “You know I always have time for my favorite teacher,” Pearl chuckled and brushed her wing against the surface of the mirror. Before either of the alicorns could react, the mirror shimmered and vibrate wildly. Small sparks emanate from the rune markings along the edges. Pearl took two steps back as Twilight and Sunset moved forward. But before they could reach Pearl, a flash of light erupted in the room. A scream echoed Pearl’s scream, and as soon as the light vanished. Both Alicorn mares stood there with wide-eyed expressions. There on the ground was a dark blast zone of ash, and Pearl was gone. “Pearl!” Twilight screamed in grief as she crumbled to the ground. Twilight frantically looked through her books. Her mind was racing ever since the accident several hours ago. Her and Pearl had been preparing for a lovely vacation through the mirror to the human world. Twilight had to laugh at the thought of Pearl getting the new gunpla’s Sci-Twi wrote her about. Twilight could still picture the mirror as it suddenly sparked and shake. A sudden flash of light filled the room before she found herself alone. “How.. How could this happen?” Twilight groaned as she sat behind her desk. Looking over at the various manuals and books, looking at every single possible spell that dealt with transportation. “Twilight, how you holding up?” Starlight came into the room, closing the door behind her. “Horribly. How could this happen, Starlight? How?” Twilight looked at her friend and former student. “I’ve gone through every single spell I can think of. And not one even comes close to doing what I just saw today.” “What did happen, Twilight? Exactly. You were so hysterical earlier we couldn’t get more than two words out of you.” Starlight sat down on the other side of Twilight’s large desk. “I’m sorry, but losing her like that.” “I’m sure she’s still alive,” Starlight reached out and placed her hoof over Twilight’s. “Have you reached out to Sci via the journal? She could be on the other side.” “I’ve tried, several times, but there’s been no response. Almost as if it’s no longer working.” Twilight bowed her head. Her constant flowing mane draped down over Twilight’s face. “Even the energy source to the mirror itself has been cut off. Which is odd as all the equipment is still working.” Twilight crossed her front legs and leaned back. “I wrote Sunset today, she’s taking the night train and will arrive in Ponyville tomorrow.” “That’s good, we can use all the magic power we can get. Let's hope together all of us can find your fiance safe and sound.” Starlight looked out the window as the sun as it set down over the horizon. “Why don’t you head up to your chambers. Get some rest. I’ll keep doing the research for you.” “I don’t think I can get any sleep. Not tonight,” Twilight dropped her head. “Maybe not, but you're not doing yourself or Pearl any good by driving yourself crazy.” Twilight nodded after a few moments of thinking. “You're right. Please come get me the moment you find anything. No matter how small.” Twilight turned and walked out of the room. Taking the staircase that led straight up to her chambers. “What is going on in this world?” Starlight looked out the window and towards the Everfree Forest. “Ever since that damn skull was found, things around here have been crazy. First Pearl and Twilight start seeing things, Now Pearl goes missing. What’s going to happen next?” Silently and swiftly a dark shadow ran across the length of the Everfree Forest’s border. His ears perked to every whisper, every scream, every sound from every animal and plant. His sharp eyes focused in the brilliant light of the full moon. Warm amber outlines filled his sight, as Kohaku slid to a stop at the edge of a large cliff. Standing there, he looked down at the valley below like a hawk on the wing. He had been told the news hours ago. His beloved Pearl had vanished with only a blasted burn mark where she stood as the only trace. He cursed his biology that forced him under that waterfall this past week. Urging him to master control over himself. Had it not been for that, he would have been by her side. Twilight and Sunset had both looked at him with a steady mix of fear and worry as they recalled what had happened. He just had to look once at the mirror. He had seen it before, but just couldn’t remember where. Turning away from the cliff edge he walked over to a large tree. Spinning about, Kohaku ran at full speed and jumped. Breaking off a large part of bark from a low hanging branch. Spinning about as he fell, Kohaku positioned himself on all fours and lowered his body. Angling himself slightly he felt himself strike the river after a several hundred paw fall. The raging waters pushed him along. Standing up in a strike position, Kohaku surfed the raging river with natural ease. Turning his ears he heard the familiar roar of a waterfall. As he launched off the edge. Kohaku grabbed the branch and bungee down till his nose just touched the water. Springing back up, Kohaku let go and flipped backward into a swan dive. Landing in his old lake with practice ease. Swimming to the shore, Kohaku pulled himself up and sighed. “I missed that. But Pearl would have probably had a heart attack.” Chuckling he pushed aside a large bush and stepped into his old home. Staring at the broken down old temple town, old memories flooded his mind. The sight of the grand tree, the first he ever grew, towering over everything in the forest calmed him. It’s great wisdom lending him the strength he needed as he approached the temple doors. “I’ll find you Pearl, no matter how long it takes.” Pushing the door open, Kohaku stepped into the darkness as they closed hard behind him.