//------------------------------// // Eyes // Story: Flashlight Week // by Banshee531 //------------------------------// Flash slurped up the milkshake he had ordered as he started across the dinner table at his girlfriend, Twilight being busy working on the homework they had come to do together. But Flash didn't seem at all focused on the math he was supposed to complete, instead simply staring at Twilight constantly. The bespectacled girl finally seemed to notice the stare and looked up from her work, locking eyes with Flash and appearing confused. "What?" "Just...wondering," was all he said before sucking up more milkshake. "Wondering what?" Twilight closed her text book, now more interested in what Flash was thinking about. Flash finished the last of his drink and sat back. "You wear glasses." Twilight laughed, "I thought you figured that out the day we met." Flash rolled his eyes at this and Twilight kept giggling. "I mean, you wear glasses but the other Twilight doesn't." Twilight stopped laughing instantly. The fact her boyfriend had dated an alternate version of her had never really been an issue between the pair, though the subject had never really come up. "I'm just wondering why?" Twilight had to admit, that was a good question. Why did her pony self not require glasses? "Maybe Equestria has a spell that allows ponies to fix eyesight problems." "Huh," Flash thought about this, "that could be it." He then started laughing, "that must mean that all the pony versions of everyone we know who wear glasses don't in Equestria. Can you imagine Micro Chips without his glasses?" Now it was Twilight's turn to laugh, though not as loudly as Flash had. The teen stopped laughing and looked at his drink, "I'm gonna get another milkshake. You want one?" Twilight shook her head and Flash walked over to the counter, whilst she returned to her homework. But unfortunately, she just couldn't focus on the work any more. Her thoughts remained on Flash's sudden interest in her need for glasses and her doppelganger's lack of need. Something must have made him wonder that. Had Flash been staring at her eyes before? Had he noticed something about her pony self that he liked better? Maybe he thought her eyes didn't look as good, because they were hidden behind the glasses. Twilight suddenly got a very bad feeling in her stomach. If Flash liked her other self's eyes better because she didn't wear glasses, that could be an issue. One she needed to try and fix. The next day. As Flash arrived at school, he headed for his locker and smiled as he realised he had quite a few classes with Twilight that day. He didn't intend to talk to her through them, but being seated next to one another was always a plus in his book. But as Flash reached his locker and put the books he needed away, he was suddenly alarmed to hear Twilight's voice call out in surprise and spun around to see she had tripped over something as she walked down the hallway. "Sorry," she told the person who owned the tripping hazard as she picked herself up. She then walked forward and Flash noticed there was something a little off about her. She was walking rather slow and nervously, whilst squishing her face up. Then he realised why she was likely doing that. She didn't have her glasses on. She stepped forward as somebody opened their locker, the girl's lack of facial wear stopping her from realising she was about to walk into it. Flash quickly ran forward and pulled her out of the way before she could break her nose, making her cry out as she did so. "Flash?" She asked, trying to get a better look at him. "Is that you?" "Yeah," he nodded as he pulled her over to his locker. "What's going on? Where are your glasses?" "In my bag," she told him. "I thought I'd try something a little different, so I put in my contact lenses." "Okay?" Flash asked a little weirded out. "But clearly you can't see properly with them." "I just need to get used to them," Twilight explained as she tried to make her way towards her own locker. But in doing so she bumped into Lyra and almost knocked them both over. "Sorry." Flash watched this insanity, wondering what the heck had gotten into his girlfriend. The rest of the day was rather a strange experience for Twilight's friends, as her lack of proper sight made things rather difficult. In class, she couldn't answer the question given to her because the math questions on the board looked like something you would see on an old Celtic relics. At lunch she tried to use a knife and folk to cut up soup and in science, she caused quite a commotion when she almost poured two very volatile liquids together. "That's it!" Flash cried when Twilight almost walked into the boy's bathroom, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her into an empty classroom. "Glasses." "I'm fine," Twilight told him. "It's just gonna take a little while for me to get used to the contacts." "Face it Twilight, you can't see. It's a miracle you even made it to school this morning." "Actually," Twilight rubbed her arm, "I didn't put my contacts in until I got here." Flash raised an eyebrow at this, wondering why she would wait until then to put them in if she was trying a new look. The only reason she would wait until getting to school was if she was trying to impress someone there. But who would she... "Twilight," he looked at him, "did you take off your glasses to try and impress me?" Twilight's face turned bright red, Flash knowing for sure now that's exactly what she did. "Why?" "I didn't want you to like her better than me," she looked ready to start crying. "What?" "The other me. I know you think she's prettier than me and it's because she doesn't have to wear ugly glasses." Now Flash was really confused, "that question you asked yesterday. About why she doesn't need glasses. Made it pretty clear you're not happy about me wearing them and would prefer I looked more like her." Flash's eyes went wide at this and he let out a moan, "stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" With each cry of that, he smacked his head. "Twilight, I don't like the way your other self looks better." "Yeah right," Twilight crossed her arms. "Then why did you wonder why she doesn't need glasses?" Flash thought about that and quickly got an answer, a smile forming on his lips. "Because I like your glasses," he told her. Now it was Twilight's turn to look confused. "Twilight, do you know what I think your best feature is?" Twilight looked herself over, or as best as she could with her current sight level. She then looked up at him. "My legs?" "Your eyes," Flash told her. "Your eyes are the most beautiful thing I can think of." Twilight blushed once again, "that's why I like your glasses. They're not ruining your face. They make your eyes easier to see. They don't just bring what you see through them into focus, they also make what I see through them bigger and clearer. And your eyes are the best thing I could think of to look at." He took her hands in his. "That's why I wondered why your other self didn't need them. I was staring into your eyes, thinking they looked way better than the pony you's and realised it was your glasses that made them look better." Twilight's face was as red as Sunset's hair, the girl looking down for a moment before her eyes slowly shifted up to look at his blurry face. "You really mean it?" Flash nodded and reached over to her bag, opening it up as the girl removed the contacts lenses from her eyes. Everything went even more blurry and all Twilight could do was wait. Finally, she saw the blurry image of her boyfriend hold up her glasses and slowly place them over her eyes. She blinked for a second to let them adjust, but finally everything came into focus and she was greeted to Flash's smiling face. "There," he told her, "the return of those two beautiful eyes." Twilight blushed again as Flash leaned forward and kissed her, Twilight kissing him back. The pair did this for almost a minute before pulling away, Flash looking into her eyes once again. "I'm sorry I made you think you had to change yourself." "It's okay," she told him. "I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." Flash nodded as Twilight looked sheepish again. "But honestly, is there anything about me you think my other self looks better as." Flash sighed. "Honestly, I think you both look beautiful. I can't deny that." Twilight frowned, "but you look more beautiful than she does. My other self might think the opposite is true, but this version of me will always believe you are the most beautiful Twilight Sparkle in this or any other world. And the most beautiful thing about you, your eyes, are perfectly framed by your glasses." Twilight smiled and kissed him again, the two being happy to just spend the reminder of the day kissing in that classroom. But the warning bell made them remember they still had classes and the two walked out of the room hand in hand, Flash glancing at her and focusing on Twilight eyes. The most amazing eyes in the entire world in his opinion. And nobody would ever make him think otherwise.