Trixie Lulamoon: Best Waifu Ever!

by Betty_Starlight

Chapter 6: Six New Reasons

Twilight stares at me from across the room and says, “Well, I knew you weren’t from here and probably wouldn’t want other ponies to know that…”

I frown as a disturbing thought suddenly occurs to me and tentatively say, “But?”

Twilight sighs, “But I kinda did tell a few friends about you and well…”

I widen my eyes, “There’s gonna be a Pinkie Pie party soon, isn’t there?”

Twilight widens her own eyes as the other bluer unicorn stares on from my right, “W-what? How did you know?”

I smile and lower my gaze, “Because I know you ponies! You’re so predictable!”

Twilight sighs, “Well, okay, Pinkie likes to throw parties and when I told her about you and what happened to you, she insisted on throwing a big party to cheer you up!”

I nod while continuing to maintain my grin, “Right! And let me guess! The Ponyville Pizzeria, right?”

Twilight widens her eyes again and stutters, “N-no!”

I raise my left eyebrow, “So uh, yes?”

Twilight sighs, “Just a moment, please!” before vanishing in a quick flash of purple light!

Trixie turns her head left towards me and says, “Where did she go?”

I snicker with my eyes squinted in joy, “Obviously, to tell Pinkie Pie somewhere other than the Ponyville Pizzeria! I bet she’ll pick the park!” I turn my head slightly towards the other unicorn and fix my face, “What do you think, Triscuit?”

Trixie nods, smiles, and giggles as she leans forward towards me, “Well, either that or the Ponyville Spa?”

“A massage would be nice, now that you mention it!”

Suddenly, the air before both of us flashes plum purple once more and a violet, winged unicorn pony appears there. She looks at us and says, “I’ll have you know that it’s at the Ponyville Park! She was planning a picnic for you to get you more accustomed to the nature and wonderment of living in our fair town!”

Trixie stares at the alicorn and says bluntly, “Betty totally called it!”

I stare onward at the alicorn as she looks at Trixie wide-eyed and says, “What?”

Trixie shakes her head and tries her best to suppress the grin on her face, “Never mind! Uh, “ she leans forward, “what time should Trixie and her new marefriend be there?”


We both begin trotting south and turn right to go around the block and make our way to the Ponyville Park just beyond, with Trixie trotting at my right and sporting her blue starry magician’s hat with its distinctive curved point and wide brim. She stares at me from the right as her matching cape waves with each pace, and asks, “How you holding up champ? Doing okay?”

I blink as I make my trot bleary-eyed and say, “Well, I’m sorta getting used to my new life right now, but some moments are trickier than others?”

She leans towards me, “Well, is there anything Trixie can do to help?”

I turn my neck right towards her as we both continue to trot, “Well uh, I’m about to meet some ponies I don’t know, and my anxiety is a little high right now…“I perk up my ears as my eyes widen, “Actually, there is one thing!”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m a good girl and don’t smoke that stuff!” I robotically say as I stare at the pink pony with the purple pointy party hat over her magenta mane with blue polka dots in front of me, as I stood there at the park…

Pinkie Pie frowns, “Uh, what are you talking about, you weirdo? I just asked how you were doing?”

I shake my head and blink my hazel eyes, “Um, right! How I was doing! Yes! Of course! Uh,” I blink again and say instinctively, “I’m just fine! We’re all fine here! Everything is fine! Yes!”

She blinks her blue eyes and leans forward while carefully frowning and squinting at me, “You don’t seem fine?”

Trixie obviously sensed the tension when she breaks the ice, “Uh, I think Betty here is ready to mingle with the other ponies?”

I turn to Trixie, “I am?”

Pinkie smiles, “Of course! Trot on over, Betty! I’ll find you a seat!”

Trixie turns her head left towards us and says, “What Betty here means to say is, that she’s had a rough time and she really wants to just relax and eat cake and meet some other ponies!” She adjusts her gaze to me carefully… She starts to smile maniacally, “Right?”

I start and reply mechanically, “Yes! Of course!” before saying lowly, “This is gonna suck!"

Pinkie leans towards me with big curious blue eyes, “What was that? I didn’t catch that, Betty?”

I start and stare back at the pink pony, “Oh uh, nothing! Nothing to worry about! Everything is fine!” before giving her the fakest smile in recent Equestrian history.

Pinkie smiles, “Well, come on, you silly filly! You have friends now who really want to meet you!”

I say lowly again, “This is gonna suck!” as she turns her body back towards the red and white checkered cloth laid out on the pasture with five familiar ponies sitting there with a picnic basket and waiting on me…

She begins trotting that way just a mere 15 feet and I follow with my marefriend to my right…

I see a rainbow-maned blue pegasus sitting with a familiar purple alicorn just beyond her on the left and a recognizable pink maned yellow pegasus on the right with a violet maned white unicorn just past her and an orange earth pony sitting on her haunches in the center, wearing a tan cowpony hat, past everypony else.

Applejack looks up at me and says, “Howdy, sugarcube! Lovely weather we’re having today, huh?”

Rainbow Dash turns her neck right towards me and says in her raspy tomboyish voice, “Yeah, doing okay after your planet was destroyed?”

Suddenly, Twilight jabs the blue pegasus with her right forehoof!

“Ow!” Rainbow exclaims before rubbing her tender side with her right forehoof.

I blink, “It still seems so surreal? None of this seems real to me, right now. I feel like I’m in some sort of fantasy world!”

Twilight nods with her head turned my direction, “Makes sense! You were a human earlier, but now, you’re a pony and basically must figure out life all over again!” *

I stare at the purple pony blankly and narrow my mouth hesitantly, “Um, right!”

The yellow pegasus on my right stares up at me with wide blue eyes and says in a low feminine voice, “I feel sorry for you, Betty! Is there anything I can do?”

I eye this sympathetic pony very carefully as I’m not used to anybody er, anypony actually caring about me! “Uh, not right now, maybe later?”

Twilight smiles and nods, “Right Betty! But you need to know that we’re all here for you!” She nods at the pegasus on her right, “This is Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow smiles up at me, “Hiya Betty!”

Twilight nods to the orange pony at the center, “This is Applejack!”

Applejack smiles up at me and nods kindly, “Howdy again, partner!”

Twilight looks at the white unicorn, “And Rarity!”

Rarity looks up at me with her sparkling blue eyes underneath her well-kept purple hair, “Yes darling! I’m here to offer you, my support!” before smiling.

Twilight turns to the yellow pegasus closer to me, “And this is Fluttershy!”

The yellow pegasus shirks slightly and blushes subtly before squeaking out, “Hi Betty!”

Twilight beams brighter before turning her head back all the way right to face me, “Betty, you need to know that you’re a pony now and that we’re all here for you!”

I nod, “Uh, right! Ponies! Of course!” I say before smiling nervously…

Trixie eyes me again from the right, “Uh, you go sit down between Applejack and Twilight, sweetie! I’ll make you a plate and get you some juice!”

As I begin trotting to make my way to the spot Trixie specified, I can’t help but think that I really wish a third of this mystery juice was vodka, but quickly shake my head as I remind myself that I don’t do that anymore and curve my path around the purple alicorn to move next to Applejack where I plant my body on its haunches very carefully as I’m still not used to the whole, pony quadruped hooves thing…

Applejack turns her head right to face me and removes her Stetson with her forehooves and smiles at me, “You doin alright?”

I turn my head to her while Trixie prepares a bowl of fruit for me with her magic from the basket at the center of everypony, “Um, I think so? You ponies keep asking me that!”

She smiles and nods, “Of course! You just went through something very traumatic, and we need to make sure you’re okay!”

I widen my eyes, “I’m not used to that!”

She corrects her mouth and leans closer my way, “What do you mean? Didn’t you have friends on Earth?”

I frown, “Not a lot, really?” I sigh, “I uh, didn’t think I really belonged…”

Applejack raises her right eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

I gaze at this orange earth pony meticulously, into her wide open sympathetic green eyes… I frown as I know that I must choose my words carefully before saying, “I suppose I should start from the beginning?” I nod, “Since I was born, I’ve had these mental issues, and after everything that happened to me, I have trouble coping at points… Just dealing with reality, you know?” I take a deep breath through my nose, “Later, I learned that I’m transgender too! Yeah, turns out I’m not a boy at all and that’s probably why everything was always so awkward? You ever feel out of place or, like you don’t belong, Applejack?”

She begins to smile slightly, “Well, sure, sugarcube! I’ve been to fancy dress events and ballet recitals where I just don’t belong, so I kinda know what you’re getting at!”

I nod, “Right! Now imagine that feeling all the time!”

Fluttershy frowns at me, “Oh my! That sounds just awful!”

I turn to the yellow pony and nod, “Right! And so, that’s why I tried to kill myself four times!”

At that point, everypony on the cloth stares at me wide eyed and says almost in unison, “YOU WHAT?”

I smile slightly, “Well, yeah! I mean, I’m gonna die anyway, right? And since I couldn’t be what I was supposed to be, I figured, what’s the point? And so, I decided to end it!” I cough, “Uh, obviously, I wasn’t very successful!”

Twilight gazes over at me, “Well, yes Betty! But what about your life? Don’t you think it matters?”

I adjust my gaze to Twilight, “Why? We’re all going to die, sooner or later! The end result is always the same!”

Twilight nods and says, “But what about the time while we’re here? Don’t you think that’s important?”

I raise my left eyebrow, “What does it matter? We’re still going to die!”

Rarity looks over at me from the other side of Applejack, “I think what she means darling, is that you shouldn’t be so focused on what happens later so much as the here and now…”

I eye the white unicorn, “Why?”

Rainbow chimes in from the other side of Twilight, “Well, thinking that way, made you try to kill yourself and only made you depressed…” she smiles slightly, “You think maybe there’s a better way?”

I turn my gaze to the Rainbow-maned Pegasus, “Well, I suppose it’s better to be happy, than depressed? That is, assuming I still want to be here!”

Rainbow nods, “Hey, I just met you, but I kinda do wanna get to know you later…” she smiles slightly brighter, “Maybe stick around for that, anyway?”

I giggle slightly as the cannabinoids encircle my mind and reply, “So uh, basically, of course, we’re all gonna die! But maybe try living a little first?”**

Twilight nods at me, “Well, right! That’s one way to put it!” she stares at me sincerely with her large violet eyes, “Don’t you think we’d like to know you?”

I avert my gaze left towards the alicorn, “Uh, right! Friendship! Of course!” and smile nervously again…

Applejack raises her left eyebrow at me and says, “I can already tell this is gonna be interesting!” while the pink pony giggles hysterically with her right forehoof over her mouth at my far right, beyond Twilight and everypony else just smiles at me…


“Ugh! I think I ate too much pie?” I whine as I slowly trudge my way back to Trixie’s cottage while the blue magician looks at me from the right and giggles slightly with a smirk on her proud face…

“Trixie told you to stop at just one slice!”

I widen my eyes at the other unicorn, “Well, the apple horse told me to take another!”

Trixie nods while we both continue to trot, “Yes, and that’s what you get for listening to farm ponies!”

I grimace, “Shut up!”

Trixie snickers again, “Come on, Betty! Let’s get you to bed for a siesta and Trixie will make us a light dinner later! Let’s have a lazy day together, alright?”

“Ugh!” I groan with my new long and extra-slimy pony tongue out of my mouth…

The blue pony giggles at me…


I lay underneath the soft purple velvety covers inside Trixie’s enormous bed as the other mare held me from behind with her forehooves…

“I love you!” She whispers into my ear while tenderly caressing my new equine body…

“I love you too, Trixie!” I whisper back before smiling and relaxing while inside her warm embrace…

When suddenly, I feel a hoof slowly begin to touch my rump…

I grimace as I think to myself, Oh goddammit! We’re about to have sex again, aren’t we?

What followed was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before in my life… Sure, we had that quickie earlier, but this was a lot more tender… Sure, I had fucked women when I thought I was male and sure, I had bottomed for men in the past as well, but this was unlike any of that… Here I was, Betty a mare, loving another mare… And we did our love gracefully with caresses and loving licks of passion between the two of us… And this continued for nearly three hours…

(To be continued…)