Glitched Memories

by Blackstar_Shine

Prologue: Broken Worlds

The world is in shackles.

Fire spread around the area, buildings shattered and destroyed. Smoke moved around the area, where the red blood sky filled with dark clouds, where once a blue cleared area once was. Ponies all of different sizes, were evacuated or killed immediately by shadow demons with black tentacles.

This was Echochament, at war.

A grey and brown blur flew past, running away from the scene. She held a sword in her mouth. Her brown hair was messed up, her lion like tail ran passed. The sweater she was wearing was teared.

She continued running down the path, as the screams of suffering rang through her ears, but she was in a panic, she didn’t have time to cry.


The young mare immediately stopped in her tracks. She didn’t turn around, she just stopped and glared over at where the voice came from.

The young mare, her brown curly mane flowing in the wind, maybe it was from the gusts of wind coming from explosions of magic, but nonetheless it caused her mane to flow a bit, the pink necklace around her neck, a heart smack in the middle. Her green eyes glowed glaring at the voice who spoke.

A black shadow unicorn, with a sharp crooked horn and black long flowing mane and tail. With black and red eyes, glared with a wicked smile.

“Hello,” The unicorn spoke, “Been awhile, hasn’t it Blackstar?”

“Yes…” The pegasus glares, then turns around with a concerned but hopeful look.

“Please Shadow!” Blackstar said, “You don’t have to do this!”

A black and purple magic blast, flew past her, leaving a crater in the ground behind her, Blackstar quickly jumped out of the way, grabbing her sword in her mouth and quickly ran off, only getting a few feet away before Shadow teleported in front of her stopping her in her tracks.

Blackstar yelped, falling onto her back and dropping her sword, it landing on the floor with a clang. Shadow pressed a hoof onto her chest, glaring down at Blackstar.

“I honestly think you should think about what happened.” Shadow stated with an angry tone. “All those memories we had, a waste.” She glared down. “I would kill you but I’m not going to.”

Blackstar stared, a bit suprised. Shadow removed her hoof from her chest. Blackstar quickly got up, staggering to her hooves.

“I would advise you to leave.” Shadow growled.

Blackstar turned around, wings up, before looking back at Shadow, her old friend, one that she considered a sibling. Was now a monster.

“You will not, get away with this.” Blackstar said aggressively and glared, before flapping her wings and flying off, a bit shaken from the experience.

Shadow smiled, her red pupils glowing a bit, before looking at the destruction of Echochament, with a fang showing, smile.

“I think I already have.”

Blackstar landed in a forest very far away, a few hours ago she was running from her now destroyed home, she didn’t have any wounds or injuries, besides destroyed and ripped clothes, but she was deeply shaken. Dried tears were now on her face, she couldn’t do anything about it. She quietly sniffed and wiped her face.

“I gotta do what I gotta do.” She thought to herself as she looked at a dark purple hard cover book. Reading it carefully before shutting it and placing it to the side.

The forest itself was quite nice, green grass and purple flowers poked there way through. In place were four grey stones that stood and poked its way out of the ground, symbols were ingraved onto them, all the same, but different color hearts.

“Here goes something…” She stated, she cleared her throat and began to say something. Clearly in a different language, it translated to this.

Portal of a another dimension
Take yourself out of my direction
Fully incase yourself within
And forgot yourself and go back to begin

Blackstar floated a few feet of the ground clearly in a trance, her eyes glowed white, as the stones began glowing.

Fully functioning mind and wealth
Take and heal back to health

A portal in the shape of a summoning circle began opening below her.

Come back when finally make peace
But be forewarned a shard in place
May cause a glitch to break

A pink and purple light glowed and in a blinding light, followed by glitching particles, Blackstar was gone, only thing that was left was an ash marking on the ground.

In the skies above, far away from the land of Equestria, in the clouds, sat a world, not known to Equestria life, besides the Princess’s, and Equestria legends, was a few clouds and grassy lands, this world was known as Spiritua, home to the spirits of different ponies, who have crossed over, who would travel between far and wide. Also it was home to wolves, who would comfort the spirits who would have problems with being in the afterlife.

Among the afterlife, was a house, bigger than a giant, with purple wallpaper and roof, reaching over 10 feet, like a mansion.

The keeper of this home, was a hybrid, a giant 8 foot regal mare, with a tan coat and black mane with grey highlights at the end, fluffy ears which looked like wolves and a grey wolf tail, she wore a black dress and pink sparkles around the area were two holes, poking out were grey wings, bigger than the Princesses of Equestria, while on the tips were pink and purple highlights.

The spirits would call her, Roselight. The Goddess of Hybrid Spirits.

She currently wore a purple mask covering the majority of her face. Walking around back to her home, the clicking of black shoes could be heard along with the flapping of her wings. Who were ruffled up from flying around the land, according to Equestria, a royal Princess was crowned, Princess Celestia’s student, Twilight Sparkle. Who was known now as the Princess of Friendship.

Roselight, smiled knowing there was a new Princess in the other Universe. If only she could visit more often.

The Hybrid Goddess stepped up onto the grass of her home walking towards the doorstep, when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She glanced down besides being tall for her height she could tell that this wasn’t a wolf. She lowered her head to take a better look and her eyes squinted.

“Oh?…” She stated, taking off her mask to get a better look.

The grey pegasus was out cold. Her right hoof being purple and in the shape of a claw. Her brown mane and lion tail were messed up completely, but at the tip of her mane were a few pink streaks. She was clearly breathing.

“What on earth?” She stated confused, normally ponies would appear at the gates, not in front of her home, she picked up the smaller mare making sure there wasn’t any injuries.

“Poor thing…” She softly spoke, carrying the pony in one hoof due to how tiny she was compared to the goddess. She opened up the door and walked into her home, the home being filled with dark purple walls and floors, a golden curtain being put over windows and doors.

Roselight, placing the pegasus down on her huge couch, laying down next to her. Whoever she was, she’s going to find out, and bring her home.