The Ponyville Voice

by Jh5kPony

Loose Lips Sink Ships

Years in the Past...

Proper Syntax went into the office for work. If he wasn't coming up with stories, he was busy on the printing press. That's how the boss saves money. Brutally efficient. Brutal, but efficient. Proper Syntax hated the job. He went over to the printing press as usual, and began to mass-produce prints of today's headlines.

Immediately he began to get bored of this job. He just kept placing the paper into the printing press, pulled a lever, and repeat. Proper Syntax began to wonder what it would be like if his boss ordered a Steam-powered press.

"Cheap bastard..." Proper Syntax muttered.

The boringly repeated actions gave him plenty of time to think, but little time to look around. He had a printing deadline to meet. After an hour had passed with this mind-numbingly boring task, and Proper Syntax began to moan in agonizing boredom. He then noticed something under the press. It was somewhat tube-like and rubbery and had a weird liq-

"OH DEAR CELESTIA!" Proper Syntax flinched. He dropped the item in question.

It was a used condom.

Proper Syntax panted heavily. He was fairly squeamish. However he then assessed the situation, and realized he had to get back to work. He took the used condom and placed it in the trash. However, as he reached towards the trash can, his boss walked in. He noticed the used condom on Proper Syntax's hoof, and turned absolutely red with embarrasment and fear.

"Sorry sir. I just found this condom and-" stammered Proper Syntax, unaware that the condom was actually used by his boss.

"Just get back to work," the boss replied, trying very hard to keep his cool, but failing.

Hours later...

Proper Syntax was finally done with his mind-numbingly boring task of printing many newspapers. His hooves began to feel numb from the repeated actions. He just wants to go home with his wife at this point.

Before he did, however, he snuck a newspaper into his saddlebag.

Once he got home, he noticed that his wife was not yet home. There were some leftover Daffodil sandwiches from yesterday. He decided to read the newspaper as he ate the leftovers. He noticed on the paper that his "Fancy Pants Scandal" story was not on the paper.

It could wait.

He also noticed a note underneath the plate. It was a rather wonky-looking hoof-writing. The hoof-writing belonged to her wife. Nonetheless the note was simple:

"Meet me at the dock near the Town Square at midnight. Bring nopony. I got a surprise for you <3."

It was suspiscious, but nonetheless if it was from his wife, it was trustworthy...


The Present...

The weather had cleared up, and Fluttershy had already left. Twilight would now get back to her studies. Once again she would get back to her studies as usual. Once she finished her daily grind, she searched for the old newspaper story she was meaning to read.

Cloud Caper Culprit Caught!

On a photograph.

LAST WEEK, on Hoovember 23, photojournalist Tele Photo, had mistakenly took a photo of what is revealed to be an illegal storm cloud smuggling


A loud crash was heard outside the library, sending vast tremors throughout the town. It was like the time Twilight felt the tremor from the first Sonic Rainboom, only it did not have the mystic qualities she felt as a foal. Twilight hurried outside to see what was happening. Likewise, other ponies too exited their homes to also examine what was going on.

It was a fire in town.

Twilight looked around for the nearest pony to ask what was going on. The only one that was able to stop for long enough for Twilight to ask was Pinkie Pie, who seemed to be completely unaware of the fire that seemed to be engulfing all of Ponyville.

"Pinkie!" Twilight screamed. "What the hay just happened?!"

"Hi Twilight!" Pinkie chirped, still unaware of the fire. "So there's this airship that was about to land, and then it suddenly got hit by something flying, and then there was this huge fire! Hey it's just like the time when I was a little filly!"

So she IS aware of the fire. Just not very scared.

"Pinkie! RUN!" Twilight yelled.

Twilight hurried back inside and quickly placed a sleeping Spike on her back, and quickly ran out. Spike, only now aware of the smoke, suddenly bolted awake, darting his head everywhere.

"Wha-who-where-why-" Spike said hurriedly. "What's going on Twilight?!"

Right before her eyes, a large, nearby tree, was about to fall on Twilight. In a flash, Twilight created a force-field that happened to cover the entire library. Pinkie Pie was still there, half aware of the danger the entire town is. She looked up in the sky, and pointed at the clouds.

"Oooh look!" Pinkie Pie chirped. "It's Rainbow Dash!"

Meanwhile, in the sky, Rainbow Dash and various other pegasi were attempting to fill the sky with clouds. However, due to the recent rainstorm they had to maintain, there were only a few.

"GO! GO! GO!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

Immediately, every pegasi kicked the clouds to release as much of a downpour as they can. Little by little, the fires began to subside. However, the rainclouds disappeared faster than the fire could.

And then came the Earth Ponies and Unicorns.

Each individual earth pony and unicorn carried a bucket of water to clear out the fire as well. From the nearby resevoir of water they had to take a bucket, pass on a bucket to the next pony, and douse out the fire in each individual building. It was a long, and lengthly process, but the job was done nonetheless.

After an arduous clearing of the fire, the fire was cleared. It left one-fifth of the entire town a charred mess. In the middle of the mess was the remains of the airship. Various ponies attempted to see if there were any survivors within the debris.

"Well, that was a thing." said the only survivor, in a rather fancy-pants demeanor.

Although barely recognizeable, it was none other than Fancy Pants, the mayor of Canterlot.