//------------------------------// // Actions and Words // Story: Torn Too Soon // by wileytwily //------------------------------// Twilight was awoken from a much-needed nap by Spike poking her sides. “Ouch, Spike..” she sleepily grumbled. “I’m sorry, but Pinkie wants to see you. She says it’s urgent!” Spike told her. Twilight reluctantly turned around and rolled out of bed, yawning and wondering what was wrong. Pinkie did feel bad about waking Twilight when Spike told her she was asleep, but she couldn’t wait any longer. Twilight walked downstairs to the main hall seeing Pinkie by the door, looking anxious. “Pinkie, what’s up?” Twilight asked, trying not to yawn again. Pinkie quickly grabbed her and ran into the closest storage unit in the castle, much to Twilight’s confusion. “Sorry, Twilight. I just really want to be alone for this.” Twilight nodded and again inquired what the problem was. The storage unit was packed with stuff Twilight didn’t need but held onto dearly, making the presence in there very claustrophobic. Pinkie and Twilight were forced to be side by side because of boxes that wouldn’t move and that Twilight refused to move at the moment. “Twilight… Do you ever think… about us?” Twilight was about to say “Yes, I think about all my friends.” but she could tell exactly what kind of ‘thinking’ Pinkie meant from her tone. She was a bit shocked by the sudden advancement so she simply looked down. “Do you?” “Maybe. Yes.” Pinkie replied. Twilight’s head bounced up in surprise, and tried to hide her blushing face with her hooves. After a few moments, Twilight softly said “I do too.” which surprised Pinkie as well. They didn’t have to say much to know exactly what the other one meant. The confession was out. “But I thought you and Cheese-“ Twilight started. “Maybe, I don’t know. But I couldn’t go forever without telling you.” Pinkie quickly replied, cutting her off. Twilight sighed, this being a bombshell to hear. She put her hoof on Pinkie’s gently and tried to calm her anxious mind internally. “But, what do we do now?” Pinkie asked. Twilight looked to her. “What do you mean?” “I mean, that our feelings are mutual. What do we do now?” Pinkie replied. Twilight’s heart stopped for a moment, she never considered the possibility of Pinkie wanting to date her, and didn’t know if that’s what she exactly wanted either. “I don’t know.” was all Twilight could muster. It didn’t have a positive feel to it. Pinkie hugged Twilight as they were already smushed in the storage unit. “Why did you never tell me?” Pinkie asks. Twilight hugs back slowly, shutting her eyes tightly. “I didn’t want to believe it myself.” Hearing this stung Pinkie a bit, but it was the truth even if she found it hurtful that Twilight didn’t even want to believe her own feelings for Pinkie. Though Twilight accepted her feelings internally, she never could bring them out to light. She still wasn’t sure if she was okay knowing that she had a crush on one of her best friends. Sensing that it hurt Pinkie, Twilight squeezed onto her. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Twilight asked. “I never would’ve thought you’d like me back.” Pinkie whispered. Twilight’s heart wrenched at Pinkie’s tone. Though, she wasn’t surprised. Twilight never showed any romantic interest in her before, even though she had a lot of it. The mares were silent for a while. Even though this should be a moment filled with joy, it felt somber. Twilight eventually moved the boxes that smushed them together so they had more room to sit and process. “How long?” Twilight asked, referring to when the feelings had begun. “This is gonna sound dumb, but since the first time I saw you basically.” Pinkie answered. Twilight blushed and looked back down, saying a very quiet “Me too.” Slowly, Pinkie scooted closer to Twilight and either in the moment or out of impulse, both of their lips instinctively met each other. Twilight held Pinkie tight, sharp and cold tears pricking at her eyes. Pinkie held onto Twilight like she was a koala, smushing her mouth against hers. Their love for each other was undying in that moment. Full and bountiful. So, they kept at it. They eventually stopped when Twilight had to cry. She pulled away and started sobbing. Pinkie leaned against her sympathetically, wondering what to do. “It hurts, Pinkie. It hurts.” Twilight choked out in-between sobs. “What does?” Pinkie replied. “I want to do this, but… We won’t work out.” Twilight sobbed. Pinkie’s heart dropped. She was sure that after they kissed, she would walk out with a new marefriend. “What? Why?” Pinkie asked. “We won’t. It can’t. I’m too busy all the time being a princess, and with me being an alicorn, I’ll outlive you.” Twilight explained. “But… we can figure it out.” Pinkie said, her eyes practically begging. Twilight slowly shook her head. “It’s not that simple. Plus, there’s never been a relationship between royalty and a commoner in all of history. I don’t want to do anything wrong.” Pinkie’s ears perked up. “Commoner…? That’s all I am to you now that you’re royalty?” What once was depression now turned into anger. “Pinkie, please. You know I didn’t mean it that way.” Twilight begged. “I don’t know what you mean. You’re giving a lot of mixed signals right now.” Pinkie replied coldly. “First, you hide your crush from me because you’re ashamed of it. Then when I tell you and you feel the same, you don’t want to date me because it’s like you’re ashamed of me!” Pinkie blurted out, tears starting to fall down her cheeks too. “Like all you’re worried about is just your image as a princess now. And how I’ll ruin it.” “No no, Pinkie. Not at all!” Twilight grabbed her hooves. “It’s just not as simple as it seems. There’s a lot of variables to be accounted for, I can’t just jump into this!” “And why not?!” Pinkie nearly shouted back. Twilight sighed. “Not everything can be as simple as you want it to be, Pinkie.” “So that’s all you think of me. A simple commoner.” Pinkie’s voice started to break. “I don’t! But why can’t you understand I can’t just start dating you like it’s nothing?!” Twilight yelled back. “Because it is nothing! Ponies do it all the time!” “Not royalty!” They were silent for a bit before Pinkie continued. “So, overall. You care about your image as a princess more than having a relationship with me.” Twilight stayed quiet because she knew this was the truth. She knew it was as bad as it sounded and she knew this was all wrong, but she didn’t know what else to do. Pinkie sighed and wiped tears away from her eyes, her mane flattening ever so slightly. “Thanks for your time, Twilight. I gotta go.” Pinkie said before she flashed a fake smile and ran out. Twilight tried to catch up to her but didn’t have the energy and simply sat on the floor sobbing to herself. Eventually, Spike came down and tried to help. Twilight put her guard up and told Spike to leave, but when he didn’t, she held him tight and didn’t let go. “It’s all my fault!”