Batmane, the dark steed

by Guillermo


Luna was on her balcony, sipping a cup of tea while looking at the stars, the moon, and a new addition to her night, a bat signal. Right next to her was a huge spotlight, powered by magic, with the bat in the center.

"I like it."

Luna groaned to look at the source of the voice, Batmane, who was stepping out of the shadows.

"I thought we would need it to call you, unlike you, I can't send messages to your mind, I always thought it was a design error" Luna said as she watched the signal in the sky. "Besides, I think other than a call, it can be a good deterrent to criminals, don't you think?"

"And the Joker?"

"Always so direct" Luna said with a small smile, which soon disappeared. "He is locked up in Arkham, and following your advice, both my sister and I have placed a post of our guards in the mental hospital."

"Is your sister still mad?"

Luna was silent for a while, taking a sip of her tea before speaking.

"She is... but she'll get over it, she can't be mad forever. We're both like night and day, very different from each other, with our frictions, but in the end, we need each other."

Batmane nodded, confirming that he had heard. Luna looked at him out of the corner of her eye, and a small mischievous smile formed on her face.

"You should go now to rest, if I'm not mistaken, you have a meeting with Blood Enterprises, you don't want to raise suspicions, do you?"

Luna enjoyed Batmane's silence, for once she would leave her dark knight speechless.

"Before you say anything, I've been suspecting it for a long time. And in case you've forgotten, I'm the princess of night... and dreams, did you really think I wouldn't keep an eye on my nephew's dreams and notice how late he went to sleep?" Luna had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing as she took another sip. "Don't worry, everything I told you is true, I trust you, and your secret will be safe with me."

When Luna turned around, Batmane had already left, leaving her alone. With a smile, she turned to see the bat-signal in the night sky, and with a flash of her horn, she set her spotlight to go out shortly before dawn. That night, she would leave the sign on for all to see.

There was nothing but white, a steppe of ice and snow, the only sound was that of the wind. But, something began to sound, loudly, the sound of ice breaking. A huge, gigantic object began to rise from the depths of the ice, a black object with blue lights illuminating its surface. As the object rose to the surface, it emitted a powerful pulse of energy that Equestria, and the entire planet, had never experienced before.

Celestia jerked awake, beads of sweat staining her fur. She barely remembered her dream, but she still felt the residual magic of that item… magic that she only experienced once in her entire life. Noticing that dawn was still a few hours away, she got up from her bed and walked out into the halls of her castle, walking at a brisk pace. It didn't take long for her to meet Luna, who was coming out of one of the corridors, and seeing her older sister, she looked at her with concern.

"Sister, what was that?"

Celestia rushed by, which made Luna frown before following her.

"I don't know what it was exactly... but I do have an idea of ​​its origin."

Luna's concern increased, few things had made her sister so nervous before. Both of them advanced through the castle quickly, going up several floors, and stopping in front of a door, a room that only Celestia herself and her sister could enter, but the princess of the night did not go there very often, there were things inside that brought back bitter memories. The sun alicorn ignited her horn, illuminating the door and performing several very powerful unlocking spells, until at last, it clicked open.

Celestia entered the room followed by her sister, looking at what was inside it. Nearby was the book that drove Rarity crazy and that Spike had restored to its original appearance with one of his flares, since it was indestructible, on a padded pillow was the Alicorn Amulet, given to the princesses after Zecora recommended that it would be safer with them, in the distance, half hidden by other things, were two suits of armor made of divine steel that had not been used for many centuries. But what made Luna not want to be there, was a statue that was in the darkest corner, the princess could feel those stone eyes following her.

But what dominated the room was an object hidden by a large sheet, which floated a few centimeters from the ground. Luna approached curiously, observing the outline.

"What is this, sister?"

Celestia didn't answer right away, instead she lit her horn and grabbed one of the corners of the sheet.

"This, dear Luna, is proof that we are not alone in the universe."

With a quick jerk, she revealed what was hidden. Luna's eyes widened when she saw what was there, it was, literally, a spaceship taken from those comics that Spike had shown her a few times. It had a triangular shape, an engine at its rear, wings on both sides, a pointed nose and a cabin for a passenger, but it was too small, the princess of the night did not believe that anything larger than a foal of no more than three months could fit in there. But what stood out the most was the shield that was in front, of a golden color, and that contained a stylized 'S'.