//------------------------------// // 22) First Mother is a Threat // Story: Loyalty's Vision // by SapphireRose87 //------------------------------// {Rainbow Dash} After I woke up I went back to working with Discord. Spitfire had been off for a few days. When she came back she pulled me off to the side and seemed very excited about something. “What’s up?” I said. “I just got my first team captain assignment!” Spitfire cheered. “What was it?” I asked. “According to Samantha it’s how a Predictor tracks down original creatures in the Machine,” Spitfire said. “I’m not sure about all of the ins and outs of it and I found my specialty job is.” “Oh good,” I said, “is it fighting the Firewalls?” Spitfire shook her head. “Nope, it’s not.” “What is it?” I asked. “It’s fighting the seekers,” answered Spitfire. “Once the seekers are alarmed about a wire being crossed they go fight us before they start chasing after the creature that’s been broken out.” “That actually happens?” I said, raising an eyebrow. “Oh yeah, and I know about the stunners and that stupid remote. It’s an agent’s goal on my assignment to get rid of the stunners and the remote before they make the world pause. The job gets even harder when those Firewalls show up and try to hit you with a Copper. Apparently, the assignment I did is a high-level assignment.” Spitfire explained. I smiled. “Yeah my team captain assignment was a high-level assignment and that’s when I found out what my specialty assignment was. Was that your test assignment?” Spitfire nodded. “It was pushing out the USB ports. My team was doing fine until the Firewalls showed up. The Firewall that I fought looked like a demon with green hair and red eyes. Her name was Firewall Molly.” I chuckled, "Oh yeah, I've fought her before. I'm just sorry I didn't get a chance to help the Lord out by sending her back to hell before I got benched from fighting the Firewalls." "Yeah I heard that's a high-level job too." said Spitfire, "That's actually the number one high-level job, the second high-level job is the breakouts, and the third high-level job is crossing wires at the CPU. I love my weapon by the way. My break-away shield is awesome!" "So who was your team for your first team captain assignment?" I asked. "Well, unfortunately, that agent who was that girly pony who trained me on my weapon was Agent Rarity, Agent Gilda, and Agent Arthur. If I ever date another girly agent like Agent Rarity ever again feel free to knock some sense into me." I started laughing pretty hard at that statement and stopped laughing when I saw Oliver. "What's so funny?" Oliver asked. "Maya was just telling me that Agent Rarity was on her team captain assignment," I replied. "Yeah I still can't believe I dated someone so girly," Spitfire said. "Yuck! Not my type at all. I must've been drunk when I got together with her." I snorted. "Let me guess, tomboys are more your style?" Spitfire nodded. "Yup, I was actually trying to get you away from that knucklehead Pinkie Pie before you got sucked into the Machine. Before that stupid engagement party." I was taken aback by that statement, "Uh, huh?" Spitfire giggled, "Oh come on Nancy! Did you really think you needed all of those 'private flies' in between practice with the team?" I looked away. "Ah, well I figured since you were the captain of the Wonderbolts then if you said I needed the extra practice then I needed the extra practice. You did keep yelling at me during practice saying that I could do better." Oliver and Spitfire burst into laughter. "It's okay Maya," laughed Oliver, "Nancy's not very good at picking up on the obvious. Especially when I was throwing paper balls in her trash can and kept asking her out on a coffee date." "I didn't have time for that sort of thing," I growled, "in case you don't remember, I was busy taking care of my six-month-old baby. But when I was broken out the Machine separated me from him, then I had time for it." "And here you two are married and getting ready to have a baby," Spitfire said. "So I guess that's bittersweet though." I didn't tell anyone about Jude besides Finn and Oliver. I didn't really tell Gilda about it and I wasn't about to start doing it now because I doubt Spitfire would believe that Jude was the Lord of AI. So I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Spitfire raised an eyebrow. "You guess I'm right?" "Yup that's my story and I'm sticking to it," I said. Spitfire nodded and then looked at the nearby clock. "I guess it's time we get back to work." Oliver and I nodded in agreement and we went back to work. * * * {Eli} You did what? I panicked. Calm down Eli, Atias thought, I need you and Rainbow Dash to work together to shut down the Machine. The sooner you do that, the sooner you can save everyone stuck inside. As I told Rainbow Dash you have magic, just like your boyfriend Servant Milo, Lord Jude, Lady Ivy, and their son Leo have magic too. How is that even possible? I thought. The Machine gave me- Your weapons and heightened senses? Yeah no. Atias thought. That was your magic. Why do you think I sent Servant Milo to you? It was to help you two unlock each other's magic. Unfortunately, it didn't work on Lord Jude or Lady Ivy. Their son Leo has magic but he wasn't a baby sent out by the Machine. I suspect that if the Machine let them grow up normally, their magic might not have wreaked havoc on it like Rainbow Dash's did. So you really want the Machine shut down huh? I thought. Yup! Atias thought. But why? I thought. I'm two hundred years old Eli, Atias thought, I'm tired of living and I think it's time for me to go. Okay, I guess so. I thought. If that's what you really want, then I'll do my best to do it. Are you sure this is what you really want Atias? Yeah, I'm sure, Atias thought, I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't sure. The Machine only needs me to keep itself in existence. It's been feeding off my lifeforce and harming everyone in it. To tell the truth, I'm surprised I'm not dead already! It's the right thing to do Eli. If the Machine continues to keep me alive then I'm afraid of the dire consequences that could happen. Oh, I guess that makes sense. I thought. I hope me and Rainbow Dash don't get on each other's nerves by communicating this way. Atias chuckled, You know something Eli? Rainbow Dash told me the same thing. Um, Eli? Yes? I thought. First Mother's invaded your personal space again. Atias thought. You might want to take care of that. Seriously? I thought. Looked up and rolled my eyes. "Would you stop invading my personal space, First Mother?" "What?" First Mother said defensively, "I just came to see if you're okay." I narrowed my eyes at her. "Why?" "You looked like you were zoning out," said First Mother. "I was right. You do need an assistant! You know, I can help with that." I threw up in my mouth and then swallowed to keep it down. I wasn't sure how long I would be able to keep it at bay. "Thanks but no thanks. Besides, staring at you all day would not only make me sick, but it would also increase my nightmares." "Hey!" First Mother scolded. "Now that's not very nice, and I think I would make a good assistant. I can help you decrease your workload and maybe give you a back massage every once and a while?" The thought of First Mother even touching me made me sick. I knew that very soon my throw-up would come back at full force. Thankfully, I was rescued by Servant Milo, "Again First Mother? I heard what you said to my Master and I don't think he wants that." "I just said I could-" First Mother started. "Help? Yeah no," Servant Milo said. "Now I would suggest you get away from my Master or I'll make you get away!" "Oh really?" First Mother sneered. "Yeah really!" Servant Milo snarled. For a tense moment Servant Milo and First Mother stood there, staring each other down. First Mother stepped towards him and bawled her hand into a fist. Before she could even throw her punch, Servant Milo turned his hand into a fist and opened it. A huge gust of wind sent First Mother flying backward. She got to her feet and snarled, "Why you little-" Second Mother stepped in between First Mother and Servant Milo. She roared, "First Mother, how dare you!" "How dare me?" First Mother roared back. "The servant needs to be put in his place! Now step aside Second Mother!" "Hell no!" Second Mother roared. "Servant Milo's doing his job just like your servants do! Who do you think you are? You're not even royalty! I don't know who gave you the idea that you're the Queen of the Mainframe but whoever did it got it completely wrong! Or do you need to take another look at the rules AI set out for us? I could understand if Servant Milo attacked you without reason, but he did was in self-defense! I'm reporting you to Lord Jude. In the meantime… Guards!" A guard stepped forward, "Yes, Second Mother?" Before Second Mother said anything else she summoned a rope and tied First Mother up with it. She picked First Mother up and handed her over to the guard and snarled, "Take First Mother to the dungeons that she's supposed to be guarding. She'll wait there until Lord Jude gets to her." The guards then dragged First Mother off to the dungeons. * * * {Jude} I was sitting in the computer room doing my job like normal when I heard someone clear their throat. I turned around surprised to see one of Second Mother's servants. Servant Julie said, "Um, Second Mother's on her way here. She has something very important to talk to you about concerning First Mother."  I nodded. "Okay then, send her in." I wondered what the heck Second Mother would want to talk to me about. When Second Mother entered the computer room, judging by the look on her face, she wasn't happy about something. "What's wrong, Second Mother?" I asked with concern. "It seems that First Mother thinks she's the queen of the Mainframe," Second Mother answered. "Okay," That didn't give me much information to go on. Second Mother explained, "She attacked Servant Milo for no reason. She forced Servant Milo's hand and I must commend him for standing his ground. First Mother went after him and I don't know what First Mother would've done to him if I hadn't stepped in. She's been throwing her weight around lately and it seems that mine and Third Mother's reasoning hasn't gotten through to her." "What?!" I gasped. "Oh yeah," said Second Mother, "it's bad enough she's been harassing Royal Advisor Eli, but this? I think she's lost her mind! I have her in a dungeon until you can figure out what to do with her, Lord Jude." Before I could respond I got an alert from AI: First Mother attacked a servant of Royal Advisor Eli, Servant Milo without reason. She has violated AI rules from law 79- No high-ranking official is allowed to attack a servant of another high-ranking official without reason. It has been determined that Servant Milo was doing his job in accordance with law 27- Every servant under a high ranking official that includes servants serving under royalty must defend their Masters at all costs. Immediate action is required by Lord Jude to deal with the offending party. Suggested punishment for First Mother: she should spend the rest of her life in a dungeon where she will no longer be a threat to high-ranking officials and their servants. My jaw dropped when I read the alert. "Well if that's what AI wants me to do, then I can't refuse." Second Mother breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad AI sees her as a threat like Third Mother and I do." I nodded. "Please let The Head Guard know that I'm on my way to the dungeons." "Yes, your highness," Second Mother said. Once she left, I went to the dungeons as fast as I could. * * * {Rainbow Dash} At work, I heard what sounded like small explosions coming from outside. I went to go see what was causing them. I saw Eli throwing needles that looked a lot like the ones that Jude used to take Applejack back at AI's castle two years ago. Eli was throwing the needles at soda cans and they blew up when the needles hit the mark. He looked like he was upset about something. So out of concern for him, I decided to go and talk to him. "Hey Eli, what's wrong? You look upset." Eli looked at me. "Huh? I do?" I nodded. "Well yeah considering the way you're throwing those needles. That is so cool how you make soda cans explode like that." Eli sighed, "Do you remember that ugly old Grandma that I told you about who keeps stalking me?" "Yes," I said. "She attacked one of my servants named Servant Milo for doing his job. Thankfully, Second Mother stepped in and stopped her. She's in a dudgeon now for breaking the law," Eli said. "I don't know what the Lord's going to do with her now." "So you're worried about what's going to happen to your stalker?" I asked. "Yeah I guess so and I'm angrier that she felt the need to attack someone for no reason," Eli said. "Oh, I see," I said. I heard Gilda say, "What's with all of the explosions?" I turned around.  "Oh hey Sia, uh, Eli here has exploding needles for weapons now." "Wow," said Gilda, "can I see?" Eli nodded and threw another needle. It hit the mark and the soda can exploded. Gilda looked at this display of power in awe. "Cool! I came out here to see if Nancy was doing another out-of-control partial sonic rainboom." I shook my head. "Nope. Those don't have that kind of explosion. Hey, I have an idea of what could make you feel better Eli." Eli tilted his head. "What?" "How about we do a sparring match?" I suggested. "I haven't done one in a while and it might be the last one I can do before the baby's born." Gilda chuckled, "As your bodyguard, I would be against it. But since we're outside and me or Eli can catch you if you do another out-of-control partial sonic rainboom. Hey, I think I can make this more interesting. Can I join in on the fun?" "That depends," said Eli, "do you have weapons like Nancy and I do?" "Oh yeah I do," said Gilda, "I'm an agent of the Sixth also. As a matter of fact, I have the same weapon Nancy does and I trained her on her weapon too." "Really?" Eli said. "Yup," Gilda looked at me. "I think we should change into our original selves?" I nodded. "Sure thing!" I changed into my Pegasus form and Gilda changed back into a Griffon. Eli smiled. "Wait a second, you're one of those agents that couldn't stop laughing after I told Rainbow Dash that she had the Element of Stupidity!" "So you're Firewall Eli huh?" Gilda asked. "Well it's Royal Advisor Eli now," Eli said. "Upgraded status now huh?" Gilda smiled. "Nice. But that was classic pure comedy gold! Although I do think this Lord guy could use some new content for the Firewalls to say when they pop up. I mean seriously dude," she mocked, "I am Firewall Molly, agents of the Sixth, this is as far as you go, if you value your lives, turn back now." Eli chuckled, "Yeah I'm glad I don't have to say that line anymore." I thought about it and said, "Hmm, I have an idea. Since Firewall Molly looks like a demon with her green hair and red eyes, she could say, 'I am Firewall Molly! Agents of the Sixth, if you don't want to go back to Hell with me, turn back now!" We went into a fit of laughter. I stopped laughing, "So let's do this!" So the sparring match started. Gilda and I were throwing our daggers at Eli and Eli was throwing his needles at us. I loved every second of the fight. Then I felt like doing what I did when I fought Eli when he was still a Firewall. I caught one of his needles in my mouth and spit it out. "I'm Rainbow Dash and don't you forget it!" Eli stopped throwing his needles. "I think this fight is over with. You just had to say the Element of Stupidity line, didn't you?" Gilda and I lowered ourselves to the ground and we fell over on our backs in laughter. Eli chuckled, "Okay I get it. That was hilarious, you're right Rainbow Dash, that did cheer me up." I smiled. "That's good." I felt a small surge of power go through and suddenly I was being pulled into the sky. I heard a loud boom from behind me and when I landed on the other side of the cliff I was standing by I shook myself off like a dog that had just come inside from the rain. I turned around. I was on my haunches and gulped when I saw the rainbow. You've got to be kidding me! Again? What's wrong Rainbow? If that's a preview of what an Alicorn's power is, that was awesome! Eli thought. Yeah no. I thought. Gilda and Eli came running up to me. Gilda crossed her arms and smiled. "So tell me why you're not the definition of the word awesome?" "It's just a rainbow and no I didn't fart the rainbow, Eli!" I growled. "It came from my mane and tail!" Gilda laughed, "So based on a technicality he's right, considering there's a loud boom before the rainbow starts!" She paused. "Hey, I just noticed something." "What?" I said. "You don't do those out-of-control partial sonic rainbows when you're in your human form," Gilda said. "So maybe if you stay in your human form there should be nothing to worry about from now on." I thought about it and realized Gilda was right. "You know something, Gilda? I think you're right!" "I'll relay this information to Oliver when I get a chance to," Gilda said. "Considering he's on his 'forced vacation' at the moment." Every Agent of the Sixth has an outside of AI assignment. We call those assignments 'forced vacations' because we have to take days off from our original assignment to do the outside of AI assignment. Eli raised an eyebrow. "Forced vacation?" "Yeah it's something every Agent of the Sixth has to do to keep them from going nuts," I answered. "It's complicated." "Oh," Eli said. "Well I think I've had enough fun for one day," I said, "I don't feel like farting the rainbow again." Eli burst into laughter. "Are you sure about that Rainbow Dash? You might get constipated if you don't." Gilda joined in on Eli's laughter and I rolled my eyes. Ha, ha, Eli. Oh come on Rainbow, Eli thought, you have to admit that the joke is pretty funny. Uh no, it wasn't. I thought. That was just an immature bathroom joke! Okay fine, I'll try to stop laughing, keyword try. Eli thought. Eli and Gilda finally stopped laughing and composed themselves. Gilda changed back into her human form and I changed back into my human form. I sighed because I knew I would stay human to keep from doing a sonic rainboom and harming the baby in the process. Well, it was fun while it lasted. I thought. Yeah but you don't want to harm the baby so it's for the best. Eli thought. We went back to work. At least I had one more sparring match before the baby was born. * * * {Eli} Even though I didn't like First Mother stalking me and harassing me, I was worried about what might happen to her. I couldn't sit still at the moment so I was pacing back and forth in my bedroom with Servant Milo watching me with concern. "What's wrong?" Servant Milo asked. I sighed and sat down on the bed. "I'm worried about what might happen to First Mother. I mean I know she attacked you. I don't even want to think about what might have happened if Second Mother hadn't stepped in." "That's pretty noble of you to be worried about the enemy," Servant Milo said. "This isn't the first time I've been attacked." "What? What happened?" I asked. "I got the crap beat out of me by one of First Mother's servants. He got away with it that time," Servant Milo said. I gasped. "Seriously?" Servant Milo nodded. "Uh-huh, it happened shortly after I got named as Lord Jude's third servant. AI determined that the servant that did it should be punished but nothing was done about it. First Mother said that I got exactly what I deserved. I didn't do anything but piss that servant off. I think First Mother would have killed me if Second Mother hadn't stepped in and done something about it." When I heard this information I was steaming with rage. "Well then, I take back being worried about her. If you ask me, she's getting exactly what was coming to her." Servant Milo chuckled, "I couldn't agree more." At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to protect Servant Milo at all costs. I also wanted to sleep with him. I had no idea why the thought of protecting him turned me on, but it did. I pulled Servant Milo into my arms and kissed him. "Servant Milo, I'm going to protect you as much as I can from now on. But, I uh…" I wasn't quite sure how to ask him for sex. But I could give him a clue as to what I wanted. I laid him down on the bed on his back and climbed on top of him. Servant Milo laughed, "Well if that's not an indication of I want sex then I don't know what is. I have a question for you though." "What is it?" I said. "I was wondering once we get undressed, do you think you could be the dominant one this time?" Servant Milo asked. I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow. "Why do you want me to do that?" "Well I am your servant am I not?" Servant Milo said after licking my ear. "Yeah but I-" I started. "Don't want to harm me? Aww, that's cute, you're trying to protect me still. It won't be harming me if I ask for it. Would it help you if you tie me up?" Servant Milo laughed. I blushed and looked away. "I, uh…" "Don't tell me you don't know how to summon a rope. I can summon one for you if you want?" Servant Milo suggested. I looked at him. "Uh…" Servant Milo snorted, "You are absolutely clueless. But you were a Firewall before this so I can understand. Let's start with getting undressed first." Servant Milo took off my clothes and I took off his. Again, I wasn't sure of what to do next. Servant Milo smiled and summoned a rope and handed it to me. "Here Royal Advisor Eli. Make it so I can't get away." I paused. "Are you-" He nodded. "Yeah I'm sure, go ahead and do it before I change my mind and become the dominant one again." "Okay." I did what Servant Milo wanted me to do. I tied him up and I put him inside of me. He really seemed to enjoy what I was doing to him when I put him inside of me. After I was done with him, I untied him. We got underneath the covers and I held him in my arms. I said I was going to protect him and I meant every single word.