//------------------------------// // Suprise sequel // Story: Suprise Sequel // by Valtyrian //------------------------------// “Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh!” Rainbow rambled on as she looked out the window of the limo that picked everyone up from Canterlot High. “We’re going to Starsong’s house. This is a dream come true!” Pulling her arms into her chest she started to kick her legs like a little girl high on sugar. Fluttershy patted her friend’s shoulder while giving Twilight an apologetic look. The rest of the seven all just shook their heads with smirks. Humoring Rainbow and her fangirling. Twi smiled. “Yes Rainbow, so you’ve been saying for the last half hour.” Looking over to her left at Twilight. “Sorry about Rainbow.” “It’s no problem, I’m used to it with my Rainbow. She’s the same way with the Wonderbolts. Super fangirl.” Twilight chuckled. “It was nice of her to invite us all, but I'm curious to know how she knew I was going to be here today.” “Yeah I’ve been trying to figure that out myself.” Twi sighed. “You seem stressed.” Twilight rested a hand on Twi’s who nodded. “Yeah, it was that test I took this morning. I have never been challenged so much.” Twi shivered a little. “There were questions that made even me sweat. One tester broke out in tears before running out of the room, followed swiftly by three others. I’m almost certain I failed it. Miss Kazumi was like a block of ice for all the emotion she showed while I handed her the completed test. And stating we’ll find out the results on Monday.” “Relax, I’m sure you passed it.” Twilight rolled her eyes slightly. She remembered tests given by Celestia. How difficult they were, pushing Twilight to her absolute limit leaving her questioning if she passed or failed. “So let's put that away for now and concentrate on this party we’re going too.” “You're right.” Leaning into Twilight, Twi watched the trees pass on the side of the road. Looking out of the window she saw them pulling up to a large gate. As they entered she heard a collective “oooh” from everyone around. The yard looked like something direct from the far east. “OH wow, that place is huge.” Twilight rubbed her eyes as they came up to a large house that looked like something out of the old far eastern movies. The side door swinging open, the chauffeur stood straight. “We have arrived ladies. Welcome to Everfree Manor.” “Thank you Martin.” A pleasant voice called out from the large double doors. Drawing the attention of all the girls, Starsong walked up to them. Dressed in a one piece star swirled bathing suit and an open silken robe. Sandals and a wide brimmed hat. “Welcome girls, I’m so glad you could make it. Please follow me.” “Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh” Stopping, she looked off to the side. “You must be Rainbow Dash.” “Ohmygosh, Starsong knows my name!” Rainbow’s trembles shook her noticeably till Applejack and Rarity held her up. “Please, call me Kiyoko, Starsong is my stage name.” Turning to the girls she smiled. “This way, I’m glad you all were able to make it today. Kohaku has been eager to see you all again. So having you here for his Birthday is a treat.” “It’s his birthday?!” All the girls called out at once before looking at each other. “Did you know that?” Twilight leaned into Twi and whispered. “I had no Idea, he just said it was a pool party.” Twi groaned. “Well shoot now ah feel bad that we didn’t bring him anything.” Applejack shook her head. “Oh don’t worry dears, having you all here is present enough for my little boy,” Kiyoko chuckled. “Besides, what do you get a boy who literally has everything he could want.” Pearl chuckled with Kiyoko as she came through a double glass door in the entryway, a towel wrapped around her waist. “Hey Pearl, enjoying yourself?” Kiyoko smiled at the young girl. “Always ma’am. Common girls, the pool awaits us and there's plenty to eat and drink.” “OH Twilight, Twi, could you girls just step through there please. I want to have a word with you both.” Kiyoko smiled, pointing to a sliding door. “That’s my private office, it won't take long and I'll have you two out with your friends before you know it. “Uh yeah, sure.” Twi quirked an eyebrow. But Kiyoko’s face was more impassive than Kazumi’s but still smiling. Looking closer she saw that the woman’s eyes were focused completely on Twilight. “Say Pearl? You wouldn’t happen to know any good secrets about my favorite superstar would ya?” Rainbow grinned wide as the door closed on both Twilights and Kiyoko vanished into another room. “I’d rather not. This family is very secretive.” Pearl chuckled as she opened the sliding door to the back yard. Doing her best to avoid Rainbow’s fangirling. “This way.” The girls all followed Pearl and gasped loudly. The enormous back yard was filled with exotic plants and trees that you could only find in the far east. The huge pool, already occupied by four sunbathing beauties that looked like they just stepped out of a male magazine. Beyond the pool was the largest dance floor the group had seen and in the corner, DJ Pom-3 was rocking things out as a group of teenage boys all tried to outdo each other in break dancing. “Ah sure hope they finish up soon, I’d hate for Twi and Twilight to miss all of this.” Applejack blinked as she saw the huge catered table filled with various foods, including many from her own farm. “I’ll be right with you two, I have a small issue to take care of.” “Okay ma’am.” Twi smiled as she and Twilight walked through the room as the door closed behind them Twilight sighed as she looked about the room. Kohaku's mom certainly had good taste. Despite her public appearance of being flashy, the soothing feeling of this room was a real eye opener. Taking a seat on a floor cushion by the desk the princess looked at Twi. "Oh will you relax Twi. Come on, sit next to me." Twilight patted the cushion in front of her. Sitting down, Twi sighed. "This is just too surreal for me. that full on examination from hell this morning.” Twi groaned “And now there’s Mrs. Everfree pulling you and me aside? What could she possibly want from us." "Well she might have her reasons. I doubt this will take long." Reaching down Twilight plucked a mooncake from the plate. "We might as well relax, besides I'm kinda eager to see you in that new bathing suit." Popping the cake into her mouth she gave a low moan. "Oh wow, these are delicious." “Well I'd look as good as you would in yours, since they're identical.” Twi shook her head and leaned back. "And don't talk with your mouth full, it's not as cute as you might think." Twilight chuckled. Both girls looked around when a flash of light erupted through the room. "What the.. what just happened?" Twilight coughed and swallowed, the taste of red bean paste in her throat. "No Idea but..." Twi sat there and blinked repeatedly. her brain freezing as she looked at Twilight. "Um, Twilight?" "Yes?" Twilight coughed harder. "ohhh as good as those cakes were, I didn't want to quickly swallow them." Looking up she saw Twi was staring at her oddly. "What's wrong Twi, you're looking at me oddly." "Twilight... You're a pony." Twi finally managed the words. Smirking Twilight just shrugged. "You know that. you've been to Equestria." "No, I mean your one now." Taking Twilight by the shoulders, Twi spun her around to face a large mirror in the corner. "Look!" Twilight's brain shattered at what she saw. It shouldn't be possible, Twilight saw that she was in all of alicorn glory. "How... what?" “Oh good you girls are nice and comfortable.” Kiyoko chimed as she walked into the office. “Sorry about the delay, there were a few issues I had to take care of. It can be tiring being the matriarch of a whole family.” Sitting behind a large desk she smiled at both girls, who looked back with a confused look. “Sorry about the mess here.” Kiyoko started to stack several sheets of paper and set them aside. “This is the one room I refuse to let the help clean. Last time I had them do that I lost two whole songs.” After a quick clean of the desktop she sat back in a large chair. “So you two look nice and cozy together. Kohaku said you make a good couple and I have to agree.” Twi and Twilight blinked as they looked at each other. Twilight was about to raise a hoof when Twi’s hand pushed it back down and looked back at Kiyoko nervously. “Uh, yeah about that…” Kiyoko smiled, raising a hand to silence the girl. “Let me guess, you’re about to deny your relationship with such a beautiful alicorn.” Both Twi and Twilight leaned back with their mouth’s agape. “Yes I know what an Alicorn is.” Looking at Twilight she smiled, her bright silver eyes flashing. “And I thought you were from Equis. I just wasn’t a hundred percent about it until just now.” “How.. I mean. I shouldn’t…” Twilight stammered as she examined her body. “You.. wha?” “I see you enjoyed the snacks I made. Specially made for this moment.” She grinned like a cheshire. “It’s a simple enough spell my dear. It just nullifies what the mirror did to you.” “You know about the Crystal Mirror?” Twilight blinked. “You know about Equis… how? How could you possibly know about these things? It's not possible.” With a chimefull laugh Kiyoko leaned back and popped one of the cakes into her mouth. “Oh my, I forget how young ponies are. You still don’t know what is possible. You see…” a door opening behind the pair silenced the matron. Twi and Twilight gulped as they watched a large fox slightly smaller than Twilight, walk into the room and move up between them. They leaned back as the fox put it’s head on the desktop and looked up at Kiyoko and whimpered a little. Twilight and Twi blinked together. Looking at each other they then looked at the four foot fox. It wasn’t that the fox was so large that unnerved them, but that the fox wore a pair of green, floral pattern, bermuda shorts and a set of sunglasses. “Awww don’t worry sweetie. I’ll be back out there shortly. I just have to deal with this for a moment okay?” Kiyoko reached out and ruffled the fox between the ears as he whimpered a bit. “But you're welcome to wait here if you want.” Twi and Twilight looked at each other and questioned each other silently as they saw the fox smile wide. Once the large fox rested it’s head on Kiyoko’s lap the superstar turned her attention back to the twins. “Sorry, he’s a momma's boy,” she said lovingly stroking the fox’s head. “But back to the topic at hand. Yes I know about the world mirrors, and Equis. Because my husband and I are from Equis.” Kiyoko had the utmost joy at seeing the shock on their faces. Wide eyed and opened mouths. Pearl stretched out on the deck chair and smiled. In the water she could hear Rainbow and Applejack having a go at seeing who was the best swimmer. Fluttershy was amusing herself with all the animals about. Next to her she looked up to see Rarity dressed in a very fashionable swimsuit, a shaw and a wide brim hat. “Looking a lil overdressed there for a pool party.” Pearl chuckled. “Oh hardly darling, I say I’m dressed just right.” taking a seat next to Pearl, Rarity was quickly tended to by a white haired maid with a variety of drinks. “So where’s the birthday boy?” “Kohaku? Oh he’s around here somewhere. Probably wherever his mom is.” Pearl took a sip of her own pineapple drink. “He’s a cool friend but he’s one hell of a mommy’s boy.” “I see, well there’s certainly nothing wrong with that.” Rarity sipped on her shirley temple. “No, there certainly isn’t. Not that I can give him shit about it. I’m a bit of a daddy’s girl.” “OH same here darling.” Rarity and Pearl looked at each other before laughing. “It’s kind of a shame that you and he don’t attend Canterlot High.” “Well, yeah. I feel that way sometimes. But with how often mom and dad travel for work. They feel private tutors would be best for me.” “And Kohaku?” “Oh believe me, his situation is a lot stranger. But he has his own tutor, his big sister Kazumi.” Pearl pointed over at the quartet of women all laughing and talking with other guests. Kazumi dressed in a lightning decorated two piece. “Oh wow, that’s Kazumi? She looks more like she could be his mom than sister.” Sitting up Rarity looked at Pearl. “You know, Starsong doesn’t look much older than we do. And certainly not a mother of five children. I’d love to know her secret.” “Oh believe me, it’s one dozy of a secret.” Pearl groaned as she flopped back into her chair. A straw in her mouth keeping her silent to all of Rarity’s oncoming questions. “Y.. you're from Equis?” Twilight gasped out once her voice had finally found her. Kiyoko nodded slowly. “I am. A far eastern country that I'm sure has long since vanished. But it was a nice place. Rich with history and tradition. Until the war broke out.” “A war?” Twi chimed in as she shook her head from the shock. “Yes, between my people and our dragon neighbors. It was a long and brutal affair that I really don’t want to relive. So please do not ask me about it.” Kiyoko’s sharp gaze silenced any questions either girl had on their lips. “Needless to say, that war drove me and my husband out here. We closed all doors between worlds so you can imagine my surprise when a pony suddenly shows up. And then another.” Kiyoko gestured at Twilight. “In a nightclub of all places.” “Well Sunset and myself came here through the Crystal Mirror.” Twilight sat up. Looking herself over again, while she was glad to be in her pony body, it felt odd on this side of the mirror. “This mirror, oval in shape? About six hooves high with ornate carvings inlay in a standing altar.” Twilight nodded. “That’s it. It was uncovered in the Crystal Empire a few thousand years ago. It was my friend Sunset who found out how to use it and came to this world. And I'd rather not recount that moment. It wasn’t her best moment.” “Understandable. I won’t pry.” Scratching the head of the fox who half laid next to her. His eyes half closed but watching the two girls. “So a single mirror survived and somehow became active again. That would explain the various patches of portals that have been popping up of late.” “Wait. if you know about the mirrors. And you're from Equis, then that was magic that was at the club that night.” Twilight gasped to herself as she leaned back into her chair. Watching as Kiyoko nodded. “Indeed. My magic helps keep my special effect budget down. Naturally everyone who works for me is in on it, they’re just well paid to keep quiet about it.” “But how is this possible? Equis magic doesn’t work properly in this world.” Twilight leaned in again and pushed her hooves atop the table. “Well you're right, but I wasn’t using Equis magic. But my own.” Twi and Twilight blinked and exchanged looks. “Okay. Let me explain. When my husband and I came here. We were stripped of all our magic. Or rather the magic we were used to.” Turning her palm upright she produced a small silver sphere of flame. “And unlike ponies, magic is our life’s blood. A part of us no matter where we go. It took some time. Several centuries in fact. But Akahiko and I finally managed to harness this world’s magic.” Dissipating the flame, Kiyoko leaned back as the fox rested his head on her lap. “Thankfully our children, being born here, are naturally more adapted to it. Although it’s not as free flowing as the magic in Equis. But it’s a happy trade off to have a happy productive life here.” “Wait. So all your kids have magic too? Even Kohaku?” Twi reached up and softly caressed her geode with her fingers. “OH yes, he has magic too. It’s not as refined as his sisters, and it can only do so much. But he’s happy with it.” “Yeah but I can’t wait till I'm casting at my sister’s level.” Kohaku’s voice ran out in the room. Causing both girls to look around trying to find the young boy. “Was that Kohaku?” Twi looked under her chair “Yeah, I'm sure it was but where is he?” Twilight looked along the music shelves before she came to a halt and held up her hoof. Looking back at Kiyoko she wore a soft shocked expression as she looked at the fox. “I was wondering when you would catch on. I take it, you worked it out?” Kiyoko smiled wide. “I think so, me changing wasn’t some random chance, you did this to me. Why?” Twilight stood up and shifted her wings a bit. “Can you not think of a reason why? After all we’ve discussed. You’ve yet to ask the one question you should have asked by now.” “Twilight?” Twi watched the look between Kiyoko and Twilight. “You're not a pony.” Kiyoko shook her head. “Penny in the air.” Kohaku said again. “You're a fox, a kitsune.” Gasping a bit she looked at Kohaku who sat up straight and bowed his head. “And the penny drops, half way.” he chuckled as Kiyoko shook her head. A soft silver mist slowly began to fill the room, circling around the superstar mother. “Close, right region, wrong species.” She laughed as the mist snaked and swirled about her till her human form vanished. Twi and Twilight watched and half huddled together as a form nine hooves high came about. Serpentine in body. Covered in a thick midnight blue fur and supple silver scales underneath. Her large silver eyes peered into both of theirs making them shiver. Her face was near feline in appearance with sharp canines protruding down on either side of her mouth. “You’re a.. Dr.. dra..”. “A dragon. You're an eastern dragon!” Twi finished Twilight’s sentence as Kiyoko nodded slowly. Leaning down she tenderly nuzzled her son and looked at the girls with a mothers smile. “And the penny lands.” Kiyoko gave a soft bow of her head along with Kohaku. “Kohaku dear, we’ll be out shortly. Go tell the others.” “Hai kaasan.” Kohaku trotted softly past Twilight. Looking at her he grinned. “I’m glad you came.” with another bow of his head he quickly left the room. Both girls sat there open mouthed and looked at the door. After a few moments Twi and Twilight turned back to Kiyoko. “Yes yes I know you’re both ripe with questions. Long story short, it takes a lot of magic and concentration to maintain a human form. While my mate, my four daughters and myself have thus mastered this ability, Kohaku has not. It’ll be several decades before he can hold it for any substantial length of time. It’s why we school him here at home. But I want to talk to you, Twilight. Please tell me about Equis. We rarely get news from home.” Twilight shook her head wildly to clear any loose cobwebs. This was a bit much for her as she looked out the window. First a living kitsune, now an eastern dragon from her world. Discovering this world had its own magic. Letting out a sigh she looked up and nodded. For a half hour she recounted as much of the world as she could remember. When she was finished she saw Kiyoko staring out the window. “And you’ve heard nothing about my kind? Or my mate's species?” Twilight shook her head. “Nothing but rumor and myth. Old ruins and off hand accounts of something the friend of a friend might have seen. A lot of races have vanished from our world never to be seen again.” Twilight bowed her head as she felt the comforting touch of twi’s hand on her shoulder. “So much lost. Thank you Twilight. While it’s not what I thought, it’s certainly better than I expected.” Turning her gaze back to the girl and the mare. “I am pleased to know though, my mate's intuition about your race was right. You have grown so much. Yet barely taped into the potential inside of you all. I’ll be interested to see what you all will be in another ten thousand years.” “Well as an alicorn I’ll certainly be alive that long. I think. If I am, I'll come tell you.” Twilight chuckled as Kiyoko also laughed aloud. “Of course. Well shall we head out to the party.” Changing back into a human form, Kiyoko shifted into an outfit that matched the fur color of her dragon form. “Um… could you change me back?” “Oh, sorry Twilight. When I canceled the power keeping you human. It’s semi-permanent. It’ll fade once you're back in Equestria. Since the magic of this world is incompatible with that world and vice versa.” “So until I leave, I’m an alicorn? Well it would be interesting to fly above to see the layout a little better.” Twilight smiled till she caught Kiyoko’s smile. “Let me guess, besides my unicorn powers, I have no Pegasus power either?” Kiyoko just shook her head. “At the moment you're just a fancy looking earth pony.” With that Kiyoko glided out of the room. “On the plus side, a very attractive one.” Twi smiled and leaned in, giving Twilight a kiss to the cheek. “Thanks.” Twilight returned the kiss. “Well let's go party.” “... So you’re a talking pony,” Pearl said, with a surprising lack of shock or surprise, as she took a drink. Twilight gave her a look. “You’re not as shocked or freaking out as I thought you would be.” Pearl shrugged as she pointed at Kohaku, who took a running leap off a diving board with a cry of ‘Banzai!’ and landed on his belly. “I’m best friends with that. Have been my whole life. And I know all about his family and what they really are. You shoulda seen my freakout when I first found out. So a talking unicorn barely phases me anymore.” Twilight giggled. “Well. This isn’t my proper form at the moment. It’s complicated, but I should return to it when I return to Equestria.” Pearl only shook her head. “This is way out of my comfort zone.” She smirked as she watched as the princess watched her twin rather intently. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why. “And isn’t that selfcest? You can drop she’s your sister act. I’m not falling for it, nor is anyone who has seen you two look at each other.” Twilight blushed furiously, earning a giggle from the girl. “Maybe. But who says love has to make sense? What about you?” Pearl gagged. “Yuck. Still single. Not for a lack of trying. But all the good looking girls are either taken or don’t like girls that way.” “I’ve tried to set her up with a few girls from the clubs, but she always finds something wrong with them.” Kohaku chuckled as he shook his form wildly, showering pool water everywhere. “Kohaku, what have I told you about doing that?” Pearl playfully kicked her bare foot into his side. “Maybe like you two she needs an Equestrian girl.” Kohaku smirked. “Although having two Pearl’s in the same room might be like having explosives next to a bonfire.” Both Twilights laughed while nuzzling together. “I don’t know Equestria’s Pearl, and I will not use my powers to look for her. It isn’t fair to her, and she would have no reason to believe me or trust me,” Twilight said. “Princess or not.” Pearl’s jaw dropped. “You’re a princess?!” Twilight giggled. “Yes. One of five. But I’m not sure how much I should say.” “They have one who controls the sun, another who controls the moon, one whose main job is to help maintain love throughout the world and another who appears to just want to snuggle her stuffed rabbit.” All three girls blinked and turned to Kohaku who was quite content to lay out on the lawn chair. Lifting his head he smirked at them. “Mother told me this morning. She got quite the look while you were passing between worlds.” he chuckled, resting his head down on his folded front legs, his three tails swishing about behind him. Twilight’s eyes twitched. Was having a headache around Kohaku a normal thing, or was it just her? “Um. Yes. And don’t think I need to say this. But this cannot get out. I trust my friends, and I feel that I can trust your family, Kohaku. But I do not know about you two.” “Oh don’t worry, our family is used to keeping secrets. How do you think we live like this and not have an entire town know about it.” he chuckled. “Speaking of friends, would it have been wrong of me to send invites to them?” Twilight blinked and looked over at the rest of the Rainbooms. “Well since they’re already here..” Looking over at Kohaku she felt that odd twitch behind her eyes. “Oh please tell me you didn’t.” “Hey Twilight!” a loud southern accent cut through the party as six more ponies came walking into the backyard led by one of Kohaku’s maids. “I did. I thought they might enjoy the party,” he chuckled a bit louder, ignoring the twitching eye of the princess. And the confused look on both Twi and Pearl. Leaping up, the three tail went off to greet his new guests as both Twi and Twilight looked at Pearl who shrugged. “No, the headaches never go away. I’ve learned to live with them,” Pearl sighed, rubbing her temples. Twilight buried her face in Twi’s swimsuit with a groan, letting her girlfriend stroke her mane. “I’m going to need a drink after this. Several barrels actually.” “Well, if you're not too picky about your drink selection. They do have an open bar by the DJ equipment.” Pearl smiled as she sipped on her drink. She watched as Kohaku introduced Twilight’s pony friends to their human counterparts. Her eyes lingered a little bit on the Rainbow maned pony admiring her athletic physique before catching Kohaku’s grin. Mouthing ‘you better not’ to him as she caught both Twilights moving to the bar. Turning back she saw the Rainbow Dash pony come walking up to her. Sucking in a breath she mentally cursed Kohaku but kept a smile as she knew he meant well. Always her faithful wingfox. Day swiftly turned toward night as the party went on. Everyone there was treated to a duet concert with Kohaku and his mother singing songs that had yet to reach anyone else’s ears. Along with appearances from other known pop stars. Pearl happily spent her time with Rainbow Dash, swimming and challenging each other to various athletic feats, Pearl winning some while Dash winning the rest. As the sun set she found herself laying up against Dash’s flank talking about their hobbies. Twi joined Twilight in a long walk along a river after the pair downed several cups of saki, the pair getting questioned by all their friends when they came back drenched. It wasn’t long before everyone was gathered at the house’s two limo’s ready for them. Watching everyone leave Kohaku nuzzled up against Pearl. “Not a bad party huh?” “No. I enjoyed it. Thanks for inviting everyone.” “Especially Rainbow Dash?” He grinned from ear to ear making Pearl blush. “She’s cool. I can see myself hanging out with her,” Pearl muttered, regaining her composure. “Oh please, I knew where your eyes were half the time. You may be able to fool our other friends but not me. I know you too well.” “Fine you win, I like her okay. She’s just as cool as the Rainbow we have.” “And this one IS into females.” He nudged her lightly. “Why because she turned you down?” Pearl crossed her arms and looked down at her fox friend. “No, cause I saw where her eyes were as well,” his tail giving Pearl’s rump a swift slap as he walked toward his room. “Have a good night Pearl.” “You too,” Pearl sighed and shook her head slowly. “Thanks.” “And to think you were going to keep this place all to yourself today Twilight,” Rainbow huffed as they stood before the portal in Twilight’s lab. “Why didn’t you tell us we could all pass through?” “I didn’t know you all could safely. I was afraid something bad might happen,” Twilight sighed, bowing her head to her friends as the last one walked through back into Equestria. “Please let's not make going over a regular thing. I doubt that world can take it.” “Well if you're going, I’m going. That girl Pearl. She’s awesome. I definitely want to spend more time with her.” Rainbow smiled. “Alright Dash, I’ll bring you with. Anyone else?” The rest of the girls just shrugged but agreed that it was just too weird being around their human counterparts. Looking back at the mirror Twilight turned off the lights. The thought of Rainbow and Pearl brought up a question of how a truely long term relationship would work between worlds. Putting that aside she went off to bed knowing she would have one hell of a hangover in the morning.