//------------------------------// // Man of Many Talents // Story: Daughters of Liberty // by SonicSpeedster97 //------------------------------// Four days’ ride in an old wagon on beaten dirt roads across the east coast, until finally, the brownstones of an old city came into view. Applejack tipped up her hat as she smiled over the buildings. “Up n’ at ‘em, girls. I think we’re here.” Rainbow groaned as she pulled herself up from the old straw they stacked to make the wagon at least a little more comfortable. “You said that yesterday, and we ended up spending the night in Queens.” Twilight groaned as well, rubbing her eyes as she looked out the front of the wagon. “No, she’s right. We’re here. That’s Philadelphia.” “Great. Now, what?” asked Sunset. “Now we get into town and ask where the Gazette’s office is.” Twilight explained. “Hopefully, Dr. Franklin will be willing to give us work and a place to lay our heads while we’re here.” “You really think he’s just gonna let a bunch of weird teenage girls from off the street into his newspaper office?” Rainbow asked seriously as the wagon rolled into town. “Why wouldn’t he?” Rarity shrugged. “I’ve heard Dr. Franklin is a very charitable gentleman.” “He’s more than that, Rarity,” Twilight assured. “Dr. Franklin’s all sorts of things; writer, patriot, abolitionist, and credited as the first real American citizen.” She noticed a confused look in Rainbow’s eye when she said that, but still smiled. “You’ll understand if you go with him to London in a few years. In the meantime, let’s start looking around.” The girls all started looking around outside the wagon as they rolled along the old cobblestone streets of Philadelphia. Eventually, Rarity grew tired and leaned her head out the side to wave to a passing constable. “Uh, excuse me. Yoo-hoo.” The constable seemed confused as the wagon slowly stopped. “I’m terribly sorry to bother you sir, but my friends and I were looking for the office of the Pennsylvania Gazette. Might you be able to tell us where to look?” “Certainly.” the constable nodded, pointing down the street. “Just down that way and take the third left; it’s the fifth building on the right.” “Many thanks, sir.” Rarity nodded, leaning back into the wagon. “If you would, Annie?” “My pleasure, Rachel.” Applejack smiled as she clicked her tongue and cracked the reins, sending the horse at the wagon onward down the street, taking the required turns until they arrived at the office. “Here we are, girls; our cover while we’re here.” Twilight smiled. Rainbow was confused as she looked at the sign above the door. “Why does it say ‘Pennfylvania’?” “That’s not an f Veronica, it’s a long s.” Twilight explained as Applejack hitched the horse outside the building. “It’ll be outdated in twenty years, so forget about it.” She then stepped forward and knocked on the door. “Come in.” a kind voice came from inside. Twilight opened the door and led the girls inside to find a large older fellow behind a desk, reading something. “Dr. Franklin?” Twilight asked. “The same.” the old man smiled as he stood from his work and smiled at the girls. “And you are?” “Tara Spencer, sir.” Twilight curtseyed respectfully. “My friends and I have just arrived from Boston, and we were hoping to find work here.” “Well, a few extra pairs of hands are always welcome.” Dr. Franklin nodded. “Though I’m afraid you won’t be paid much for your services.” “Whatever you can offer, we’ll accept, no questions asked, sir.” Applejack assured. “And who knows? We may have a story or two you might be interested in.” This seemed to pique the old doctor’s interest. “Oh?” “I don’t suppose you’ve heard about what happened in Boston four days ago as of yet, have you?” asked Rarity. The doctor sighed and removed his small glasses, rubbing his eyes before he put them back on. “I’m afraid I have. In fact, just as you arrived, I was reading a dispatch from my associate in Boston; Paul Revere, telling me of what happened.” “Well, we were there too.” Rainbow explained. “We saw the whole thing.” “Did you?” asked Dr. Franklin in interest. “Well, in that case, I suppose you’ll agree that such news needs to be heard throughout the colonies.” “Absolutely, sir.” Twilight nodded. “Let us write of those events for the Gazette, and any other major events in the colonies, and that will be all we ask of you.” “All, of course, aside from a roof over our heads and food in our bellies,” Applejack added. “Certainly.” Dr. Franklin nodded. “Professionally, I’ll have some papers for you to fill out beforehand, but on a personal note… welcome to Philadelphia.” Twilight tried to suppress the “squee” in her mind as she shook Dr. Franklin’s hand. “Thank you, sir. I promise you won’t regret this.” “I’m sure I won’t.” Dr. Franklin smiled as he handed each of the girls some papers. “Here are your forms. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m meeting an associate from New York for lunch in a moment. I’ll be back shortly.” With that, he put on a hat and coat hanging near the door and walked out of the print shop. Once he was gone, Sunset had a chance to voice another concern. “I hate to keep questioning you Twilight, but are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked seriously. “We can’t stay here for very long without causing serious trouble for the future.” “I understand your concern Sunset, but really, you have to relax; it’s like what Starlight told you when Juniper went wild; if you spend too much time worrying about the bad things that might happen…” “I’ll miss out on all the good things that are happening.” Sunset smiled; Starlight Glimmer was a wise pony. She only wished she’d had a chance to hang out with her more. “You’re right; can’t believe I forgot about that. I’ll do better.” “That’s all I ask.” Twilight smiled. “Now, let’s get ready for our time at the papers.” It didn’t take long for them to fill out their forms, and when they were done, they knew that their adventure in this time was about to begin.